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Negative = negative, karma = karma, goodness = goodness, karma = karma, you think bad of others in the universe of your head and dont believe in karma in this universe? Yall messed up if you watch pron btw, whod jack off to drugged hippies except diddys and epstiens, espeically if theure heavily saturated in films everywhere? This world is layers of heck so dont give into death/life, words are distractions of truth, reality is a lie of the senses, if blue isnt blue youve been lied to you STILL choose to beleive in blue everywhere you see.
When you stop at a red light, are you telling the truth in court saying yoy indeed stopped at a red light, or did the Devil find a way for you to lie while swearing your words being yhe truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Yall think im lying but name one lie in this fricking post liberal lip-wipes.
- DeepSeekshill : thats monkeypox
: How bad were your hemorrhoids that tearing up your butthole was the better option
: Quite bad. I was bleeding a lot
- whyareyou : be grateful god is trying to cure ur homosexual
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No blasting my bussy for a few months, feel bad for me !lgbt !femboys !pinknames
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- GoldMemer : !coalburners would u?
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: Put the h/edgy mascot down
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