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MegaTokyo, 17 years later

@Tomboy_Supremacist dredged up some core memories and I suddenly remember reading a lot of MegaTokyo when I was a young weeb.

For anyone unfamiliar it was a webcomic started in 2000, and like most webcomics of the time it was for nerds and about g*mers. This is the first panel:


They got off the ground when penny arcade threw them a link, and soon amassed an army of young weebs. Most of us thought Fred aka Pyro was in or freshly out of college, but it turns out he was 35 god darn years old when he drew that first comic.

The story was endearing at first, but after a few years the writer left and gave Fred full creative control. The themes veered away from gaming and went full tilt into proto moe.

Fred, who would have certainly :marseytrain2:ed out, was a mega weeb. He learned japanese to play dating sims before these were ported regularly. His influences were girly anime by CLAMP, specifically Chobits.

Nothing happened in the story since 2006. The plot synopsis is here:https://megatokyo.com/story and it's incredible light on any kind of story.

He makes $2500/month on patreon and has been delivering an average of 5 comics a year, backgrounds not included:


The story was supposed to be about 2 guys stuck in Japan, which turned into a wish fulfillment underage dating comic for Fred. In about 17 years maybe a month of in-comic time appears to have passed, and his art seems to have regressed after peaking in 2005 or so.

What 20 years if experience looks like: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16990426796005304.webp

I was hoping there would be forums and subsequent drama but the forums are hella dead. Anyone else read this trash??

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You forgot to mention some stuff about this rabbit hole of web 1.0 weebshittery:

  • 1. Fred Gallagher got $299,184 USD(!!!!) on Kickstarter with 4,958 backers for a MehgayTokyo VN that never came out, the last update on its Kickstarter page was in 2017, til this day its comment section is full of seething weebmutts sperging out about never receiving their kawaii VN :mutttantrum::marseydarkxd:

  • 2. The Encyclopedia Dramatica page for MAGATokyo has details about how Fred chimped out at weeacoomers who drew hentai fanart of his characters, even threatening to stop the comic if he ever found out hentai art of it, however, Fred himself had a personal website dedicated to questionable porn of KekaTokyo characters! in fact, his porn drawings date to as early as 1999!, so technically speaking, his porn art pre-dates MegaTokyo itself, MegaTokyo is a comic adaptation of the hentai characters that he created as fap material, and not the other way around! :marseypikachu2:

  • 3. Rodney Caston, the co-creator of MoogaTokyo who left the project due to Fred acting an r-slur, became a Techno-Libertarian politician grifter who tried to run as a Texas constable of the Libertarian Party twice, in 2008 :obama: and 2012 :smugobama: but failed :gigaobama:

Also I am indeed surprised how someone like Fred has somehow managed to avoid :marseytrain2:ing out, the dude is the prime candidate of a :marseytrain2:ing out case (kawaii manga lover, internet/vidya nerd, mid-life crisis, full of internet spergery, etc.), probably because he has been married for years, but still, plenty of mid-life crisis middle-aged coomers with kids also end up :marseytrain2:ing out (i.e. :bardfinn:)





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lmfao i forgot about the VN holy shit $300k for NOTHING LMAO


>After a very successful Kickstarter in 2013, Fred and team started development on a MegaTokyo Visual Novel game. It did not go well. Inexperience with game development; Fred learning to delegate and work with a team; major feature creep; a big underestimation of the quantity of artwork required; the realization that only Fred could draw stuff that looked "MegaTokyo"; and lots more. By the time some of these issues had improved, the MegaTokyo comic had been neglected for too long and Fred couldn't afford to work on the game full-time anymore. Fred and team continued working on it part-time until 2017, when the lead programmer left the project and things more or less ground to a halt. Fred has not given up and still hopes to salvage something from this, but what that will look like and when are still unknown.


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!g*mers did you ever backed a Kickstarter project that never came out? like Mighty Number Anime Fan on Prom Night?

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I have never backed a kickstarter project

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wdym mighty number 9 came out it was great #MN9SWEEP #PROMNIGHT

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Keep paying into star citizen guys, you'll surely get the finished thing SoonTM

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It will revolutionize gaming inshallah

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Just a few more millions guys, i swear. Oh and microtransactions during early access lmao

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More like macrotransactions lol

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Remember when that woman said she was going to push for feminism in it and all the simps thought she should have more creative control over the people who donated a million dollars to it

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The devs wife? Who did tickle porn?

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Before he died i backed some of steve ditkos (the creator of spider man) comic kickstarters. They always delivered on time and gave me way more extras then what they promised :marseyexcited: :marseyspiderman:

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Ditko was a weird dude and deserving of an effort post here tbh :marseyspiderman:

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Im thinking of doing one specifically on the green goblin because its a topic with a lot of misinformation. The common claim that steve ditko wanted green goblin to be a random and stan lee wanted it to be norman Osborn is 100% bs. I have never seen it actually cited to stan lee and steve ditko in his own writing 100% refutes it for reasons i would go into. There is also the topic of steve ditkos bdsm fetish comics.

In general steve ditko has been unfairly maligned as a werido when really he just didnt like the spotlight. He lived a normal life and saw his fam alot he just refused to talk to journos and fans. Watch this interview with his nephew.


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Idk, he never married or had any kids :incel: and I don't have a lot of experience with his other work but I've heard that he fell down the :marseyaynrand2: rabbit hole when making Mr. A and the Question.

I'll listen to the interview though, people are at their most natural around family.

Also to be fair when people are comparing you to Stan “the Man” Lee most people are going to come across as relatively antisocial I guess

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He was a die hard objectivist his whole life and yeah the fact he never married was odd its more ghat when he was alive lazy jorunos reported he was some recluse who didnt do anything when he was still publishing comics.

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No, I only back projects from companies that have delivered before.

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>No, I only back projects from companies that have delivered before.


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a big underestimation of the quantity of artwork required

Drawing like 300 comics, most of it cut & paste asset swaps, is a herculean task for a comic artist

that only Fred could draw stuff that looked "MegaTokyo"

This has got to be code for Fred's panties got into a bunch when he was immediately upstaged by competent artists

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How the frick do you need a lead programmer for a VN, the VN engines literally do it all for you all you need to do is drag and drop your pictures and write text in the text boxes

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This is all fantastic. Fred is probably one of the last old internet weirdos still active, right alongside the Kokoro wish :marseytrain: and David Gontermann. The megatokyo IRC used to be one of the only places you could get VN, H games, anime and I remember getting melty blood from some guy who had a terabyte of hentai in 2004

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Do an effort post on where the cracked.com guys are now!!! DO YOU 'MEMBER CRACKED.COM??

Palestinian Lives Matter

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Bruh i remember them when they were Pointless Waste Of Time :marseyboomer:

I don't know what happened to that site but i actually might look into it

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do it please :marseybegging:

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David Wong is executive director of frickin Cracked, still. Apparently the site still makes him money?? I'll do a deep dive in the next few weeks

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He's still at it? jfc he must be riding off paltry SEO money

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bless the ranchers ping holy shit megatokyo, this is a trip down memory lane. one of my first internet cringelord discoveries


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:siren:BARD BOT (near miss) ALERT!:siren:

I'll let it slide this time, but I'm watching you...

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