Weekly Anime Post 117

I started rewatching Re:Zero, cause I never watched the second part of season 2, and darn, the protagonist is the most annoying neighbor ever. I dont think there is an episode where he doesnt cry like a b-word, and theres also the fact that his character changes rapidly for no reason like every 3 episodes. Also he cant talk like a normal person, he either cries or yells. He is so fricking annoying.

But still, apart from that I think the anime would have potential. The time rewind is interesting, though not used that much especially in season 2 (havent watched much of season 2 part 2 yet though). Worst part apart from the protagonist is that he chose emilia as his love interest instead of rem. He really is a dumb annoying neighbor.

I also started watching Inou Battle Within Everyday Life, Im a few episodes in and so far its okay.


@Merryvann pin pls

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I hate anime so much it's unreal.

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GOOD comment

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Thank you, I try.

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What manga is your signature from?

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An old Captain Marvel comic

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i will DESTROY anime and israel

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>anime is about a wimpy high school cute twink who a bunch of girls are in love with for some reason


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Tbh re zeroman isn't really a wimp, he's just traumatized by dying painfully multiple times.

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Hes also emotionally unstable apart from trauma

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havent finished season 2 yet but the time rewinding thing is pretty fetch

He doesnt know whats coming his way bros.

On another note, i saw Ben-to recently and its great. Dumb plot with r-slurred ideas done well as people literally hospitalize others in a battle royale anime just to get a shitty 7-11 meal

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He doesnt know whats coming his way bros.

In a good or bad way?

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The secret behind return by death gets explained and they expand a lot on the 7 witch stuff/cult while also fleshing out emilia a bit to not leave her a useless shit. Pretty good direction moving forward tbh

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Alright I finished season 2, and it was good, subaru definitly got less annoying. I just hope it stays that way in season 3, cause towards the end of season 1 he also was less annoying, but at the beginning of season 2 they made him more annoying again. Hope that pattern doesnt repeat in season 3. I hoped to see a bit more witch stuff, but I guess we got plenty of that in the first half and they focused more on past events this half. An explanation of why subaru doesnt recognize echidnas body irl would be nice next season, and just a bit in general on if the witches are evil or not. Cause right now it seems like they arent (except maybe the one from emilias past) and only the priests running around are.

The secret behind return by death gets mansplained

Did I miss something? Or do you mean the part from the first part of season 2 where the witch of envy (is that her english name?) gave it to him because she loves him? Cause I feel like they could definitly explain more. Though I get that they wont reveal who she is just yet, and if she actually is emilia.

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>did i miss something?

It was revealed that every suicide and death isnt a rewind, his memory is basically sent back to a parallel world as the original worldline where he died continues normally. If you died in world A you'd be sent to world B but world A would keep moving on normally. Your friends would mourn your death every time. The reveal was when he was made aware of the fact that hes essentially torturing not just himself but all of his loved ones every time he kills himself for a better outcome.

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Hmm, I dont think it was that way for sure though was it, more that that was one possibility cause echidna herself doesnt know how exactly the ability works?

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No, they literally spelled it out in that way. Go rewatch if you do not believe. Echidnas offer is a guarantee of a happy ending but that will come at the cost of countless repeats/deaths/suicides, the fact that he now knew he'd be fricking over his loved ones in every other timeline is a big part in the rejection of that deal.

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Going through Satoshi Kon films with lilmarsey.

Very good films, very fun to watch, even more fun to explore the techniques thereof. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17016483092674415.webp

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Who's lilmarsey?

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@LilMarseyontheprairie is this true? :marseyshook:

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Finished re-reading I Am A Hero and goddarn I know I joked about the MC being a p-do in the last thread but I forgot he has an actual sexual assault charge lmao

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we need to discuss what the worst show to ever get popular is

I'll vote for Code Geass and Angel;Beats because with shit like sao at least everyone knows that its shit but these two shows have people defend them for aeons at this point.

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I dropped Geass after 2 episodes. I'm not watching 2 seasons of shit for an ending everyone has been spoiled on for over a decade. Angel Beats is fine.

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More like Code Gayass :marseyemojirofl:

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Idk the last time I watched angel beats I liked it, that was years ago tho. Code geass fricked up when they pulled that shit with the pink haired girl killing everyone.

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Anime in general.

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I read all 28 volumes of smartphone isekai. Was it good? No. Do I recommend it? No. Will I read the next volume? Yes, because it ended on a cliffhanger.

I also started the original weeb novel :marseysamurai: . The book that created more japanophiles than any other. I let you guys guess which is it. I'll give another hint tho. You'd probably be able to find it in your father's book collection.

Re:Zero is the only show I've dropped after 35+ episodes. I just could not take anymore of that shit. The way he just keeps talking to everyone like he knows them.

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Was it good? No. Do I recommend it? No. Will I read the next volume? Yes, because it ended on a cliffhanger.

Holy frick anime watchers are masochists.

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The Tale of age ji :marseyshapiro:

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Holy frick autocorrect fricked me over :marseyrage:

It was supposed to be the Tale of Genji

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Shōgun by James Clavell. It's getting a new mini series next year so I figured what the heck, might as well read it.

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Was it good? No. Do I recommend it? No. Will I read the next volume? Yes, because it ended on a cliffhanger.


I let you guys guess which is it.

I have no idea.

The way he just keeps talking to everyone like he knows them.

Yeah lmao, and he doesnt just talk, he always shouts at people for no reason. He is really annoying.

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I kept reading to see Touya collect the floating islands and the wives. And then I kept reading for the main story and the wedding, which concluded in volume 20. Both of which ended up being kinda mid. The wedding night did no live up to the ecchi-ness of the rest of the series, not that I care about that or anything :marseysweating: . And after that it's clear the author ran out of ideas.

And the book is Shōgun

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17016475062687054.webp im watching fuwamoco

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Nerissa is the best of Advent. :#marseyindignant:

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Giga Chad opinion :mars#eykneel:

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BAU BAU un un Mocochan Mocochan repeat for 60 minutes.

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Are they speaking english or japanese, I legit cant tell

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They speak like r-slurs on purpose.

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Yeah I know but I legit cant understand them most of the time lmao, how can people watch this?

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People will watch Japanese vtubers despite not knowing any nihongo besides senpai, nani, and arigatou. This is in every an improvement. Though /vt/ was absolutely correct when they called them teletubbies with tits on debut lol

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Shut the frick up cute twink

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keep yourself safe wuffian. Or have they not taught you those letters yet?

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Dont they have subtitles on japanese vtubers? Makes more sense to me than this tbh.

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No lol. Most of them are live streamers.

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the protagonist is the most annoying neighbor ever. I dont think there is an episode where he doesnt cry like a b-word, and theres also the fact that his character changes rapidly for no reason like every 3 episodes. Also he cant talk like a normal person, he either cries or yells. He is so fricking annoying.


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Its definitly one of the worst offenders in that regard tho

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Re:Zero is such a good show idk how you can hate it :marseycry:

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I dont hate it, I like it except subaru is annoying af.

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At least they explain why he's extremely genki in a reasonable way rather than just have him be naturally ridiculous

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Finished watching Attack on Titan finally. Kind of disappointed with the route it took for the ending, but it still was good imo. The final part I'd give a 7/10.

Also finished Hunter x Hunter 8/10. The Chimera Ant arc ran on for way too long near the end of it, I swear it was like 20 episodes to cover 30 minutes in the show.

Now I'm just finishing some seasonal shows but I'm pretty burnt out after binging HxH and SnK back to back.

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Nobara bros....

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I have been binging naruto kai, which is a fan cut of naruto that removes all the filler and honestly its great. Pretty basic shonen slop, but cmon its naruto its the anime of all time.

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I hate you because you're a cute twink b-word but Naruto before Shippuden is really fricking good

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the anime of all time

Isnt that one piece? Or maybe dragon ball?

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>The time rewind is interesting

there are a few time loop anime that have come out in the last decade (one sci-fi, one magical girl and one horror anime) but mentioning titles would be spoilers. its one of the best genres in my opinion.

Subaru is indeed very whiny but gets better later this season. Emilia also discovers a personality.

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Can you on you give a generic list for each genre which includes the title?

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Can you give me a hint for the horror one. I've seen the other two

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It's Higurashi

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it was adapted from a visual novel. and apparently I can't count, because I thought the anime came out 10 years ago but it was actually closer to 20.

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I hate studying!!! :marseyrage:

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found the incel

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lmao that was such a stupid explanation for her psychotic rage 🤣 what a fricking trashfire that season was. I remember the farms seething over it.

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one sci-fi, one magical girl

I assume steins gate and madoka? No idea aboutthe last one tho.

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I have bad news to inform you about when 10 years ago was. Hint, not 2011.

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yeah i realized that after googling it. 😭 where have the years gone

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It's Higurashi

it turns out I can't count what a decade is

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Oh okay, I never really finished that onr iirc.

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better later this season.

Does he really? I already thought he'd get better right before the whale arc, but in season 2 he is back to his old annoying self.

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I started watching You're Under Arrest which is fun so far. Its about low key cop stuff. Also there is a cop who decided he was a woman after serving on the chikan division.

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No anime this week as unlimited overtime is to be had so I'm ploughing through the backlog at work, but I'm gonna catch up on the seasonal stuff.

I did pick up I Shall Survive Using Potions! which is a 6/10 isekai whose protagonist is an absolute gremlin. I do think it's funny how she asked to be de-aged to the minimum requirement for adulthood in the other world (anime gonna anime), but as a result everyone thinks she's a child and the only guy interested in her is an obsessed weirdo she doesn't really care for.

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