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Upcoming potential(?) Jujutsu Kaisen anime disaster.


I felt like writing something, and I ended up with this whole thing, if you are aware of JJK s2 production problems you can just jump into the poll.

If you were not aware, the S2 Jujutsu Kaisen anime production have been causing a bit of an uproar. Now, terrible working conditions, crunch, insane deadlines, are all standard for soul sucking Japanese corporations. Studio mappa, responsible for JJK anime, has a bad reputation for many of those reasons, and this anime was not very different form others, with rumours about production issues circualting. Things escalated a (good) few days ago, when some people working on the show Xitted their grievances with the studio for all to see (bad translations ripped from a website):

>“Although it is unpleasant to be praised in the name of the company, I have to be grateful for the hard work and dedication of the company's production and filming staff. They are contributing immensely to the work despite the unavoidable circumstances.“

>“Bad news came in and I suddenly felt deflated. It's the most boring ending I could think of. Oh no, the festival is over. Okay, let's disband.“

>“When leaving the company, throw the card key into the company's trash bin.”

This article compiles it all, but is written kinda cringe.

As far as I'm aware it's something that rarely, or never happens. Japs normally keep everything behind closed door, so of course animators coming out and saying stuff like this quickly got a lot of traction. Not to mention the Xeets were quite dramatic claiming the production was more than ready to completely fall apart, with upcoming episodes not completed while the deadline was approaching.

Anitubers (Lame fricking losers) started doom posting about it, claiming that the production is dead, and :marseyitsover::


And on MAL, where people are unhinged weirdos posting the most pompous bullshit known to man, the S2 debates were only abut one thing, animation.

Fight's whether the animation is the worst they have ever seen, or the best that will ever be made raged on endlessly. And with thinkers and analyzers like this, the Xeet drama thread includes a good variety of informed opinions.

With the deniers:

>are Twitter (oh sorry I mean X) threads enough to draw conclusions now

>darn a collective breakdown of 2 people on x 😩😩😩😩

>Yeah foreign twitter users would be the first to know about something as monumental as a anime studio walk out

The big brain problem solvers:

>Can someone remind me why cant they leave for a studio with healthier environment already instead of crying and complaining on twitter for the past half a year or so?

>f it's so bad, as we are lead to believe, maybe they should quit. I'm sure there are 1,000s of animators in Japan that would love to take their position. Complaining on social media seems weak and is probably going to get them nowhere, but im sure the MAPPA haters will eat this up

>Remember though, capitalism is good because making money is the most important thing. All of that socialist nonsense about improving working conditions and representing employees' interests is just lazy thinking cause young'uns don't wanna pick themselves up by the bootstraps!

And one user transcends reality comparing this to Sandshit:

>So, are so busy fanboying what a studio produce that you are going after the same animator that draw it. MAPPA fan seem to as brain-dead as Evangelical Christian supporting Zionism.

(Sadly his supreme take got deleted)

Also, with current production drama the ethical consumption question comes into play. Just kidding, it's another animation debate, but this time asking if people creating the product are treated like shit, how can we criticize it. You see, it's all highly intellectual:

>Completely agree with you on all the points I think you made (ngl I skimmed it, but I agreed heavily with what I read)

So, with all that, it's Poll time. Ep 18 (I think) is still supposed to be finished, but after that no one knows what will happen. What will be the coming episodes (19 to 20something) like:

Personally I hope they just release episodes with random cuts to raw storyboards. That would be peak anime.

Anyway, bye.

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Not that good of an anime. :marseyshrug:

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Yes and zoomies who adamantly call any anime "peak fiction" as long the animators abuse adobe after affects got exposed when the director himself came out admit that the episode they released was only 30% finished :marseyxd:.

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Its extremly generic in terms of story and characters. Only good thing is flashy fights and creative abilities

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I really dislike the constant interruption about what their power is and blah blah blah. Shut up and kill kill kill :marseybegging:, but no.


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Yeah thats the worst part of honestly 90% of battle shonen anime. Gotta explain everything so the lowest possible brainlet understands

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Big-budget (supposedly), overhyped anime getting brought down a notch, while a small-budgeted, SOVLful anime with much smaller fanfare wins.

Jujutsu can just keep floundering for all I care, I am having a blast of a season so far :marseyboomer:

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It's CSM and Bocchi all over again.

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They will release rushed episodes with a huge drop in quality. A lot less animation in general, more still frames and what little animation they will have will be phoned in.


I think the complainers will get the boot along with being blacklisted, and will be immediately replaced by more bugmen

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I'm really excited how it pans out.

I haven't even watched one episode of this season, but with how animation focused most MAL-cels are, the potential drop in quality has huge drama prospects.

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At least SHAFT stylised their still frames for Monogataria's monologues and references. Akuyuki Shinbo-sama :marseyjapanese: :marseykneel:

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Episodes 14 and 17 were blatantly not finished, filled with still frames and animation errors, 17 especially so. Episode 15 was unpolished but finished. Episode 16 for some reason was given extra production time and is arguably the best episode of the series lol. I reckon the last major fight of the arc will be a mess.

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Random shonen when it goes to storyboards and scribbles :marseydisagree:

Evangelion when it goes to storyboards and scribbles :marseyagreefast:

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I seriously hope JKK becomes Seven Deadly Frames level in the climactic fight.

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why do I keep seeing JJK shit on my xitter timeline

I dont know this series

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It would be just fine :#marseysal:

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You'd think for a huge shonen show they'd give their studio more time. I get that it has a popular manga right now and they want to cash in on that but it's r-slurred to release an unfinished anime when an anime is supposed to essentially be an expensive ad for the manga. Plutochads stay winning.

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It's baffling how studios and production comities are allergic to finishing a project before airing.

Plutochads stay winning.

First show on my watch next list.

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it blew my mind when I first learned most of the time an episode is finished hours before it first airs. How have they not crashed and burned after so many close calls lmao. Maybe execs really have everyone by the balls and do whatever they want because the ones losing are the people beneath them anyways

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Mappa is genuinely r-slurred, and started picking up every manga under the sun to animate for whatever fricking reason. JJK could've been their golden goose, but they decided to pick up Chainsawman, Heck's paradise, that fricking black samurai anime, One punch man, etc and etc. Very disappointing and lame

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Seeing Gojo fans get BTFO'd after months of COPE posting was an experience I'll never forget. Can't wait to see it in the anime as well

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