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Weekly Anime Post 72

Stealing @Chapose's thread in his absence :marseytroublemaker::marseytroublemaker::marseytroublemaker::marseytroublemaker:

On another note, the CR & /r/anime awards voting started this week. How do you hate like their lists?


/r/anime :

On the anime front, I watched quite a few shows this week. First off, Harem in the labyrinth of another world, which is exactly what it sounds like and thats exactly why you should watch this.


I also caught up to overlord s4, which was a bit of a pain because its been 50 years since s3. I honestly dont know why japs are so r-slurred that they cant just fully finish shows so that everything is 100x easier to watch. Still though, once again overlord managed to combine degeneracy and genocide in the perfect package


Lastly, Im now watching My stepsister is my ex, which is a banger as you'd expect with such a name


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Saw the new Top Gun and the sheer irony overload of its premise is staggering. The Top Gun program was created to get away from the idiot who was arguing that dogfighting and gun battle were the be-all-end-all when missiles that can delete planes from over the horizon in an instant exist. Said dimwit was not only the inventor of the OODA loop, an extravagant retelling of "monkey see, monkey do" to make people feel clever, but also wrote Pentagon Wars which was just a massive cope for getting made retire for being an armchair general.

Movie wasn't bad, but would've benefited from being remotely realistic to what military planes actually do instead of the fantasy version brought to us by a loose collection of liars pretending they were big-shot officers and not just office workers uniform.

Or just make an Ace Combat movie.

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There were couple of dog fights in Ukraine

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Ah yes the Ukraine war, the apex of modern warfare where most of the airpower is smouldering in treelines because any jet older than two generations can be shot down by a grunt with a missile launcher older than the zoomers.

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I honestly don't get what the hype around that movie was, it seemed very simple and honestly boring to me. But then again I felt the same way about the original. Either enjoying this movie requires knowledge of neurodivergent details regarding the plane models or aviational warfare or something, or a good portion of people praising it do so only because it avoided leftist wingcuckery.

And even in the case of the latter, Northman was the better chud movie of the year

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The SFX is pretty good, but as far as realistic depiction of air warfare it's closer to Star Wars than real life.

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Pentagon Wars is the Office Space of milstrag movies

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The dogfights to kills ratio of the F-15 like a couple against over 100. In the era of modern jets it is a dated concept that makes aircraft more vulnerable to missiles.

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Missile homing can be confused(as in this case by a skilled pilot). And all tech will eventually become obsolete. There's already concepts for drone companions around sixth gen fighters, try shooting one of those down with a BVR missile lol. Also how does jets being more maneuverable make them vulnerable to missiles lol? Missile evasion requires sharp maneuvers too.

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Nothing you are talking about relates to manoeuvrability and dogfighting, that is stealth and instrument range. You heard someone else talking about it, but haven't a clue what the subject matter was.

Missiles are getting faster and stealthier, launched from even stealthier planes. A skilled pilot isn't dodging the missile they never saw from the plane that never even entered instrument range, let alone cleared the horizon. Sixth gen will be even more of the same, being even harder to detect and shoot down, with interlaced data systems that make confusing missiles nearly impossible.

If that weren't the case we wouldn't be making stealth fighters.

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The linked article talks about maneuverability r-slur the MiG 25 isn't stealth.

Your opponent can have a sixth gen plane as well which will make locking on and detecting them a lot more difficult which will then resurrect old school fighter tactics again. Can you not comprehend basic English?

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I'm not referring to your larp article, the whole fluff about "pilot skill" was from armchair experts completely misunderstanding a quote by a colonel, which was about correctly operating all systems of an aircraft, not what kinds of manoeuvres they could perform. His entire point was the exact opposite, that air manoeuvres were completely secondary to just correctly operating the systems of an aircraft, but thanks to 99% of all military "info" on the internet being unvetted bullshit here we are.

Fighters engage at such ranges that a 'manoeuvring' doesn't do anything, probably why the F-15s slaughtered ever MiG they ever encountered, not that modern fighters need direct lines of sight to lock on anymore which just further increases the redundancy. It is the same outdated school of thought as flying low to avoid radar and ground AA, which ceased being feasible in like 2000.

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My point is that stealth tech negates those advances you actual mouth breathing dullard bipoc. Holy shit how is it so difficult for you to comprehend this? You can't track an enemy stealth fighter as easily as you could MiG 25.

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Hey, "profound genius" I know you think you have some galaxy brain idea too complex for everyone else, but guess what? Stealth doesn't work that way and you have no idea what you're talking about. The moment a stealth craft fires or turns it can be detected, the entire point is that they're booking it the moment they fire to avoid getting shot down themselves.

No one has been dogfighting as an actual mainstay tactic since Vietnam, the current model of long range engagement has been around for like half a century, everyone you've said is flat-out wrong.

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Shut up nerd it's cool

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