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And while I have not watched Evangelion, or any anime in my life, it is obvious that you don’t need to watch it to see why Zendaya was born for this role.


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Aside from being one of the best fits for the character, the portrayal of Asuka through a BIBOC actress will not only bring a sense of diversity to Evangelion, but the anime medium as a whole. Aside from being considered one of the most attractive and popular actresses

Aside from the representation meme that article really reads like a high schooler essay written the day before the due date lmao. If I didn't know better I'd say this was AI generated, but it's extremely mediocre even for an AI.

Evangelion was overrated garbage anyways, I hope this happens so all the annoying fangays from my old college animeclub seethe hard.

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I used AI for half of it but when i finished I was too lazy to revise and kept it in the drafts for like 3 days. Decided to publish rn

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It's perfect my neighbor.


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I used AI for half of it


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https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I don't even know why I went every week. I hated it: I hated the members, I hated the anime, I hated the discussions, I hated the half-assed cosplay attempts, I hated the attempts at emulating anime characters, and I hated the Little Caesars they ordered every time.

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What’s wrong with Little Caesar’s? :marseygasp:

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For poorcels who like cheese and ketchup on cardboard. Also smells nasty.

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Why would anyone go to a club like that in the first place? Admitting you're a weeb in public is first step towards social suicide, and like you said there is little enjoyment to be had from the thing itself

Sorry bud but this is on you, should've been smarter

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AI is a mecha anime that has core themes and messaging which are undermined by using mechas for storytelling purposes. A comparison would be like trying to make your theme be “the horrors of war” in a fricking slice of life high school anime.

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Evangelion is essentially a harem anime (relationships don't matter, what matters is the majority of every foid's attention revolves around the main character) with some superficial Christian imagery at the end.

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Why Netflix should cast Zendaya as Asuka in the upcoming live action Evangelion movie

Because Asuka is a redhead, duh

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And I wonder why the media is so Greenpilled on the Hibernian Question and wants to eradicate ⟨⟨⟨Hibernians⟩⟩⟩ :marseyhibernian:?


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Hibernophobia has no place on this site :!#marseypipebomb: :!#marseyraisinghands: :!#marseyira:

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Reminds me of an ancient (like 2012-2014) Reddit comment.

So some ‘muricans make a group and invite all their extended friends for an overseas trip to a Saint Patrick’s day pub crawl in Dublin.

One of the guys goes up the the bar and sits down, then when asked on the drink he wanted, he said he’d like an Irish Car Bomb.

The bartender just stared at him blankly, then put down two shot glasses with extremely powerful liquor, got out a hand-torch and lit them on fire, and said, “Here’s your Nine-Eleven.”

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as a modern day poet once said "ginger is just another way of saying black"

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I'm sick of seeing this flat mutt whore everywhere.

Also, every single famous black chick that goes by one name is overrated




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another one: Michelleobama.

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>Michelle Obama


oh sweatie...


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Zendaya’s really good in roles she’s actually suited for, the problem is producers and film makers think attaching her to literally any project will make it successful.

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Never seen a movie with her, but I'd bang her if given the chance so there's that at least :marseyshrug:

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Oprah? :marseyshiftyeyes:

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I'll give Oprah a pass because she was pretty hot back in the day

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You better :marseybackingintobush:

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Doesn’t count. As an valid can tell you, black women are basically dudes

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Golddiggermaxxing I’d give it a pass

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Neighbor look at those fish eyes lmao

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Most beautiful gorilla

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Zendaya is pretty hot too, hot enough to not count as black.

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Black girls will finally be able to view their favorite cartoons and be able to see someone that looks like them

guess casca has to go now :marseyannoyed:


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Who’s that?

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A character in a r*pe hentai everyone pretends is an actual story.

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“Any gritty dark fantasy has to have r*pe. It’s more realistic.”


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Guts (the BLACKED Swordsman)'s hotwife, not only he has been BLACKED, he has also been cucked by a BWC BVLL, darn what a combo!


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:#marseyoctopus2: .


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Redhead :marseywendy: erasure.:marseywendy::marseydead:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Me when I see a cinchnews article


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ublock orging better

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Zendaya should play Sakura in a live action Naruto show.

Obviously Michael B. Jordan will play Naruto.

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People will cheer at the first part because no one likes Sakura anyway.

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no please


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Evangelion was one of those things I tried watching but gave up, I wish I was a bich Ni99a so I could relate to the show

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Azamat Khan

I am of African origin and I live in Turkey. I have a PhD in political science or journ*lism.


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I'm gonna post this to /r/anime.

Edit: Frick I need 10 karma in the sub, basically impossible.

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Do it in goodanime

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I approve of this, all weeb waifus should be raceswapped until the weebs commit mass seppuku.

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Why are chuds sneething aboyt this she kind of looks the part

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there's only one asuka :scoot:


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Isn't she a tad expensive?

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They do have a boner turning the soulless into people of melanin for some reason

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Are you all actually r-slurred or just being le epic trolls that only pretend to fall for this shit?

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Why does this read like it was written by ChatGPT?

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Cuz half of it was

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ok come on, put more effort into the writing than this. It's just bad.

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They’re letting these fricks adapt Evangelion? Frick this shit. It’s fricking unadaptable. It’s going to be horrible.

Edit: I got duped. Well, not by the Zendaya part, but by the claim that the show is getting an adaptation.

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Why do they turn every ginger black? What has gingers ever done to hollywood.

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You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fricking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fricking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.


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