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Trap Heroine made me gay :marseyhom!oitsover:

There are spoilers for the manga in the following paragraph so don't read beyond the first sentence or 2 if you want to read it:

Trap Heroine is similar to hatsukoi zombie which I posted about last time but actually 100% gay this time. Essentially, its about this guy who got into some drama during middle school where he liked a vidya character the devs later declared was a guy the whole time and so he got a reputation for being gay. Because of said drama, he decided to go to high school far away from where he lived so as to not meet anyone who knew about his "homosexual" past and he could start with a clean slate. Well, wouldn't you know it, the first girl he meets at the new school is actually a guy :marseylaughpoundfist: what a fricking LOSER am I right, fellas? Anyways hes not really fallen for this guy at the start of the story but its kinda akward because it turns out hes in the same dorms as this "guy." MC starts questioning whether the guy is actually a guy and then subsequently falls in love with the dude and near the end the guys real gender is revealed.

!anime can one of you guys read this manga and tell me whether :marseyitsover: or :marseywereback: because I swear I'm not gay but these types of manga are way too interesting to me.

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Sorry but traps, femboys, and futas aren't gay. Try harder next time.

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What do I need to read to become gay? BL?

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BL is for foids, Bara is for gays

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He plays Bastard Bonds lol

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Yokai watch meant that he never stood a chance, I'd pray for him but right now I'm praying to meet him at the gay bar.

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!downmarseyrs !g*mers Yo-Kai Watch is NOT gay!

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>Yo-Kai Watch is gayer than the series with Lucario, Braxien (87.5% male,) Primarina (87.5% male,) and all of the Gen 8 starters

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The Bible is very clear that homosexuality is a sin. In Leviticus 18:22, it says, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." And in Romans 1:26-27, it says, "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error."

So, it's very clear that homosexuality is a sin. And as a pastor, I would urge anyone who is engaged in homosexual activity to repent and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

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bastard bonds isn't gay its awesome

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ok :marsey:

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