
Hexbear response

Note that if you want to dunk on chapoids, you will have to create an account on an instance like, defederated from hexbear


:marseylongpost2: from a hexbear chapo

Dude unironically wrote an essay about why heckin Hexbear shouldn't be defederated lmao. They're also defending their heckin chapo instance lmao

another hexbear essaypost from a chapoid

I really have no problem with communist or leftist views, but some of those guys need to take a chill pill. I'm cool with bashing the fash and social welfare programs, I'm not cool with basically talking about how everyone to the right of Stalin needs to die or how Tianenmen Square was a wholesale fabrication by the west. I typically just roll my eyes, block the bullshit and move on with life, but it's been really dragging down my lemmy experience.

Is asking, Does Ukraine really have a neo-Nazi problem?, make me a poopin puppet? :marseyazov2:

Kremlin propaganda

Okay what is meant by this because I have literally no idea

like, you had previously thought communist symbolism in general was Kremlin propaganda, before it was pointed out otherwise. So what still applies to the term? Any defense of modern russia? defense of the USSR? militant communism in general? Revolutionary Marxism? Its a blanket term that doesn't seem to be fully defined in this post. I would like it if someone clarified this. [another chapo]

Good, I like having them around. They give the fediverse the spice of life that prevents it from becoming just another necrotic pool of internet backwash filled with stale memes and pandering comments like what late Digg became and what reddit has been turning into. :chad: [17 downmarseys by :soycry:]

My view is that this federation of theirs is just sketchy. Their announcement post reads as some barely veiled call to propagandize the Fediverse, and the instance itself seems almost proud in a way to have developed their particular methods in their isolation. Though from what I've seen, those methods are mostly just whataboutism and “just asking questions”, not anything particularly novel.

If there was much content or interaction from them that was just neutral, it'd be much easier to swallow, but everything they post or comment always seems be a dog whistle at minimum. And maybe I'm just not noticing all the users not doing that, but the ones I do notice are all over.

All in all, I'd be more in favor of defederation. I've seen enough of this from the right already to have an idea of where this is going, and barring a larger effort from the instance to change, would rather it just got nipped in the bud.

I initially started using when joing the fediverse. Once you federated hexbear I left for within days, not really because I wanted to but because I felt I had to. I was being harassed because of a single comment that received over 100 responses. None of them were constructive arguments or legitimate discussion, all just trolling and insults. is not usable anymore as a result of federating hexbear. I'm sure I'm far from the only user who feels that way. If you want to continue to be a viable instance there is no other choice.

Think about this way: f they were acting this way while promoting fascism, you wouldn't even have a discussion post, you would just defederate. Because they claim to be communist and left-wing (though their actually still promoting fascism) you feel the need to deliberate. Just do the thing that you already know has to be done. Stop dragging it out. [:marseysoycrytremble:]

Of course that comment was from a user

Ok fascist [-17]

Keeping hexbear is like keeping Nazis on the site.

If you go for freedom of speech and the ideals of fediverse then fine. I'm not against that ideal.

But don't treat these people different to any other extremist just because they are left and not right.

WORDS WORDS WORDS from a lemmyworld user talking about muh positivity :marseywholesome:

Banning state propaganda is great, but why limit that ban to Kremlin propaganda? US propaganda is just as, if not more, prevelent and toxic. The narrative surrounding the destruction of the Nord Stream is a good example:

American corporate media and government officials were calling for its destruction and outright threatening to blow it up for months prior to the actual attack. Immediately after its destruction, the corporate news outlets and government officials that had been calling for that very action acted as though they had never done so and presented a unified front that blamed Russia for the attack. Doing some critical thinking and realizing that Russia had neither the opportunity nor the motive to blow up their own pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Continuing that critical thinking and realizing that the US had both motive and opportunity, and was a likely culprit because they had repeatedly threatened to blow up the pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Shutting down all discussion critical of the US by dismissing it as Russian bots is US propaganda.

Another hexbear user doing a whataboutism

I've seen more posts complaining about Hexbear than actual objectionable things they've done. Maybe that's a sign of effective moderation, but in general I agree that defederation should always be a very last resort, and it doesn't feel like we're even close.

Also, with the ability for users to block instances coming soon, I think everyone will be happy then. At least, users anyway, it will still be down to the admin team to determine if the moderation workload is excessive and act accordingly - but that decision is and should be up to you.

Another :marseylongpost2: from a hexbear chapo

One thing to also take into consideration is the very pro Chinese government slant by many of the users. Many there claim China is a democracy. While I have not seen Uyghur genocide denial there, I also don't peruse hexbear threads very often. That is something that needs to be looked out for.

As for federation with them? Their stuff is annoying af but blocking their communities has removed most of their shit from my feed.

Edit: well some of them were nice enough to bring the genocide denial to me. Thanks for that. I didn't really feel like seeking it out. :marseyxi:

Actually had my first conversation with hexbear the other day. Accidentally came from /all and didn't realize what kind of sub I was in. While I don't really have their same beliefs, it was interesting to see things from another point of view. Had a swing of upmarseys and downmarseys as to be expected.

I posted a comment in the_dunk_tank without noticing where I was. While many people were heated over what I said, it was a misunderstanding due to a lack of specificity and ignorance on my part. After I clarified what I was intending to say, discussion ensued and it was ended on good terms.

The vast majority of users I interact with from hexbear are thoughtful, insightful, kind and genuine individuals that care deeply about humanity and moving forward. The hate that they have is for fascism and actual fascists.

To defederate hexbear would be a disservice to the idea of federated social media.

Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman

As a member of Hexbear for 3+ years I just want to say that this isn't acceptable over here and would land people with a very serious reprimand or a permaban if they don't admit to being in the wrong for this. The use of “subhuman” in particular is fascist behaviour and I'd assume it is wreckers rather than longstanding members, it's not language that socialists are fond of.

The only other thing I will say is that I genuinely appreciate that you're building this community with your userbase and having these conversations, it's the correct way to create a unique community culture and have people care about the space.

PSA: that's former Reddit commie powerjanny /u/lenins2ndcat who was banned from lemmyworld for hurting their jannies feefees and made this comment sneeding about me:

anpther fricking WORDS WORDS post with 120+ replies

Props for staying calm throughout all this. The initial rush of excitement seems to be pretty much over, which means things ought to mellow down on the timeline. I'm sure Hexbear can coexist with the fediverse the same way /r/cth coexisted with reddit, which is to say by showing up and ballin' for Marx and pushing the boundaries of acceptability. Except this time there are no ad revenue sources to placate by banning anything outside of the Overton window.

I can totally understand your strong feelings towards the USSR. I understand you've conceded that the hammer and sickle isn't strictly soviet symbology and can represent other things, but I would like to ask you whether or not you would think of the “stars and stripes” or the “union jack” (or really most western iconography) as hate speech given the centuries of pillaging, r*pe, genocide and dehumanization that they represent in many parts of the world.

Another longpost I'm not copying :marseywords:


Don't defederate from hexbear, they aren't that bad.

They aren't great, it's like a bunch of very confident college kids refusing to listen to anything that challenges their beliefs. There is a high percentage of trolls, but it's the Internet. I've seen some shockingly bad takes, like tiananmen square had no casualties, or as highlighted by this thread, criticism of the USSRs well documented atrocities is tantamount to Holocaust denial.

Just ignore them and move on.

Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman

Oh, that's includes a now deleted comment of mine. Yes, i admit i got a bit overboard here. I wanted only to highlight a certain political tendency in the region. rather than make a blanket statement about any nationalities and ethnicities. It really came out wrong. And while i don't really care whatever this instance defederates or not, here i must apologize since i was clearly in the wrong. I should only dunk on people for what they do, not what they are.

The lack of a sense of place by Hexbears by absolutely flooding this comment thread is the full and sole reason for me to fully support defederation. is our server, our rules, made by people on the server. The fact that they feel the need to comment and respond on everything says enough about them.

And no, you're not being attacked so that you have the right to defend yourself. Federation is not a right.

:marseylongpost: from an admin

Unrelated, but honest doubt… because I know nothing about Hexbear and I'm very confused trying to tie the “for the lulz”/trolling behaviour, communism/leftism and Kremlin propaganda together. The modus operandi seems that of bigots/racists/fascists all over the internet which might relate to Kremlin propaganda, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where communism/leftism fits in here. Is Hexbear a former left-wing “forum” now taken over by fascist trolls? If someone might care to explain I'd appreciate it.

Glad to read this.

Appreciate your approach.

Personally I've seen a lot of hexbear commenters out for blood, seemingly very ready to argue and name-call. Also I've seen many comments and some posts suggesting is for racists.

I assume that is just the “wreckers” someone mentioned.

I don't believe this instance is racist and I don't believe hexbear is all propagandists and lunatics, but I must admit I've been readily blocking subs of theirs. They honestly just seem quite angry with the world and the west. Sometimes for good reason, but sometimes so reflexively it comes off as Russian or Chinese bot posting.

I could be wrong with my personal reflex, but that engagement isn't why I'm on Lemmy at all.

I've been in touch with you personally regarding this, and the evidence of mass brigading, trolling, and their toxicity is abound. just check the modlog, especially for political subs where they especially love to brigade and bully.

the only change they will make is the volume and frequency of their toxic bullying and trolling. keep his instance safe and defederate.

Bartender explains why he swiftly kicks out Nazis even if they're ‘not bothering anyone'

I would say defederate as I see little value in their content. Let those who seek out extreme content go to that server for it. It is just Nazism wearing a different hat.

Wait? Hexbear is leftist? I'm super liberal and my impression of that instance was another pack of Trumpers. Maybe they were brigaded but it's been nothing hit a cesspool. I've been trying to use Sync settings to block @hexbear. I vote defederate. :marseygigaretard:

Defederating hexbear seems like a weak move.

I do think you're gonna have to develop a very explicit and clear line for what constitutes kremlin propaganda though. That or just go full “this is an anti-Russia instance and that includes all current and former states”. [-17]

I demand a Quote & Link to the Subhuman claim you try to collectiv guilt us over …

( its not the epicempenada quote/ copypaste isnt it ? ) [-1]


:marseymocking: durr

The Sotheby's auction house has been named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed by investors who regret buying Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs that sold for highly inflated prices during the NFT craze in 2021. A Sotheby's auction duped investors by giving the Bored Ape NFTs "an air of legitimacy... to generate investors' interest and hype around the Bored Ape brand," the class-action lawsuit claims.

The boost to Bored Ape NFT prices provided by the auction "was rooted in deception," said the lawsuit filed in US District Court for the Central District of California. It wasn't revealed at the time of the auction that the buyer was the now-disgraced FTX, the lawsuit said.

Inshallah they will get nothing but the taste of my shoe

After the auction, the price of Bored Ape digital assets hit a new high and kept rising for months. It peaked at over $420,000 in April 2022 but plummeted to about $90,000 six weeks later, according to CoinGecko.

The class action lawsuit's named plaintiffs are Johnny Johnson, Ezra Boekweg, Mario Palombini, and Adam Titcher. They are trying to get certification of a class consisting of "all investors who purchased Yuga's non-fungible tokens ('NFTs') or ApeCoin tokens ('ApeCoin') between April 23, 2021 and the present." There were over 103,000 account holders of Yuga securities as of December 1, 2022, the lawsuit said.

"While the Executive Defendants made hundreds of millions of dollars, investors were left with NFTs worth a fraction of their artificially inflated value," the original version of the complaint in December said.

Good :marseymonke:. I want to find and bully these people on twitter for being this dumb



Iris is making fun of people who don't understand statistics again


She XXed the following neat paper discussion afterwards

She's so perfect

Oh, in other news

BTFOing "Nature" ( journos)

The krillshot (soyentists BTFO)

It Runs Doom

@lain was asking about embedded stuff that can be fit into small spaces. I mentioned APE but I also wanted to mention this here as well :)


Found a really cool repo lurking the Github for good R cowtools. Looks really cool!


edit: turns out something similar was posted 8 days ago but I was not here so idc, take another L :scoot:

orange 'you glad you listened you didn't get hyped up' forum

Researchers seem to have solved the puzzle of LK-99. Scientific detective work has unearthed evidence that the material is not a superconductor, and clarified its actual properties.

The conclusion dashes hopes that LK-99 — a compound of copper, lead, phosphorus and oxygen — marked the discovery of the first superconductor that works at room temperature and ambient pressure. Instead, studies have shown that impurities in the material — in particular, copper sulfide — were responsible for the sharp drops in electrical resistivity and partial levitation over a magnet, which looked similar to properties exhibited by superconductors.

“I think things are pretty decisively settled at this point,” says Inna Vishik, a condensed-matter experimentalist at the University of California, Davis.

Claimed superconductor LK-99 is an online sensation — but replication efforts fall short

The LK-99 saga began in late July, when a team led by Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim at the Quantum Energy Research Centre, a start-up firm in Seoul, published preprints1,2 claiming that LK-99 is a superconductor at normal pressure and temperatures up to at least 127 ºC (400 kelvin). All previously confirmed superconductors function only at extreme temperatures and pressures.

The extraordinary claim quickly grabbed the attention of the science-interested public and researchers, some of whom tried to replicate LK-99. Initial attempts did not see signs of room-temperature superconductivity, but were not conclusive. Now, after dozens of replication efforts, many experts are confidently saying that the evidence shows LK-99 is not a room-temperature superconductor. (Lee and Kim's team did not respond to Nature's request for comment.)

Accumulating evidence

The South Korean team based its claim on two of LK-99's properties: levitation above a magnet and abrupt drops in resistivity. But separate teams in Beijing, at Peking University3 and the Chinese Academy of Sciences4 (CAS), found mundane explanations for these phenomena.

Another study5, by US and European researchers, combined experimental and theoretical evidence to demonstrate how LK-99's structure made superconductivity infeasible. And other experimenters synthesized and studied pure samples6 of LK-99, erasing doubts about the material's structure and confirming that it is not a superconductor, but an insulator.

The only further confirmation would come from the Korean team sharing their samples, says Michael Fuhrer, a physicist at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. “The burden's on them to convince everybody else,” he says.

Perhaps the most striking evidence for LK-99's superconductivity was a video taken by the Korean team that showed a coin-shaped sample of silvery material wobbling over a magnet. The team said the sample was levitating because of the Meissner effect — a hallmark of superconductivity in which a material expels magnetic fields. Multiple unverified videos of LK-99 levitating subsequently circulated on social media, but none of the researchers who initially tried to replicate the findings observed any levitation.

Half-baked levitation

Several red flags popped out to Derrick van Gennep, a former condensed-matter researcher at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who now works in finance but was intrigued by LK-99. In the video, the same edge of the sample seemed to stick to the magnet, and it seemed delicately balanced. By contrast, superconductors that levitate over magnets can be spun and even held upside-down. “None of those behaviors look like what we see in the LK-99 videos,” van Gennep says.

He thought LK-99's properties were more likely the result of ferromagnetism. So he constructed a pellet of compressed graphite shavings with iron filings glued to it. A video made by Van Gennep shows that his disc — made of non-superconducting, ferromagnetic materials — mimicked LK-99's behaviour.

On 7 August, the Peking University team reported that this “half-levitation” appeared in their LK-99 samples because of ferromagnetism. “It's exactly like an iron-filing experiment,” says Yuan Li, a condensed-matter physicist and study co-author. The pellet experiences a lifting force but it's not enough to levitate — only enough to balance on one end.

Li and his colleagues measured their sample's resistivity, and found no sign of superconductivity. But they couldn't explain the sharp resistivity drop seen by the Korean team.

Impure samples

In their preprint, the Korean authors note one particular temperature at which LK-99's showed a tenfold drop in resistivity, from about 0.02 ohms per centimetre to 0.002 ohms per cm. “They were very precise about it. 104.8ºC,” says Prashant Jain, a chemist at the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign. “I was like, wait a minute, I know this temperature.”

The reaction that synthesizes LK-99 uses an unbalanced recipe: for every 1 part copper-doped lead phosphate crystal — pure LK-99 — it makes, it produces 17 parts copper and 5 parts sulfur. These leftovers lead to numerous impurities — especially copper sulfide, which the Korean team reported in its sample.

Jain, a copper-sulfide expert, remembered 104ºC as the temperature at which Cu2S undergoes a phase transition if exposed to air. Below that temperature, Cu2S's resistivity drops dramatically — a signal almost identical to LK-99's purported superconducting phase transition. “I was almost in disbelief that they missed it.” Jain published a preprint7 on the important confounding effect on 7 August.

The next day, the CAS team reported on the effects of Cu2S impurities in LK-99. “Different contents of Cu2S can be synthesized using different processes,” says Jianlin Luo, a CAS physicist. The researchers tested two samples — the first heated in a vacuum, which resulted in 5% Cu2S content, and the second in air, which gave 70% Cu2S content.

The first sample's resistivity increased relatively smoothly as it cooled, and appeared similar to samples from other replication attempts. But the second sample's resistivity plunged near 112 ºC (385K) — closely matching the Korean team's observations.

“That was the moment where I said, ‘Well, obviously, that's what made them think this was a superconductor,'” says Fuhrer. “The nail in the coffin was this copper sulfide thing.”

Making conclusive statements about LK-99's properties is difficult, because the material is finicky and samples contain varying impurities. “Even from our own growth, different batches will be slightly different,” says Li. But Li argues that samples that are close enough to the original are sufficient for checking whether LK-99 is a superconductor in ambient coniditions.

Crystal clear

With strong explanations for the resistivity drop and the half-levitation, many in the community were convinced that LK-99 was not a room-temperature superconductor. But mysteries lingered — namely, what were the material's actual properties?

Initial theoretical attempts using an approach called density functional theory (DFT) to predict LK-99's structure had hinted at interesting electronic signatures called ‘flat bands'. These are areas where the electrons move slowly and can be strongly correlated. In some cases, this behavior leads to superconductivity. But these calculations were based on unverified assumptions about LK-99's structure.

To better understand the material, the US–European group5 performed precision X-ray imaging of their samples to calculate LK-99's structure. Crucially, the imaging allowed them to make rigorous calculations that clarified the situation of the flat bands: they were not conducive to superconductivity. Instead, the flat bands in LK-99 came from strongly localized electrons, which cannot ‘hop' in the way a superconductor requires.

On 14 August, a separate team, at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany, reported6 synthesizing pure, single crystals of LK-99. Unlike previous synthesis attempts that relied on crucibles, the researchers used a technique called floating zone crystal growth that allowed them to avoid introducing sulfur into the reaction, eliminating the Cu2S impurities.

The result was a transparent purple crystal — pure LK-99, or Pb8.8Cu1.2P6O25. Separated from impurities, LK-99 is not a superconductor, but an insulator with a resistance in the millions of ohms — too high to run a standard conductivity test. It shows minor ferromagnetism and diamagnetism, but not enough for even partial levitation. “We therefore rule out the presence of superconductivity,” the team concluded.

The team suggests that the hints of superconductivity seen in LK-99 were attributable to Cu2S impurities, which are absent from their crystal. “This story is exactly showing why we need single crystals,” says Pascal Puphal, a specialist in crystal growth and the Max Planck physicist who led the study. “When we have single crystals, we can clearly study the intrinsic properties of a system.”

Lessons learned

Many researchers are reflecting on what they've learned from the summer's superconductivity sensation.

For Leslie Schoop, a solid-state chemist at Princeton University in New Jersey, who co-authored the flat-bands study, the lesson about premature calculations is clear. “Even before LK-99, I have been giving talks about how you need to be careful with DFT, and now I have the best story ever for my next summer school,” she says.

Jain points to the importance of old, often overlooked data — the crucial measurements that he relied on for the resistivity of Cu2S were published in 1951.

While some commentators have pointed to the LK-99 saga as a model for reproducibility in science, others say that it's an unusually swift resolution of a high-profile puzzle. “Often these things die this very slow death, where it's just the rumors and nobody can reproduce it,” says Fuhrer.

When copper oxide superconductors were discovered in 1986, researchers leapt to probe their properties. But nearly four decades later, there is still debate over the material's superconducting mechanism, says Vishik. Efforts to explain LK-99 came readily. “The detective work that wraps up all of the pieces of the original observation — I think that's really fantastic,” she says. “And it's relatively rare.”


tldr: no flying cars or someshit idk

for reference see any of the numerous posts here


Empress's identity REVEALED as Voksi the Bulgarian! Is it over for piracychads?


Empress's response (Reddit):


Linus will focus for a whole week now how to damage control this or disaster :marseythumbsup::marseyxd:


You can buy a lot of potatoes with €1000.

Orange Site discussion



Chadmins are also banning everyone for saying they're leaving

What surprises me is that people think making a community specifically for illegal activity isn't a problem, and that they should only be called on their behaviour when a copyright holder notices them. There are plenty of places to go for piracy online, so what's the need to add a community for it here? Or are you people claiming a piracy community wasn't primarily intended for piracy?

Time to host my own instance. I disagree with this move.

The people whining are not the people that could face multimillion-dollar lawsuits over the issue. Like it or not, media companies are powerful and will go after websites seen as promoting piracy. Do what you reasonably have to do.

Oh no. Wtf. Do you know what's funny? I actually joined this instance from piracy subreddit.

I guess it's time to leave. :marseylaughpoundfist:

I don't think this was the right call. Don't have it hosted on here, fine. But defederated? I don't see how being federated would be an issue at all. Oh well guess i got to actively go seek them out now.

At this rate, you might as well as defederate from all instances. Cant be too careful.

Bootlicker [-8]

These communities are not even hosted on, this is an absurdly overreacted response. There were no signs of any legal trouble and I can't understand how specifically would be the target of such legal action. If you want to host an instance, you should do everything in your power to allow discussions on any topic, while in necessary cases disallowing direct posting/linking of illegal content. Instead, you chose to block a community that has long been known to avoid having any trouble with the moderators. :soycry:

Doesn't matter if they are hosted here or not. The way federation works is that threads on different instances are cached locally.

We have NO issues with the people at db0 - we are just looking out for ourselves in a ‘better safe than sorry' fashion while we find out more. As mentioned in the OP we would like to unblock as soon as we know we can not get in any legal trouble. [chadmins]

What the absolute heck? What makes this place so good is that there's not people making idiot decisions at the top. This is an idiot decision. Plus side of the fediverse is vanishing.

Uh, @[email protected] … what's up with the banning going on in this thread? I noticed on that someone was labeled “banned” and their comment was simply “Ight, I'm out”

The mod note was “Let us help you”.

There are more similarly weak (spiteful?) bans that certainly don't seem to be at a standard for a ban. “Litterally 1984” was another one. Is that all it takes to be banned here?

Edit: Many (all?) the users I referenced as banned are now unbanned from the site, but now banned from this community. :marseyban:

Please make announcements on lemmy instead of exclusively on groomercord moving forward. That is the biggest issue here, the lack of public transparency. Such a decision affects all instances, not just and making it publicly known is important :marseygroomer:

This was a misunderstanding from one of the team members. It has since been discussed and will not happen again. Lemmy.World and this announcement community is our primary platform, [chadmin]

And once again we have people thinking that the instance owners would have to discuss everything they want to do with them and get the approval of everyone. It's already great that they're making announcements instead of doing it silently until people notice on their own. Plus, it's not hard to make an account elsewhere if you don't like it here. I doubt you're restricted to this single instance.

Ight, I'm out

Surely there is a discussion to be had around what is and isn't allowed, there are plenty of subreddits discussing piracy without dolirect links that are playing within the rules.

fricking heck, its time to leave, you are no better than reddit :marseysnoo:

Says the redditor

What is the legal theory being used here?

People chatting about piracy is now a crime in US? I thought the crime was uploading or downloading copyrighted content…

Lovely this happened because someone complained after being banned from the piracy instance for being a transphobic butthole. :marseytransplushie3:

Yea, I'm leaving. Not as a protest, I just want access to something without caring if devs like it or not.

All hail Piracy!

Well said! I think the entire LW community would prefer a heads up for major actions. It's understandable that piracy could lead to liability issues which none of us want. Thanks for giving us a run down.

Is it a liability when the discussion happened outside of

Deleting lemmy now I guess as well [-3]

Wtf? I'm leaving.

Is there a way to migrate a community? [-3]

I'm sure this comment will receive plenty of hate, but I'm really struggling to understand why piracy seems to get so staunchly defended by seemingly everyone here. Piracy is stealing. It is morally wrong. We can argue all day about how it's a ‘victimless crime' or how media conglomerates are greedy and deserve it, but at the end of the day there's nothing that makes it ‘right'. With maybe a few exceptions, no one needs the things they're pirating and it's just childish to refuse to pay for content and go on pretending it's a necessity. What needs to happen is more money going to the creators whose content we all enjoy so much.

There's plenty of places to go where you can still interact with these communities, and we shouldn't be surprised that a large and general instance wants to be distant from them. Personally I applaud the decision. [-6]

Literally 1984 [-14] :marsey1984:

Reported by:
  • Dude : Funny title
Nerd slap fight between Linus Cuck Tips and Gaymers Nexus


Linus gets a GPU cooler to review. He attaches it to the wrong GPU and then claims the cooler is shit when it doesn't perform well.

G*mer dude calls Linus out for being a cute twink.

Linus chucks and sneeds, claiming it wasn't his fault.

Proceeds to get btfo at every step by g*mer dude.

G*mer dude videos on the drama:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Edit - Kaamrev post about the reddit side of the drama

Edit Edit- Update from Billet

Reported by:
  • SCD : What are these words fricking nerds I stg

hexbear chapos

lemmy post with kbin dev response

redditalternatives soys

:marseyxd: :marseytrain: t


After a thread was made in [email protected] asking to defederate from for "the facilitation of piracy, and copyright infringement in general which is illegal", the admins of deleted it prompting discussions on asklemmy and piracy.

fedilore ( Lemmy SRD) discusses

Edit: More seething lemmings

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