

Greetings Dramatards :marseywave2:

If any of these exact storybeats ever sound familiar, it's because I plagiarized most/all of it from a longform Afrikaans Calvinist article (which in turn probably plagiarized it from some more famous English sources), which my father had excitedly desired me to read during the 2024 December holidays. The vast majority of the article revolved around a Calvinist introspection about self-deceit, and how History and politics is shaped by how people record and perceive historic events both during and after key happenings. Very long and boring.

But the incredible and exciting part my father wanted to showcase me, was a chapter regarding the infamous Tulip Mania period, which occurred during 1634-1637 in Holland, during the zenith of Dutch colonial and economic power, when the Dutch was by far the most prosperous nation on earth, when taken into account their meagre population and size, due to the astronomical wealth generated by the Dutch, due to the infamous VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) or Dutch East India Company, perhaps one of the wealthiest private enterprises in all of human history. .

During the period, one of history's 1st and most well documented Speculative Bubbles occurred, when seemingly the entire Dutch nation state was beset by a fervent mania from all sectors of society. Rich merchants and poor farmers would buy the new fad, Tulips imported from Turkey & China, at increasingly outrageous sums of money, for the sake of selling these (at the time) rare imported plants, which the Dutch didn't know how to perfectly cultivate, so it wasn't a gaurantee that you could just make more of them once you bought rare tulips for literal prince's ransoms!

These tulips, which at 1st were bought, because they were the showing-off fad for the turbo wealthy new Merchant-class of the state, were then bought for the sake of selling at ever increasingly higher prices, which in turn made the tulip a fad for wealth accruement instead! Eventually, inevitably, as we can all predict, prices eventually went down, which burst the speculative bubble, and the prices went into freefall, and fortunes were wiped out of existence, as these once prince's ransom priced foreign flowers, became......priced at the rate of regular funny and unusual foreign flowers! :marseymidsommardani: :marseymidsommardani: :marseymidsommardani: :marseysunflower: :carpflorist: :marseydarkrose2: :marseyza: :marseyroses: :marseyflower: :marseyrosepink: :marseyrosered: :marseyfoxgloveyourself: :marseysocratesyourself: :marseydarkrose3:


When Tulips arrived in Holland, it was said that the !dutch completely lost their senses. There was an infamous story about a sailor whom had been at sea long enough, to have been completely kept in the dark about Tulip Mania in Holland, and having been out of touch with the latest political/social news of his home country, as many VOC voyages could take literally as much 2 full years to complete! Of course as the Silk sailing routes were established, these timeframes reduced to less than 1 year - but still long enough to be out of tune with the country's latest excapades!

Anyways, the late 1630s a dutch sailor, whom had just disembarked, had went to the owner of the goods his vessel had transported, to notify him his shit had just arrived. Gratified by this good news, the merchant rewarded the sailor with a breakfast. On the large table on which the merchant had given the sailor his meal, at one end there had laid what looked like a red onion :marseyleekspin: :marseyleekspin: :marseyleekspin:

The sailor took the onion for seasoning on his bread, and GTFO'd out of the merchant's storehouse to go and find a private spot to go eat his meal in peace. Never in his wildest imagination would he think this act would cause him such grievous misery. Just as the sailor had left, the merchant discovered to his horror, that an invaluable :marseycoin: :moneypile: :marseygolden2: imported Augustus tulip bulb was MISSING :marseyscream: which at the height of Tulip Mania was worth a whole commercial farm on its own.

The merchant and staff ripped the storehouse asunder in their angst, looking for the missing invaluable Augustus Tulip. Eventually someone remembered the sailor being the most recent stranger in the storehouse, and the goon squad proceeded rake apart the entire port looking for him :ragejak: :ragejak: :ragejak:

They found the hapless, luckless, unfortunate & clueless sailor having already eaten the fricking tulip bulb, and proceeded to try and strangle him alive :ragestrangle: :ragestrangle: :ragestrangle: He was imprisoned for his crime!


This infamous story, about the insanity of the Tulip Mania, comes from a very famous economic writer & journ*list Charles Mackay (27 March 1814 – 24 December 1889). In his magnum opus, the book called "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" he wrote about what he termed "Crowd Psychology" & "National Delusions".

The book consists of a series of short stories about a myriad of events in the past, but the topics are all united in the mass delusion or hysteria of crowds/nation-states, or mass adoption of fads and hysteria by groups of people. The stories covered things like the large scale witch-burnings across europe, the fad and obsession with the fake science of alchemy (turning iron into gold) and hysteria about haunted buildings.

!bookworms The book had become immediately successful, and continued to garner infamy well beyond Charles Mackay's death - he had a strong grasp of engaging storytelling. But the parts of "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" which really REALLY :marseycruisemissile: :marseycruisemissile: :marseycruisemissile: :marseynyanisrael: :marseynyanisrael: :marseynyanisrael: propelled Charles Mackay into infamy, was his chapters about Speculative Bubbles - specifically his 3 chapters of infamous about Speculative Bubbles known before his time.

Each of the 3 chapters revolved around a particulour economic disaster, brought about by lunatics overinvesting or speculating upon companies/stocks/products well WELL beyond their realistically graded values. They were the South Sea Company bubble of 1711–1720, the Mississippi Company bubble of 1719–1720, and of course the famous Dutch tulip mania! :marseymidsommardani: :marseymidsommardani: :marseymidsommardani: :marseymidsommardani: :marseymidsommardani:

THREE CHAPTERS ECONOMISTS LOOK UP TO: :marseyopera: :marseyopera: :marseyopera:

While the rest of the book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" would be largely forgotten as interesting and entertaining reads for a book from 1840, the 3 chapters on Speculative Bubbles would reach such incredible infamy in the Economists world, that a very large amount of people would reference it historically.

Present-day writers on economics, such as Michael Lewis and Andrew Tobias, lauded the three chapters on economic bubbles.

====(from the WashingtonPost article)

C.S. Lewis once asked himself if anyone could actually write a story as magical as that title. To me, Charles Mackay's "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" possesses an almost equally evocative power. First published in 1841 and expanded in 1852, it chronicles some of the many varieties of human folly, obsession and self-delusion. Here, in fact, are the deep taproots of the credulity and lemming-like behavior that characterize today's social media.

More recently, economic writers such as Andrew Tobias and Michael Lewis have championed the book. Overall, one might characterize Mackay's work as popular history, conveyed in a tone of ironic, head-shaking amusement.

====(end quote)

Many people unironically considered Tulip Mania as a Classic for Economic History for the longest period. The book is so famous that non-historian economist-Journ*lists cite Mackay whenever there is a recent fraud or Speculative Bubble implosion occurring; like the recent Bitcoin and Shitcoin and NFT :monke: :monke: :monke: :marseywallst: :marseywallst: :marseywallst: Bubble implosion which has dominated headlines in economic forums and newsfeeds, when FTX caused a chain-reaction of wiping out untold millions and billions of wealth out of existence.

TULIP MANIA AND CALVINIST PROPAGANDA: :marseymegaphone: :marseymegaphone: :marseymegaphone:

The only problem for this internationally critically acclaimed book about Tulip Mania? It's complete absolute total bullshit, or in the very least heavy propaganda! The short story about the Dutch Sailor mistaking the tulip bulb for an onion? Complete fabrication .

The issue for Mackay wasn't that he was a deliberate liar, but that he had taken his primary sources, which were overwhelmingly Dutch Calvinist propaganda leaflets and articles, at absolute face value. Many good historians go to great lengths to decipher primary sources, written during contemporary times about events, to determine how bias from the authors could fabricate or contaminate their view of events. Mackay literally straight up consumed Dutch Calvinist Propaganda leaflets as they were!


So what exactly was the deal with Calvinists? What the heck do they have to do with anything? Well Calvinists were relatively conservative for their contemporary timeframe, and the feared the new era of Holland having accrued so much unthinkable wealth, more than any nation-state before had ever known to have accumulated so fast and in such an incredible short timespan.

:carppolycarp: :marseyklennypriest: :marseyorthodox: :marseyfatherjoseph:

They feared and believed that all of this wealth of the Merchant-class was rotting and decaying society. They feared that this new trend of consumerism and speculation on stocks was leading to societal downfall. Dutch society had underwent intense transformation in the past 100 years in that moment in time.

So they had created stories with near-comical carrecatures of people, where the common theme was greed and avarice being the downfall of everyone involved.


According to Charles Mackay, which took the Calvinist Propaganda at face value, the Tulip Mania was so extreme during 1637, that all levels of Dutch society went completely batshit. Other sectors of the economy went neglected, and so much was invested into Tulip Mania, it was as if Holland was expending during a World War time economy! Everybody from nobles, to wealthy merchants, to poor farmhands, were borrowing recklessly to get in upon this wealth craze.

According to Mackay those left holding the bag were either bankrupt, or even fricking worse - in deep debt!

In the book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" you can read of people losing their minds and selling their most valuable possessions to buy or speculate on a few Tulip bulbs. Mackay gives the example, in his story covering Tulipmania, of one particularly unhinged Dutchman, who exchanges 12 acres of land for ONE fricking Augustus Tulip Bulb! :marseytrollcrazy:

The reality is much more dull - in fact the scale of the Tulip Mania, may have been completely fricking overblown due to Mackay's book, which has been in the public international consciousness for the past 200 years. No record of even ONE bankruptcy could even be confirmed by Dutch historians as due to Tulipmania, during the period of 1634-1637.

====(from Smithsonian)

Here's where the myth comes into play. According to this narrative, everyone from the wealthiest merchants to the poorest chimney sweeps jumped into the tulip fray, buying bulbs at high prices and selling them for even more. Companies formed just to deal with the tulip trade, which reached a fever pitch in late 1636. But by February 1637, the bottom fell out of the market. More and more people defaulted on their agreement to buy the tulips at the prices they'd promised, and the traders who had already made their payments were left in debt or bankrupted.

In fact, "There weren't that many people involved and the economic repercussions were pretty minor," Goldgar says. "I couldn't find anybody that went bankrupt. If there had been really a wholesale destruction of the economy as the myth suggests, that would've been a much harder thing to face."

That's not to say that everything about the story is wrong; merchants really did engage in a frantic tulip trade, and they paid incredibly high prices for some bulbs. And when a number of buyers announced they couldn't pay the high price previously agreed upon, the market did fall apart and cause a small crisisβ€”but only because it undermined social expectations.

====(end quote)

In fact only a small fraction of Dutch society even partook in the Tulipmania, and usually only the upper-middle rich Merchant classes. Less than 5% of the whole population even bought a tulip at any point, and when the bubble burst, those whom lost money were those least vulnerable from bankruptcy. While losing half your wealth is a serious hit, these Dutch merchants were so filthy stinking rich by the mid 1640s, they literally didn't care!

Additionally, the reality was that most dutch Merchant-class bought tulips as a show of wealth, it was a demonstration of their cosmopolitan and urbane manner to show off amongst all of their straggy rich merchant friends. The majority of Tulip buyers and speculators never even expected to make money, it was like wealthy influencers and Hollyweird freaks buying branded crap like Nike shoes or Rolex watches to show off their wealth.

IN FACT, there exists something called the law of Veblen Goods, where things become sought after BECAUSE they are morbidly expensive, because they are literal "show-off" goods! (Rolexes, Ferari, ect)

Which is what some economists believe is likely what actually happened, rather than a true Speculative Bubble like Bitcoin and Shitcoin. Or even the other 2 Speculative Bubbles which Mackay included in his book, which were much closer in reality to nation wealth destroying events.

This doesn't mean that Tulipmania DIDN'T happen, or that many peeps lost wealth, but it has been vastly overstated, in large part BECAUSE of Mackay's book.

THE REAL DRAMA REGARDING CHARLES MACKAY! :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain:

Now the 2nd point of drama for Charles Mackay in recent times is the fact that despite his incredible infamy about his internationally successful book regarding mass mania and hysteria and fad following by crowds, and especially his famous chapters regarding Speculative insanity, was that he HIMSELF was likely a turbo midwit fool who fell head over heels for a Speculative Bubble in his own contemporary times, during which he lived!!!

Mackay was a popular economic newspaper columnist in 1841 when he wrote the book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds". And what's incredible is that not even one mention is made about what is likely THE most economically destructive Speculative Bubble in all of recorded human history so far, and which vastly outstrips the scale of even large bubbles like Shitcoin and even frauds like Enron and the Theranos fraud, which eviscerated billions and billions of wealth into nothingness.

Mackay our expert in Speculative Bubbles not only lived through the 1840s Britain Railway Mania, which destroyed wealth on an unfathomable scale, but never so much as makes a fricking peep about them!

1840s RAILWAY MANIA: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

By the time the 1840s had arrived, Bongland :marseybong: was at the height of its colonial power, and industrialization. And Bongland was leading European states in terms of industrializing its entire society and economy with new fabulous technologies. The most significant was the Railway and Train. :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: A transport technology which completely terraformed society to the same degree as radio or the internet had done during their respective timeframes.

People understood how significant the wide adoption of Railroads were becoming, and the technological improvements to the steam engine continued every consecutive year. Entrepreneurs flocked to Railroad and Transport companies, as they correctly predicted that Railways would quite literally trailblaze :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: the economy of britain and her colonies. The issue, is that they vastly, VASTLY overpredicted the actual economic output and influence railways & trains would have upon Bongland's economy, well beyond human reason.

====(from Focus article)

By the mid-1840s, the economy was improving and the manufacturing industries were once again growing. The Bank of England cut interest rates, making government bonds less attractive investments, and existing railway companies' shares began to boom as they moved ever-increasing amounts of cargo and people, making people willing to invest in new railways.

And at its peak, railway investmentβ€”which lagged a few years behind planning applicationsβ€”surged to 7% of GDP, representing half of total investment in the economy at the time. :marseychartuptrend: :marseychartuptrend: :marseychartuptrend: :marseychartuptrend:

====(end quote)

But even MORE INSANE about our boi Mackay wasn't just that he DIDN'T foresee the Speculative Bubble of the 1840s Railway Mania, despite his book on Mass Hysterias, or that he cheerled the overspending on Speculating on Railroad bonds for his fricking readers whom trusted him implicitly in his articles for the Glasgow Argus, BECAUSE of his fame for the book of the book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds", instead THIS MOTHERLOVER was even on the fringes of the extreme end in terms of being a nutjob Speculator for the Railroad bond market!!!!!!!!

The short story was that Britain is a relatively small island(s) and there just wasn't enough villages, cities, ports or key-points to connect via railway to make economic return upon such gratuitous overinvestment. These railroad companies would build connections between big cities and tiny Bongistan villages of like 50 people, which as you can well imagine, didn't exactly accrue trade to the scope of London to Paris.........

:marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

Just like modern China now finding out that they have likely overspent on infrastructure, where tiny villages have been connected to Beijing via 6-lane superhighways. When inevitably the grotesque overspending did not yield appropriate economic activity return from laying Railways across every square-meter of the entire fricking British Isles, the usual Bubble tanking underwent the usual market bottom falling routine.

An unlike the Tulip Mania, the Railroad mania DID influence the entirety of Bonland's economy and social fabric. Rich AND poor people alike invested recklessly, many upon fricking Mackay's advice, and many faced bankruptcy, and worse massive debt :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2: :marseychartdowntrend2:

IN FACT, just to demonstrate how badly people got burned from the 1847 Railroad Mania crash, there was something called Company Scrips. Where for example you paid only 5$ for a Scrip in a 100$ share, and if the 100$ share doubled its value into 200$, you just made 100$ from 5 bucks Unfortunately for all the hapless midwits who bought into this terrible scheme, Scrips worked fricking BOTH ways. Many peeps put themselves into absurd debt for just fricking 5 bucks!

And uh that's about it for this incredible story, hopefully this story was as interesting for you guys as well! :marseywave2:

!dutch !christians !calvinists !catholics !effortposters



I made a Longpost about Age of Empires 3 long ago about how the then upcoming AOE3 Definitive Edition was controversial because of perceived wokeness, like reworking Native Yank factions, because the original 2005 game was antiquated and racist by depicting Indians @Sphereserf3232 dancing around fires, and seen as offensively stereotypical.

These changes were controversial because it was seen as part of the wider wokefication of remakes, like Dead Space 1 remake, alongside the general perception of chuds that SanFran types had completely infiltrated gaming studios in American modern AAA gaming development.

AOE3 devs even went so far as to actually bring in Native yank advisors to tell them how to depict the 3 big factions, and what was no-no, so that when AOE3 released to an even more buggy state than any of the modern Definitive Edition Remakes by MicroSoftest, the perception was wide that focusing on culture-war type shit was what the majority of the budget and efforts had been focused upon, much to the jubilation of chuds

In all fairness, the AOE3 definitive edition did bring about many technical and gameplay improvements, conveniences and quality-of-life mechanics. But all of this was overshadowed by the poor release state, in which the fabled reworked indian civs had been very badly balanced, since the Indian civs in the eye of the drama-maelstrom had gotten the short end of the stick, gameplay-wise because the firedancing mechanic had allowed Indians ingame to turbo cuck European civs, by summoning super-powered high tier units - the absence of the fire-dancing mechanics made the Indian civs bottom tier upon release.

This was in conjunction with the promotional Youtube material for AOE3 DE was like 70% focused on cultural self-flagellation and 30% focus on gameplay, compared to the promotional advertisements for AOE1:DE, AOE2:DE & AOE4:DE. It didn't help that compared to the other 3 games, AOE3:DE was during the colonial era, and thus for minorities to be salty about it, and wokes to soy about it.

So battle lines between Soys-VS-wokes had already been drawn, but since it was released in 2020, it had released JUST before the great GaymerGate Zeitgheist from 2021-2024, where large amounts of AAA slop, often riddled with extreme progressive views would release and tank within months. But as the last 5 years passed, with games like Saints Row 2022 and DA Veilguard appearing to have failed financially, a lot of wingcuckery have taken positions for both chuds & soys

Soys want AOE3:DE to be a success because it is perceived that chuds hate it, and the inverse applies to chuds. Thus even in threads on /r/AOE3 where no cultural war is explicitly mentioned, there has always been an element of powder keg between the 2 autismo factiosn.

This week /r/AOE3 has learned that Microsoft has in all but name, shitcanned AOE3 support, and even cancelled much expected DLCs, which included much anticipated factions, like Polacks

Users are understandably upset.

Most peeps are not upset Microcucks will not continue to support AOE3:DE with updates forward, but would have been able to make peace if they had just released the DLCs, and then finished support :marseybea

nannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: which is understandable.

Even in fiction Polacks are eternal cucks :marseyitsoverhappy:

Some peeps are taking it personally

There's also inter-community infighting between all the other different games, like AOE1, AOE2, AOE3 &AOE4, because there is often the belief that the Real-Time-Strategy genre is already so small, that the userbase is fractured between them, and thus shitflinging occurs in a blame game between communities, like AOE3 blaming Age of Mythology Definitive Edition (AOM:DE) for "stealing their userbase" and thus making AOE3 (which is certain g*mers' favorite of the bunch) less financially viable and likely to be serviced by MicroSoft longer term

Here's a "whale" (whatever the frick that means) of AOE3:DE posting his :marseyl: :marseyl: :marseyl:

But by far the most cryposting in AOE3:DE is because in the same week as AOE3 got this super duper bad news, literally all of the other fricking AOE games (AOE2, AOE4 & Age of Mythology) are all getting new content, updates, DLC and support :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Which as you can imagine makes our poor souls in /r/aoe3 really livid :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage:

Even the shit mobile game is getting updates and support :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

"THIS IS OFFENSIVE TO THE AOE3 COMMUNITY" :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

Some users tell OP to grow the frick up

Some strags tell everyone to sign a petition, this will FORCE Bill Gates to revitalize AOE3 support!! :marseybeanangry:

But most r-slurred of all is that AOE3 has a weird rivalry victim mentality, where they have this perception that the other AOE communities/subs are laughing at the expense of their misfortune? :marseythonk: :marseyhmmm: which is not the case at all, especially since there is often sympathy for them, even from the much more "successful" communities like AOE2, and especially since the chances of gaymers playing/buying one of the AOE games (AOE1,AOE2,AOE3,AOE4,AOM) are extremely likely to buy some or all of the others, even if those specific gaymers have a favorite between the current 5 main Microsoft titles. :marseybeanannoyed:

Lol this troll didn't even use the word sheep :marseynpcsheep:

User gives these crybabies some wedgies

!g*mers @realKongDick

EFFORTPOST I want to seethe and rant about a specific YouTube video

Hecko! :marseywave2:

Hello Rdrama, it's time for your Minecraft YouTuber Autism fest again! :marseypills:

It's always insightful to engage in a bit of market research. :marseyembrace:

I gotta know what my contemporaries are up to, my competition!

Ladies and gentlemen the Minecraft YouTuber TommyInnit.

Now I do not want to do a deep dive on who this guy is because I do not feel like writing 1000s of words today.

But the run down is this guy was some 16 year old kid (hes 21 now) who made his way to fame through the Dream SMP Live Minecraft server, which streamed to hundreds of thousands of concurrent viewers.

Since then he has fallen out with the YouTuber 'Dream' and the coalition of streamers has split off into two camps. Both r-slurred but arguably the "Tommyinnit" side is worse.

I personally find this guy to be utterly obnoxious, cringe and is the very epitome of the current oversensitivity of Minecraft fans which plague my hobby and source of income. :marseypearlclutch:

Here is a timestamped youtube video of the kind of guy he is!

NOT THE R-SLUR!!!!! :marseyrage:

>My mum worked with adults with disabilities

Yeah, she is your mother after all :marseysmug2:

Tommyinnit fancies himself a bit of a comedian, he does live shows where he charges $60 dollars per ticket to see him do the worse comedy routine ever.

I am utterly convinced that with no practice I could do better than him right now.

(timestamped video, watch like 30s if you can lmao)


In pursuit of his comedic genius, he has started an internet show called "This is the Internet" and the target of my autism today.

I actually really like the idea and concept for the show, where he does like an episode once a month re-capping and making fun of internet trends and stories, like Norm Macdonald but for the zoomies like me!!!! :marseyzoomer:

The one problem is... Is painfully fricking unfunny and bad.

The show starts ok, and I don't have much to say about the intro, other than I would of been funnier to film real homeless instead of an actor.

Then we get to the main shot of his newscaster desk and the amateurish problems become apparent immediately

See that microphone? That is not a prop, that is the actual microphone the audio is coming from, as a result you can hear every microscopic movement he makes on the desk, even movement of his hands, and as the mic has no stabilizer he bumps is constantly!!!

Like its fricking crazy, its a static shot you can just attach a boom mic, and have the desk mic for a backup. And r-slurred production plagues this 20 min video.

Watch Joke

Ok first joke of the episode he looks at his wrist even though he doesn't have a watch, something I like in premise, but I think he holds it too long and it's too obvious that it kind of breaks it.

A better example of this joke is from this timestamp from the Amazing Digital Circus

And how would you follow up this silly 1s gag of a nonexistent watch?

Oh yeah, r-slurred train noises for an excruciating 12s, where he spits everywhere.

And this is a common trend in this video is that TommyInnit does not know when to end a fricking joke.

Like this should of been cut out anyway, but if you had to include it... LIKE 1 SECOND AT MOST

Peepee Joke

Tommy mentions how Magnus Carlson was disqualified from a chess tourney for wearing jeans, which leads to a joke about how he's against wearing trousers and shows that his actually naked below the suit.

Once again, a joke which can work but it should be a more subtle visual gag.

If he had a larger newsroom set or was on location he could have two men carrying a mirror in the background somewhere, which shows his bare butt to the camera while he says something else, not drawing direct attention to it.

Maybe not even have the context of Magnus Carlson at all and just have it has an absurd background visual with no explanation.

example of this type of joke done right from Naked Gun 2 1/2

But at the moment its obnoxious, in your face and goes on way too long.


Goes without saying, CUT THE JOKE SOONER HOLY SHIT!

HOLY SHIT CRINGE, I know hes a kids entertainer but god darn, this is shit you do to make your very very young toddlers laugh

Genuinely this thread is just to make you guys suffer because I had to watch this, so did you


This is obviously meant to be a parody of MrBeast and Hype style Youtubers.

He's doing something lame but biggining it up as something super duper epic, except I dont think he fully commit to the bit.

  • The music should be more obnoxious, like dubstep or something

  • He should have like 10 camera angles of the same lame stunt

  • Tons of ridiculous digital zoom ins and post production motion blur

  • I would of just said random money figures randomly to take the piss out of their money obsession. (500 dollar bottle of coke wow!)

The biggest problem with the skit is pacing, I believe in a comedy rule which I came up with after watching a horrible Jim Sterling Video.,

"A joke should never take longer than 60s to setup and payoff"

And establishing the parody, the coke and Mentos and the reaction is a tall order for 60s, so in cases like this you need to make the joke evolve somehow.

Have something to break it up into pieces, by sprinkling in smaller jokes in while your building the setup.

You could make a quick jab at overuse of merchandising.

Or ridiculous product placement in the background.

Just something to tithe the viewer over until you can get to that longer punchline. And help further establish the satire element

Now too be fair Tommy mostly avoids this problem, managing to get to the Mentos part within 15s pretty efficiently.

but keep this part in mid for the proceeding....


Where hes taking the piss out of the amount of replays which works, but he just keeps the joke going way way way way too fricking long without any evolution.

I seriously encourage you to watch the whole skit and just be in shock with how long it goes on for

He should of done this replay joke for 20s at most, then hard cut to him choking and almost vomiting up the coke looking and sounding ill because he deepthroated it. as the joke "evolving" by undercutting the extreme editing.

Bonus points if you then pan to a random passer-by looking confused and disgusted.


I am going to skip over a lot of the other shit jokes because its very much the same of what I've already covered

This is just the peak of the amateurish filming. First off how do you mic a scene that badly wtf. Everyone's mic quality is different, did they have 1 mic between them. Legit wtf?? It sounds fricking awful.

And the video is completely fricked up. Look at this shot/reverse shot

The colours and depth of them are completely fricked up, with the tommy shot being incredibly faded out and desatured, which creates a giant disconnect when these two are supposed to be facing each other.

This is further again compounded by the bad audio difference.

Anyway what's this skit about?


Again I encourage you a ton to watch and suffer through this skit, because it's so fricking bad the whole thing should just be cut.


>Side note my friends said this guy looks like me, im an austictic with face blindness, is this true?


So the premise of the skit if Jack Manifold (also a YTuber) is proposing that Tommy starts making poop content for youtube as an idea, to which they act confused, thus inadvertidly revealing he is into it.

  • First off this should be filmed handhold style with lots of manual zoom in's on faces and try to emulate the style of the Office.

  • Poop is such a lame unfunny thing to centre this skit around

  • This is not an idea that can last 5 mins

A friend and I came up with a concept for the scene to try and make a funny skit out of it.

That instead of poop, Jack is proposing a new mascot for some merch called the "Grapist" where its the mascot of their new grape flavoured juices (you can make fun of prime)

And Tommy and the rest of the boardroom is trying to politely tell him that it sounds like r*pe, but he is oblivious.

You could do a visual joke where he shows a drawing of children sucking the grapists juice sacks, and it looks really really bad, but he just acts innocent and unaware about it.

Edgy but better that POOP FUNNY HEHE!

Serious this is negative comedy

the worse joke in the episode

I have no idea what the fricking joke is here legit.




This was made by a production of a small team, which I unironically could make better by myself.

This fricker has gotten 1m views and I have no idea how anyone finds this guy funny

is this mass psychosis.

I don't think I'm an expert or a pro but holy shit.

I hate modern Minecraft YouTubers. I need to help fix the culture....

Reported by:

There was this !dutch violinist/ orchestra director who became famous worldwide, by having these "informal" classical music concerts/shows, where peeps in the audience would dance in the aisles, or even the musicians or AndrΓ© himself would walk down the aisles themselves, while celebrating famous classical music.

This was considered radical for Boomers, who found the dour and sour and uptight classical music conformity of Europe to be to too stifling. People like my parents were pretty excited to watch his shows and performances on DSTV, which had become more common in Safrica, and appreciated his musical acumen, whilst having much more lighthearted tones in his shows.

Here's a bull attacking a woman!! :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow:

He also looks like an eccentric mad-scientist nutjob with his hair! :marseyscientist: :marseyradiation: :marseyoppenheimer: :yakub:

In 2010 he had a tour in :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Unfortunately his weak !dutch genes were no match for the filth and garbage of Safrica, and he got a debilitating ear infection mid tour. :marseydizzy: :marseydizzy: :marseydizzy: :marseyill:


Drama had however occurred over time in the 2010s when AndrΓ© Rieu obtained the notable quirk, in that he REFUSED :marseyno: :marseyrejecthug: to speak the Colonizer language of Afrikaans!!!! :soycry: :soyjakhipster:

This caused a lot of seeth for Boers, who ironically made the lionshare of his fandom in the country, even beyond the large Bonglish CD-buyers in Cape Town. This social media drama has been largely purged by time and linkrot (omg this like 15 years ago :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyanorexia:) But it was pretty big drama.

In his tours of 2010 & 2012, he had repeated numerous times that he had been disappointed in the demographics makeup of his shows, which as can be predicted, were always overwhelmingly :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo:

He was especially disappointed to find Safrican black peeps didn't really give a shit, despite his massive catering towards them in all his Safrican tours, whether in Cape Town or Suncity. Especially in his "My African Dream" shows, which he tailored to include lots of black opera singers, local black dancers, and it was still 99% mayo :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

=====(from news24)

AndrΓ© Rieu, King of the waltz and musical hero to many South Africans, still refuses to speak a word of Afrikaans or even Dutch onstage.

Last year already many of his fans asked why Rieu did not speak a word of Afrikaans or Dutch on stage.

He has toured across the globe, always making an effort to speak at least a word of the language of the country in which he is touring. :derpwhy: :derpwhy: :derpwhy: :derpwhy:

Rieu is aware that many of his fans in South Africa are Afrikaans speaking and that they are able to understand the Dutch heard on the DVDs.

Country's demographic :ericandre:

When Volksblad asked Rieu in an official enquiry why he does not speak Afrikaans or Dutch onstage in South Africa, he said: "No comment."

"He wanted to make it easier for his fans to travel to the show, because not everyone will be able to travel all the way to Sun City. He also hopes to then see an audience that is a better representation of the country's demographic." :soyjakhipster:

Rieu has said that he would like to see an audience that is 50% black and 50% white. Last year, he asked the Bloemfontein Children's choir to perform with him in his hometown of Maastricht in the Netherlands. His condition that the choir should consist of 50% black members, was heavily criticised. :shakefist: :marseybeanangry: :marseyoverseether: :seethejak: :vulgar:

====(end quote)

I tried really hard to find old twitter :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: about drama when AndrΓ© Rieu stated in front of his 99% mayo audience how sad and disappointed he was that so few black peeps had come to his Cape Town and Suncity shows, and with many people stating how full of shit he was, because if he wanted a primary black audience, he should have hosted a show in Soweto stadiums (he didn't cuz it was unsafe :marseysmug3: )

Like holy hells there was scores of drama - you guys don't appreciate how linkrot has culled so much drama of our forebears :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

Like I remember newspaper articles about the drama and events but that shit is now banished to the shadowrealm :marseytrollcrazy: i literally cannot find anything on the face of the internet to prove what I'm recounting to you guys, it's information just gone into the ether :marseydeadinside3:

RANDOM BONUS DRAMA: Reddit thread about AndrΓ© Rieu's detractors

EFFORTPOST BPD Art Hoe releases 123 Page Document on how they were ABUSED with "having to do work" - An Analysis by BussyBoy :marseytwerkingfast:

Hecko! :marseywave2:

Not required reading but this is a follow-up to the Iskall85 Drama :marseyminer:

Iskall85 is a famous Minecraft YouTuber who has been in controversy recently for daring to e-flirt with adult women in private (yes really)

For more info check the two attached threads above.

In addition to LITTERALLY raping women online, Iskall also has been developing his own Minecraft Modpack called Vault Hunters, which is apparently quite the unique and expansive modpack, which Iskall has claimed to have spent 'Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in development'. Which is obviously funded by his and other collaborators YouTube series on the pack.

However in light of the recent controversy involving Iskall, The Lead Artist of the Vault Hunters Project "Kumara" has written a hit piece document on Iskall on the horrid working conditions they face.


Let @BussyBoy here take you through the highlights of this hilarious novella of a mental schism


So as you will soon find out, this person is a fricking nut-case and as a result has been fired from their position as "Lead Art B-word", Vault Hunters has come out and stated that she's left the project and she doesn't represent them anymore... However Kumara seems to be a bit confused here on the rights of the art assets they have made already.

Somehow this b-word thinks it's illegal to publicly say they fired her, because some art of hers is still in the game. And therefore she still "represents Vault Hunters".

Listen b-word you got commissioned to make some textures, you do not suddenly own the store. :marseyfacepalm:

Now I want to ask you rdrama, how would you start your hit piece on someone? Lay out the simple facts you intent to prove? A brief overview?


You need to list out your mental illnesses.

Also this one is funny, I AM LITTERALLY SHAKINGG :marseysnoo:


Imagine for a second your enjoying your holiday when the ArtHoe you hired to make minecraft textures such as these:

Suddenly DM's you asking for 3000 dollars

Now rightfully I'd want to question how the art you've made has taken 300 500 hours, but whatever.

Iskall doesn't fight it or challenge the figure, instead he agrees to pay her the 3k but rightfully says that "its my fault for not agreeing a price beforehand" and that he would like to instead pay per asset in the future instead of the crystal ball of whatever the frick pricing. (obviously)

HOW DARE HE! This is manipulation !!!

Immediately after this she quotes the definition of a "micro aggression" (no im not kidding lmao)

Now Iskall and the dev team is small, after all it is a MC Modpack, and Iskall is aware of this and states it clearly.


This lady then goes on to complain that Iskall uses the word "deadline" and "return on investment" which are evil business words, what a contradiction am I right! ARE YOU A BIG BUSSINESS OR NOT ISKALL!?!!?!?!?!?!?


She thinks this is a form of gaslamping


Iskall asks the ArtHoe to just whip together a simple pack logo as the one the currently have looks bad, For those unfamiliar with Minecraft, this is an example of what his asking for

What does art how want?

3,000 USD

I WONDER WHY!!! hahahahahahaha

Trigger Warning/ Sexual Harrsement /srs

Iskall is Swedish, English is a second language to him.

it's so abundantly clear he means kitty as in kittycat.

This is genuine insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now on to the lack of getting any work done at all.

given reason... You guessed it.


She decided to trauma dump about her abuse to her boss.

Ironically Iskall reminders her that if she feels mistreated by him to let him know.

How kind and courteous of the man... I hope you dont end up writing a 123 schizo doc on him. instead of just speaking to him.

oh wait.

I didn't realize he was... le manipulating.

I would like you to pay attention to the dates here, because currently we are at Decmember 2022

Suddenly we are jumping to AUGUST 2023, 8 MONTHS LATER!

Why?? what happened in those 8 months? (This message is from the start of the haitus)


And during those 8 months they did no work for Iskall, only occasionally updating him on her mental situation, with Iskall kindly asking... when are you able to do work again.... (FRICKING BUTTHOLE WHAT A FRICKING B-WORD DOESNT HE CARTE WTFTYEDWBDWD AGGHHH :marseyraging: )

Eventually Iskall stop responding to this lady, because all she would do is fricking trauma dump to this youtuber who makes Minecraft videos, and unironically has better shit to do.

I'm not going to fill your screens with screencaps of the messages, but there are pages of them. Its fricking embarrassing.

But this one is pretty funny.

Eventually Iskall 5 months into her trauma sabbatical he asks her how things are going

She responds with a photo of her, says more about thearpy,

iskall responds "aww that sucks"

and then ghosts her again. :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel:


I need to really make this clear that there are so many fricking pages of this b-word complaining about her mental problems, and how iskall tried to comfort her at first but after months of this shit gave up and started ignoring her.

In between pages of pseudointellectual psychoanalysis of Iskall's mental state on how this is abuse. I really mean it. Check this out!


I'm starting to think Iskall does have a problem with women,

he doesn't know when to tell them to frick off.

Also quick notice that while I've been writing this document, the hit piece I'm reading from has gone from 123 pages down to 59. IN REAL TIME.

Is this a case of schizophrenia George Lucas editing, or legal threats. Who knows.


I have left a lot of stuff out because it either isn't funny it is purely just deranged ramblings.

But as you can imagine Iskall eventually had enough of them not doing work within deadlines, asking exorbitant prices, and spending 8 months doing nothing so eventually was removed from the project

And despite them hit peicing Iskall specifically as the lead of the project, it seems there was a mass agreement with the rest of the devs were sick of their shit.

Literally keep yourself safe foid.


SMH :marseyindignant:

EFFORTPOST Exclusive: U.S. wants Ukraine to hold elections following a ceasefire, says Trump envoy :marseyjanny2:

Who could expected that the

Would end up being a problem :surejan:

The country who has the weirdest obsession with their own constitution in the world wants Ukraine to break its constitution and hold elections under martial law.

Makes sense, yeah.

Yeah makes sense Redditors ignoring khohols constitution where it clearly stated that election exception is for parliament not presidential. Zelenskyy could had fixed it by calling main court and asking them if his stay is legal, very easy but he didn't do it because he knows they going to take the power for him.

Redditors think US gov (including Bidens admin) would for lol hint at it :marseyxd:

Zelenskyy is the only true dictator in Europe.

Why is no one wondering if Trump committed election fraud? Doesn't that seem super logical?


Russia wants the US to tell Ukraine to hold elections. Putin doesn't like Zelenskyy

As if there is a chance to get anyone else. Heck even if that happens, he's gonna be even worse for ruzzia. Pro-ruzzian political flank in Ukraine was annihilated.

Zaluzhnyy, Porochenko and now Budanov are more popular than Zelenskyy

And what's happen when you get more popular than Zelenskyy ?

2 cases was opened again Budanov :marseyxd:

And one again his right hand. You remember how before kicking out Zaluzhnyy, Zelenskyy got rid of all his close circle

Well, Trump is currently violating our Constitution left and right. He's never cared about the rule of law. He's a conman and a criminal.

Zelenskyy ignoring constitution it's Trump fault

A (temporary) ceasefire and permanent peace are 2 different situations.

The Ukrainian constitution requires the latter for martial law to be rescinded

Martial law in Ukraine is very temporary and Zelenskyy always extends it every 3 months so he technically illegally extended it 3 times after he lost presidential power and wtf permanent leave suppose to mean if Ukraine is not at state of war ?

Therein lies the rub. When will it be "permanent"? That requires more willingness and effort from Russia than they've shown to date.

If it holds, sure, I could see Ukraine being ready for elections again, but that requires a peace that leads to normalization first.

And if the Ukrainian people think Zelensky is holding on too long, I'll trust they'll let him know, just as they did vs Yanukovych in 2014.

Normalization probably won't come, at least not under Putin who's shown absolutely no willingness to compromise. In case of a lasting ceasefire like Korea, Ukraine should hold elections even without normalization of ties with Russia.

Remember, the two Koreas still don't have diplomatic relations and South Korea has consistently ranked highly in the democracy index. >> Not having diplomatic relations with your neighbors or having parts of your territory occupied doesn't excuse you from holding elections. I understand the argument that holding elections during an active conflict is a bad idea, but if there's a lasting ceasefire, elections should be held even without cooperation from Russia because that's not going to come anyway.

Zelenskyy has now sub 50% popularity in Ukraine since his high of over 90%

The man was freely elected (and that angered Putin)

Putin can help get this about by signing a peace agreement.

Redditors legit believe people they don't like, like Trump and Putin ain't freely elected :marseyxd:

Seriously why wouldn't Russian elect Putin if west did everything he was warning Russian about the west ? Giving Ukraine German tanks was supposed to make Russian love west ?


Yeah, some people kinda expected them to perform as near-godly indestructible death machines, slaying waves and waves of Russian tanks.

>some Redditors but not me :!marseyseethe:

The "current team" didn't start or provoke a war to get into this situation. That's all 100% on Putin.


I love this Redditors oxymoron any conflict is provoked.

Khohols walking in Kiev screaming who don't jump is moscal, in 2013 telling they will kill all the Russian in Crimea now it's unprovoked.

Or recently Zelenskyy told he don't respect Russian so he don't respect 40% of his country. He also been telling how he is going to defeat Russia and basically won

Absolutely not provoked just as him being legal president :!marseyxd:

"Most democracies hold elections during times of war. I think that's very important. I think that's good for democracy. That's the beauty of a strong democracy, that you have more than one person who can potentially run."

Translated from Ukranian, but close to what he said.

Oh yeah when Zelenskyy was popular and wasn't afraid of Zaluzhnyy he didn't mind election

Nvidea going down and down

Biden also wanted them to hold elections.

>Washington raised the issue of elections with senior officials in Zelenskiy's office in 2023 and 2024 during the Biden administration, two former senior U.S. officials said. State Department and White House officials told their Ukrainian counterparts that elections were critical to uphold international and democratic norms, the officials said. Officials in Kyiv have pushed back on elections in conversations with Washington in recent months, telling Biden officials that hosting polls at such a volatile moment in Ukraine's history would divide Ukrainian leaders and potentially invite Russian influence campaigns, the two former U.S. officials said.

Bipartisan stupidity, hooray!

When even democrats don't agree with you everyone is stupid except you Redditor

Not war, but the martial law. Technically it can be cancelled at any time to hold elections, regardless of ongoing conflicts.

It's actually brutal how many people don't understand war is an legal status

The fact that Europe doesn't have the balls to interviene and use it's military to change the odds and the game is a shame towards european spirit (whatever the frick that means these days) and a disgrace towards our european ukrainian brothers. It is a true spit in Europe's eyes and apparently we don't have a problem with that, nor any responsability. Disgraceful and spineless for europe!

Why he doesn't hold bakhmut if he feels so bad khohols ? It's like homo tries to shame other European while his butt is save when khohols getting into another pocket

Getting a wipe in Novosilka seems it wasn't enough but that Redditor could had stopped it !

Actions like this by Russia's puppet make me reconsider if the 2024 election was manipulated.

Why does a Russian stooge think sure a new election would overthrow Ukraine's democratic leader?

Thing is Putin was honest about him wanting Harris to win because Trump makes thing complicated, guy for real want peace deal, the only guy in this trio that wants peace. Putin position was looking good and saying he want peace while beating khohols while Zelenskyy screaming for new game changer.

With Harris it would been easy since she would scream about good faith peace and that Putin is not honest so khohols should continue fighting

USA will help us to the end the war, but with nuance - they will throw us under the bus and call it a "victory". (and this is not even sarcasm)

The US has never delayed an election not even during the civil war.


Battlefield wise most updates are field movements and some not popular villages capturing

Ukraine fully evacuating myrnohrad and its strange they do it after Pokrovsk since Pokrovsk is less encircled that myrnohrad

Fall of chasiv yard probably will be soon. It's just hard to pinpoint chasiv yard borders.

Bridgehead in Kharkiv now is solid and Ukraine will lose huge chunk in Kharkiv like I previously posted

Bridgehead in lyman direction got also larger something Ukrainians weren't prepared since zarichne was the stoping point and it isn't protected from north attacks

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST The story of the first cult formed and entirely located on the Internet

Sheldan Nidle lived in an alternate reality from the rest of us.

Throughout the late nineties, while everyone else was surfacing from a post=Seinfeld world, gawping at a presidential s*x scandal, and mourning the death of grunge, Nidle was filling a nascent internet with tales of mass alien visitations and the transformation of the human race into five-dimensional, super-evolved beings. He called his initiative the Ground Crew Project (GCP). Probably the strangest aspect of the GCP, though, wasn't its prediction of a coming fleet of spaceships or the extradimensional expansion of all human consciousness. After all, alien interventions and apocalypses are as common in cults as messiah complexes and communes. What is unusual, though, is that the GCP was, and still is, almost entirely a virtual cult.

Nidle was born in New York City in 1946. He went to college at Ohio University and then the University of Southern California, after which he settled in the Golden State. And those seem to be the only factual parts of his biographyβ€”because Nidle claimed he was visited upon his birth, threewise-men-like, by extraterrestrials from a planet called Sirius. These beings would speak to him telepathically, land their ships in his backyard, and take him aboard for flights through space. And that was all before the age of fourteen.

Over the course of Nidle's life, aliens continued to send him messages through an implant they placed in his body, telling him all the secrets of the planet and the cosmos. He learned that humans were part of a divine/extraterrestrial experiment (the divine and the extraterrestrial seemed to be parallel in his mythology, although angels and aliens were distinct creatures). The creator had populated the planetβ€”which is sentientβ€”with what Nidle called "laggard souls," with the hope that they would transcend their limitations to find their place among the other evolved peoples of the universe, thereby joining the Galactic Federation of Light. The GCP were those earthbound members tasked with helping humanity transcend to the point at which they could be welcomed back into the Galactic Federation (hence the "Ground Crew" in the name).

The world learned about the GCP in 1996, when Niles starting writing about it on the burgeoning internet. His site welcomed visitors with statements like, "You are about to embark upon the greatest journey of your

life. You and the rest of life on Planet Earth are about to partake in the raising of planetary consciousness." But his GCP website wasn't just an FYI. It was an urgent message. Niles predicted that on December 17, 1996, the "laggard soul" experiment would end. He said that on that day, the planet would pass through what he called a "photon belt," which he described as an "extremely loving energy" composed of photons, gamma rays, and antimatter particles that occurs every 25,000 years.

That love light from space would hit our pineal glands and cause a spontaneous evolution in human beings. Our three-dimensional forms would expand to five dimensions. Our DNA would increase from a mere two strands to twelve. We would stop aging or getting sick. The blind would see. We would become telepathic. We would be able to manifest things just with the power of thought. Humanity would finally see the universe as it really was.

According to Nidle, even though the photon belt would turn us into superhumans, it would at the same time destroy our cities and machines and weapons. To help us survive the destruction, the Galactic Federation was supposed to send some 15.5 million spaceships to Earth. These ships were meant to shelter the human race from the planetary apocalypse, by keeping people either aboard the ships or in holographic matrixes that mirrored their lives. Some of the members of the Galactic Federation were building underground sanctuaries, as well.

It's impossible to gauge how many followers Nidle had in the early years, but the most appropriate metric was probably hits instead of commitments anyway, and he kept those numbers to himself. He did have enough followers that several New Age/UFO websites had a rule that members couldn't shill for his cult on their forums, so I imagine it was a considerable number of people buying into this shit. There is no record of any meetings in the meat space. Nidle stuck to posting weekly updates about the coming global transformation.

Of course, the big day came and went without even a twitch of anybody's pineal gland. That was no problemβ€”Nidle just rescheduled the transformation to the following year. Meanwhile, he was creating a mythology of galactic history and its races. He described the human-like Andromedans and their cigar-shaped, hundred-mile-long mother ships; the horse-like Arcturians with their supply ships that resembled "wok lids welded together"; and the Sirians and Centaurians and Mintakins and Bellatricians, the latter of whom were reptilian. At some point, he added villains to his universe as well: beings called "dark cabalists," who were anti-transformation, as well as the "planetary elites" on our own Earth.

Some of Nidle's conspiracy-type theories fit well with the concurrent X-Files mania that began after that show debuted in September 1993. Nidle wouldn't have been alone in that influence, although he was more inclined to drop Star Trek and Star Wars references in his writings. According to a Reuters article from 2009, Britain's Ministry of Defense documented 609 UFO sightings in 1996, a huge jump from 117 the year before. The defense ministry noted, "This coincided with the rise in popularity of The X-Files." A similar phenomenon was occurring in the United States at the time. Still, Nidle's stories of the Galactic Federation were becoming so detailed that they could have been their own multi-arc TV show. He was, to use a term that these days refers to entertainment IP, "world-building."

Nidle eventually settled on May 5, 1997, as the new date for the transformation, and he tied it to the approach of the Hale-Bopp Comet. According to the messages from his implant, the comet was actually a massive, camouflaged spaceship. It contained a crew of more than 200,000, including 10,000 alien ambassadors whose mission was to help guide humanity through the transformation. A shuttle from the faux-comet flagship was supposed to land near Ayers Rock in Australia to kick off the party.

Of course, that didn't happen. But something else did: the Heaven's Gate tragedy. Just over a month before the GCP transformation date, the thirty-nine members of the UFO cult Heaven's Gate committed suicide together in a town north of San Diego. The members of that cult also believed the Hale-Bopp Comet hid an extraterrestrial ship sent to save them. They believed that their suicide would help them transcend their current existence and ascend to the ship.

Because Heaven's Gate had sported their own website, as both a recruitment tool and a suicide note, the media started scouring this newfangled internet for other groups with similar beliefs. They found Nidle and the GCP. The Florida Palm Beach Post, for instance, ran an article with a list of strange groups with an internet presence that included the GCP. The headline for the piece was: "Beyond Heaven's Gate, Web Is a Creepy

Place." Meanwhile, an article in the Atlanta Journal reported that "A group identifying itself as the Ground Crew Project of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation held a toll-free conference Thursday, promising to reveal details about how to get aboard the UFO. The group's advice: meditate."

At that point, the GCP rebranded, but not because of the negative attention from being linked to Heaven's Gate. It was because of a woman named Valerie Donner, who was a part of the inner circle of the GCP. After a falling-out with Nidle, she left the group, but managed to take with her both the name of the organization and its all-important web domain.

Instead of fighting for the GCP domain, Nidle relaunched his efforts online under a new name: the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO). The new group also had a new tone to its teachings. Nidle pulled back on prophesying the date of the transformation, claiming there was just too much intergalactic politics to ever be sure. Instead, he preached that the transformation was unspecifiably imminent, much like the Christian rapture. He also put more of the onus on humanity making itself worthy of transformation, with members of the PAO responsible for lighting the way through mass meditation and spreading the word of humankind's potential to "activate." In addition, his mythology began to trend more New Age than science fiction. He started working in concepts from other religious groups, such as Ascended Masters, an idea borrowed from theosophy and the cult of I AM. He encouraged his followers to set up their own PAO groups in their individual communities to create a network of enlightenment around the planet. He also began claiming that Earth was not just an experiment in the overarching galactic story, but the fulcrum of it. Its transformation would be a blueprint for the transformation of the entire galaxy. It was also supposedly the home of special crystals vital to the rest of the universe.

Via the PAO website, Nidle also continued to exhort his followers to prepare themselves for the coming ascension. One such update ran thusly:

The call went out for that global meditation day on the equinox, to visualize the Christ Grid energy following a certain procedure. That day was magic for those of us who experienced this 1 to 2 hour meditation. The Galactic Federation and the Confederation of Free Planets plus the Angelic Realm have all confirmed that our meditation has caused the necessary mass consciousness shift needed for the mass landings to become a reality. Therefore, they were given the go-ahead by Earth spiritual Hierarchy to proceed with the landing options depending on the secret government's intent to resist.

Nidle's productivity increased as well, and he began pumping out books and webinars and DVDs and speaking engagements at New Age and UFO conferences. His books and DVDs bore titles such as You Are Becoming a Galactic Human and Tour a Sirian Mothership and Inner Earth, Your Future Home.

On March 17, 2011, Nidle's health started to fail. The PAO website describes it this way: "As he sat at the computer, he was hit with a Direct Energy Weapon that caused marked personality changes, brain damage and, eventually, dementia. By September 2021 his health had deteriorated further and he entered a care facility, where he now lives." Wow, is he the first documented case of Havana Syndrome?

However, his presence is still alive as his followers continue to preach his gospel. Nidle's words continue to fill the internet as they did back in 1996. The PAO website still sells his books and DVDs. The organization still hosts regular webinars and podcasts and posts regular updates. YouTube has lots of videos of Nidle speaking or being interviewed. The Facebook page of Sheldan Nidle has 7.9 thousand followers, although its last update was on September 30, 2021. Among cults, the GCP/PAO stands out. Its messages\ are similar to those of many othersβ€”doomsdays and aliens and messiahs leading the way to a new and more advanced civilization are common in cultsβ€”but the outcome of its teachings is notably different. There have been no known abuses, suicides, murders, or prison sentences. Every once in a while, a comment on a YouTube video launches an accusation of hucksterism, but that's about the extent of it. Most of the members or followers of the PAO seem to be genuinely dedicated to the evolution of themselves and the human race through meditation and science fiction.

The internet might make it easier for cults to recruit, but in the best-case scenario, it also removes the element of physical isolation that is so often necessary for these groups to go rotten. It's much easier to escape a cult when you can leave with the click of a button.

Their website:

EFFORTPOST Wake up babe, Concord 2 3 4 dropped

Have any of you heard of Unknown 9?

If you haven't- I don't blame you. I haven't either. Apparently it's a 4-month old :marseybib: game developed by Reflector Entertainment who also made... uhh this game and it's DLCs.

This screenshot gives a lot away but fear not, it was published by Bandai Namco, the guys who made the Dark SoulsTM of videogames :marseysolaire: :bonfire: These guys know a good investment when they see it, and at 50 eurobucks (USD to EUR is almost 1:1 at the time of writing :marseydespair: !eurochads), a price comparable to that of God of War 2022 :marsey300: (50 EUR, 95% rating), HOI 4 :marseyhitler: (50 EUR, 90% rating) and Mount & Blade: Bannerlord II :marseynapoleon2: *editor's note: why are there so many MLP emojis when querying 'horse' (50 EUR, 87% rating(should be 100)), it is sure to deliver the same experience, right? :surejan:

Well, from the screenshot you might have noticed that the ratings are mediocre: 49%. But that does not tell the whole story.

Unknown 9 currently has 7 concurrent players :marseyemojilaugh:, 11 player 24-hour peak :marsey2::x::marseyemojilaugh: and a 285-player all-time peak :marsey3::x::marseyemojilaugh: [1]. This means it is mogged by the likes of Gollum 2023 :marseythegrey: at 758 all-time high [2], 6 year old rockstar game Red Dead: Redemption 2 :marseybountyhunter: at almost double the rating [3], a 2023 unity slavshit game Contraband Police at almost double the rating and half the price :marseyrussianmutt: [4] and absolutely mogged by LEWDAPOCALYPSE, which has double the concurrent players, double the rating, and 1/50th of the price :marseynut: [5].

IGN gave Unknown 9 a 9(-4) rating [6], so is it really that bad?

Looks pretty bad, but is this the lowest we can go? Just some failed garbage from an upcoming studio, but is that it? Can't we do worse?

Heck no! It was in the works for at least 4 years, and was supposed to be a tans-media project, "including video games :marseysoyswitch:, film :marseyprojection:, and books (!bookworms):marseyreading:, for example. Unknown 9 was conceptualized as an ongoing series, spanning podcasts , comics :marseyspiderman2:, and even a web series :marseykarkat:, many of which have already been released." [7]. So you've been laughing at Concord for having an Amazon episode despite being a dead game- well, you've seen nothing yet kid. This shit was supposed to be massive, at least according to the cited source (I didn't check further (yes how could you tell, I work in academia :marseygigachad:)). It was supposed to be the next fricking star wars by the looks of things, expecting to bank on their notoriety to create the equivalent to Netflix's Witcher [7] (which is not something to be proud of tbh). While we have no numbers on the project costs, one might imagine that a AAA game with massive marketing like that would've cost a lot. While we do not know how much exactly the project did cost, it is hardly believable that some unknown studio with 0 releases might have funded it. Indeed, the studio is owned by the publishers- Bandai Namco, who can probably afford to throw money around [8]. Looking at their website and LinkedIn is pretty funny as well, considering that they have announced that they will cease support for the game [8].

But you don't have to trust me, you can view the official gameplay trailer posted on Playstation's account and come to your own conclusions:

The lore/narrative trailer, which is just as stupid, can be found at


Well, it's about a brown woman :wavyhairblackjack: with supernatural abilities :marseygoku:. Kind of like Forespoken from 1 2 years ago :marseydespair: if anyone remembers that.

"Unfortunately, part of Hoerdt's statement confirmed several staff members would be made redundant, including back-office employees, and given severance packages, further health benefits, access to counseling services, and "proactive" career planning support." [7]. Lmao imagine getting free counselling from a company that fired you. I would probably take that as an insult, equivalent to one of those "reddit cares" messages :marseyropeyourself2:. One might accuse me of using a chuddy source, but the same website compliments Unknown 9's use of "stepping powers", which states that "Stepping is the ability to project one's mind into the consciousness of another, by way of the Fold. While Stepping, one has access to the weaponry, strength, and intellect of a given vessel, and may fully control their actions." [9]. A totally true statement which has never been done before.

Here's Cr1tikal AKA Charlie AKA penguinz0 explaining it probably better than I do (it's the weekend and I've had several drinks already :marseyhungover:):

He quotes the investment value into the IP at 100 million $ [citation needed]

In conclusion: 1) gaming in 2025 is dead, do not bother. 2) Nominative Determinism is true- the game was titled Unknown 9, and it remained unknown. For anyone running any sort of business- watch what you name your product.

@Ninjjer @Losercel please ping !g*mers


Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Man Gets Executed For Flirting With Women :marseyextinction:

Hecko! :marseywave2:

It's time for your obligatory Minecraft drama update!!! NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOU ALREADY CLICKED THE THREAD! :marseymagdump:

And this time it doesn't involve your truly (for once)

Today's story starts a couple months back in November 2024

Let me introduce you to Iskall85

Iskall85 is a popular Swedish Minecraft Youtuber, whos been making YouTube videos since 2006. In fact he was an original playtester for Minecraft, even having his MC account personally gifted to him by the games creator (and /r/drama mod) Notch!

Iskall is most known for Minecraft videos on the 'Hermitcraft' Server, which is a collaborative private survival server which several YouTubers are part of and make videos on. Some of the Popular YouTubers who play are MumboJumbo, Grian, Ethoslab ect.

In fact Iskall was one of the more popular members with his Hermitcraft episodes regularly clocking above 400k views each, and rightfully so as he had been making content on the server as a member since 'Season 4' (Feb 2016), That's nearly a decade of content being made with his fellow members.

And it's worth noting for those unaware, that Hermitcraft is extremely culturally prominent within Minecraft as a whole. They are friends with a lot of the development staff, probably have played a small hand in suggesting new features for the game. And generally very highly respected in the Minecraft space.

(especially in compared to their other Minecraft YouTuber contemporaries like that fricking butthole Gerg)

Hermitcraft also presents itself as everyone involved not just being collogues but genuine friends off camera as well. WHOLESOME CHUNGUS :marseywholesome:

So it came to everyone as a massive shock when the Official Hermitcraft X account posted this vague update that Iskall85 has resigned from Hermitcraft after some mysterious "allegations" (As well as another member called Stressmonster, but more on her later)

:marseygasp: NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ALL THINKING!!!! What would make his long term friends and colleagues drop him like a fricking BRICK so suddenly! It has to be really fricking bad.

Oh.... Well that's a change for once.

:marseyfoidretard: But have no fear, white ran through foids are here! :marseyfoidretard:

A few hours later, these private complains became public with the release of "Kass' Statement".

Who is Kass? Some 30 year old mod of Iskall's groomercord server. Here's a link

Now I know you dramatards, You hate reading :marseylongpost: EFFORTPOST? MORE LIKE BORING POST!

Basically Iskall85 flirted with this b-word in dm's (HOW DARE HE!)

Even after flirting with her, she never said stop, or im not into you.

In-fact Iskall asks her to get Skype so he can continue being flirty and she obliges (Clear manipulation from a position of power)

And despite this foid complaining that hes being heckin sexually active towards her, she then complains that he STOPPED messaging her :marseyschizowall:

Somehow she paints this as manipulative evil behavior that BREAKS HER.... and she's right #BelieveAllWomen #Gerg2025YearOfGerg

A couple other statements were made by anonymous accounts, but confirmed by the female making the first statement (NON SUS AT ALL) (BORING TEXT SAYS NOTHING WORTHWHILE, JUST ISKALL IS LE BAD) (DELETED TWEET LITTERALLY AS IM WRITING THIS!!!) (from

If your asking if that's it? Yep! that's it!

That evil fricker Iskall forgot his fricking place as a Minecraft Youtuber. YOU WILL NOT HAVE S*X, YOU ARE KEN DOLL

In response what did his long time 'friends' and fellow youtubers do in response to this silly claim of what he does in private?


they gave him 90 mins to respond upon receiving the messages to which Iskall didn't and then dropped him from all branding and the server.

  • -MumboJumbo recalled Merchandise featuring references to him

-An episode of a podcast he was on was deleted.

-And Grian (another member) Changed The title and thumbnail of the last 6 YEARS of videos to remove any reference or image of Iskall.

  • The final reveal when this all went down was that Stressmonster (That other youtuber that quit when he was removed) was most likely fricking Iskall behind the scenes, people found out that her name was also registered to the same residential property as Iskall in Sweden (Shes from the UK)

So many people assumed she left because she found out Iskall had been cheating on her with groomercord mods of all people.

And that's where it laid. UNTIL LIKE 6 HOURS AGO!

iskall uploaded this video "I was Cancelled"

Where he complains about he's cancellation, reveals the 90 min time limit they gave him, as well as some problems it caused for other projects he had going on.

The biggest question was in the comments though


Why did hermitcraft (which i will remind you he worked with for nearly a decade) DROP HIM SO FAST!

Minecraft is full of autism truly.

Time for the xitter seethe


I mean he does have a point :marseyhesright:

We shouldent do guilty until proven innocent

But you didnt prove your innocent though :marseygigaretard:



I agree !thin has my back

What do you think dramasisters?

This would have never happened to him if he wasn't fat and also gay. Straggots cant help themselves.

Minecraft Autism prevails above all else. :marseyminer:

:redlight: :redlight: :redlight: UPDATE:


Chicago LandStacy Suzie Wilson owns 800 vacant lots in Chicago, and the city has fined her $15M for trash that other people have dumped on the properties.

Vacant land is cheap (one property in question cost $3k) and has low property taxes. A real estate company in cahoots with a friendly assessor could buy up vacant land for cheap, have it appraised at its max value, and use that as collateral against more profitable investments. (There's no evidence Wilson did this, just a reason why you might buy 800 empty lots). You might also just flip them later for more.

It's a common scam in Chicago to get someone to pay you to haul off some trash, then drive around the corner and dump it on the ground. Tires are even better for this because you can claim a "hazmat disposal fee" of $25/tire and then just push it off your truck somewhere.

But the city requires you to maintain all properties you own, and will fine you for "harboring rats" which means basically having a pile of anything on your property.

Now, as far as I can tell, there are no actual tenants who have been wronged, just angry neighbors, but you know how Reddit hates Persons of Land. Redditors and other rentoids are calling for jail or worse.

THE PUNCHLINE: She formed a company in North Dakota to manage the properties called FCOC (Frick the City of Chicago).

Comments from Block Club's instagram post:

"How is one person able to own 812 properties in just a few neighborhoods in the city, that's insane"

Yeah the government should tell you how much of any one thing you should own.

"You know what would be great for all these lots. Not just to put buildings on them but to make small Parks."

The rent is too high! Also, limit the supply of housing.

"These type of families have been a burden on Black families for a long time."

Black families want vacant lots?

"PRISON. She & her sister should be in prison for doing what they've done to these areas. And it is NO surprise that they chose these locations to let their properties go to heck. It shld be illegal to own this many possibly residential properties, particularly so concentratedly."

Prison for not picking up old tires someone else dumped on your land.

"I hope these properties go to people who can take care of them and rebuild communities."

Nope they are being sold to corporate landlords only, for development.

"the way this sale is structured individual buyers will not be allowed to purchase/bid on properties. Only corporate/foreign investors can surmount the requirements."

"White privilege and Chicago lack of accountability"

No way to talk about a PoL

"Suburbanites buy these properties to devalue black communities by driving property values down while property taxes go up. Gentrification."

Yeah, she bought those empty lots and racked up those fines to OWN Black communities.

"lynching lanlords all 25"

Democrats do love a lynching

"How did they get to own 800 in a city they don't live in? amerikkka the criminal enterprise country allows it is how."

I mean, she lives in the west suburbs. The kkk was in the original post, not an rdrama substitution.

"At what point does this become criminal instead of civil?" "

"415 ILCS 5/21, prohibits the open dumping of waste. Section 55(a) of the Act, 415 ILCS 5/55 (a), prohibits open dumping of used or waste tires.

It is criminal. There is a statute on the books making it crime, so it's a criminal offense."

Well, yeah, if you're the one that dumped the trash.

"She should be in jail. Don't pay your tickets, go to jail. "


"Hope she gets cancer."


the dejenerate podcast - time for monster 13:34

  • momentarious ago there was an incident whereby my indication dropped. It does this. It's a sign of interference/compromise when the blue light goes off and then back on. (I think he's talking about his router/wifi). This has happened twice in 48 hours

  • 0:40 Jinxthinker has massive balls- he went to the shop earlier. But there were 2 trucks outside. Then they had both left when he checked again. There was also an incident with a van and someone getting out! Also a new yellow Jeep has appeared, that wasn't there before.

  • 1:30 He saw 2 humans on the way to the store- a tall, elderly suited one and a shorter, younger one. Jinxthinker gave them the eye as he walked past and vaped at them to show he didn't have anything illegal on him(?).

  • 2:45 Something alarming. He pulls up a screenshot of Paradox Game Launcher asking for locations permission. This is fricked up (agreed); you don't need GPS to play EU IV. The Paradox Game launcher sucks, but it's not a hardcore big deal.

  • 3:30 It's very badass to say pic related in the current era.

  • 4:00 Someone once said, you're allowed to watch pokemon but you're not allowed to have s*x with them. Jinxthinker had a slight inclination to play pokemon, including some ROM hack. The thing is he could best anyone at competitive pokemon.


  • 4:45 AI Navi's are back, then we look at a wrestler named Liv who is more attractive than someone else.

  • brain pauses

  • 5:40 Someone made a baseball reference to the 3rd inning. This was not a reference to a vagina. Jinxthinker does not discriminate based on vagina looks.

  • 7:00 Jinxthinker is a well renowned woman aficionado. Tomorrow he will eat pizza.

  • 7:30 He had American toast earlier. He had 4 toast slices with marmalade after his breakfast burgers.

  • 8:05 The problem with women these days is they don't appreciate the massive testicles he brings to the table.

  • 8:40 These days if a woman approached jinxthinker for the purposes of intercourse, he would deny her.

  • 9:00 He knew a fricked up woman who didn't like him for spurious reasons- she didn't like his drawings (:marseydisagree:). She was foolish

  • 9:30 Here's the secret about pizza- put BBQ sauce and garlic sauce on it.

  • 9:45 Jinxthinker is heartwarmed when he hears people talk about womens. If you are into japanese women wrestling you are 1 step away from Japanese junior idols aka CP.

  • 10:30 He has a fancy of making a new reddit account to infiltrate the wrestling community and provide adults with entertainment of adults right.

  • 10:50 He asked AI what the anime watchers like- they like Attack on Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion... He plans to fight the anime race by depicting the characters as negros. It will be like when a bunch of them committed suicide because there were negros in Lord of the Rings. Mass suicides predicted as a result of this operation.


  • 12:15 He's just a phile of adults, right. Talks about a good pornography he watched and he can't find the video now.

  • 12:50 There's a facebook page of wrestling & pokemon and there's also on for discussing porn.

  • 13:30 He needs at least 1 monster per day.

!jinxthinkers I also hate the Paradox Game Launcher. I was trying to get into CK3 and now the game just hangs on a loading screen indefinitely. It didn't do that before the Paradox Game Launcher

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Cloak n dagger been in the game the whole time, its not a new release dumbass - trans lives matter
  • FamilyGuyShill : someone ban this coomer r-slur le s*x = le funny
  • prrk2 : this is not an effortpost
  • H : I assumed Cloak and Dagger were always dating. They've been around for probably 40 years.

For those who are unaware:

These is Cloak and Dagger, a Marvelslop superhero duo:

Cloak (Tyrone "Ty" Johnson) and Dagger (Tandy Bowen) are a superhero duo appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Bill Mantlo and artist Ed Hannigan, the characters first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (March 1982).

Cloak and Dagger are teenagers who were injected with synthetic heroin that gave them the twin superpowers of light and darkforce control. Dagger can create daggers of light and use her power to heal, while Cloak can teleport and turn intangible through the darkforce. Both draw powers from the emotions of those they touch, Dagger through hope and Cloak through fear.

:#marseysquint: :#marseyblacked: :#chudbbc:

THE BLACK GUY IS LITERALLY NAMED TYRONE :#marseydarkxd::#chadblackyes:

Now if you thought that in the comics and in the Disneyslop they were not BBCpilled enough, well then, now these are Cloak and Dagger in the based and chinxpilled kino that saved the VVest:

Predictably, the most popular canon BMWF couple in modern vidya have been an absolute goldmine for BBC kino :!chadwomannordic::chadblack::marseycoomer2::marseyblacked::marseybbcsweater:

Below is my opinion on this matter:

Tandy Bowen from Marvel Rivals is BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC mandingo Congolese BBCs, she is THE biggest blonde-haired mudshark BIPOClover coal burner in all of Western Comic book history, it is astounding how literal fricking Chinks were able to handcraft and make a sluty White girl character design that screams "I FRICK BIPOCS!" more than that, her perfect coal burner butt, her mudshark tits, her fancy rich BIPOClover swinger's party slut personality, her mudshark-coded snowbunny dominatrix demeaner, her blonde hair that is the peak BIPOCfricker coal burner mating call.... frick, it is unbelievable how much these Chinks with microscopic peepees intentionally made her look like the peak BIPOClover, not even the most BBC-obsessed Amerimutt would have come up with such explicit and perfect snowbunny White girl design that are undeniably coded for s*x with sweaty African Nigerian African migrants, I love when Tandy Bowen from Marvel Rivals gets vaginally penetrated and creampied by the most vantablack dark BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC Congolese BBC, like, think about it for a moment, imagine the most gorilla looking mandingo BIPOC you ever saw, blackest gorilla BIPOC ever, big, dumb, and sweaty with a meaty BBC tittyfricking this slut and spraying his load all over her. Making her lick the remains from his BBC and then he takes this White whore and shoves his big black meat inside her kitty and pumps her for an hour before he roars a jungle gorilla roar after he empties his balls inside her and lets his Mandingo BIPOC seed fertilize her BIPOClet-bearing womb. Then he keeps her as his personal cumslut where their lips are sealed to his BBC. Her body craving for a big, dumb, and violent gorilla BIPOC who will create BNWO with his BBC. Marvel Rivals sluts getting bred like farm animals by big black peepees that jackhammer their fertile pink kitties like there is no tomorrow. Furthermore, I've been a union contractor for over 20 years now and I have the experience to say just by looking at those pictures without a doubt, in my expert professional opinion that, this woman was constructed in such a way that she conform to the rigorous set of building codes and standards that makes her not only legally but also judiciously !builtfor !BBC. Tandy Bowen is BVILT for BBC, architected for Africans, erected for ebony, sculpted for BIPOCs, stacked for black, created for coal, materialized for melanin, slave for sambo, spawned for spades, anointed for BIPOCs, shaped for apes, toned for Tyrone, custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for BBC

BBC interracial slut Tandy Bowen, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial gangbang, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial creampie compilation, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial double penetration, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial anal slut, Tandy Bowen gangbanged by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen, impregnated by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen procreating with BIPOCs and giving birth to BIPOClets, Tandy Bowen sucking big black BIPOC peepee, Tandy Bowen deepthroats big black African BIPOC peepee, Tandy Bowen shooting interracial porn films with 10 BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen best interracial porn scene AVN award, "Tandy Bowen gangbanged and creampied by BBC" most searched interracial porn category, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial bukkake, Tandy Bowen swallows BIPOC c*m from BBCs, Tandy Bowen drinks BIPOC piss from BBCs, Tandy Bowen licks BIPOC anuses, Tandy Bowen tongues a BIPOC's anus, Tandy Bowen rimming BIPOC buttholes, big black BIPOCs ejaculating in Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, big black BIPOCs pissing in Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing on Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, Tandy Bowen invades a male public bathroom in Africa to drink BIPOC piss and swallow BIPOC c*m, Tandy Bowen drinks a cocktail drink of BIPOC c*m and BIPOC piss, a video of Tandy Bowen getting double penetrated and gangbanged by four BIPOCs and drinking BIPOC piss and BIPOC c*m gets livestreamed on the United Nations Security Council meeting, Tandy Bowen licks and swallows BBC creampies from other Marvel Rivals girls' vaginas, Tandy Bowen gets r*ped by a pack of feral BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by BIPOCs in Africa, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by BIPOCs in the BIPOC ghetto, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by 10 BIPOCs on a livestreamed interracial orgy, Tandy Bowen sucking the big black peepees of ten BIPOCs and swallowing loads of BIPOC sperm from BBCs, Tandy Bowen swallowing loads of BIPOC piss from BBCs, Tandy Bowen drinks BIPOC sperm and urine from big black BIPOC peepees, Tandy Bowen is a potty for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a public urinal for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a fleshlight for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a s*x toy for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is prime breeding material for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen was made to be fricked and creampied by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a BBC slut, Tandy Bowen is a BBC whore, Tandy Bowen is a BIPOC lover, Tandy Bowen is a coal burner, Tandy Bowen is a race-mixer, Tandy Bowen is a mudshark, Tandy Bowen is a BBC slut certified BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC BBC.

As a result of Marvel Rivals being an extremely popular mainstream superhero slop game with explicit PAWG snowbunnies who canonically love Bibisis, the normgroids have been affected by the BBCsphere and are now :soysnootypefast: about why fetishizing BIPOC folx is problematic and racist sweaty, such as this example of a 400 IQ black king writing an essay on the racist problems on cartoon BBC porn on the internet:


The obsesseralds of /v/ are also weighing in on the BBCalypse:


Are we finally getting Buck Representation in Chinese video games after Concord?!?!?! :#buckchecker:



!BBC !g*mers !coomers !2dgooners

EFFORTPOST They got afrofuturism, so now we got redactofurism

If you want to see some terrible acting, watch a K-drama from the 2000s that has a white "American" character in it. It's always some guy with a moderately thick accent (probably central European) who seems like they just grabbed him off a college campus, forced to memorize a few lines of dialogue, and then put in front of the camera. I strongly suspect it seems like that because that was exactly what they were doing.

The woodenist performance ever is Kim Tae-hee in Love Story at Harvard. It's like teak. She's as bad as the random white people. But she's one of the most beautiful women in the world so they kept casting her and eventually with experience she got pretty good.

And the writing was done by some gook who knows English about as well I know French. Sometimes they're so incoherent you can't even understand what the character is trying to say even though they're supposed to be from your country. Why did you not get a fluent English-speaker to look over this dialogue before you put in a big production worth millions of dollars? It's not like they're a rare commodity. There's about 25,000 American troops in Korea and God knows how many there for college, business, heck even tourists. (It's probably because of fricked-up labor laws, but that's a story for another time.)

I wanted to show something really really badass but google doesn't even give you relevant images these days.

You could go to Gwanghwamun Square and grab some random American tourist and give them a sheet of paper with the white guy scene and ask them to make it more natural. They take 10 minutes to fix your mistakes. You reward them by making them extras. They're the scary soldier with a gun standing behind the "American" character or something. They go home and watch your drama and are beyond overjoyed when they see themselves on the screen.

Yi Sun-Sin. Now there's a chad for you. Defeated the Japanese, a fierce and worthy opponent, on many occasions despite the odds. Right now he's up there on the couch with Nelson and de Ruyter rewatching the first season of 24.

They show it to all their relatives, of course. One is a college student who tells her friends that they have got to see this. Another is some kid who goes to friends and says "dude, look at this weird chingchong stuff I found". Soon it becomes a cultural phenomenon. Ordinary people walk around wearing gats and saying "anyang" to each other as a greeting. By 2015 Americans are mostly making dramas now, shows that actually bring the story to a conclusion at the end and don't try to set up a new season. Netflix's selection now: K-dramas, telenovelas, these new American dramas, Star Trek, or the Rockford Files.

How the average American man dresses in 2025. (He actually made it himself which I think is pretty cool.)

In this new interplay of cultures, while we're under Korean tutelage sometimes the teacher learns as much as the student. Concepts like:

  • How to tell a story where there is no romantic relationship at the core of it.

  • Eating food that actually tastes good, not what your grandmother did.

  • How to not eat dogs. (Remember our fantasy is in the 2000s when that was still not completely over.)

  • Aspects of Christianity beyond just pissing off your neighbors with a gigantic neon cross lit at all hours.

  • Why building codes are supposed to be followed, not considered a challenge to be beaten.

  • How to use the advanced features of the dishwasher. It does more than just store your dishes!

  • Why it's better for your kid to actually learn than just bribe their teacher.

  • Men and women can actually get along reasonably well sometimes if they want to.

Long after our cultures have fused, when brave men and agassis roam the stars, they will look back at this time and think "Aigoo! Who were our people back then? The Koreans or the Americans?" What a silly question. It's like trying to decide if Goryeo, Baekje, or Silla were the real Koreans. Is this a story about nations, or is it a story about all people learning that we have one common heart?

!asians !kpop !friendsofredactor0

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST The story of April30th2015: How a doomsday larp caused mass chaos and panic

I've lately felt the need to make a few posts looking back on the days when Reddit wasn't completely lame and normie-fied, and this seemed like a good place to start. This occurred back in the days of 2015, ten years ago now, before Reddit would go on to become completely buckbroken by Trump's victory and G*mergate, thus ushering in the soulless website that is modern Reddit. The drama sub was in its infancy, culture wars and Tiktok hadn't ruined online discouse, it was a simpler time.

Back around the end of 2014, a subreddit would appear by name of 'April30th2015' with a sidebar message and post from user '20141220' explaining that he had mysteriously time traveled in his sleep back to the year of 2014 and felt the need to warn everyone of the impending solar flare disaster on April 30th, 2015 that would effectively plunge the world into chaos. Note: I had difficulty finding the original post as the sub OP eventually deleted their account but most of the sub's other posts are still readily available. The sidebar reads:

At 0250 UTC on Friday 1 May 2015 (which is late on Thursday, April 30th in the US) the power goes out throughout the world due to a solar storm on the level of the Carrington event of 1859 (though most people won't know the cause for several months): the power has gone out and there's no more running water or food deliveries ... and it will be this way for many years to come.

Within a the short period of time leading up to April, the sub amassed a decent amount of attention and as expected, reactions were very mixed.

Most immediately suspected it was a larp and reacted accordingly, quickly developing a meme culture around it and shitposting about the coming 'skeleton apocalypse'.

If the power goes out, people will say 430 blaze it instead of 420 blaze it because they will need to light candles

MRW the power goes out

April 29th be like...

BREAKING: Time Traveler has brought back photographs of the world after the power outage. Warfare and banditry become comonplace.

But this is Reddit and inevitably, some would take the bait.

Realscienceguydude comes to explain to us why time travel is impossible:

Why all of this is Bullsh*t

And 2015 Reddit responds as 2015 Reddit does:

Another brave skeptic steps forward:

Why This Can't Be True

And of course, some would play into the larp to the ridicule of most of the users.


The OP would eventually gain his own cabal of edgelords playing along in every post

Horrible... very horrible things await this poor planet

April 30th is not what you think it is. And it's exactly what you think it is. It is probably the end of Humanity as we know it.

I did it, but I couldn't stop them. Their plans have only been delayed for a year.

However, the reactions that would attract the most attention would be the ones genuinely panicking under the conviction that societal collapse was upon us.

I'm legit kind of freaked out about this, someone tell me why I shouldn't be, please.

This guy is a fricking butthole

Gullible person with anxiety here, is this roleplaying?!?!

Is this real?! D:

Now in the days leading up to April 30th, the larp would start to amp up: 20141220 would prophesize that a Malaysian Airlines planes set to take off the morning after April 30th would crash. Reactions were, again, mixed but largely skeptical but this wasn't enough to stop one user from rising up to the occasion.

20151220, you are terrorist and a fear monger. You either release a public message saying that this is a load of bullshit, or I and countless others will report you to authorities. Who's with me?

He'd go on to argue in a now deleted post about his valiant efforts to stop this terrorist.

Now, after rumbleshit had supposedly contacted the authorities over this, 20141220 would abruptly delete his account and a gloating thread would follow.


With the bulk of his gloating occurring here

But that wouldn't be the end of this as new accounts stepped in to push the larp.

I am 20141220, and I do not live in Greater London

Many would argue in the comments section about whether he was the legitimate 20141220 or not, but a new account would soon appear. The user SaveTheSpyCrabs would step forward with a post announcing he was 20141220 and this had merely been an epic troll.

He never broke character, *I never broke character.

He'd go on to try to argue some sort of proof in the comments but users remained skeptical. April 30th of 2015 soon approached and to no one's surprise, nothing happened. Users responded accordingly.


SpyCrabs himself would show up to shitpost and try to revitalize the edgelords.

I can't keep hiding.

But this time around, Reddit users weren't biting.

SaveTheSpycrabs most recent post is just him roleplaying.

The subreddit would die a slow death as users got tired of skeleton posting and many moved on to other pastures. Nonetheless, this sub is one of the last remaining vestiges of what Reddit was like in a time not wrecked with culture wars slap fighting.

Reported by:
  • King_K_Rool : Don't touch the Dong you fricking butchers :marseyraging: Unless for dinner
  • Arran : dumbest njgger award
  • Tillicum : This b-word gets uglier every time he posts her
  • J : :marseytrumpwrong:
  • Sphereserf3232 : @SlidingDonGER :marseycheerup:
  • W : Foreskin Derangement Syndrome
EFFORTPOST :marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Counterpoints to common arguments for circumcision - a handy guide


As you probably know by now, I firmly stand against the circumcision of infants and young boys. I believe that it constitutes genital mutilation and that it is barbaric that this practice continues without strong legal and social consequences. I don't care whether it is your religion or your culture, circumcision is wrong. I don't care what grown adults do with their bodies, although I would also advise them not to get circumcised.

For many of us, it is obvious that circumcision is a bad idea. However, there are several groups that have worked hard to convince the public that circumcising their child is the best choice to make. Don't fall for their tricks! Today, I'd like to discuss the common arguments made for circumcision, and why they are incorrect.

Before we begin, a quick survey. How do you feel about the circumcision of babies and young boys?

Circumcision prevents STIs and STDs

It is commonly said that circumcision is "cleaner". The logic is that the foreskin, with its many folds, traps dirt, leaving you more susceptible to infections and diseases. With the foreskin removed, it is easier to wash the peepee and prevent dirt from accumulating. According to this logic, men with foreskin are more likely to develop smegma and to infect their partners with bacteria and viruses.

More specific medical claims are also made, and it would be useful to outline them all. Firstly, it is said that circumcision reduces the rates of UTIs, or urinary tract infections. This is noteworthy, because while UTIs are normally easily treatable, they can lead to kidney complications in some instances. It is also said that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV. This has been the motivation to encourage circumcision within African populations where individuals are at high risk of being exposed to the virus. Lastly, there are claims that circumcision reduces the odds of one acquiring penile cancer.

What's the truth?

When it comes to arguments for circumcision, the hygiene line of reasoning is perhaps the easiest to debunk. It is ridiculous how much data there is disproving most of these talking points, yet people act as though research stopped in the 90s. It is sad, and it is an indication that even our medical institutions are not immune to propaganda.

Where do we begin? Let's begin with the general argument that circumcision is cleaner. It is true that the lack of foreskin makes the peepee easier to clean. However, this is simply due to the fact that there is less surface area to clean. This is like saying: "if you cut off your fingers, your hand will be cleaner". Of course it will, there is less hand to get dirty! Besides, if one considers the ease of washing your peepee, it is ridiculous that anyone would think you need to remove skin to keep it clean. It certainly isn't worth mutilating a child over.

Next, let's get into the more specific claims. Firstly, many circumcision advocates argue that circumcision reduces the rates of UTIs. Well, it is true that circumcision reduces your odds of acquiring a UTI. This is what the evidence bears out. However, it is useful to zoom in on the research to get a clearer picture of what's going on. What we find is that the risk of getting a UTI during childhood is a measly 1%! Not worth mutilating a child over. This is pretty much the conclusion of a study published by the National Library of Medicine. They claim that:

Assuming equal utility of benefits and harms, net clinical benefit is likely only in boys at high risk of UTI

As we've discussed, only 1% of boys are at risk of getting a UTI, so the number that is a "high risk" is minuscule. Should these boys get circumcisions? Maybe, but other solutions to UTIs should be considered first. Circumcision is a drastic measure.

It is also worth noting that circumcision of infants may be the very thing that causes a UTI! When an infant is circumcised they are left with a wound that can be irritated by faeces and urine in the diaper, leading to infections. In short, just leave the darn foreskin alone.

As previously mentioned, circumcision advocates also claim that circumcision reduces the odds of one contracting HIV. If true, this would be an important discovery, as it could lead to us making headway in the HIV/AIDS epidemic that has gripped the African continent. So, what does the research say? Well, most studies claim that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV by about 60% for men. This is also the number cited by the World Health Organisation.

According to one study:

Circumcision reduces both the total bacterial load on the peepee and also specifically reduces the relative abundance of these anaerobic genera associated with HIV acquisition. Significant penile microbiome changes are apparent within 6Β months of circumcision, and anaerobes continue to decline significantly for at least 2Β years post-operatively, mirroring the progressive declines seen in IL-8 levels.

With this evidence at hand, it would seem that we should rush to circumcise all Africans to end the HIV epidemic. Let's get started.


Before we start snipping off Black foreskins, we need to consider a few things. It is worth noting that there are parties within the medical field who have a vested interest in ensuring circumcision continues. After all, it is a source of income for hospitals, and foreskins are purchased by the cosmetics industry to make skincare products.

This is horrific, but it is important that you understand this so you can accept that much of the research surrounding circumcision is deeply flawed and skewed to promote the practice. However, there are a few dissenters willing to speak the truth, and through them, we learn about some of the shortcomings of common circumcision research. As we previously discussed, most papers claim that circumcised men enjoy a 60% decreased risk of contracting HIV. This may be a tempting statistic to believe, but you should be cautious. As one paper points out:

the clinical trials were rife with various types of bias, such as attrition bias (the number of participants who dropped out vastly outnumbered those who became infected), duration bias (the trials were not long enough to determine if the positive effect would plateau) and expectation bias. Some of the primary investigators had already called for mass circumcision, Travis writes, so it is no surprise that they got the results they expected to see. This expectation of positive results may also explain why all three trials were terminated early.

The paper also warns that promoting circumcision as a form of protection against HIV is dangerous. It is explained that:

mass circumcision could lead to problems in some settings. It could discourage the use of condoms, for example. Also, circumcised men are "likely to present themselves, especially to poor or illiterate village women, as rendered surgically immune to HIV."

Most importantly, consider this: if you are circumcised, is it wise to have unprotected s*x? No! So the choice is either to wear a condom or cut your peepee and wear a condom anyway. Why cut your peepee?

Lastly, we need to address the claim that circumcision reduces the chances of a man acquiring penile cancer. This is probably the most abhorrent one, as the claim is that circumcision is effective at preventing penile cancer IF it is performed on an infant. The same effect is not noted in adult men who are circumcised. As one metastudy notes:

We identified eight papers which evaluated the association of circumcision with penile cancer, of which seven were case–control studies. There was a strong protective effect of childhood/adolescent circumcision on invasive penile cancer

BUT this paper also discovers the following:

In two studies, the protective effect of childhood/adolescent circumcision on invasive cancer no longer persisted when analyses were restricted to boys with no history of phimosis.

In contrast, there was some evidence that circumcision in adulthood was associated with an increased risk of invasive penile cancer

You should also be aware that penile cancer is exceptionally rare to begin with. In the USA, less than 1% of the male population acquires penile cancer. So ask yourself, is it worth mutilating a baby over? I say protect the foreskin because I'm for skin. Read that again.

When circumcision is mandated by religion and culture

For some, the arguments for circumcision have nothing to do with health or hygiene. Instead, they believe that circumcision should be done for religious or cultural reasons. Let's go through a few common religious and cultural arguments.

As you all know, circumcision is a part of Judaism. Circumcision is part of a ritual known as the Brit Milah. They circumcise infants because they believe they are adhering to a covenant between God and Jewish people. The following verse is often cited:

"This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised." (Genesis 17:10)

Personally, I would not worship any God who wanted me circumcised. That's gross! Anyway, the ceremony involves a "trained" specialist known as a mohel (usually a Rabbi) who is supposed to ensure the procedure is done in a way that adheres to Jewish laws. Sometimes, the mohel will perform what's known as the Metzitzah B'peh, which involves sucking the blood of the infant straight from the peepee after making the incision. After the circumcision is performed, there is a great celebration.

Jews aren't the only ones who practice circumcision. For example, Muslims also believe that cutting the foreskin is the right thing to do. It is not mentioned in the Quran though believers point to the Sunnah and Islamic tradition as justification for the practice. Many Muslim boys are circumcised at birth, though some are circumcised during puberty as a coming of age ritual.

The obligation to get circumcised isn't just a part of religion. Many cultures around the world have adopted circumcision as well. In South Africa, for example, Xhosa boys participate in Ulwaluko. This is a ceremony held in the mountains yearly, and it is part of a coming of age ritual. The entire ritual lasts about a month, and the boys are circumcised without anaesthetic.

What's the truth?

This is nonsense! These are by far the worst arguments for circumcision. In short, I don't CARE what your religion or culture says about circumcision. We know that it is genital mutilation, and therefore we should stop the practice immediately, at least when it comes to babies and young boys.

Furthermore, we must understand that religions and cultures are based on traditions that were forged long ago. As we advance and gain new knowledge, our cultures and religions should adapt to reflect this. You don't have to abandon your religion or culture - I get that it's part of your identity. However, you do have to cut away the harmful aspects if you wish for your religion or culture to flourish.

Sometimes, it is worth noting that an aspect of your culture is just silly. This is especially the case in the USA where the widespread propagation of circumcision is due to propaganda from a cereal manufacturer. Let go of this depravity!

While we're on the topic of culture, we might as well address the cultural belief that "cut" peepeees look better than uncut ones. This is nonsense. Firstly, circumcision leaves the peepee with an ugly scar. Secondly, it's not worth cutting your peepee to please women. Thirdly, and most importantly, it it deeply depraved to claim that you prefer mutilated genitals. Anyone that expresses such a preference should be ashamed of themselves.

Circumcision is harmless!

When all else fails, this is what circumcision advocates lean back on. They essentially claim that the foreskin is useless, and that removing it is an arbitrary act. This is also what many men who have been circumcised believe. I understand why - it's a comforting belief, far more comforting than confronting the truth that your parents mutilated you at birth!!! So keep coping if it keeps you sane. There isn't much to elaborate on here. It's a relatively simple claim.

What's the truth?

Good Golly, it is completely false that circumcision is harmless. In fact, the act is very harmful. It is psychologically harmful, as you are violating a child's bodily autonomy. That is a horrible thing to do, and you shouldn't do it, man!

Here's what you should know - circumcision decreases penile sensitivity. Yes, that means s*x feels less pleasurable when you are circumcised. Nobody has a right to interfere with your s*x life like that, which is why every man should fight to eradicate circumcision. There is plenty of research on this topic. For instance there is one paper that states the following:

For the glans peepee, circumcised men reported decreased sexual pleasure and lower orgasm intensity. They also stated more effort was required to achieve orgasm, and a higher percentage of them experienced unusual sensations (burning, prickling, itching, or tingling and numbness of the glans peepee). For the penile shaft a higher percentage of circumcised men described discomfort and pain, numbness and unusual sensations. In comparison to men circumcised before puberty, men circumcised during adolescence or later indicated less sexual pleasure at the glans peepee, and a higher percentage of them reported discomfort or pain and unusual sensations at the penile shaft.

This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality.

Contrary to popular belief, the foreskin is NOT useless. It covers the peepee head, ensuring it remains moist and the nerve endings are protected. When the foreskin is removed, the peepee head is exposed, and it begins to callous, leading to a loss of sensitivity. This is why circumcision is mutilation.

It is also worth considering the times that circumcision goes wrong. I have spoken about the case of David Reimer, a boy whose peepee was burned off during a botched circumcision. You will also be aware of the shocking number of deaths that come as a result of circumcision within the Xhosa culture. Furthermore, when Jewish rabbis put their mouths on a child's peepee, they run the risk of spreading herpes to the youngling. All these risks can be avoided by simply saying no to circumcision.


Most of the arguments for circumcision come from 2 sources:

1. Cope

Many men have been circumcised and they cannot accept that they have been mutilated, and that their penile sensitivity has been decreased. Hence they cling onto any argument they can that circumcision is harmless, or that it is actually preferable to being intact.

2. Medical profits

People in the medical field stand to gain a profit from performing circumcisions, so they want the public to believe that circumcising babies is good for them, and that you are a good parent for circumcising your child. They typically ask the mother if she wants to circumcise the child straight after birth. The mother, who may be drugged, and is exhaused from childbirth, is overloaded at that point and she can't always make a clear, educated decision. This is wrong, and people in the medical field need to stop taking advantage of women in this way. Firstly, women know nothing about peepeees, it is not their place to say whether a peepee should be cut or not. Secondly, even if the mother said yes, it is against the hippocratic oath to perform circumcisions because doctors are supposed to "do no harm". Cutting off the foreskin when no medical condition necessitates it is definitely doing harm.

That's it for today. I hope you all learned a lot about circumcision, and are equipped with the knowledge you need to fight against circumcision propaganda. Remember, circumcision bad!

Truly, I say this as a feminist ally.

Community Note by @J

Sneedman is mad because they took a little too much off the top

Helpful [45] Not Helpful [5]
EFFORTPOST Schizo Stacey documents β€žbeing stalked by the feds" for TikTok views :marseyglow2:

Lisa is an American TikToker who goes by the handle @ stalkedbythefeds, where she posts videos alleging she is under FBI investigation as a result of her having an affair with an FBI agent named Lenny DePaul. She claims that ever since she told DePaul's wife of their affair, the FBI has retaliated by opening up an investigation against her. Her proof that she is under investigation includes:

  • Videos of random people in public

  • Videos and pictures of cars parked outside of her house, cars with tinted windows, or cars with β€žweird license plates"

  • People sitting in their cars outside of her gym

  • Other insane nonsense

How does she have time to schizo post all day? She previously was a psychiatric nurse pratictioner, but now she collects monthly disability checks for an undisclosed disability, which some of her viewers assume is some sort of mental illness causing her delusions. She claims that the FBI is trying to find evidence of her committing "insurance fraud" relating to her disability, and that they've concocted schemes to make her look like she isn't actually qualified. Or alternatively, just find her guilty of absolutely anything so Lenny can get his sweet, sweet revenge over 4 years later.

Here are some of the ways she claims the FBI have tried to entrap her:

She said that the FBI approached her hairdresser and convinced her to become a CI. She says it was "so obvious" to her because her hairdresser "Started asking questions." She claims that almost everybody that she interacts with is in cahoots with the feds and anybody who isn't will be coerced into becoming an informer.

She also claims the FBI turned one of her lifelong friends into a CI. Supposedly, the FBI tried to get her to commit fraud by convincing her long-time friend to ask Lisa (who was a RN at the time) if she could help get the friend's sister on disability, because she couldn't work due to health complications. Lisa says she "didn't take the bait", and instead accuses her friend of selling out to the FBI when she was seemingly just looking for help for her sister.

She again claimed that the FBI poached one of her friends, this time by trying to get Lisa (still a RN at the time) to sign "emotional support animal" paperwork so she didn't have to pay the pet fee to her landlord. Suprise Lisa, the FBI isn't setting you up- your friends are asking favors from you.

Recently, she announced that to escape the feds, she was going to be moving to Bali (which to many may seem like a worse fate…) But, lo and behold, to the shock of almost no one, within less than 4 days of moving she claimed she was still being followed in Bali. Including the riveting proof of: a lady standing outside on her own porch (complete with scary music in the background)

Although on the surface, this may seem like just another insane schizo "gangstalking" victim, some of her followers have theorized that this is all a very intricate scam concocted to scrape the wallets of r-slurred tiktok users and collect tiktok creator fund money in addition to her disability (which I believe in itself would be insurance fraud. We got er boys!!! :marseyglow:) Her denial of this is not helped by the GoFundMe link in her bio (even if it's only raised less than $300 with a goal of 20k.) Another TikToker, released a series of videos claiming to have previously worked for Lisa, and stating that she believes her story is a ruse.

Even if the whole stalking story is fake, I do not believe that she is not crazy. This is not the face of a sane woman:

Reported by:


Greetings strags :marseywave2:

The 4-day-work-week is one of my favorite redditisms. It always brings out the lazy useless commies out of the work week. And always, ALWAYS, these lazy fools try and masquerade their supposed desire to improve society, when instead they are merely desiring a terraforming of the world to suit their own interests, namely them wanting to work less hard hard like /r/antiWORK

I want to ask you dramatards today what you guys think about 4-day-work-weeks. Because it's always an inevitable circlejerk in the reddit euphoric-atheist eurocuck leftoid anti-yank anti-west crowd.

Yet for somebody who works in an already left wing dominated country, and for a private enterprise, I have my great reservations about only 4 working days per week. In our private company, and similar surveying companies, as well as for building contractors, architects, lawyers, Trade-industry like electricians and plumbers, the notion of a 4 day work week is absolutely fricking ANATHEMA

The reason being is that contrary to white-collar soul crushing useless corporate office hours wasting manhours, our 5 days also consist of accumulating clients and jobs and contracts and tenders, from the private world and the government. If i make this sound sophisticated, what i mean is that it basically boils down to cutting your potential outreach opportunity to clients and available office hours, or even available fricking contacts hours by a brutal 20%.

And while I'm not privy to our business' exact financials or contemporary SA surveying companies, I know the netto income is about 20%. And if the government would for example MANDATE or force a 4-day-work-week, it would slit our throats overnight.

Kaamrev, you guys would say, won't the clients just call/visit the office on Monday=>Tuesday. They might, but customers/clients are funny in the mercurial world of business, you will note if you own a private organization, in which you are solely responsible for accumulating/finding clients, that available hours have drastic influence on whether clients finally take the leap in contractig/buying a service.

Many surveyors and chainmen even work way beyond natural office hours, well earlier than 8am, and well beyond 5pm, if a particularly important/large job is at stake. Many would work Saturdays, and even sundays if pressure is at stake. I myself had done so for months last year, as there literally not enough hours in the fricking 40 hours work week to finish particularly dire projects. Last year i actually worked harder than I studied for my 3rd year at univeristy, not out of principle but sheer panic.

This notion of going beyond mandated 40 hour weeks, is probably unknown to wagie redditors who are paid the same, regardless of whether they do their best/slack off. And while I have sympathy for people in wage-cage jobs, in white-collar soul crushing office-cubicle heck -holes, where middle-managers force useless meetings and useless hours, and thus wasting your finite life span away for unclear goals, in unclear corpo leadership - but that is NOT why redditors champion 4-day-work-weeks. No it is because it appeals to them

Supermarket businesses like Checkers/Spar/Woolworths in South Africa, had steadily encroached on weekend openings about 20 years ago. I recall distinctly massive drama within the Christian communities in Safrica, that when places like Spar and Checkers began to have open hours on Saturday, and then eventually open hours on Sundays. Because sundays are supposed to be the day of rest. In the 1990s you had exceptions to the rule, and in the early 2000s, if your pantry was empty, because you had poor planning or some calamity, then you were fricked out of luck for food for sunday, unless you could find some street-vendor road-seller who would sell you some mielies for the day to tie you over for Sunday.

I distinctly remember many neighbours begging after Sunday services for some key ingredients or some flour or fruit, and promising to pay back on Monday, cuz there literally was no shopping mall or tuckshop or anything open the whole day! But as religiosity gradually faded throughout the country, corporations gradually found weekend openings to be acceptable and convenient to the public

So for these corporations, 7-day operating weeks became a virtual necessity. Because if they did NOT operate during the weekend as their competition did, they lost out on potential clients, because the people who would have shopped during regular weekdays were now satisfied for their groceries on weekends. Smaller grocery businesses would find themselves in a death knell had they not adapted.

And many small town businesses like mom-and-pop bakeries, who traditionally operated on weekdays like they had in the past, and was closed during the weekends as it was family run, and they had to take care of family/kids, would be screwed if they did not compete with corporate chains like Spar, which had bakeries, as the Entire monday sales period would be cut off, as customers had their monday needs met during the weekend.

A not too dissimilar phenomenon happens in trade or contract industries. Even if Governments could make a blanket ban on 5-day-work-weeks, so that your competitors could not operate on a 5th day, same a your company does, and thus steal your clients, there is a weird hidden opportunity cost lost by customers which were on the precipice of a decision, but your unavailability, lost them to your business. This is in addition to the potential loss of manhours to work on potential projects.

I also don't buy this mythos from popular rediditor zeitghest, that in ancient/medieval times, farmer peasants worked much less today, and only in our modern corporatized world we work ourselves into an early grave. I've seen actual farms - there's always work, if the pipes burst, they need to be fixed. It's many long and hard hours.

But I'm also aware historic labour laws came into being becuase of much sacrifice and due to great abuse by magnates and oligarchic businessmen who literally worked English children to death in mine shafts during the Bong Industrial Period.

What do you guys think?

Anyways some drama and sneed below


What does billionaires have to do with the 5-day-work-week?? :marseybeanannoyed: It's like wagie redditors are so far removed from ever having had the fate of a business enterprise on their shoulders, that they equate a societal business norm of the past several hundred years due to the greed of a cabal of billinaires :marseyxd:

Thank frick for that

"STOP MAKING SENSE!" only stupid people want to work for 5 days a week! :soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakanimeglasses:

Some takes with more than 1 braincel

"It really depends on the industry. I work in manufacturing. Output is directly tied to labor hours applied. My wife works in healthcare. Obviously you still need staffing coverage 24/7."

This guy gets downkongd for pointing out against the circlejerk that the 4-day-work-week was only considered by the experimenting 61 companies, becuase it DIDN'T affect a loss of productivity, and these cute twinks downkong him for pointing out that any loss of productivity/ or incurring more costs like hiring additional staff would negate the feasibility :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh man he really pissed off these neetstrags :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3:

"Congrats. Not everyone is you. You're not even going to stay the you that you are now. Try working 50 hours/week for 20 years and see if your productivity keeps up." :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: lmoa 20 years, try people who worked 50 years of their lives you strags

Of course redditors can't read (or ever read the linked articles anyway)

"The dude you are replying to is just going around to very comment trying to justify why him and his area shouldn't allow people to work fewer hours. He also talked about not seeing any decrease in productivity till he pushed workers to work more than 50 hours a week." :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe:

:marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

Anti-yank circlejerk begins

Those filthy yanks :marseyawesomeface: :marseyawesomeface: :marseyawesomeface:

Again these redditors miss the forest for the trees. Sometimes a company cannot exist in a system where a loss of opportunity is caused by a loss of potential clients or contacts because the fricking business wasn't open or available for liaison

Some more redditors with braincells in smaller threads outside the usual 1000-point upkongd circlejerk teenage angst subthreads, ask significant questions, because they are skeptical of this supposed overgood news.

Manufacturing industries are out

Ok, nice link, thanks. :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

So the #1 category, by a large margin, is not-for-profits/charities. Which isn't very representative of most people's workplaces.

The #2 is the creative/consultant/PR/marketing space - an industry where the actual hours worked have little relevance.

I thought there was a construction company in there, but it turned out to be a Housing Association. Unfortunately, these really aren't representative of where most people work.

:soymad: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

This guys shits :crap: on the hopes and dreams of soyneets and soywagies :blacksoyjak: :soycry:

Anyways the same theme is repeated throughout the thread. What do YOU :directlypointingsoyjak: :directlypointingsoyjak: :directlypointingsoyjak: dramatards think?!

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP XIV: Another Detour

Darklands Series

1 - Darklands LP Part I

2 - Darklands LP Part II: Charles Bronson Edition

3 - Darklands LP III: Nuns and Coins

4 - Darklands LP Ep IV: Introduction to Equipment & Combat

5 - Darklands LP Part V: We finally briefly go out into the dark lands

6 - Darklands LP VI: We actually start a quest!

7 - Darklands LP VII: We reach our destination :marseycrusader:

8 - Darklands LP VIII: Raubritter confrontation & learning how combat works

9 - Darklands LP IX: I'm not giving you my goddarn alchemical materials

10 - Darklands LP X: We actually do some alchemy!

11 - Darklands LP XI: The Main Plot

12 - Darklands LP XII: Halloween Edition

13 - Darklands LP XIII: Detour

Episode XIV

We're headed toward Denmark to attack the Fortress Monastery, but we're going to run into a few things along the way.

The Castle

I stop by a castle. Let's see what's going on here. (I love the artwork in this game so much it's unreal.)

Well I can't let this continue. I ain't Scheherazade but let's see if I can convince this wicked lord to change his evil ways.

These peepeeheads won't even let me in to confront him! :marseyrage:

I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

Note that there are other saints who can get you up there in different ways. Like levitation.

The castle guards like using their bows. Fine. I'll just shoot back. My guys need some practice.

Since we're in a fairly large castle, we go into non-combat mode until the next time one of them sees us. Time to search the place. These fights get kind of annoying because only one person can go through a doorway at a time. So you have to wait your first guy to get through before you send your second. But this will be of tactical importance in certain situations, like in the Fortress Monastery.

This is the main gate. If we had blasted our way through with a potion we would had have started out here. We could also retreat through it if we wanted to, but we're doing fine.

Frick this. I've searched almost every room and I can't find the castle lord. I'm getting bored. (This virtually never happens btw, this is just incredibly bad luck.) I'm out of here.

Back on the road. I run into another one of those corrupt Dominican friars peddling indulgences. Remember how last time I had St. Dominic himself set him straight? This time I'll use another saint, one who is against church corruption in general.

It's incredible how much content there is in this game. I'm still finding new stuff that I've never seen before.

A Mid-game Quest

Uh oh. WTF is going on here? Suddenly the normal travel music is replaced by something really ominous. :marseyshook:

It's probably some MMO tard who likes flying around on dragons in Guild Wars 2 or whatever.

Goddammit this is gonna cost me so much.

old hags cackle as they stuff carrion into a filthy leather sack

That's just an ordinary thing you see every day in Portland. :marseyshrug:

Pagans. I hate these guys... er... girls.

Dammit! I'll definitely need to go replace my equipment after this.

This is what happens when you piss off /r/witches_vs_patriarchy.

Notice how many choices this game gives you when you run into a problem.

Finally we found him. I think we've got him now.

I try to reason with the dragon. I doubt this will work as dragons are satanic beings. But who knows? Maybe they just got a bad rap?

I knew it. Okay, we're dealing with a dragon here so when combat starts it's time for everyone to take a Flamewall potion for protection. Also Hardarmor and Strongedge to improve the weapons of Sasha and Nathan. (Since Yuna and I use impact weapons we would need Greatpower instead and somehow I neglected to make any of those.)

Just to make sure we're protected from flames I also implore St. Polycarp for some help. (He was burned at the stake for refusing to burn incense for the Roman Emperor.)

Or as we call him in Marseyese:

:#marseysaint: :#marseypolyamory: :#carp:

I have everyone take a missile shot and then just charge this bastard.

Redactor is getting the heck beaten out of him. Better take an Essence o' Grace potion just to be sure he isn't killed. And a New Wind to restore some endurance since he was about to fall. That 19 point hit must be Nathan using his alchemically enhanced halberd. Normally it's not great at penetration, but with Strongedge it is and it inflicts massive damage.

We cut through him pretty fast. I dunno if that's a bug or we're really that good. I guess I did do everything possible to prepare for fighting a dragon. St. Polycarp especially gives you a huge advantage. Just pretend that was a really epic fight.

Fame 216: Good reputation!

We're gonna have to stop singing this song now:

And we've got 100 florins now if we need to buy anything.


Next time I really will go to the Fortress Monastery. I just wanted you to see one of the more complex mid-game quests, but it was a bit disappointing. There's a lot more dragon-related encounters you can have while searching for it. We just happened to run into him early.

I had to go all the way from Bohemia to the outskirts of Koln to bring this quest to you. The things I do for you people.

@kaamrev :marseywave2:

EFFORTPOST The 1958 Middle East Crisis: Syria

I recently polled my people and this is what they wanted me to write about. Fortunately I can use declassified CIA documents for most of my research.

There were multiple huge crises in the Middle East in 1958 that seemed like they were going to lead the world into war. There was even a major deployment of US troops there. But you never hear about them. Why? Because there wasn't a war. I'm going to tell you some stories about what scared the heck out of everyone in the USA and the Middle East but they managed to get it under control. Think of it as the anti-Chernobyl.

Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue. Yeah, those were the days. :marseyboomer:


The first big crisis of the year, the one that got everything rolling, was Syria's admission to the United Arab Republic. Or to say it another way, Syria being annexed by Egypt. Every state in the region and the superpowers had been expecting something like this to happen eventually since World War II. Now it seemed that the balance of power had been overturned and all of the pent-up conflicts in the Middle East were about to blow up.

I'm guessing it wasn't really a 99.99% vote in favor of it because Nasser had grave misgivings about this and could barely be persuaded to.

Syria was the most failed "failed state" that you could imagine. It owes its existence to the French demand at the end of World War I that after all their sacrifices they deserved their own chunk of the Ottoman Empire. In 1946 it gained its independence but it didn't have much of a national identity other than being the land that France used to own. It was widely expected that it would soon be absorbed into a larger Arab state with Iraq and Jordan. But for extremely complicated reasons this didn't happen and little Syria survived.

Notice how everything he mentions being in "Syria" is in what we call "Lebanon" now. :marseyhmm:

Soon it wished it hadn't survived. After independence Syria had about one successful coup every two years and countless failed ones. By 1958 most of the factions had been purged from political life and it was Ba'athists who held a tenuous grip on power. They couldn't even trust their fellow Ba'athists, and worse, the Communists were becoming dangerously powerful. And nobody likes a commie. In order to make sure they didn't seize control, in January 1958 Syria's leaders came up with a creative strategy: Become part of Egypt.

One of the main factions that briefly held power there in the early 1950s was the batshit crazy SSNP. I heard the British were supporting them back then.


This was pretty crazy but not as crazy as it sounds. There was a strong desire across the region to unite into one Arab nation. What is the heart of the Arab nation? Egypt. And its leader Nasser was the only one who could do this. Two years earlier in the Suez Crisis, Eisenhower ordered Britain and France back into their cucksheds and forbid them to invade other countries anymore. But Arabs saw this as a great victory where Nasser stood up to the colonial powers and defeated them, which at least had a kernel of truth to it. Many people across all the Arab world considered him to be their leader and were annoyed that their country hadn't joined him yet.

Some of the most extreme cope I've ever seen. British troops withdrawing in humiliation from Egypt under American orders, never to return.

The only problem is, how do you get Nasser onboard? He wants to to unify the Arabs, but he doesn't want to start out by being responsible for this basket case country that doesn't have its shit together. Eventually he agrees on a few conditions: The Syrian people have to vote for him. All political parties will be dissolved. The army will get out of politics.

The conservative monarchies are not about to take this lying down. The Saudis try to arrange a coup before unification can happen, but it is terribly inept. The King of Iraq, who kinda hoped he was gonna be the one to annex Syria and lead the Arab world, proposes merging with Jordan. It's another pro-British monarchy ruled by his brother so it makes sense in these dangerous times. The problem is, the Saudis are afraid of Nasser but they're also afraid of Iraq and Jordan getting too powerful, so they have trouble coordinating a response.

This is what the government of Iraq was like in the 1950s. I wonder what will happen to them... :marseythinkorino:


On February 22 Egypt and Syria join together as the United Arab Republic.

  • The kings of Iraq and Jordan are worried that this will lead the many Nasserists among their own people to overthrow them.

  • King of Saudi Arabia is too busy dealing with getting overthrown by his brother to do much.

  • President Chamoun of Lebanon is extremely alarmed. The domestic situation is already really screwed up and the last thing he needs is Nasserists on 80% of the country's border.

  • Israel doesn't really care since both Egypt and Syria are already hostile to them. Their only problem is if Iraq and Jordan merge because Iraq would be the senior partner and they are not fans of the whole Zionism thing.

  • The British are desperate to keep alive the Arab monarchies they set up after WWI. Their whole imperial plan was to build these up and now they only have Iraq and Jordan left.

  • The USA is ambivalent. Nasser is hard to deal with, but at least he kept the commies out of the region.

  • The Soviets are probably as mad as Boris Badenov when one of his plots fails.


Nasser soon sends Egyptians to take over key government positions away from Syria. The Ba'athists are understandably butthurt as they're the ones who invited the Egyptians to come and now they're getting pushed out of power and having their newspapers shut down. The Egyptians probably figure that if these people are so incapable of running their own lives that they ask us to take over their country, they can't be trusted in leadership roles. There's also less obvious divisions, like business people being butthurt about how the Egyptians don't understand that their economy is different. These tensions were already obviously before the year was out. In 1961, a coup topples the Egyptians. Like so many others who tried to control Syria in this era, they lasted about two years.

Damascus, 1950s. According to some redditor.

EFFORTPOST A support group for family members of r/drama yields an unexpected lolcow

About: is the leading online support group for the family members of individuals suffering from Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other personality and impulse disorders. It is a safe place for intelligent discussion and freedom from the egos and tempers that plague many large blogs and messageboards. The members here are genuine and caring.

The group was established in 2005 and is one of the first "cyber" support groups to be recognized by the medical establishment and receive professional referrals. The group has 280 professional members and has collaborated with a number of University research projects.

Extraordinary lolcows from outer space: JazzSinger

Terminal autism ahead. Proceed with caution

This is a chronological( September 2023 to January 2025) tale of Jazzsinger, the fattiest lolcow I have found in a long time

Her first post

I am at the end of my rope with my uhwBPD.

About 10 years ago, I tried therapy on my own, since my husband refused to go to couples therapy and would NEVER seek treatment for himself. I got support as well as good advice on how to live with him. But at the time, I didn't know he had BPD. I only knew something was wrong with him, and I wanted to try to fix our marriage. My therapist thought it might be NPD. Now, I think it's both. I've sought her advice off and on, over the years.

But I think he's getting worse. I'm miserable. Although I have friends and activities that keep me busy (we're both retired), I still have to deal with him 24/7. He never stops criticizing me, and he never stops blaming me when HE hurts my feelings. He never stops gaslamping. I do a good job of shutting down and not reacting, or even walking away when he's attacking me β€” Sometimes that diffuses it. But I fear his behavior may be taking a toll on my physical health, as well as my emotional well being. I don't buy into the things he's said about me over the years, but having to defend yourself in your own home is just wrong. And debilitating.

Somehow, I don't think another round of therapy will help me. I feel I'll just be running to a professional with my hair on fire, unloading about all he's done to me, and how difficult it is to live with him. Been there, done that. In the end, it doesn't help much, and sometimes it makes me angrier because he's the one who needs help.

I guess the unspoken truth is that there's nothing left for me to do but leave. Not easy when you're living on a fixed income and splitting up would bankrupt both of us.

So, under the circumstances, I wonder if more therapy might ease the pain?

uhwbpd is only used by Jazzsinger. Uhw means "unhealthy husband with". This b-word is already cringier than 90% of stragbots on srs.

She wants her husbandoid to know he's hurting her (with words):


My hwBPD often criticizes me during his outbursts. Afterwards, he either denies the episode or turns it around, saying I'm the one who is angry, unstable, etc. It's as if he's unaware that he's tearing our relationship apart.

Is there no way to get through to a pwBPD? He doesn't even respond rationally during calmer times. He just doesn't want to talk about it. He starts making jokes or just making me the bad guy. It's infuriating.

I can't live a pretend life in my own house. Even though I'm dependent on his income (we're both retired), I'm thinking I need to figure out a way to get out. It may just be too difficult to live out my golden years with him.

I try not to absorb his negativity, but it's not working very well.

Do they ever admit they're wrong?

The moid don't even remember acting out on his foid


I'm a newbie here.

My husband is a BPD. After outbursts that include put downs, name calling, and horrible, false statements about me, the next day, he often claims he has no recollection of it. If I repeat the things he said to me, he denies it, and becomes furious. He usually ends up saying I'm trying to start an argument with him. If he does remember the outburst, he somehow makes it my fault.

During his outbursts, his eyes often appear to be glazed over, which is why I sometimes believe he's in a daze, and doesn't remember what he said.

Do BPDs typically have no memory of the things they've said during an outburst?

Is he gaslamping me?

I'm confused.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

She's fricking confused at this stage. I'm starting to get suspicious who the r-slur is.

Why didn't I see his whoreoscope earlier. Maybe he's a leo and I'm an aquarium.


I'm married to a hwBPD. I've posted before, but now I'm trying to understand why it took so long for me to realize my husband had a serious problem. It's been 20 years, but I finally realized he may have BPD just months ago.

I've never admitted this to anyone, but I think, in the beginning, he withheld intimacy as a way of control, as well as to make me plead, so that he could feel more wanted. At the time, I thought he was just tired a lot or that we were not compatible in that area, even though it was never a problem when we dated for two years. I put up with it, because it wasn't always the case 100% of the time. Is this something that a pwB PD would do?

Eventually, he exhibited problems handling stress, and he'd have outbursts over seemingly nothing. Then the outbursts would devolve to insults and name calling. Then came the gaslamping - Everything is my fault. I have mood swings. I have anger issues. Then came extreme anger over the tiniest things. That's where we are now. It's awful. I cope because we're retired and rely on each other's income for survival. So I try to build a life outside of our home with friends and activities I love.

I just want to know if withholding intimacy is something pwBPD would do. Also, does anyone think this was the beginning of his BPD behaviors on our marriage?


Her moid is a feathery indian two spirit

My uhwBPD often seems to have no recollection of the horrible things he's said to me. I'm beginning to think he's two people β€” One who can be kind and loving, and the other who is highly critical, judgmental, narcissistic, and mean-spirited. I'm also starting to think that the good one is not aware of the bad one, and vice versa. I don't know if he's playing games with me or if he really isn't aware of his horrific behaviors when he's verbally assaulting me.

It's beyond frustrating.

Has anyone else experienced this?


He turned into a troid foid

My hwBPD complains about everything, including things he can't change, like the lack of sunlight in one of the rooms in our home. He'll complain about the same thing for 20 years, literally, and he thinks it's normal to do so. Because I'm human, I get frustrated sometimes and I say to him, "How can you keep complaining about X, for 20 years, when you know we can't fix it?" He's instantly furious, and he tells me his behavior is perfectly normal. Or, I may say, "Why don't we try doing A, to fix problem B?" He becomes LIVID, telling me I'm trying to shut him up. Well, yes, I am

She's a senior city gal who never learnt to drive. Mayofoids are god's punishment. Also, this was her most unhinged rant till then. It only gets worse from here.

In addition to emotional abandonment when I was sick a couple of times, my uhwBPD is now refusing to help me with things I took for granted. He's done with driving me anywhere that takes longer than 10-15 minutes, unless he wants to go there. I'm a senior who's a city gal who can't drive. So I must now ALWAYS use public transportation, which he claims is "beneath him." He drives himself everywhere. But apparently, public transportation is good enough for me. If I want to visit a friend who is a bit too far away via public transportation, I can no longer ask him to drive me. So either my girlfriend adjusts, if possible, or we just can't meet. Fortunately, most of my friends live nearby, but it still stings. Now, the car is for him ONLY, unless we go to a place of his choosing or to the doctor, together. This is new. It's not so much that he's getting worse β€” it's more like the "flavor is changing."

He's in charge of our food budget, but now he's reluctant to buy simple things for me, that I want for myself, like a few containers of yogurt, for example. So I've decided I'm not going to fight for a yogurt β€” I'll just buy my own. It's so crazy! When I told him I'd buy my own, he got MAD! I thought I was offering a solution to a problem. Now I know better. I buy my own stuff, without announcing it. And I don't beg him for anything. I've learned a lot from this website.

My home is more peaceful now, because I don't fight back. I use S.E.T. Sometimes I just walk away. But more and more, I try to operate like a single person now. I dare not count on him for anything. Perhaps I can get him to be more accepting of the idea that it may be best to live like roommatesβ€” you do your thing, l'll do mine. We're almost there anyway.

Dinners with friends are a joy, compared to the veiled insults and put downs that I usually must endure from him at the dinner table. I sit there and play "rope a dope," like I'm sparring with Muhammad ALI! That too has escalated, but he sneaks it in, rather than yelling. It's little digs about how I place my napkin, etc. And he barely listens to or remembers anything I say. With friends, I'm a person β€” they're a person. We enjoy each other.

I just had to vent. It's hard to see him just letting go of husbandly responsibilities, but on the other hand, I guess it's for the best, as well as inevitable. The marriage is falling apart.

The dramagears have fallen off the dramationship

Sadly, I've lost respect for my uhwBPD. I know he's mentally ill, but I just can't understand why he doesn't realize he needs treatment. Further, the more he devolves into behaving like a toddler or a demon by telling lies, engaging in name calling and put downs, blowing up, being a know it all, whining, and so many more impossible behaviors, the less respect I have for him as a human being. He has no self-control. It's sad.

As a wife, I'm not getting the respect I deserve. So how can I respect him?

He lies a lot. And often times he doesn't remember important conversations we've had, nor does he remember conversations we've had with mutual friends. It begs the question, Is he even bothering to pay attention to me or anyone else? Is he capable of active listening?

I guess I'm just venting again. Sorry. I need to get out more, because I know he's not changing. I need my friends around me. I need to make more good times for myself, because he's like a chain around my ankle; a weight on my shoulders. It's hard when you're retired. Your BPD is around 24/7. It's no picnic.

Clearly, any love or respect I had for him is a mere shadow of what it used to be. There's not much left.

Mayofoid doesn't know what "moid_autism.exe activated" is. Imagine the horror.

Even though my uhwBPD has been calm for about a month now, he's still obsessed with one or two topics in the news as well as the construction of a new building near us. He worries a lot. He gets excited, and he searches for people who validate his opinions on YouTube, and he plays it loudly when he finds them. Thank God he turns it down when I ask him to. And he talks about these things over, and over, and over. Then, he wants me to keep engaging in conversations about this stuff all the time, but I just can't. And I don't want to!

So I find myself being nervous when he brings up his pet subjects, even though I KNOW I don't have to be as interested in these topics as he is. And it makes me angry too, because he tries to force me to talk sometimes. It's hard. I'd love to be able to tell him he's talking about this stuff way too much, and that I'm not interested. I've tried doing that. He gets very angry. He thinks he's behaving normally and he says there's something wrong with me.

He's so hard to live with, even when he's mostly pleasant and normal. I'm in my seventies. I just want to live my golden years in peace. He wears me out. It's like he talks about the same stuff over and over, on a loop sometimes.

I once heard him on the phone with one of his friends, when he slipped into his pet topics. I could tell his friend kept changing the subject. But my hwuBPD kept going on, and on, and on, until eventually, he stopped. Then, he and his friend went on to discuss other things. When I change the subject, he shouts, "Don't change the subject!"

I can't win. Thank God for my friends. Thank God I get out of the house and I have my own life. But we are retired, so I have no choice but to spend a lot of time with him at home.

At least he's not criticizing me or blowing up at every little thing I say or do. I am grateful for that.

I'm just venting. He's hard to live with. I've just got to engage in more self care. The gym. The movies. Lunch with friends. Manicures. It helps. And of course, I'm forever grateful that I found a safe place here.

At this point even the most hardened enemies of the state, trumpistani muskovites would tell this woman to stop complaining and gtfo of this relationship.

But like a fly to a venus trap or an r-slur to rdrama, she is addicted to chronicling her spiral.

She learnt some lessons after her husband's worst outburst ever. That lesson? You guessed it. She's not going to leave him. Lmao

A few months back, I thought I'd lose my mind. My husband had an outburst that resulted in six months of his angry face, his meanness, and his constant criticism of me. I thought I was at the doorstep of a nervous breakdown. . It felt like more pain, sadness and anger (I hated him) than I could bear. All the while, I feigned normalcy, so as not to set him off and make him worse. Still, I think he knew I was merely putting up with him. I was going through the motions. Then, one day, he seemed to snap out of it, and was he normal and even more loving than he'd been in quite a while.

Things are still OK now, and I'm grateful for a peaceful home, even though I know it's only temporary.

Next time, I'll get out. I'll take a hotel for a couple of nights, to get away from the pressure of it. Because if I don't, next time I could lose my mind. I was tempted to go to a hospital and ask for help, because I felt so fragile at times. It was very hard to live in a state of fear yet fake normalcy the whole time. I felt like I wanted to leave my body. It was too much. Six months is a long time!

If I leave for a bit, at least I'll be able to think. To rest. To live without fear of the next insult. The next angry facial expression. And I can't worry about how he'll react. I just need to save myself. Because he's not worth my sanity. Unfortunately, as a senior citizen on a limited income, I can't leave forever. But I can take mini breaks from him. And I will.

Oh my lord. I forgot mayofoids all act the same irrespective of age

It looks like I I'll have to live with my uhwBPD, for the rest of my life. I have nowhere to run, and I can't throw him out. We're both senior citizens living on modest retirement funds. We live nicely, but he can't live well without my income, and vice versa.

Lately, as he's aging, he's gotten worse. There are more outbursts. More criticisms.He's angrier. He's more irritable. He's always anxious. I don't know how he can live with himself without seeking help, because I know he's in pain. On top of that, he's more forgetful. I see dementia creeping in. Nevertheless, it's difficult for me to feel compassion, because I'm the target of his anger.

At this time, he's so detached with reality that I no longer feel as hurt as I once felt, after a barrage of insults. I just see him as a sick person. I feel anger, because I can't fight back, but I don't feel as shaky and anxious as I've felt in the past. I think it's because I realize I'm living in the real world, and he clearly is not. I think the hardest thing is not being able to speak my mind or inject reality. He'll just tell me I'm too emotional. I'm too moody. I'm dark and evil. It's infuriating and frustrating.

I wonder if his current behavior is sustainable. He seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but I'm not a mental health professional, so I can't be sure. . It's as if he one HUGE, EXPOSED RAW NERVE. Everything bothers him. Maybe I'm just hoping for something to break. Because at times I wonder how long I can go on like this.

I appreciate being able to vent here. It helps a lot. Thank you all.

R-slur does r-slur thing. More news at 11:

He seemed calm, so I brought up the subject of my leaving home for two days of self-pampering and meditation. Told I'd get a hotel room β€” just for a couple of nights. Some "me time." He told me he was OK with it.


It wasn't a full-blown outburst, but he was furious. He started right in with the name-calling. This time, he switched from calling me stupid to calling me old and worthless. Telling me no one else wants me, and that he wants a DIVORCE.

He announced that he'd noticed how detached I've been for the past six months or so. I told him it was because of his outbursts. I told him I'm still a traumatized, and it's part of the reason why I needed a bit of time away. He got angrier, and brought up all the things he sees as my weaknesses. The things that make me intolerable. And he told me the fact that I need two days to myself is the first sign that our marriage is over. He's right.

I'm nervous, but I feel FREE. I spoke my truth, and he heard me, finally. I've been under a lot of pressure, walking on eggshells most of the time.

BTW, I recorded one of his nastiest, meanest outbursts and played it for him. He said he was just joking. Then I mentioned another recent outburst that left me traumatized. He told me he was just joking that time too.

He said he doesn't like how much time I spend interacting with my friends and a dear cousin of mine. Meanwhile, they don't criticize me like he does, so I desperately need them. We enjoy each other's company. And we text and message each other. Because every time I open my mouth at home, I get criticized, harshly. The meaner and angrier he gets, the more I need my friends, and the more I withdraw from him. He sees it.

I don't know how this will end. For almost a year I've felt the marriage, in its current state, was unsustainable. Right now, he's giving me the silent treatment. We're in the same apartment, but acting like roommates. He could (and probably will) pull all of his financial support.

Whatever happens, I'll find a way to make it. Because I just can't take the abuse anymore. I don't care that I'm in my 70's and retired. I have the right to live in peace. I will find a way to thrive. It's scary, but being with him is just too painful.

More call for attention (from both sides)

While I am pleased that my husband wuBPD hasn't had an outburst since December, his incessant, childish behaviors are extremely irritating.

On occasion, he "jokingly" wears a campaign hat of a candidate I don't like. He'd never wear it in public - he bought it and wears it solely to irritate me. I wouldn't care if I loved the candidate. Following me around with the cap on his head, teasing me, and not letting up, even when I ignore him, is maddening! This man is a senior citizen β€” not a toddler.

Sometimes I swat him out of the way. He tells me I have no sense of humor. I tell him that I do, but I'm an adult. Then he tells me I'm old. He asks me to put the hat on my head, so he can take a picture and send it to my friends. I refuse. He takes pictures of himself with the hat on. After a while, I don't even laugh. Because he's not a toddler that I'd be happy to humor. And he does it too much. I really don't need this daily teasing. So I'm thinking…Now, I have to leave the house and take a walk, when he starts with the hat. I know he's looking to get a rise out of me, so we can fight. I don't want to! He sometimes throws in irritating political slogans. But I just want peace. So I have to walk out of my own home to get it, I guess. Because otherwise, it's only a matter of time before it rises to the level of a shouting match. I can only take so much.

He can be an incredible nuisance. I wonder if there's another way to handle this, other than walking out?

I'm in my 70's. Can't start a new life, but would love to live in peace, as much as possible, considering his mental illness. I see dementia creeping in also.

I'm stumped.

This was the post that caught my eye. 100% this foid's husband either browsed /r/drama or lurks here

I've worked very hard on setting boundaries and self care, but there is one problem that looms largely and is dangerous. He now drives while watching his favorite YouTube channels.

He started by listening to music on the phone, and fiddling with it to switch songs, while driving. I always offered to take care of it while he drives, but he rarely allowed it, and I didn't want to wrestle the phone out of his hands.

Now, he'll mount the iPad or phone on the dashboard, and keep YouTube on, while he drives. He claims he's not watching β€” just listening, but it's not true. Because I've offered to hold it in my lap, but he won't allow it. And he refuses to stop.

So now, I must limit my time in the car with him. It's too dangerous. He does this on highways. We're not in the car much, because we live in a big city. So I'm practicing saying NO, the next time he wants me to come with him when he's driving the car. I just can't do it. I fear for his life and mine. It's only a matter of time before "Jesus takes the wheel."

I'm stressed because today we need to go somewhere and i need to get in the car with him. I pray my talks and pleadings have worked. Because I can't do this anymore. I don't know if he has a death wish. I don't know why he needs the distraction while driving. I just know he won't stop. I might call the police on him. Something has to be done. This is the last straw. No one should have to put up with this. I can't believe his level of mental illness.

Just when I was focusing on my life and friends, and doing better with him at home, now this. He's always upping the ante.

I don't know what to do. I need help.

Please listen. A mayofoid is venting about nothing.

Yesterday was a bad day.

At 75 years old, I figured I'd better go to Urgent Care to get an X-Ray, since I'd had a pain in my ribs/lungs in my right side, for 4 to 5 days. In addition, I was having a bit of trouble breathing when I walked. My UHWBPD would NOT go with me, even though he was the one who suggested that I get it check out.

It turned out that I may have been experiencing the onset of pneumonia. I also had a low grade fever. Antibiotics and bed rest were prescribed. I came home, and asked my husband to go to the pharmacy (just across the street) to pick up my meds. He refused! He said he was too tired! So I went back out and picked them up myself.

Later, he spent the rest of the day cycling back and forth from being angry with me, to being needy. He wanted me to say that I was wrong for asking him to pick up my meds, because he was tired! I set him straight, telling him he was wrong, and shame on him. Mind you, I didn't even ask him to come to Urgent Care with me, because he was making excuses ahead of time.

I'm livid, but I'm controlling my anger.

I never imagined my marriage would devolve to this point. He's gotten so much worse over the years! It's been 20 years, but the past two years have been almost unbearable. I pray for the weeks and sometimes months when he's behaving normally. But lately, they're fewer and farther between. Last May 17, he had the worst outburst ever. I think it was his first. That's what led me to this site β€” I was searching for answers. It has been a blessing. But he's been going downhill even more rapidly ever since.

I'm trying to cope, because finances won't allow me to leave. And at my age, living in a very expensive part of the country, I'd never find affordable housing. Also, I can't afford our current home without him. So, I try to cope, but it's hard.

He's impossible sometimes. It's awful.

Thanks for "listening."

Strawhusband. She is also planning her escape.

Yesterday was the last straw with my husband.

Once again, he talked about our beautiful home, ad nauseam, as if it's a dark, dreary cave. Then, he started playing a video, while driving, while I was in the car, and he refused to stop. He told me to take the subway next time. He said he sometimes wants to sleep in the car, in a park, at night, because our apartment is so bad for him. We live in a lovely, upscale co-op in a coveted neighborhood. Our apartment is beautiful. I think the problem is that I BOUGHT IT, years ago, and he moved in (from his tiny apartment in a bad neighborhood), twenty years ago, when we got married. So he puts it down, constantly. But yesterday was the worst.

My biggest fear was living in poverty without his income. Because I don't think I'd ever be able to get alimony out of him. He's very sick. Very volatile. So I'm thinking I might throw him out. β€” he can find a room somewhere. Hey β€” he claims he hates the apartment anyway. I can handle the bills he was covering for maybe 2 years. Then, I'll need to sell, and split the proceeds with him β€” his name is on the deed now too. I'll need to live low, but I won't be bankrupt.

I don't know if my plan will work, but just coming up with SOMETHING, makes me feel better.

Now, I'm NO LONGER AFRAID to get a hotel room for two nights, when he becomes unbearable. I don't care how mad he gets when I return, as long as he's not violent. I deserve some alone time. He doesn't want me to have it and has protested whenever I've mentioned it. He's afraid to let go of me for even two nights. Well, he doesn't own me. I'm 75 years old. I can book a hotel room without him. I finally have the courage to do it.

This is the NEW ME. (Most white woman sentence in the entire english language)

I feel better. I'm less fearful.

I know it needs some tweaking, butI hope my plan makes sense.

She finally abused a support helpline

I just contacted an abuse hotline. I was advised to just go ahead and get out for two days. I was told I'm going to be verbally abused no matter what.

I know I have to do something. I don't want to wait until he has another outburst, when I'd have to run out to save myself.

I have to be fearless and just make my move. I was told to "choose wellness." I was told that the verbal abuse is a choice. I'm not sure about that, but I was on a chat with the advisor, and I could only explain so much. Still, I'm convinced the abuse is coming from my husband's untreated BPD.

It did make me realize the seriousness of my situation, and how I'm choosing to stay rather than leave, even for a few days. Guess I need more self-examination too.

It's on ME to save myself.

She won. What did she gain? Nothing. What did it cost? Dignity

I'm starting to realize that a 2-day break from my UH might be a bad idea. His world turns upside down without me. I've never spent a night out of the house on my own, except for business purposes, when I was working, and that was more than eight years ago. He couldn't objectβ€” it was part of my job. But now, I can see I might be facing a dangerous situation if I leave for two days andI return home. Also, I'm terrible at lying. If I used a friend as a cover, while I rested up in a hotel by myself, he'd sense that I'm just trying to get away from him.

His anger is traumatizing. And for sure, he'd make my life even more of a living heck if I left for two days.

So I'm thinking if I find an affordable spiritual retreat, something that I truly want to do, for ME, instead of just running from him, that might work. I believe if I tell him about it over and over, in advance, show him a website that spells out the planned activities, he might be ok with it. And it would provide growth and healing for me. It might be better than just getting a hotel room for a couple of nights. He might be convinced that I wouldn't be running from him, I'd just be participating in an activity that happened to take place over the weekend.

I don't know.

Does anyone else think that this makes sense?

Thanks so much.

One small step for a lolcow, one small step for an r-slur

I have contacted an old friend who lives far away enough that I'd need to spend the nigh, if I were to visit. I've visited her with a mutual friend in the past, but it was always a day trip, because I felt I needed to get back home to my husband. Now, I'm eager to stay for at least one night, to catch up with her, as well as be free of my draining H.

I haven't presented the idea to him yet β€” I don't have firm dates. But when I do, I think he'll see it as just a friendly overnight stay with an old friend, rather than an abandonment. Because my eagerness to visit her is almost stronger than my desire to get away from him. And the fear of retaliation is not as great as it has been previously. I know if I lied and just got a hotel room, which was my original plan, he'd know something was off. He'd know I was simply wanting to get out and away from him.

This has to work. I feel I'm opening the door to more freedom and mini breaks from him, down the road. As long as he doesn't feel threatened, I think I'll be ok when I return. He might be a little angry, but I don't believe he'll be ENRAGED. .

On a similar note, a few days ago I had lurch with two friends I haven't seen in a long time. It was wonderfully refreshing. I realized I needed MORE of it, so that's when I came home and contacted my girlfriend, to open a conversation about my spending the night. I am grateful that she was excited about it, and she was very supportive when I explained what was going on with my uhwBPD.

So this is where I am β€” at the doorstep of freedom. I know it's only for one night, but it will be a GIANT step for me.

Foid has therapist. Foid is on God knows how many medications. Foid amazed she's not tipping over.

I recently spoke to my therapist, bringing her up to date on what I'm experiencing with my H. I realize she's never interviewed him and he is NOT her patient, but she knows the history. I've been working with her off and on, for quite a few years. So her comments were concerning.

She agreed with me when I told her he's getting worse. There are more outbursts, more negative and sometimes nonsensical chatter, more episodes of him trying to agitate me, more manic behaviors, like rapid speech or driving miles and miles to 4 different parks, because each one was never quite right, etc.

She believes he needs medication, and I agree. She also thinks it sounds like he needs hospitalization. I do think he'd benefit from a brief rest, away from home, where he can be evaluated by a psychiatrist, and put on meds. However, I know this will never happen, because he'd have to do it voluntarily.

She thinks as time goes on, things will come to a head. Either there will be an outburst that spills out into the hallway of our apartment building, and I'll have to get security and the police involved, or he'll have a car accident, because he's driving while watching videos.

Not good.

A lot to think about, and a little scary.

Still, miraculously, I'm not falling apart. I socialize and stay busy outside of our home, as much as possible. It helps a lot. I don't react to his provocative comments. I get up and leave the room when he irritates me. I detach/tune him out, as best I can.

Today we will see our PCP in separate time-slots. I've told him about my husband's behaviors before, resulting in him writing a prescription for Xanax, for ME. I never took it. This time I'll let him know that my husband is driving while watching videos, although he no longer does it when I'm in the car. I feel this should be documented, even if I get zero support from this doctor.

This is where I am.

Hanging in there.

She spent one night away from the neurodivergent r-slur while he gets an MRI. Spends entire night blogposting

Recently, I was able to tell my uhwBPD that I was planning an overnight visit with a dear friend, who lives quite a distance away from us. Surprisingly, I got ZERO push back. I think it's because at the suggestion of my friends, I made the getaway more about visiting my old friend than getting out of the house, and getting away from him.

Even though I only went away for a day, I was able to think, and gain some clarity, without him hovering over me all the time. I also enjoyed the company of my friend, and I vented some of my frustrations to her.

At the end of the brief vacation , I realized I'm only at the beginning of gathering my thoughts, and figuring out how to handle everything my H has thrown at me.. I've kinda been in shock for nearly a year, after one of his worst outbursts in May, 2023. It was the first time I'd seen him behave in such a bizarre way, and I was traumatized. Fortunately, soon after that outburst, I found this website and reread Stop Walking on Eggshells. I got some cowtools and wonderful support, and I've been a lot better at dealing with him, day-to-day. But this little break helped me see…I'm not quite ready to make any major decisions about moving, or throwing him out.

I now see that I only have total peace when I'm not around him, yet I haven't figured out how and if I can survive, on a fixed income, without financial contributions from him. And I already know he's not open to it. At the same time, I'm not sure how much longer I can live like this. Still, as much as I fantasize about a perfect, peaceful life without him, realistically , I'm not sure how I'd fare being single, in my mid-seventies. I sometimes need physical support. . In spite of all of his awful behaviors, he's a big help in many areas, and we share a love for music - we record and have regular jam sessions. Sometimes we get lost in music all day. During these moments, we're good together. On the other hand, being away from him showed me he's almost always negative, dark, complaining, and full of criticisms.

Well, I can see why I'm in this group. But whether I've made sense here or not, the short vacation from him did give me more clarity. But I'm still sorting things out.

Not sure where to go from here.

Lastly, here's some good news β€” He's going for a brain MRI today. This is because I vented to a doctor we both see, and the doctor somehow talked him into the MRI, without ever referencing mental illness. Instead, he referred to a TMI (mini stroke) my H had 10 years ago. The doctor thinks dementia may be partially responsible for some of his behaviors.

We'll see.

Again, I'm not sure where to go from here.

Brain MRI comes back DramaVirus positive. Foid devastated not at the illness but that he can't be unpizzashilled

My uhwBPD had a brain MRI, ordered by a doctor of ours who is trying to help, based on my sharing about my H's behavior.

My H had a TMI (mild stroke) 10 years ago, and the brain MRI at that time showed white brain matter disease, consistent with a stroke. However, I read it can also be a sign of dementia, mood swings, and other ailments. Nevertheless, since there's been no change in the MRI results from 10 years ago, and because my husband always tells the doctor that apart from mild memory loss, he's fine, there will be no treatment plan.

I was disappointed. I sat down at dinner and told my husband that his forgetfulness and mood swings have intensified, and have occurred with greater frequency, over the past two years. I begged him to tell the doctor the truth about what's been going on, and to ask for meds, because he'll only get worse. He took it well, and didn't deny anything. But he asked for specifics. I was vague, for fear he'd blow up if I described his scary behavior in great detail. I also told him he probably doesn't remember any of the episodes. He said he didn't. But I did scare him. He feels he might get worse over time.

I then asked him to send a note to the doctor, telling him the truth about the mood swings and forgetfulness. I told him to ask for help. He said he would, and asked me to write the note for him. I did it.

Of course, by the next morning, he was blaming his memory loss on me, and he said he's moody because he hates our home, etc. He took no responsibility for his behavior, and told me to send the note myself β€” he wouldn't do it. So I asked if I could tell the doctor he approved of my sending it, and he agreed to that. Then, I briefly restated my husband's symptoms, in writing, explaining that My HUSBAND ASKED ME TO SEND THIS TO HIM. I pleaded for help. Then I hit SEND. That was a few days ago. I'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile, my H is walking around making jokes about dementia and mood swings, and saying he's not "crazy," a word I never used. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

This is where we are. And I'm planning another getaway for October.

I pray the doctor can help. I pray he can prescribe medication. I pray my husband will take it. I don't know how this will work out, because he really needs therapy, But he's still in denial.

Guess all I can do is wait and see.

Any light anyone can shine on this, or any comments at all, are welcomed.

Even the other hoes over at bpd family are Edsnoozemaxxing 😴😴😴 at this point

I don't think I would've come this far without my BPD Family, and I'm sure I will be back, from time to time.

But going forward, I know my focus must be on me, not on my H. I've done all I can to try to get him some help. I've worked hard on learning how to deal with a spouse with BPD. I've almost poured my whole life into it, for more than a year.

I know that we are tethered together financially, so I don't feel like I can leave. But it doesn't mean I can't have a life. At least he's not the type to keep me up all night with circular arguments and anger, and I've learned to ignore and depersonalize his criticism, when he's in that mode.

I will invest more time in my friends, activities away from home that I enjoy without him, my therapist, getting away for a couple of days now and then, journaling, and hobbies.

When we can be together and enjoy each other, I'll enjoy those times. We make a lot of music together, and he's remarkably normal when he's musically engaged.

And that will be my life. I can't spend everyday kvetching over him, or at least I can't let him be my main focus.

Maybe one day I'll have more compassion and forgiveness β€” I think it's needed. I'm not there yet, and it's OK.

BTW, his adult children have been reaching out to us more and more, lately. Sadly, it's become clear to me that they're not mental health poster kids. There are a lot of problems in his family. Fortunately, they live far away.

All of you have helped me stay sane. Thank you. I'll be back.

Foid has achieved what any foid wants in a forum. To be recognizable.

Even though I've decided to stay with my H, it's a struggle. Sometimes I feel like running.I daydream about living on my own. It's particularly difficult when every opinion I have, about anything, is devalued by him. He'll praise a stranger on a street, or a YouTuber, on their opinions on random topics, while he criticizes me and gets angry if I don't agree with him on said topic. And even if I agree with him, he says I didn't say it the right way, or I'm not approaching the topic on a high enough level. It's infuriating.

There are times when I can just walk away, or be clear-eyed, seeing his mental illness talking. At these times, I'm not taking anything personally. It takes the sting out of his remarks. But I am human. And I'm opinionated. It hurts to be stifled, even though I KNOW I can rarely have a balanced, rational conversation with him.

Were it not for my friends, my true voice would rarely be heard and appreciated. And even after being aware and accepting that he's mentally ill, at times it's still unfathomable that he can be so disturbed.

During the earlier years of our marriage, he was fun to be with. Great to talk to. We were even on the same page, most of the time. I guess it's a waste of time to keep looking back, but I can't believe how much he's deteriorated.

Slowly but surely, I'm creating more of a separate life for me. I don't have a lot of energy at my age, but I try to fill my weeks with getting together with friends, and other activities, so that I can spend less time at home with him. I'm also scheduling another overnight trip, away from home. I've got to.

I guess I'm just venting.

I don't have enough money for lawyers, and we don't have another home, just sitting somewhere, thatI can flee to. I'm retired, and now that I'm in my mid-seventies, I can't earn much beyond my fixed income. We do alright, and we have a lovely place in a high end area. We live in one of the highest real estate markets in the world, and I love it here. But I could never afford to stay here on my own. Sad thing is, I'd be deliriously happy, just where I am, as I am, if I could stay here and not be married to this mentally ill man.

With all of this, I'm managing quite well, but I do have my days. I'm grateful that all of you are here. So glad I can vent here.

Jazz (there it is. The abbreviated sign off)

She vented so hard she ended up in a hospital with chest pain. Luckily, for lolcow connoisseurs she will continue to blogpost.

Chest pain and general weakness and shakiness, led me to the ER yesterday. My HwuBPD had just stepped out after one of his milder rants about hating our home β€” a place I purchased years ago, and our lovely home for 20 years. But he never stops complaining.

After he left, I thought I might faint. And I had chest pains. I took an Uber to the nearest ER. I didn't want him with me β€” he'd have only complained, all the way to the ER.

I was diagnosed with a very high heart rate, but all of my labs came back normal. I asked if stress could do this to me. I was told, yes. They gave me some fluids and sent me home. In the interim, my husband stopped by the ER, but didn't stay long. Truth be told, I didn't want him there. He sat down and immediately started complaining about his back. It told him I didn't know how long I'd be there, and maybe he shouldn't wait. So he went home to get started on dinner. I was relieved.

I still had very mild chest discomfort the next day, and then it went away. I was told I could see a cardiologist, even though everything appeared to be normal. I feel I had a panic attack, or it was pure exhaustion. I told my PCP about it, and he was very nonchalant after reviewing my labs.

I'm very concerned. How long can I last with this man? I've been researching more coping mechanisms, and I'm setting firmer boundaries. I'm also getting out more, and I'll be talking to my therapist more frequently. I feel better already, but this is awful. Just yesterday he said something to me, and something in my chest stirred, but I calmed myself down. It's interesting that my body is responding now, but when he was in a much worse place for a whole year, I was strong, and made it through.

To be clear, I have an acid reflux/esophageal problem that can cause pain behind the sternum. I think maybe it was further exacerbated by his behavior. The shakiness and weakness was new.

I've got to do better. It's about ME, because he's not changing. It's about my self-care, because I can't afford to leave, and I can't afford a lawyer. I must rebuild my resolve to NEVER let him break me. And I have to bring my friends closer. I have to find more outlets.

I had a scary experience. It shocked me. But I'm still here. I will NOT let him get the best of me. I can go out and take a walk when he gets to be too much. I can leave the room. I can be grateful for the good times, because they do still exist.

Thank you for letting me vent. I don't know what I'd do without this website.

Her latest post. Her r-slur moid is still getting worse

I think my H is getting worse. He talks incessantly, yet he doesn't make a lot of sense. He tries to argue with me, by just going around in circles on topics that are of no consequence to either of us. I think I'm looking at dementia as well as BPD.

I thought I could ride this out, by being social, spending time with friends, talking walks, signing up for fitness classes, etc. But sometimes, it's not enough. As soon as I'm in his presence, he finds something to pick at or complain about. Often times I ignore him. Other times, I feel I'm going to lose my mind if I listen to any more of his ramblings and rants. It's no way to live. I'm in my mid 70's. I'm tired.

I think I have to find a way to get out. To maybe get whatever I can out of selling our co-op, and find a place to live, in peace.It won't be easy β€” real estate prices in our area are sky high, but I'm almost ready to settle for living in a room. I might be at the end of my rope. I just need peace, without his mouth going all the time. And I know he will fight me tooth and nail, but I don't want to even think about his reaction.

Recently, I've had a minor health issue that has hindered my mobility for about six weeks now, so I can't get out like I used to. This is probably why I'm suffering so much. Hopefully, in the next few days, when I see a specialist, I'll be pain free and more mobile again.

I guess I'm just venting. If I had my life to live over again, I'd make sure I didn't have to depend on anyone else's income to live well.

Perhaps I will start with a couple of days away from home in a hotel room, and then come back home and take it from there. I desperately need a break from him.

I'm so glad it's safe to vent here.

Thanks so much.

Being the benevolent and altruistic person I am, I have shot her a message to join this site.

Reported by:
  • novie : Actual volatile drama! Ignore agendaposts and get in here cute twinks :marseywavefast:
EFFORTPOST [Updates added] The eternal s*x pest :marseyspalslurp:, !neolibs darling Stephen "Destiny, a woman's name" Bonnel gets exposed! Again!

If you dont know who destiny is, hes a Political Streamer (now, he was a SC2 streamer before), the debate lord, the debate king if you will. He will debate you on anything, hes the contrarian extraordinaire, and extremely r-slurred. He is also a well known s*x pest, having s*x with mid streamer girls who are in his orbit, like literally everyone.

If you don't remember still, remember the peepee suck expose which took down KiwiFarms

12 Years ago he leaked the nudes of a girl and has been doing shit like this since, he just cant keep it in his pants or the pics in his phone.

That girl was called BlueTea

Here is the drama on gamefaqs

Cut to current times him fricking orbiters and getting into trouble has become more and more frequent.

We can dig into all these, his wife, his kid, his frick ups etc but thats gonna take 2 years of my time so lets get to the latest happenings

So this streamer thot named Pxie alleges Destiny intentionally leaked the video of her sucking his peepee and other sexual activities, I think its in the KF thread among the leaked clips

She is suing this manlet now for whatever legal reason, she has a gofundme setup which is going no where

LSF Thread on this drama

Those DMs he sent apologizing and offering "any financial help you need" to her are pretty telling. Don't know how he gets out of this one

I mean he has a past history of leaking people's nudes. That was the first big drama with him and bluetea. Still shocked people didn't make a big deal how he essentially had a casting couch on twitch.

I never digged into how or why his nudes were leaked, but after doing so after seeing your comment there seems to be a pattern of him sharing intimate pictures with others he percieves as close friends. First bluetea and now this shitshow a decade or so later. Disgusting behaviour.

He has his own Ghislaine Maxwell and thats Kyla aka Notsoerudite who "was essentially functioning as Destiny's personal Ghislaine Maxwell by keeping the victims quiet and compliant."

This is her btw

And she's not the only one accusing him of this btw

There are more? :marseyagreefast:

Melina suggested that her leaked videos were shared without her consent. See

about time this goes more public.

This has been known for a month now in other places

surprised it didnt get deleted from here

how is destiny sending nudes of other people without their consent to a 19 year old girl okay.

not to mention destiny is like what 36 hitting up teenagers

I think he legitimately has a s*x addiction. This has always been his issue going back over a decade now. All his past relationships blew up because of his weird sexual antics.

He's a 36 year old multi-millionaire and he's still sending cringe DMs to random groomercord teenagers he hasn't even met? He could meet up with dozens of different women in Miami to frick if he wanted to, why is he still doing this cringe shit? :marseyagree:

He has been doing this for 13 years now. His original drama was leaking nudes of Bluetea back in the Starcraft 2 days.

Now another chick is accusing of leaking AUDIO?

Streamer Chaeiry claims Destiny non consensually recorded and shared intimate audio of her

Reference Image for judgement purposes

She leaks more deets here

LSF Thread

Why would anyone let this dude have access to a vagina?

I WONDER WHY :marseynooticeglow:

On this video you see him 4 years ago talking about sharing porn with people without their consent (timestamp 04:29:49)

Lmao, you know the situation is fricked when a political streamer doesn't react to the president's inauguration


The saddest thing is knowing that nothing will ever come from this, since D has survived equally bad situations like the Ana one before

Pre-facing this has been the only allegation I seen. I wouldn't say I'm a destiny fan but have used him as background noise for some video games, I could care less about leaked audio and doesn't change what view i have of destiny :marseyspal:

He did this to multiple women and it's been a pattern for 10 years. Pxie is suing him over the fact he shared videos of her without her consent. It should change. Your opinion.


If you look for controversial comments, its all DDG aka Daliban running defense for their streamer throughtout the thread

its mostly like "who said we are defending him!?" "he did no such thing" "lets wait for the lawsuit to settle" pure :marseyseethe:

Now lets look at /r/destiny shall we? The Daliban/DDG home

:#marseylongpost: by the "head mod" I didn't even read it, neither should you



/r/destiny is removing all posts related to this and relegating everything to the mod posts.

Now lets see the SJW Side, aka /r/YoutubeDrama

Pxie releases a statement, states she is suing Destiny in federal court for revenge porn

:#marseyjanny2:ed already

Here is the link to the tweet thread:

Here is the link to her substack where she has her written statement:

Good luck! I really hope his ex-wife Melina does the same. She's also visible in those revenge porn leaks and she confirmed on her stream it was non consensual. Destiny is a vile person.

She's probably getting death threats from his audience already. Hope she's got a good support system and can inspire some of the other victims to come forward.

Melina said she doesn't want any negativity, drama or harassment and only wants to focus on the positive things in her life from now on. That makes me think she is afraid of Destiny and his community to talk further about this or to take legal action, which I completely understand tbf. His community is absolutely disgusting, they are already calling pxie names on Twitter.

With any fanbase you're probably going to have 1. die hard fans, 2. that are chronically online. Bashing a whole community is super unnecessary. Read through the comments under this post, and tell me if it aligns with your perception of dgg community.

DGG are Kiwi Farms on steroids. They even fundraised to cover Kiwi Farms server costs. Stop covering up that you are part of one of the most toxic harassment groups on the internet.


Removed thread from /r/destiny

They have a mod post sticked now. This was removed btw

It said

Edit: Do not link or talk about things here. If you even suggest going somewhere in this thread you will be nuked. Do not talk about anyone involved in this whatsoever.

Another thread on /r/youtube Drama Destiny gives a statement on the Revenge Porn Allegations

I'm seeing a lot of people in that thread saying that he leaked nudes. They weren't just nudes, they were full blown s*x tapes. That's what that shithead is sending to random women he's trying to frick and the fact people are obscuring that, purposefully in a lot of cases is disgusting. Just based on how sloppy and reckless he is, I can almost guarantee more women are going to come out with proof that, he sent them s*x tapes of women he recorded.

I still don't get the logic with this, what is he trying to do? Show off how good he is at doing s*x?

This is just damage control. No taking accountability, no taking responsibility. Just damage control.

Forget accountability/responsibility, he didn't even admit his misdeeds

Oh yes he did. Unintentionally.

:#marseygigachad: thats what he is SIS! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!

Age old thread on SRS :marseyremember: about this pest

There is a well-known Starcraft 2 player, Steven Bonnell, also known as 'Destiny' who has been caught up in a rather disgraceful scandal, causing him to pull out of a MLG championship. Despite having a girlfriend, he took advantage of a much younger fan known as 'Bluetea', and then shared naked pictures of her with his friends calling her, amongst other names 'Shrek' and 'Butterface'.

Understandably feeling humiliated, she somehow was able to gain access to his Twitter account where she then leaked peepee pictures he had been sending her. In her own words, and from this thread ([+14] but she deleted her account)

I'll come out and say this is Bluetea. I really have nothing to lose.

Long story short, Steven leaked nude pictures of me to his Skype friends. He then joked about how "fricking hideous" my face is compared to my "beautiful body." They joked about how I look like Shrek. I do have a big nose, I guess.

Someone who apparently was in the chat room emailed me from a gmail account consisting of a bunch of random numbers. It had the chat log.

When I confronted him about it, he first feigned ignorance. When it became clear he was then just going to ignore me, I snapped. I had his email password from when I used to help schedule his lessons. I changed his email password, which enabled me to change his Twitter and Skype passwords. I have a folder full of peepee picks and, because I am so nice, tried to choose the most flattering to post.

My actions resulted from the build-up of many things he's done to me that I don't have time to mention, but his betrayal of my trust was the last straw. I hope you enjoy his peepee.

TL;DR - Don't leak nudes of me because I will steal your Twitter and post pictures of your peepee.)

How does Steven Bonnell respond?

By threatening to contact her work and school so he can get her scholarships and financial aid removed [+75]

>Was to two people***, not an entire chat room of people, two people that I consider pretty close friends.

I never feigned ignorance, just didn't want to get into it right before an MLG.

I can't imagine how you can think that people will never, ever, ever talk about anything personal or private amongst their friends. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I can't see myself caring at all if you shared pictures between your close friends, especially given the fact that I'd never see any of them in real life.

Glad you think you have a right to every single private conversation I ever have, though. Posting pictures of my peepee to 37k people + cutting me off from access to my e-mail/twitter is probably reasonable payback for me discussing something personal with two friends.

Thanks for the new work location, I wonder what your boss will think of this. Or your dean, for that matter. I wonder if it'd affect your scholarship or financial aid?

The thread itself is full of his fans coming out with comments like this

1: "Umm Bluetea is a slut [+63]

2: He insulted her behind closed doors in a private chat log nobody would ever see. She insulted him to the entire internet. Yeah, that's fair [+21]

And of course, no SRS thread would be complete without the obligatory calling-a-woman-a-c*nt, even when the guy is completely in the wrong, in this case, because he has to pull out of his match:

3: We'd be pissed if he didn't play since he's doing so well, and even if he lost because of this c*nt, then we'll know he at least tried his best. [+22]

And to top it all off, his poor girlfriend is brought out to protect him, partially because of a case of mistaken identity, as some people think she leaked the sick pictures. Her name is /u/Erisann and she responds in this thread coming to his defence.

How does she feel about the fact her boyfriend is showing peepee pictures of himself to his female Starcraft fans?

Even she doesn't know [+11]

tl;dr Guy shares nude pictures of a female fan and calls her Shrek and Butterface, she responds by posting his peepee pictures on Twitter, he threatens to call her school and work and get her school scholarship and financial aid cut, his fans rush to his defence.


Destiny has created this new thread currently at [+17]

Of particular interest are his exchanges to cattypakes who asks why do people defend you? [-9]. Steve Bonnell responds and then eventually makes it clear that he is indeed very much determined to get 'just punishment' [+6]:

It's not about "teaching someone a lesson", it's just punishment. I'm pretty sure what she did was illegal on quite a few levels, and the fact that it's damaging to a business that I use to support my family makes me a little less willing to "turn the other cheek".

Yeah, I acted pretty scumbaggish and shared her picture with a couple friends. But for her to leak a bunch of shit to 40k people? Why on earth wouldn't I share that with her employer and school when she tried to effectively destroy my livelihood?


Hasan is milking this to his hearts content

Answer: the mods are containing everything in thr stickied destiny response thread. That is what their reasoning is


Even the PREMIER STREAMER XQC weighs in

The crazy thing to me is how he managed to keep people from talking about this for a month. 1 month ago, I got a temporary ban from LSF for "Harassment: Unsourced Allegations" for saying there is no way he had consent to share the videos

There's really no way to defend what he did and that's why you only see lunatics like Darius defending Destiny. And I know legally some think it would be hard to fight but with the amount of victims and secret recording aspect of everything I think there could be a chance for justice.

Destiny Orbiters Struggling to Cope with Today's Bombshell

:redlight: SEVERE R-SLURATION :redlight:

I really want to feel sad for these thots but I can't BECAUSE they knew what he was and STILLfricked him for clout.

Peace :#marseypeace: and FRICK POLITICS STREAMERS

!dramatards @arsey !chuds

!jannies pls pin and mark efforpost :marseybegging:

EFFORTPOST Biggest anime betrayal in Ukraine. Jew guy betrays Zelenskyy

Redditors wrote how the interview was based how cool it was for Zelenskyy to swear and telling he hates every Russian (to an Russian) and Russian language :marseyauthright:

Kellogg has cancelled his visit to Ukraine after this genius interview since Zelenskyy obviously did this interview not for burger not for Russian and not for most Ukrainian but for specific far right Ukrainians that are 30% of the population. Zelenskyy is betting on them. Huge chunk including Zelenskyy and his team are Russian speaking, lex even mentioned that before the interview Zelenskyy was speaking Russian.

This how Redditors were criticising lex

Please. Lex's conversation with Zelenskyy was such a bait. Zelenskyy would touch on so many interesting topics and lex would just ignore what he says and go back to peace and love, Trump loves his country, why do you admire Elon? Weak butt questions. You have a world leader in front of you who is at war, a very rare position, and the best question you can muster is love and peace?

He should had asked where are the f16, 500+ billions ? Why Ukraine launching stupid butt operation ? Why Ukraine didn't managed to liberate a single town since November 2022, despite getting absolutely everything they asked in 2022 ? Why in 2023 September he was saying Ukraine will liberate 2 cities by end of the year ?

@duck you see when I am saying something I can always back it up.

Why it took over a year to fire Reznikov when in 2022 burgers were saying he is corrupt please fire him.

Why he fired Zaluzhnyy by saying Zaluzhnyy wants lower the mobilisation age and Ukraine doesn't need it to after firing Zaluzhnyy he lowers the mobilisation age ?

There is like shit tons of questions that could be asked to Zelensky but I bet Redditors wouldn't like those questions.

Lex is a conservative, a Russian Jew.

I happen to believe in God, for which I have substantial personal evidence to support my belief, but it still requires faith. So I am a human, on earth and I get to do amazing things, all because of God, the creator of the universe and everything in it.

His quote.

What is important ti conservatives? Love for good and people then selfs are stupid and without God or other kind of authority guidance humans would just be animals so they have concept of moral.

Libs believe in freedom, individualism, rights, tolerance and rationalism. So if you give people freedom they then self will do good without need of God.

So you see, God is important to this guy and love your neighbor is very important concept in abramic religion.

So it wasn't smart for Zelenskyy to say frick the neighbor to such guy.

In regards to the "conservative podcasts" thing, though (firstly lol to identifying Lex's show as conservative), I think Lex is the goldmine in terms of being both passive and uninformed. The ideal conservative interlocutor for Zelensky should be someone exactly like that, and I think he could improve his rhetoric by making use of that weakness through pausing to let the other person answer his questions. I noticed multiple instances in the podcast where it would've benefitted Zelensky more to let Lex respond to something he asked, because the narrow scope of a question forces an uninformed opponent to expose their ideological weakness. When you do a broad ramble covering an array of topics it may be a strength if your goal is to obfuscate, but it's a weakness if it's your opponent's goal to obfuscate. Lex's bias in that conversation was clear but so was his inability to defend any points, so I almost wish Zelensky had shifted his expectations of Lex downwards so his questions, rather than being rhetorical with the implicit understanding that he and his audience are smart enough to agree with the answer, were real questions Lex had to vocally grapple with. In that sense I hope that if Zelensky does more combative media appearances, regardless of how far-right the interviewer is, they have a similar level of temperament to Lex Fridman. Thus ends my analysis.

Redditors legit thought it was good interview

I would much rather have Zelensky on Rogan than Destiny tbh. People need to remember conservatives only care about what Trump thinks on an issue, but getting the psuedo-intellectual tech centrist audiences that people like Rogan,Williamson, Bilyeu and even Piers has would be way more impactful.

Rogan rejected it because it's now worth it could lead to some unnecessary drama. He did suggested he could talk to Putin because in such case they will spend most time talking about mma without random swearing and emotional pitches.

Like can you name another leader in las 30 years that was swearing in interviews ?

Syrian new leader is more professional than Zelenskyy for frick sake.

jfl imagine showing an industrial area getting hit :marseyxd:

Somehow absolutely vast majority of local Ukrainian refugees speaking Russian

So Elon set a trap to Zelenskyy and Zelenskyy wildly opened his bussy for it ?

Literally nobody got killed in Ukrainian elite circle

Klitchko sons that are 25+ are chilling in Germany getting ready to lead later Ukrainian gov :marseyxd:

Oh there is an extended edit

Nooo you can't attack the greatest leader of all the time

TLDR: it's bad etiquette for politicians of that calibre to swear

EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 10: :marseyhappening: THE ROMAN EMPIRE CONQUERS MARS :marseymars: :ayydance:

We're playing the Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers

Part 1 :marsey300: Part 2 :marseymarmotroman: Part 3 :marseypope:

Part 4 :marseybarbarian: Part 5 :marseycrusader: Part 6 :marseyluther:

Part 7 :marseypilgrim: Part 8 :marseyoldguard: Part 9 :marseyreich:

We're getting into the Modern era endgame, which typically for Civilization is the point that you've already won and you're just mopping up dudes with longbows with tanks while you listen to John Adams. Dawn of Civilization attempts to avoid this snowball effect and is generally successful unless you've maintained a hueg empire like we have.

I've for sure hit the snowball effect here as I'm an era+ ahead of everyone with near 10x the military of the rest of the world.

We have researched Spaceflight and our vision of Romans on Mars is coming into view.

Mediolanum gets to work on putting our first satellite into space while Rome develops the internet.

Also working on the Empire State Building in Rhegium. Bros the wonder video for this is adorable. It's like 90s FMV :beavisandbuttheadrocking: I could probably post it here but I'm going to make you install the mod to watch it instead.

We're nearing the end of the tech tree. Now researching Globalism :marseyjones:

It's 1838AD so we're 100+ years early.

The AI is generally at their appropriate spot in history, developing railroads and factories and shit. I would slow down research and allow the rest of the world to catch up and resume all this stuff in the 1950s, BUT I'm approaching Legendary culture in a number of cities so if I don't try to win it's possible I'd accidentally hit a Cultural victory instead of a Space victory. That would be lame.

We could pretty well win most of these original victory conditions at this point. I would just need to conquer 5% more of the world for Domination. Russia and America as my vassal provinces are likely going to accomplish a good bit of that on their own just through natural expansion. The United Nations is being built in Greece but I'm not sure about Diplomatic because a lot of the world hates me. Conquest would be tricky too but I'm sure it's doable.

Instead, I'm generously trading away techs to everyone just to make things a lil more interesting.

Some stuff to get out of the way.

Last game Sweden became Communist and we discovered a cosmetic bug where Sweden lacked an official title under communism. I requested something to rename them to.

Communist Sweden will henceforth be known as Bimothy. @BimothyX2 !friendsofbimothy

Portugal has restored itself as a Republic under Maria, top Dawn of Civ waifu next to Cleopatra.

It hurts my vassal Spain a little.

Ethiopia has collapsed, following our nuking of Aksum and conquest :marseylaughpoundfist!: RIP bozo

Marrakesh has been my main naval center and since researching flight London has been my primary aviation center. Independent Scotland and Ireland have been hostile to me most of the game and the Scottish have now decided to poke some of my old musket-wielding mine-guarding military with sticks. I promote them to modern infantry and decide to deal with Scotland.

Ireland too. I'll remind you I liberated these ungrateful frickers.

:marseyscottish#genocide: :marseyhibernian#genocide:

Since these are independent cities I don't think I get any diplomatic penalties. Can't remember if there's something like base game's "Global Warming" effect from excessive nuking. I don't care anywhere, we're about to go to freakin Mars, frick Earth

Ireland reforms as a civilization shortly after getting nuked. :marseysurprised:

There's another missing String for the modern civilization, so instead of being the Republic of Ireland or whatever it's TXT_KEY_CIV_CELTS_REPUBLIC :marseysigh: I'm gonna have to just let this one be.

Good luck with that land :marseydicklet:

We've hoarded enough Great People and I want to get our space projects moving so I have another Golden Age

With the Eiffel Tower we only spend 3 people max.

A Great Scientist is born during this golden age. Frick it. We'll have another one too.

20 turns of Golden Age now. :marseygolden2: :marseygolden2:

We've researched Satellites after putting our first one in space from Medioladum.

Satellites can join a city for a science, commerce, or espionage boost. Rhegium has become our new commerce city with a Central Bank and the Empire State Building while Rome has shifted to Great Person generation, so I'm starting to put :marseycoin: satellites there.

With the research of Satellites we reach the Digital Age. Now the end of the tech tree is in sight.

:marseyjapanese: Japan is working on putting our first man into space :marseyastronaut2:

The United Nations has been finished in Greece.

We are elected to head over Kangxi of the Great Qing. We don't even get the necessary votes but enough of the world abstained from voting, I guess because they hate both of us.

We can establish a single currency to boost trade.

Kyoto puts a man into space. The japs get to work on a Lunar Landing. Rome is developing an International Space Station.

We begin to experience the consequences of Sid Meier's 90s-early 00s "nuclear bad" environmentalist mentality.

And Global Warming starts to hit in England due to our nuking of the British Isles.

Once we research "Renewable Energy" we can build solar panels onto this Cornish desert.

Canada, the latest spawning unique civilization, appears in the 1860s

Peru enters the game too, but I believe this is just a resurrected Inca civilization. They go to war with Colombia.

Canada eventually pledges loyalty to the great Dragon :marseydragonnewyear: along with Austria. Korea falls under the protection of Iran. My Mandebros accept fascism and become the "Military Committee of Mali". Bimothy is Bimothy.

Japan succeeds with the Lunar Landing and we're treated to another lovely FMV :marseywholesome:

It triggers ANOTHER Golden Age. Three consecutive so far! Japan is doing well enough that they can get to work on the Mars Mission as well. It will only be an issue if they suddenly declare independence.

Dorylaion in Turkey can get to work on sending the Golden Record

>Roma celebrates "We Love the Dictator Day"!!!

:marseyhappytears: :marseyjam:

Once the japs make it to Mars we can start the real Space Race.

Similar to Base Game, we have to build a bunch of different components. The more we build the higher chance of success.

We're going to start building the Framing components in Australia, since it's not at risk of secession.

We're starting the Power Sources in the Italian mainland for similar reasons. Rome is working on a Lunar Colony, which will speed all of these projects up.

To quote :marseytrump: once again:

More Great People born in Rome. We're able to trigger another Golden Age.

Croatia and our West Iberian cities are also safe, Spain doesn't mind us having them. These cities get to work on Mars Laboratories while Rome works on the second most expensive part, the Excavator.

Actually, we're gonna pause the Excavator for a minute. One more Golden Age from the Interstellar Probe will push us through to the end.

We get an incredible late game event. Sorry lolbertarians :marseyatlasshruggedgenocide:

-25% inflation is AMAZING in a game this long.

~500 gold per turn slashed like that :marseyjam: We can (kinda) afford to fund science 100% now

The five habitats begin construction in 'Straya

Hydroponics centers start in mainland Italy. Even our dedicated military center Padua is repurposed :smash:

We're facing aggressive espionage harassment at this point. Buildings keep blowing up. There's a Great Firewall wonder we could build :marseyjewoftheorientglow: but our Mars projects are the priority.

Scottish r-slurs are throwing bombs at us now.

We're just gonna have to conquer them to get them to stop annoying us.

We've completed the tech tree. Transhumanism functions the same as "Future Tech" in the base game, spreading happiness and health. We can continue researching it to further improve the empire.

In Civ5 this improves your score. Who the frick cares about score? That game sucks balls, seriously.

Roma completes the Interstellar Probe, giving a final Golden Age. The extractor is built and we get to work on the final component, the Mars Control Center.

One more Great Statesman is born in Roma. We can use Diocletianus for a final government change.

We're going back to a Bureaucracy and embracing Multilateralism to speed up construction in our capital. It has poor stability compatibility with fascism but we're about to establish a new government on Mars. Don't care.

We are however sticking to unrepentant capitalism. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Despite a large Capitalism Bad penalty from corporations, we have enough happiness to offset it.

I think the OH YEAH! is from Transhumanism

The production boost will allow us to complete the Control Center just as the golden age concludes.

We are ousted from our position as head of the U.N.

The rest of the world will regret this. :platyeyes:

The golden age ends and our control center is complete. :marseyhappening: :marseytransastronaut:

We're going to space neighbors :marseyvibing:

13 turns left on this gay planet. The cucks stuck on Earth aren't gonna let us get away that easy. Morocco attempts to secede again. :marseysigh: This may have been the fault of our government change dropping us from Solid stability. Luckily we didn't build any ICBMs here. ICBMs can't be moved from cities and I think they could have fallen into the hands of the secessionists :marseyworried:

Our first real modern conflict :marseysoldieramerica:

The Qing emperor attempts to frick us up by calling a vote to liberate Arabia :marseychingchongsupremacy:

They fail.

:marseychudnotes: These fools are going on a list:

Later they try to take capitalism away from us :marseyprotestno:

Again, failed.

Often in base civ when you're close to victory everyone will declare war on you. They aren't doing that, maybe because I so obviously could destroy everyone, but they are annoying me with spies. Right before mission completion I complete the great firewall :marseyhacker:

Neat :marseyneat: Would be cooler if we weren't already 2 turns to victory :shadowskate:

:#marseyparty: :#marseyparty: :#marseyparty: :#marseystars2:

I get to watch the history of my world now :marseypopcorntime:

Just one more turn. I have some unfinished business.

:marseyjetbombing: Nuking Canada :marseynukegoggles:


:marseyjetbombing: Nuking China :marseynukegoggles:


:marseyjetbombing: Nuking India :marseynukegoggles:


:marseyjetbombing: Nuking Iran :marseynukegoggles:


:marseyjetbombing: Nuking Bimothy :marseynukegoggles:


:marseyjetbombing: Nuking Brazil :marseynukegoggles:

:@brasiliguanagenocide: :@bwcgenocide:

Thank you all for reading!!! :marseyjam:

Since some people seem to enjoy these :marseyreading: I may make more condensed posts on individual games/civilizations in the future but this daily post thing will get old fast and this was more to show off this mod in honor of Civilization 4 week :marseywholesome:

Now I seriously need to touch grass :marseyaware:


Remember !grillers, it does not matters if human cultures move to the left or to the right, wingcucks were, are, and will always be tribalistic r-slurs cannibalizing themselves over the most r-slurred and irrelevant reasons imaginable.

Some highlights:

If you're going to have a gay scene in your game that is supposed to be historically accurate and allow players free choice, you should give us the option to report the homosexuals to the church or Bailiffs if you catch them in the act. There should also be accurate punishments for that time period. But if they don't do this despite having the scene then all this is, is just pandering that they included to appease the left but also not offend them.

Maybe he should have a homosexual scene in the privacy of his own bedroom and leave it out of the game

I like how he spent so long being called a nazi and is now calling his former fans nazis.

This whole debacle is why you really shouldn't tie your work/product to either side of the political spectrum. One step "in the wrong" direction and you're crucified over it, left or right, doesn't matter. Best to stay neutral.

They are being roasted specifically because they are not maintaining neutrality, the no politics rule is not being enforced or the pro lgbtq posts would be all getting locked and perma'd alongside the the anti posts, this is their main problem and if they start perma banning those this problem will go away.

I do feel, I have no proof on this, like there is some misinformation going on to damage this game. I never pre-order games but I do recommend everyone to wait and see until launch, see what the people you trust says about the game or watch some playthroughs yourself.

yea there is missinformation being thrown at them here, the whole gay scene is fabricated by the looks of it. I have seen preview materials of the game and the scene with nude men bathing is within the first hour and can be seen in IGN's material. What they say don't match those accusation photos and what is worse is that the text font is different than the games which means photoshop.

[Rant] The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 controversies reek of a bad grift from game journ*lists.

From what I understand, there are two major "controversies" surrounding Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2:

a scene involving a black trader

a (so-called) unskippable cutscene featuring a gay couple

The first one can be explained away by what happened during the previous game. There is already a recent post about what game journ*lists have done during this timeframe, so I'll defer to that post since that already shows everything.

The second one doesn't make any sense because (and I recently learned about this because the game is too outside my normal areas) that there was already a gay couple in the previous KCD game. Even light browsing from before KCD 2 was even announced suggested that this was never a controversy in the first place, and (as seen in the discussion), Bohemia was actually tolerant towards gays in this time period.

So, why does a game that had zero controversies about gays in the first game complete with a gay couple in the first game and no mentioning of bannings from kooky Middle East countries suddenly have both a controversy and a banning (both rumors) in the second game?

Daniel also flew the GG flag ten years ago, when doing so meant your career might actually be harmed by it. He has more claim to the G*merGate name than almost anyone that still posts in this sub.

I made this account in 2014, specifically to participate in GG, and he was one of the first and only actual high profile devs to have our back.

Vavra had every opportunity over the last few days to clear the air with us and in a way that was respectful to us as customers and supporters of his content. Instead, he was more focused on calling someone a Nazi than offering any explanation, and even today with his statement, gives us no clear cut answer on what we want to know.

That alone, in my opinion, is disrespectful and a complete 180 from how transparent he used to be with us. Needless to say, he did this to himself.

He called a guy with a nazi flag in his bio and who was pointing out Daniel's ancestry, a nazi. This is not an instance of a soy male feminist calling someone a nazi 'cause they like boobs in video games.

The point is Daniel ignored all the other comments asking him in good faith about the matter at hand. His statement today was also entirely a non-answer. I'm still optimistic about the game based on Daniel's reputation over the past decade, but this is a bad sign to me. He could extremely easily have put the matter to bed, and chose not to.


This is what happens when the anti woke adopts woke tactics.

Wait for reviews before canceling the guy.

Long neurodivergent comment chain of the dev replying to a :brazilmutt: with a Nazi profile calling him a Nazi, suddenly turning into the "everyone I dislike is a Nazi" autism straight out of 2017:

In light of recent controversies regarding KC2, I know a lot of you are desperate to reach the promised land. Maybe that is the problem. Your desperation for a promised land will only lead you to further disappointment. No company is safe. Everyone is corruptible. We are refugees in the end searching for good games. If a developer sold out, then prepare to jump ship. It is that simple. By acknowledging that you are refugee and letting go your attachments, you can avoid this kind of drama all together.

I am not paying attention to the drama regarding KC2. I never pre-order games and I will find out if the game is woke or not once it comes out. If it is woke, I simply will not buy it and will never look back at this company ever again. That's all you have to do. You don't have to get bent out of shape over a company that is not worth your time. When one company gets infected by the woke virus, you just jump ship. There is still a lot of new great games that are coming out. With the current environment we are in, get ready to jump ship often.

Are you suggesting that when we see a game that is showing signs of being woke, we should just not support it while not discussing it at all? This is a subreddit built around discussing games to avoid, we're obviously going to discuss it here - especially when it's a developer who once acted as an ally but now is going in a different direction.

I seriously do not understand people's problem with us discussing concerns regarding KCD2. Strange how this wasn't coming up in regards to other games, but because it's KCD2, suddenly it's different.

Again, I won't be believing anything until I've seen it for myself. The Steam forums having to be moderated due to the amount of repetitive crap going back and forth on it isn't exactly the smoking gun in this current ongoing drama. That entire environment is chockful of whiney trolls and terminally online people on both sides of the fence, repeatedly posting the same tiresome "gotcha!" topics across the majority of forums for different games.

Yes, this could easily turn out to be all true and you can tell us all you were "right" in hindsight, go right ahead if that does. You can tell us we should have listened to the endless clues and patterns, that we are all coping hard like idiots. Until then however, nobody should be thought different of for not freaking out before they have all the facts before them. I do my voting with my wallet, not internet clickbait.

!g*mers !nonchuds @Aevann here is some more rightoid drama again!, also can this get the effortpost flair? :marseysmug:

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