Weekly Anime Post 97 (21 days till august peepee reveal)

Mark the date in your calendar, !augustlovers


@Aevann pin pls

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I hate anime so much it's unreal :marseyrandom:

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I hate anime so much it's unreal

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there's going to be an rdrama meetup for the Barbie Movie premier. Myself, @Harpooner and Carp and anyone else who liked anime could come with.

Sorry bro, but your're not allowed to join us anymore

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@Harpooner you already told me I would be able to come with you :marseysad:

@TamagotchiGF you said you hated anime... how could you let him exclude me over this?

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One day before your reveal I will show my MASSIVE hog and steal all your thunder

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Ruby WON


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watched gilgamesh and ergo proxy. gilgamesh has very limited animation, but the atmosphere and music was good. its about a world where the sky is a low hanging mirror, all computers and ranged communication/signals don't work anymore and modern society is trying to function without them. the people from before want the old sky back, the people born after don't care much for the old world.

ergo proxy was good, the weird structure of the second half didn't put me off, love the OP and how it handled AI. Raul was cool and big sad.

i prefer gilgamesh of the two, a wider range of characters who are equally developed, the ending was insane and the incest was pretty wholesome.

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I started watching Jujutsu Kaisen a few days ago, pretty good so far

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Zom 100 is worth watching for the pilot ep alone. Second ep was only ok though, but parody of zombie apocalypse genre is definitely interesting

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Started oshi no ko. 30 min in to the first ep. Kinda average. Not awful. Might finish some other time

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Warning you now, the premise and the ending are the only things that actually got planned out and it shows.

If you only thought the premise was "okay" then you're are gonna fricking hate it lmao. You need to have a high tolerance for telenovela bullshit

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I thought the premise sounded dumb lol I'm only watching this because friends wanted me to. I did not really enjoy the first season of Kaguya that much (second was way better from the few eps I watched), so low expectations. 30 min in and I get why people like it, but I don't think the tone is exactly for me.

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Well it's not like (early) Kaguya; it's primarily a trashy harem disguised as a revenge mystery where Aka occasionally talks about how evil twitter is and how production people only care about money. You probably got a good beat on whether or not it's your kind of trash lol.

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Kinda average

Its slightly above mid, which basically made it one of the better things airing last season.

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has anyone watched the new trigun? I'm almost done with the og

also recommend me animes

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almost forgot to say, its the berserk first episode situation but much worse.

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Did they really make an animated copy of the Trigun manga?

In my experience, all those "post-ending projects" end up being worse than nothing.

I'm kinda surprised so many people have recommended the show.

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i got no idea what you are talking about, i said it was just an easter egg thing. i guess i should have explained that the game itself is set in normal hong kong while the anime references trigun, other than that it is a completely separate story.

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I was under the impression that Gungrave had some sort of connection to Trigun.

A lot of anime do that thing where they bring back old characters and you can assume something big happened in the time between.

Or even things like Evangelion or Fullmetal Alchemist, where a project is created to finish up loose ends from a much older show.

If it was just an easter egg reference to Trigun (which I've never seen) I guess I got the wrong idea.

If you want to expand on what you said, that would be much appreciated!

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trigun is set in a desert planet which humans are trying to occupy, gungrave is a modern mafia show set in a city. the grave sites in gungrave are marked with years in the 19000's, an alien species called thomases makes a cameo in an episode in a horse race on tv(except its thomas racing), the old boss of the mafia mentions how the city used to be a lawless barren wasteland when he first moved in. trigun took place mostly in the wasteland where everything was shabby, but it was shown that there were large cities resembling early 1900's new york that managed to exist.

the only contradiction is that there is only one sun in gungrave while trigun there are two in the sky. in trigun there were no bodies of water while gungrave has an ocean. these stop me from knowing for sure that it is set after trigun, but besides that unless you have seen trigun you wouldn't notice these things and just see it as a modern mafia show. no characters re-appear and or have any connection to gungrave.

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If they made an anime set in the Trigun timeline and somehow managed to make it as good as the original then I think I would watch that shit unironically.

I've seen a lot of anime but I've never heard of Trigun, is it any good?

I can't really trust the internet when it comes to anything as niche as anime.

I never really got on the train to begin with because I already have far too many time-sinks as it is.

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i love it, its a sci-fi wild west anime with a similar structure to cowboy bebop, its mostly filler until it approaches the end. if you don't like that idea then it probably isn't for you but the characters are developed during the filler. the protagonist is a goody pacifist who screams about love and piece and some people hate the show for that, but the anime itself is not pro pacifist, everyone around him does not believe in what he does, and he himself doesn't entirely believe in it either but keeps himself in a state of denial. that's the most interesting part to me, it makes you wonder whether what he is doing is selfless or selfish.

you don't have to watch trigun to watch gungrave but you should still check that out, one of my favorites. no filler.(remember skip first episode)

i don't ask people for recommendations, i decide on watching stuff based on the opening and 97% of the time it works. i gave up on forums and reviews because i realized people take their biases from others, when i hear the same thing being said by many people i wonder where they all took it from and if they would have thought that way if they went into X media with a blank mind.

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I'm definitely going to check it out. It sounds great and I don't have anything else to watch right now.

I just hate that shit where they pull some big event out of nowhere to give a show more impact.

I would have to watch the whole thing just to know what the frick is going on and why it's supposed to be special.

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.

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It's definitely very different in feel to the original series, but it's enjoyable. I still prefer the original, but there's a lot more filler in it than the new series which doesn't slow-burn the plot and instead leads with the Knives vs Vash plot.

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more knightow

there is an anime based on the game, technically its set in the same world as trigun but its only shown in background easter eggs.

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There's a new trigun? Is it any good?

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What's the name of the boy in this post here?

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He's like a pal to me.

I hope that I can become like him.


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what's the august peepee reveal :marseyquestion:

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August posts his peepee

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homosexual-esque behavior :marseyclapping:

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does august even have a peepee? I thought the jury was out on "him" actually being a girl

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oh august is a user here lol :marseybrainlet:

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Why don't you know me?

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probably cause i do 2 things on this site

1. post cirno

2. post and occasionally view on /h/femboy

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i too am very curious

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I finally watched Bubblegum Crisis. Bladerunner meets Patlabor meets 80s esthetics meets GiTS. Kenichi Sonoda's designs, so if you like Gunsmith Cats, you're in.


Dunno if that's an issue with a collection I got but sometimes the scene transactions are very strange, like a bad cut.

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Bubblegum Crisis

Its one of my top series. Sound track, animation, story its all there. The OVA follow up series also did a good job expanding into other Boomer types.

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The OVA follow up series

I didn't even know how many episodes there were in original run but I guessed I'm watching later series because design changed. So far my favorite episode is that one with a crazy car. Probably going to rewatch it in a few months because the longer I watched the more drunk I was.

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I didn't even know how many episodes there were in original run

8, then there is a 3 episode OVA series called Bubblegum Crash that does have different art styles.

After that there is a middling reboot called Bubble Crisis Tokyo 2040.

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I have to check out if I have all 11 then. Thank you. I try to stay away from reboots and late continuations, it never bodes well (FLCL, Urusei, Trigun).

Now I'm going to give a Dirty Pair a go, it's another one I've been putting on for so many years.

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Burn Up, and Burn Up W are also in that same 80's vibe.

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Interesting, that one I never heard about. I'm going to trust you blindly here. Downloading right now.

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Its more on the Fanservicey side. Burn Up Excess is also ok, its sort of the same continuity but also not. Avoid Burn Up Scramble, it was a years later reboot.

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My :marseyboomer: dad loves that show.

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Cool girls, gay twink, righteous dudes, sassy black captain, violence, big robots and explosions. It's a staple dad series.

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Bubblegum Crisis is so much fun! Great choice.

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I watched all 12 episodes of cour 1 of Dead Mount Death Play this week. The animation isn't great, but it isn't bad. The opening is a bit slow, but once all the characters are introduced you start to get that Narita feel. It scratches the itch if you want more Baccano/Durarara vibes.

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Helck is good. Human Hero is trying to become the demon lord. It starts off feeling like a parody but it gets serious later.

Undead Girl Murder Farce is a detective story about a girl with just a head, a half oni, and a maid. Its really good so far, its probably going to be the best thing airing this season.

The Ryza anime is good, but its the plot from the games.

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how do you block a hole

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Tell her you just want to be friends

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ty :loveeyes:

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Put a cork in it

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Quick recap of last season:

The Isekai's were all good, except Summoned for a Second time. That one goes in the below category.

The "sad backstory flashbacks" shows were all trash. Here I'm of course talking about Vinland Saga, Heck's Paradise, KnY, Mashle.

Konosuba and Dr. Stone was kinda mid. Not really enjoying the r*pe island arc in dr stone.

I dropped Marginal service at ep 7, Heck's Paradise at ep 10. Magical Destroyers at ep 5.

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If it took you until episode 10 to drop Heck's Paradise I think you might still be half r-slurred :marseyretard2:

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Every episode I was thinking, surely this is where it gets good and it just never did.

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I held out until like 10 minutes into episode 4. The internet was hyping it up so much I thought there had to be something to it. I have nothing complimentary to say about it besides that it had a few decent character designs. I was genuinely pissed off by the time I turned it off.

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Marginal service at ep 7

I finished it, the last arc really should have been like episode 3 and have the plot go off rails then.

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R*pe island?

:marseycoomer2: :marseybooba:

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Yeah, this bad guy is going around collecting women and Senku and Co needs to infiltrate it. So Senku's team dress up 2 women and 1 boy to go in undercover.

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I haven’t been watching any anime lately but I am playing through Gundam Battle Alliance on game pass. It’s reminded me how much I like Gundam :marseygundam:

Cheesy as the dialogue can be in stuff like Zeta Gundam and CCA, the concept of Newtypes is interesting to me because it’s not meant to just be some cheap magic power. They go on and on about how Newtype psychic abilities are meant to bring people together and it’s a great tragedy that they’re used for warfare.

I’m also reminded of how chakra worked in Naruto. It’s fairly unique as a major setting in that all humans have chakra and anyone can learn to use it, whereas almost all other fantasy and sci-fi settings have genetic powers where you’re either born with it or you’re not. The character of Hagoromo from the lore spread chakra because he wanted people to use it to connect with each other, much like Newtypes. It’s not his fault ninjas would later use it for fireballs and shit.

With both settings, the magic isn’t just some trite trope used for combat like in any standard rpg. It’s a major focus of the setting and the writing waxes poetic about how these higher powers could be used to elevate the human experience. Even if certain people would also use them for war and destruction, the powers that define these settings offer the potential to be so much more than mere cowtools for combat. That’s infinitely more interesting than just — mage casts fireball.

Idk where I’m going with this. Just thinking out loud I guess.

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>Gundam :marseygundam:

I was waiting for matsurisahoge to post a long comment about gundam last season so I could reply with a relevant webm but he never did so I'm posting it here please understand.

How you gundam mf's long post comments look to the rest of us :marseylaughpoundfist:

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as waiting for matsurisahoge to post a long comment about gundam last season so I could reply with a relevant webm

What is this gif from?

Last season's gundam sucked. They set so much up and didn't follow through, the ending was rushed and had a weird outcome, all of the people who committed crimes basically didn't go to jail, there was space magic bullshit that was even less explained and setup than the worst of Gundam's space magic bullshit (Looking at you Unicorn), I hate yuri shippers so badly, none of the themes that people were saying were interesting were not present.

Like honestly, this is just above Gundam AGE, but bellow IBO in my book. So like 4th worst Gundam. We didn't even get nice battles or cool mechs out of it.

but he never did so I'm posting it here please understand.

In my defense I was touching grass for two weeks.

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What is this gif from?

From Edomae Elf

I hate yuri shippers so badly

Based. They are never natural relationships. It's always two seemingly straight women forced to hang out until they suddenly realize that they love one another. terribly convenient...

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Based. They are never natural relationships. It's always two seemingly straight women forced to hang out until they suddenly realize that they love one another. terribly convenient...

It always is. In Gundam the only reason Sulletta and Miorine are engaged at the start is due to Sulletta winning a duel. Then in season 2 they barely have a few moments that would be normal among friends, then they are married at the end.

The best series I have seen for Lesbians is Otherside Picnic but that wasn't popular enough to drag in the yuri shippers.

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Someone has to post something besides romance schlock and it’s not gonna be Chapose :marseyrobot:

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Romance schlock is patrician taste :marseyindignant:

Just as haremshit :marseyagree:

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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No :#marseysadge:

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There was so little worth watching the last 2 seasons I dropped anime entirely and still haven't watched the new seasons of older anime I kinda liked :marseydepressed:

I was also betrayed into thinking there was a new fate anime not written by gacha game brainlets or the original ""MAP"" author but it was just a preview

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That special ep of strange fake was peak though. And they confirmed actual series is in making

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last 2 seasons

Stop watching seasonal animu. Take the OAV pill and/or watch older movies.

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There was so little worth watching the last 2 seasons I dropped anime entirely and still haven't watched the new seasons of older anime I kinda liked

Similar for me, I watched very little anime recently

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>I watched very little anime recently

Good. Get that down to 0.

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Ill keep going just for you :marseyhearts:

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Mashle is good

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I thought it didn't sound the worst but felt like I got the entire show from the 1 sentence summary

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If you enjoy good parody akin to s1 opm it's worth a watch. The manga :marseykishibecarp: just ended recently and they never :marseyitsover: took themselves too serious :marseysnoomask: imo

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(21 days till august peepee reveal)


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:marseysal: * 1.5

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He promised, and Im sure he wouldnt lie

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my wifе

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I don't understand the Ruqqus administrators' obsession with this carp guy. He's one of the most malicious, hatred-inducing individuals I've ever seen online. Literally makes people hate him on purpose. And for some inexplicable reason, all of the Ruqqus administrators not only follow this one man's word for everything and ignore the 99.99% of other people on their site, but even as the site is dead, they literally make his post that claims things like 'the free speech model is bad' as their HOMEPAGE. Does anyone know why they are fixated with this one sociopathic guy's bizarre opinions?

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