Palestinian :marseyisiscry: activist :marseypussyhat: complains that the evil yahud won't even let them get away with throwing :marseybreadcrumbing: rocks at people
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This is the same woman :marseysouthernbelle8: that was talking :marseytalk: about how nobody in Israel :marseyhitlerjew: works because they just get free cash every month from America :marseyargentina:

Just absolutely zero functioning neurons inside :marseyenterpipe: that oddly shaped head

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I hope they realize that Palestine also gets got like a billion dollars per year from the US via UNRWA

Compare that to just 10 million from the US (non military)

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Just absolutely zero functioning neurons inside that oddly shaped head

There's a word for that Palestinian

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>oddly shaped head

She looks exactly like those assyrian sculptures with huge eyes. I thought they were fricking exaggerated but apparently they had realistic proportions, b-word?

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They can't put 2 and 2 together and realize that they can get free cash from America if they would just behave themselves.

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