Another vtuber is taken out back and shot. People are very very very mad (she tried to commit suicide: damaging company property)

Selen from Nijisanji

I will not be silenced anymore. On Dec, I was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from within&being in a toxic&poor environment for numerous months that led to my breaking point. I requested to leave first but on more neutral terms on 26th Jan.

I honestly don't think nijisanji is going to get away unscathed from this

I am still me, every memory and achievement I've earned is still me. They cannot take that away. Please let everyone know that this is where I am now, I hope you all find me again and we can laugh together again.

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Another day, another foid tries to fake suicide for more attention in their already easy mode life :marseysleep:

I hope you all find me again and we can laugh together again.

Translation: Keep donating your simp buxx you r-slurred paypiggies OINK OINK

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ehhh setting 20k on fire from a fricked up project and feeling like your career is hopeless is a pretty normal reason for suicide

also she's fat and chinese and at least posted the hospital wristband, but needing hospitalization is further than most foid suicides get. Also apparently Canada has like mandatory 3-day psych holds for daring to want to die or something :marseyrake:

she's a nijjer so all the money was going to riku's yacht anyways considering she was literally rentbegging on backchannels. That company actually does unreal shit to their (((talent's))) self-esteems. Basically all of them come out like that in every region.

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Canada has like mandatory 3-day psych holds for daring to want to die


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I don't really watch en vtubers but wtf is happening at nijiEN, ive heard so many of their tubers are dropping like flies, where as jp only has like 5, which compared to their much larger pool suggests that this isnt a company problem, or that EN management sucks donkey peepee compared to jp

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Westerner are mentally ill, and just cannot separate personal life and work life.

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Yeah, it's the westerners with an unhealthy work-life balance and not East Asians :marseyquestion:

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Mismanagement. Niji had this problem with other branches also which they dissolved and assumed direct control.

Vtubers are bunch of menhara people. Lack of social skills and lack of real work experience.

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What the frick does menhara mean? Stop using japanese terms to say things that can easily be said in english, you dumb fricking r-slur. I bet you call illegals 'gaijins', r-slurred cute twink.

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No? I use latin terms that can easily be said in english like ad hoc. It being a faux pas somehow due it being jp in origin. Sure people going gung ho over moonrunes is overbreaing. But the people waging jihad against chink terms ignore all the other terms that in fact are just foreign words that are easily said in plain english.

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Yeah, because using latin terms is a sign of high culture. Using jap terms is a sign of terminal onlinedom.

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Kamikaze? Sushi? Umami? haiku? Ramen?emoji?

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What the frick does any of that mean?

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It's all greek to me

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It's menhera anyways. It comes from mental health in English and basically literally means mentally ill. It was the default name on the 2ch mental health board and just became a meme term for anyone that would have enough problems to post there.

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I hope you get your butt blown out and your hole gaped, cute twink.

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why do you know all this?


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He implies he watches the :marseychingchong: streams. Which I don't understand how considering they're a cartoon character going "GWAAAHHH" for like 3 hours or some shit.

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Because im a weeb idiot, do i need to tell you that im a coomer too

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This comment + your username + your PFP is hilarious.

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Wasn't Selen like one of their biggest names, right now elira and finana are pulling the cart for them

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Yes, they just lost some of their biggest talents through fricked up management

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I think they just didn't hire personal tard wranglers for their talent. AFAIK its what the other corpos do.

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When Zaion wrote her tell all she said that her gen of 6 tards only had 1 wrangler who had been hired 2 weeks prior to them.

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Oh Jesus. What I would not give to see the drama behind the scenes.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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The past year has been an amazing time to be a niji hater :marse#ydab:

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The past 6 weeks have been fantastic for vtuber drama. We peaked with Rushia being married. It can't go higher.

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Where can I keep up with it? Don't have enough time to watch more streams on top some schizo-drama I'm already keeping up with. Is /vt/ the best spot?

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People don't like hearing it, but /vt/ really is the best place for vtuber drama of all kinds. So much seethe and schizo ranting. Only issue is jannies being too trigger-happy on dox related info, even if that info was posted by the talent themselves.

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The sneed in /vt/ flows constantly and readily.

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I hate those /vt/roons. I wish all their shit would stay in their goon cave, but nooooo :marseyattentionseeker: I have to hear my heckin waifu make stupid noises on /wsg/. Buncha BIPOCs.


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/vt/ has the most drama. As below guy says anything involving dox will be scrubbed, but the farms has their own vtuber thread and will usually cover that. The virtual asylum is similar to /vt/ but significantly less schizo.

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/vt/ is a good place to find out drama is happening, but they'll often only be able/willing to give crumbs. You'll need to do your reps.

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The unholy combination of eceleb worshipping cute twinkry and r-slur corporations bureaucracy


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You should probably keep yourself safe (or put more nicely, re-evaluate your life) if you either watch vt or by extension post about vt


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Think she's going to stream as an indie or try and join another corpo? I assume hololive wouldn't take her since she was fired for "breach of contract" and jap companies are neurodivergent.

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window is already up on her old account

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@Bookers is not reading all that shit.

somebody summarize it or smth

@Bookers stand with israel

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V-tuber breaks contract, gets fired.

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Whenever I thought Holo has enough stupid drama, Niji and other competitors come out and show me how much worse it could get.

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There is a waiting room stream and there is a fight going on and her Mods are revolting in chat to help.

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They got her to 100k. Maybe the first time in history mods weren't gay. :marseykneel:

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Indonesia and Philippines have never won a single war in history and are artificial mongrelized colonial constructs who only gained independence because America needed vassal states.

Indonesians are subhuman and incompetent. They got raided and conquered by streetpooping Chola Tamil sexy Indian dudes, r*ped and conquered by various Yemeni Hadrami Sultans like Pontianak Sultanate, r*ped and conquered by the Portuguese and then the Dutch for over 300 years, r*ped and conquered by the Japanese who killed hundreds of thousands of Indonesian men as slave labor while raping Indonesian Sunni Muslim girls. The cuck Indonesian nationalist collaborator Sukarno supplied Japanese soldiers with Indonesian Sunni Muslim girls as prostitutes.

Many Indonesians have a degree of sexy Indian dude ancestry from r*pe. There are millions of Indonesian with paternal Portuguese and Dutch ancestry from 300 years of r*pe (Indo people) and millions more Indonesians with paternal Hadrami Yemeni ancestry and Indonesians in Java descended from Japanese soldiers fricking Indonesian Sunni Muslim girls. A mongrel race.

In the Indonesian independence war, outnumbered Dutch and British forces humiliated, defeated and slaughtered numerically superior Indonesian independence fighters. Look up battle of Surabaya. The Indonesians were militarily defeated and it was only American pressure that led to the Dutch withdrawal and granting independence.

The Dutch sank Indonesian ships attempting to invade West Papua and again it was only American pressure that led to the Dutch withdrawal from West Papua and Indonesian annexation.

Indonesia is only good at mass murdering unarmed civilians in East Timor and West Papua. While Papuan fighters have killed Indonesian special forces with bows and arrows.

Stop shilling and mourning for incompetent subhuman mongrelized Indonesian war criminals who never won a single war in history.


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