Moid incel cucked by gigatitty stacy boss gets backalley s*x change stomping legacy women ruling society with feminine beauty:marseypass:

Moid:marseyblops2cel: incel cucked:marseydomesticabuse: by gigatits stacy:marseyfrozenchosen: boss gets backalley:marseydoctor: s*x change:marseythomas: stomping legacy women:marseywall: ruling society with feminine beauty:marseypass:. Collects chaser boyfriend:marseyhomofascist:, legacy woman kills herself:marseyitsover: in jealousy of the superiour model:marseytrain2:, frees incel prison:marseycarpler: to forment revolution:marseybinladen: but they frick each other up:marseyisis: for being ugly instead of women:marseytrad:. Final boss is 0/10 sister:marseychonkerfoid: who plans to kill all the ugly people and herself:marseyobamarope:. Train kills himself:marseyrope: to save the incel race:marseytrans2:. Attractive women still control society:marseykneel:.

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