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Weekly Anime Post 55

After watching Lain last week and finding it Meh, this week I watched 'Texhnolyze'... And also found it pretty Meh. Especially the beginning was super exhausting because it could have been explained in 5 minutes (or 1 episode max), but is dragged out to like 3 episodes. And barely anyone talks in these episodes. The upside of those episodes is that you get to watch an r-slur suffer I guess?

Anyway, the middle part is better, but still not super interesting. Made the impression of a more or less generic mafia movie to me. I usually enjoy stuff like that, so that part was okay to watch. But the anime really only gets interesting towards the end, when they resolve some story stuff. There still is some stuff that made no sense to me, for example why the chopped of limbs dude joined oonishi in the first place, after literally wanting to murder him only seconds prior. Seemed like a random 180 turn to me. Also, after they discover that the outside world is only by ghosts (were they literal ghosts or some kind of computer projection), why not take the rest of the hole people up and repopulate that world? Just because a tunnel collapsed? The doctor could have saved the hole people but chose to rather indulge in her own suffering.

This might sound pretty negative, but I didnt hate the show. I dont know if I would recommend it to someone, but if you plan on watching it you should know that it gets better after the first couple episodes, and the last few episodes are the best part of the anime.

After texhnolyze I also watched the first 'Ghost In The Shell' movie, I liked it and will probably keep watching. I also think about watching 'Ergo Proxy', any thoughts about that are appreciated.

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I tried watching :marseyceiling: Ghost :marseyjiangshi: in the Shell once when I was drunk. Then :marseytransflag: I got more drunk :marseywinemom: and passed out watching :marseyilluminati: grubhub commercials.

I really oughta go back to it at some point.

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GitS is good but the second movie is where it's at. The first season of the anime is excellent too.

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GitS is the most overrated anime movie. Legit cant make it past like 30 mins

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rdrama is my life. I die for my dramanauts. Its some real shit. I met the love of my life here, i gain bussy, i mature, its all part of the dramanaut life.

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I watched the cyberpunk anime because of all the hub-bub about the "Loli" designed character and I honsetly found it pretty good albeit a little rushed in the progression of the story. It's obvious that they want to make you care about the strife the characters go through but it kinda feels like a dogpile of misery at some point. I haven't watched the last 2 episodes yet but I suspect it'll be a bittersweet ending with the main guy going cyber psycho because of his mods and some how it deus ex machinas in the main girl going to the moon finally.

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Yeah I liked it too, but they really could have made more episodes.

>It's obvious that they want to make you care about the strife the characters go through

Tbh at times it felt like the characters didnt really care much about each other, one example being when the guys mother died he didnt shed a single tear lol. I know he still has her urn, but that just felt weird to me.

But I like the setting of the show, Id watch more. Even thought about getting the game, but not sure considering how it was received.

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My first thought was that it was made for school hating teenagers to self insert.(ep 10) And just like the game I think the story about becoming a criminal to "live fast, die young and make a legendary name for yourself" is lame AF. You're going to be forgotten in no time flat because next week there'll be a new flavor of the month crime team with the same goal. They all think they are the exception.

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as the other guy who finished it, what do you think about Lucy possibly starting to go psycho :marseytinfoil: on the moon? Seeing David, ect.

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Hmm, idk. It might just be a narrative device to show her thinking about him but Faraday did scramble her brain a bit, didn't he? She wasn't that chromed up, right? Idk if you can go cyberpsycho purely from mental trauma.

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i saw some post, i think by mike podsmith, saying the cybernetics only accelerate the psycho-ing. the real issue is people living :marseyjumpscare: in what :marseygasp: is essentially a capitalist :marseyaynrand2: dystopia. overloading their bodies with cybernetics and what-not only causes them to blow :marseyavril2: up sooner and be more destructive when they do

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You're going to be forgotten in no time flat because next week there'll be a new flavor of the month crime team with the same goal. They all think they are the exception.

That's the point.

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Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. The point of the story or the point that David and Co knew that would happen? It seemed to me that they actually thought that the final mission would succeed, and they failed to see it as a trap.

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To them there's hope, but to the audience we can see that its fruitless, the corp always wins. Look at the opening song, The Fffire, they edited out the lyrics about burning down the city, because they can't actually beat it. The opening even has a figure shaped like a tower shooting the main character in the head, symbolizing the futility of struggle against the corps and the inevitable end for doing so.

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I don’t watch anime since I’m not a NEET but I pirated this and couldn’t get through the first episode because the voice acting was so terrible and had no sense of pacing so it came across as jarring and confusing. What’s the deal with characters repeating words too? That’s not in the games.

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I watched the sub, so the repeated words didn't stand out as much but it was a weird creative vision to add into an already existing universe with it's own slang.

also the subtitels were unreadable in some scenes because some genius decided that subtitles dont need a black outline in a show that has bright neon colors in the bottom of the screen 50% of the time

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Just finished episode 8 so I'm at the exact same point you are. I don't think the moon will be a deus ex machina though, we just had the foreshadowing about one way tickets being affordable this episode. I think that with nothing left to lose, she'll up and leave with what little she has left.

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Try Haibane Remnei and Yokohama kaidashi Kikou OP.

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ykk is nice but isnt it like 3 ovas

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Yep. Is not very long at all. Haibane Remnei is a short one too.

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kino no tabi could get thrown in there as well. similar vibe from what i remember

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Cool, I'll have to check that one out. :chadthankskingcapy:

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Interesting that you didn't like the beginning. I really enjoy it, especially the parts with Yoshii up until his tragic death. It's the middle that's the weakest imo since it's mostly Organo infighting that I don't really care about. Mizuno makes for some decent comic relief though, lol.

>why the chopped of limbs dude joined oonishi in the first place, after literally wanting to murder him only seconds prior. Seemed like a random 180 turn to me.

Onishi was the one who let Ichise live, which is why he starts working for him. It was the other Organo dude who worked for Onishi, Ishii, that chopped of Ichise's limbs, who he kills later.

>Also, after they discover that the outside world is only by ghosts (were they literal ghosts or some kind of computer projection)

The ghosts are interesting and I think it's a little bit of both. Same sort of technological mysticism going on with the obelisk and Ran. Ichise's father is a ghost of someone who is dead, but Saginuma appeared first as a ghost and he was still alive. Also, you can see Sakimura start to become shimmery the last time we see him, when he's lowering Ichise back down into Lux.

>why not take the rest of the hole people up and repopulate that world? Just because a tunnel collapsed?

I don't think it would've changed anything. Also, anyone who was Texhnolyzed would've had their body parts fail to work without the obelisk.

>The doctor could have saved the hole people but chose to rather indulge in her own suffering.

Maybe true. Once the people of the Class reject her research she gets all hopeless and kills herself like the cuck beta female she is.

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Anime’s I watched this week:

Re:zero - just started, ok so far

Tokyo Revengers - bad, had to stop watching bc the mc was an IDIOT :marseymad:

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 - enjoyed it but they need to stop baiting w/ fake deaths :marseymad:

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Ergo Proxy is a cool cyberpunk show like Texhnolyze and Lain but imo not as good. It has a lot of good individual episodes but the story as a whole kind of sucks, and it leans very heavily on this one info-dump episode that's also the worst one in the series.

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Is there :marseycheerup: a weird :marseywut2: egg shaped purple :marseysipping: child :marseyvargfinnselfdefense: in erggo proxy?

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Uhhhh. Not that I remember.

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I would not call her egg shaped or purple. Also, mentioning that she's a robot or that she stays with the main characters might be more useful if you want me to remember her.

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I never saw the show, just was told she was in it

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I finished chainsaw man and started dorohedoro but the text in dorohedoro is too small on my phone :marseydepressed:. Honestly I’m thinking about just buying an ipad and using it for movies + comics/manga.

I’m using paperback and highly recommend it btw

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Entry 1: :marseybooba: Neighbor :marseyfuckyou2: what!?!?

Entry 2: The power :marseyreactor: of being a simp

Entry 3: DBZ vibes

Special mentions: I want to stuff lard :marseyrdramauser: up this bitches butt and tell her I can protect her from all the wrongs in this world.

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Ive watched the 3 seasons of ai mai mi this week and I just :marseyblops2chadcel: want to ask the writer :marseyshakespeare: and the studio why they OD'd every day while making this.

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Please recommend good anime OSTs.

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What do you like?

The Pillows' FLCL [indie rock]

Samurai Champloo [lo-fi hip-hop]

Hellsing [mostly rock]

GiTS [folk]

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thanks I enjoyed the Samurai Champloo and didn't know it yet

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Wolf's rains and ergo proxy are pretty good. :marseyakshually:

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Megalobox is pretty :marseyglam: good.

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Instrumental or with singing?

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I usually prefer with singing but if the mood is dark, instrumental can work pretty well for me

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Ahahah he pinned anime on a forum where people don’t like anime this joke is hilarious

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watched cyberpunk, it was surprisingly good. needed a few more episodes. adam smasher|| should have had more build :marseyyarn: up, like 2-3 sentences before ||he shows up and wrecks shit|| was not enough. I would have also liked ||an episode with David's mother, as well :marseyclapping: as more time :marseywait: spent with members of the gang :marseyblack: and possibly with how David :marseysaluteisrael: became the respected leader :marseyputin: of the gang :marseyblack: post-Maine. Way better than I expected, probably a high :marseybigbrain: 8 but could have been a 9 if it was 13 or 14 eps.

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Thinking of watching cowboy bepop

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Caught up on MiA, and it's as good as ever.

Cyberpunk is ok I guess. Everything outside of the action is dull and a slog.

Haven't gotten around to new Stone Ocean. It's my favorite part and I was the most hype for it, but Netflix has just sucked out all the life. I'll get around to it before fall season starts, but the entire situation is pretty grim.

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Watched Stone Ocean. It left me very unimpressed. Maybe I'm just over JoJo, or maybe it just feels souless. Something's off about it.

Rewatched (some of) Shirobako, it's anime Office Space, also an anime about making anime.

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Netflix hollowed out Jojo.

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Hello anime NEETS this must be as good a place as any to post. I bought the most expensive nihongoese rice cooker I could find (zojirushi something or other) bc my wife wanted to learn some Jap cooking and plating she’s learning from the chef de cuisine at her restaurant . What are some good rice dishes you’d normally not think of? I just saw the rice with green tea thing which sounds good for one

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Not huge on rice but you can't go wrong with a rice curry:

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Yeah I bought a variety pack of 5 Japanese curry sauces off Amazon

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If she is trying to get better at cooking, I would suggest not using the sauces, but rather buy the S&B curry powder and make your own roux. Then you can doctor it up yourself as you like.

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Yeah I got those to start with just for quick meals for now. She’s having the chef teach her all these other interesting things, plus she’s finally. around to replacing all our knives with the based jap knives I’ve always wanted

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Literally put anything over rice and call it donburi.

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