Added more sidebar images

Having 1 sidebar image was boring so I decided to add more :intenslyhappygaysounds:

Feel free to post or make a sidebar image suggestion or make some slackernews OC. Bonus if you can find that one image from I think from ruqqus with the :marseytrain: wearing peogramming socks with the nazi flag.

!codecels !femboys !cuteandvalid !neofoids


What do you guys think? funny/useful, or "bro, go touch grass" x3

Both. :marseylaughbothsides:


Well, at least you tried paragraphs.

Still room for improvement though.

You don't need linux advice.

I would recommend finding a good therapist and learn to be resilient and persistent.

Ask yourself if it's worth it to you to learn linux, and if it is, then don't give up and dig in.

If it's too difficult and frustrating, then maybe take a break for a while.

Life is short.

Come to the Linux sub for help and you recommend a therapist lol what a joke. (OP)

I'm breathing lol and I'm not trying to be a peepee but give me a little more than “nice try” this is half the problem of the Linux community lol (OP)

Paul Graham wades into the :marseyisrael: vs :marseyflagpalestine: dead kid statistics question

He pulls this number from a reputable sources:

People debate whether this can be trusted

Famous San Francisco liberal pg = officially fash


she did the math

Considering 150% of Gazans are under 18 that means if 2k died then 3k are going to be children,

Israel did nothing wrong

After a 36hr outage Cloudflare posts their post mortem. :marseypopcorn: :marseybug2: :marseyplugged:

Orange site during outage:

Orange site on the post-mortem:





Orange Site:





Orange Site:



So bank deposits are fricked today. Some leet haxoring going on?

The link is for BoA, but other banks are reporting the same issue. Seems to be for ACH transfer.

Yer girl made a deposit last night so I'm pissed.


The "inflammatory comments":

Majority of drama is here:

You kept posting offtopic comments which added nothing to resolving the issue. So I gave you a seven day ban, hopefully it will teach you a lesson. [-32] (Lemmy dev)

My first comment directly discusses the issue at hand. It wasn't off topic. It's clear you didn't want any feedback on the issue because it makes you look bad. I explicitly talked about how client side scheduling is a bad idea that does not accomplish the goal of scheduling. And then I gave feedback directly concerning the exact issue I was commenting on of how your conduct was unfitting of lead devs of a major software project, where you squabbled in public in a really weird way, and you refused to even think about discussing the topic (closing the issue over and over again when your coworker had opened it and asked for discussion? Really dude?). Then you finally banned me without any warning or discussion of why.

And no, it's not going to teach me any lesson, all it did was teach the entire community you have no clue how to run an open source software project. No warning, no explanation, just juvenile marking of comments as off topic (they weren't), closing of the issue your main dev opened and then boom banned. [+63] ( owner)

Other highlights:

Lemmy needs a fork, if only to kick the devs into gear with regards to actually working with/listening to the community. At this point a significant number of users have been lost because the devs have been largely unable to capitalize on previous waves on growth due to slow development. It's one thing if it's just a couple of devs working on the project and trying their best, it's an entirely different thing when a couple of devs are shutting out large numbers of contributors (frequently subject matter experts which they desperately need at this point) over relatively trivial issues. This isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. Mbin is reviving Kbin as a project and we need something similar for Lemmy.

I think that you should update your post with information that this ban is only for 7 days.


I will no longer be able to assist with development

suggests that ban is infinite, which is not true.

Dude, who in their right mind would add scheduling infra to a client like that? 😆 I'm going to need these Lemmy devs to have a tad bit more experience before they start being so dismissive, especially to someone who's just trying to help.

This is ridiculously petty from the devs, and does make me seriously wonder about Lemmy's future.

Lemmy is self-destructing.

Part of this is simply replication of Reddit's interface design, which incentivizes bad behavior by users. But the other part is the devs. I trace this back to Eric S. Raymond's essay, Cathedral and the Bazaar, which popularized the notion of emergent software design by devs merely ‘scratching their itch' (personal interest). Raymond argued for design by emergence from Complexity Theory. The presumption of which is evolution toward greater compexity and user utility by populism as a fitness function, which he believed would drive software to best case optimization or death by disuse. In other words, good design will succeed while bad design will be weeded out by its unpopularity. But it doesn't work.

As an example, GIMP is one of the results. A mess of poorly documented modules, none of which in aggregate do the task (replacing Photoshop) it was meant to achieve. FOSS advocates (none of whom actually use the software) still promote GIMP as a Photoshop replacement and cannot see how this design philosophy has resulted in continual failure. But among general users, those who recognize the software as terrible in comparison to commercial alternatives, they know and avoid it like the software plague it is. Only those who can't avoid it, Linux users who have no other option, or the very poor who can't afford Affinity on Win or Mac, would bother trying to cram GIMP into their workflow.

The FOSS projects which have succeeded did so at the behest of devs who acted as benevolent dictators, people who are software design savvy and use that deep skill without concern for the interests and desires of incompetent or newly minted devs. Some examples: Richard Stallman (GNU), Linus Torvalds (Linux kernel), Ton Roosendaal (Blender), etc. They develop by Cathedral methods, and therefore their projects succeeded.

Lemmy will go the way of GIMP. A bunch of kids who have no idea why Reddit succeeded, but who think it would be fun to software play. Get BeeHaw off this software and away from these toxic devs. There are better designed FOSS alternatives. Not least of which is HubZilla and Zot. [-9]


In a new study, researchers induced mild, acute sleep deprivation in mice and then examined their behaviors and brain activity. Not only did dopamine release increase during the acute sleep loss period, synaptic plasticity also was enhanced — literally rewiring the brain to maintain the bubbly mood for the next few days.

orange cite discusses:


rDrama needs a CoC so nipoc bodies and chikes feel safe.


Hot take: Fake or not shouldn't matter. Hamas uniforms are a valid Halloween costume. So are Nazi uniforms and KKK bedsheets. Fite me on it.


It was only $500k or so but good luck finding where it all went :marseysmug2:


hector marcan (asahi lina) is another example of this. He setup a whole audio mixer and still sounds like styrofoam being rubbed together:

This guys also a p-dophile lol:

:marseyfluffyannoyed: New sub-Hitler class just dropped
Photoshop equivalent of GIMP's merge layer blend mode?

I normally use an open source stack for everything (GIMP, Blender, etc.) but I've found myself in a spot where I need to generate a layered image from a script, and I couldn't find a js library for xcf :marseydepressed:

Luckily GIMP supports PSD, so I was going to use that -- until I realized that I couldn't find the equivalent PSD blend mode of GIMP's merge. The merge blend mode is basically where the opacity (alpha) of the layers are simply added together instead of the more complicated normal formula. I looked in the GIMP source code at the PSD to GIMP mappings and couldn't find anything.

Does Photoshop have an alternative? If not, GIMPchads stay winning :marseysteaming: !codecels

Which way, hackerman? :marseyhacker2:
Porn site bans porn, or something is one of the numerous AI chat bot sites that people use for jerking off. Apparently it's been experiencing server issues and bugs the last week or so and has been offline, and has within the last 24 hours come back online. When it came back online however, they added a note about banning NSFW characters, which obviously made everyone very upset, as that's the only reason anyone even uses AI chat bots.

They have a subreddit and every single thread on the first page is about the rules change. I scrolled through some of these threads a bit, and apparently the site has financial issues and they're trying to become more advertiser friendly? And they're not really banning porn, just hiding or something, and only banning more unsavory stuff like r*pe, incest, p-do shit, etc?

AI chat bot general on /g/ discusses it a bit, mostly complaining about them banning bestiality content. Guess that's to be expected.

I decided to visit the site myself, and was greeted by this message.

Surely this pretty obviously means "no more porn"? But then I clicked on "Let's start!" and mouseovered one of these random chat bots that show up by default on the front page and looked at the text:

Now I'm by no means an AI chat bot expert, but my gut feeling tells me this might be a NSFW character. So I guess the entire situation is a big nothingburger?



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