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  • Bepis : not anime, kill all vsimps

Hololive Gen 1 Yozora Mel has been summarily executed

Announcement Regarding Termination of Contract with Yozora Mel

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support of hololive production.

We regret to announce that as of January 16th, 2024, we have terminated our Virtual YouTuber

Master Agreement with Yozora Mel of hololive.

It has been confirmed that Yozora Mel has been engaging in acts that violated her contract by

leaking information to third parties that she acquired from the company. As a result, we have

determined that it has become difficult to continue managing and supporting her and have elected

to make this decision.

To all our fans and partners, we deeply appreciate all of the great support you have provided

throughout the activities that Yozora Mel has engaged in over a period of 5 years and 8 months

since her debut as part of the first generation of hololive. It is with regret that we must report this

matter in spite of the long-standing activities of Yozora Mel. We sincerely apologize for the

information we are providing at this time.

We will be closing Yozora Mel's YouTube channel and membership by the end of February 2024.

We are taking this matter very seriously, and we intend to make further efforts into instructing our

affiliated talents on compliance matters, so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.

We hope for your continued support and patronage of the talents of hololive production, as well

as our company.

Thank you.

Statement from other members of gen 1

Statement from mel

To everyone

We sincerely apologize for causing anxiety and discomfort to many people due to this incident.

I deeply regret my careless actions.

We have discussed it with the management and have resolved the issue.

He kindly gave me permission to publish this text.

I feel very sorry for having to say goodbye in this way to everyone who took care of me.

I had a dream that I wanted to make come true with everyone in Kapumin. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. But that doesn't mean the memories I have with Kapumin and Holomen will disappear. I will never forget this. I'm always watching over everyone. I love you forever. Thank you for what you have done.

And I'm really sorry.

Yozora Mel

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Who watches this shit? Any male that watches vtubers is clearly a mentally ill, sexless incel. Unironically.

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I listened to an interview with a vtuber a couple weeks ago that brought up an interesting point.

Most ethots are popular for their bodies and they have no real personality to speak of, they just profit off of coomer simps because they're hot. In contrast with vtubers, everyone can be hot because they're just buying a CG model, so its their personality that makes them stand out and gain a following.

Vtubers essentially normalized the playing field for women in streaming which is at least somewhat interesting to see play out.

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so its their personality that makes them stand out and gain a

:#marseyxdoubt: :#carpxdoubt:

I think its much more likely that having the most ginourmous gigatiddies and most underage looking weebshit face on the avatar is more important for success.

Always remember, all weebs are p-dophiles, and all incels are p-dophiles. And vtube consoooming is the crossover of those populations.

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I think its much more likely that having the most ginourmous gigatiddies and most underage looking weebshit face on the avatar is more important for success.

All of them have one or both of those, that's the point. The successful ones have to do more than just having giant tits because everyone has giant tits as a baseline.

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I think anyone who can identify child like qualities in the faces of inhuman bugmen cartoons is a bit of a libertarian themselves tbh

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Arachnophobia? You must secretly want to have s*x with spiders.

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For real even I don't watch :marseysalitssomewhere: this shit and I'm easily in the top 5 of the most neurodivergent :marseyslm: r-slurs I know irl.

!incels pls tell me you don't engage in parasocial relationships with the eternal foid.

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we have a lot of weeb mentalcels. but they must remain stalwart against the vaginal jew :marseycrusader:

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I do, not the cutesy ones though. Some of them are hilarious :marseyshrug:, and it's good background noise so that I'm not consumed by the thoughts of my own mortality.

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Get a dog or something Jesus. I cannot think of anything more pathetic. Also if you think any woman is hilarious, you have brain damage.

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Suck my peepee :marseyeldritchnut:

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Just remember that everyone dies twice, once when you pass away, and again when everyone who ever knew you dies to and you're forgotten to the world

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thrice - you missed the time when one finally decides to watch a vtuber unironically


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Not if you're immediately forgotten.

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>post about the most irrelevant holoJP termination within a couple hours

>no post about the biggest female nijisanjiEN graduating within a couple weeks

This is officially a hololive hole :mars#eycool:

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i don't fricking care about niji EN whores

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They're all whores

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One flashes her pubes on stream and is anorexic to the degree she can't use a lighter, the other posts her underage nudes on /b/, completely different and very chaste.

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!thin if you aren't so anorexic :marseyskinny: you can't even use a lighter anymore you are a itzy titzy bitzy fat.

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Sorry what?

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They're all whores

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They're all whores

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They are all indeed stinky :marseyshitlover: fricking :marseytom: stupid :marseyfoidretard: ugly fricking :marseytom: whores with annoying :marseyclippy: personalities that exploit my neurodivergent :marseygigachadbrony: bros with their "wholesome" over sexualized garbage.

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how ugly do u think these girls larping as anime girls are irl

i would assume 4/10 max

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Mel's private life is known. She used to be a model.

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Please don't tell me you watch this neurodivergent coomer shit.

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She used to do softcore porn. Hopefully this makes her start again. :marseycoomer2:

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Why wouldn't she just stream as herself then

Surely cute real woman > cute fake woman?

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Incorrect, real women are intimidating to the vtuber watcher

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This is unironically the case, vtuber watchers are so brain-rotted by anime they dislike the appearance of real women.

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women are more entertaining when veiled and under an oppressive moral code :marseyniqab:

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I only know of a single vtuber by name. It's.... Uh

... OK I forgot the name but she's supposed to be an Orca girl I think. Anyway she's hot IRL too so that's a 100% hit rate.

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Both of you twinks have said this and neither have provided proof


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Jesus Christ I just wasted 15 minutes of my life.

First I had to search "orca girl vtuber" because I didn't know her name. It's "Shylily".

Then I had to search for Shylily's nudes IRL pics but it turns out it's kind of a meme that this vtuber (all vtubers?) is neurodivergentally protective about their face reveal and finding pics was really annoying. As in, it took at least 5 different website clicks. I'm exhausted from all that clicking but here she is;

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The absolute state. This is hot in 2024.

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She looks like a fat white :marseyokaymilk: kid with a wig.

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Well would so it's good enough

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Are two pictures really her face?

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They're prolly males

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This HL grift is crazy.

The amount of power that this glorified talent agency has over the people is insane. Imagine losing pretty much your online identity because of some asinine contractual obligation. I understand HL plays a significant part in promoting and supporting these talents but nonetheless the fact that they drop off the face of the earth when HL wants to retire the "brand" irks me.

And no, I don't actually watch or give a shit about vtuber content. Most of them are unironically 20 years behind the streaming meta, still putting out uninspired "look at me being bad at video games xdddd" shit that can only be endured if you're a terminally braindamaged weeb.

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i want to know what you think the cutting edge of streaming meta is if not playing video games poorly

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Putting aside the fact that a significant chunk of popular streamers were or are pro-level players, speedrunners, etc., it's incredibly boring to just be bad at video games and have that be the main source of your engageement. Even the more casual streamers generally have a baseline competence. Watching someone fail a tutorial-tier mechanic or whatever and then laughing/getting angry at that got old 10 years ago.

Video game skills aside, vtubers also tend to be much less engaged with their audience during streams (another big factor that pulls people into livestreaming, aside from watching the actual content on stream). And of course there's the elephant in the room that it's a lot easier to be enaging and charming and entertaining when you can mimic and emote and aren't just a live2d cutout with crappy motion tracking.

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Some good points, but on the other hand the current streamer meta is being an r-slured c*m-brained gambling degenerate p-dophile who screams a lot so in comparison playing video games badly feels quaint.

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Rude, you forgot having youtube videos on while either your chair is on stream or you are eating.

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streaming meta

Keep yourself safe

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Yesterday she was talking about how excited she was to collab with other holo members this week.


Now she's gone.

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Shouldn't have violated her NDA :tays#hrug:

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It is suffering to be a vtubrr fan.

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The eceleb worship and tribal war in the vtuber communities are extremely interesting. I read vt board a lot despite not currently watching even one vtuber. They are all either boring or cringe lord but the collective fandoms are entertaining as

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I go on /vt/ to make AI porn

Always fun to post a single catbox link of a chuuba made fat and see the thread burn afterwards

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I love how vtubers is the fastest KF thread and no one actually fricking logs the drama that happens

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Why are V-tubers so popular, and why are their fans so dedicated?

Is it just the cute Anime girl "irl", so one that you can interact with?

It's weird.

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it's fun because they can "die" at any time and when they do, all their content is wiped and none of their friends can mention them anymore.

it's like if wrestlers died in real life when they retired so their final stage appearances have more impact.

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>none of their friends can mention them anymore.

>it's like if wrestlers died in real life when they retired so their final stage appearances have more impact.

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Well, his final impact is pretty big alright.

Bullet holes big.

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It has that wrestling Kayfabe feel to it.

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She was quite cute in her general demeanor, a shame. I wonder what she leaked and to who?


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I heard she sent people Ted's underwear pics. :marseydisagree:

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Mei sus

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Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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