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The True Victims :marseypoor: of the Termination of Nijisanji EN's Selen Tatsuki :marseygunshotsuicide: - The Sister's :marseyfoidretard: Side

I'm sure by now that everyone in /h/anime is aware of the drama that's unfolded at Nijisanji over the past few days. There have already been a couple of posts about it here in this hole should you need to catch up. :marseyslowpoke:



But tl;dr the vtuber group Nijisanji EN (a brand owned by AnyColor/IchiKara/EniKara) has been under constant heat, losing fans and sponsors, since firing one of their top talents Selen Tatsuki (now known as Dokibird). In their press release, for some reason they decided to admit that they, the management and the other talents, had harassed and bullied her into trying to kill herself. :marseykys: None of that was known to the public prior besides as usual /vt/ speculation. She had asked a week earlier to be allowed to quit on neutral terms, instead they fired her publicly without warning. Genuinely baffling.

In the days since, Nijisanji EN sub numbers have continued to drop, while Dokibird managed to break 130k concurrent live viewers on her return stream. The official NijiEN subreddit and Twitter replies have been completely taken over by angry fans and antis (vtuber lingo for hater).

If you didn't know any better, you might think that this poses a serious threat to the company. Yet, in one of the previous posts on the matter, I was doubting this decline (I'm a niji anti btw :marseydab:) because of the fan response I was seeing. @vegan_doggy_bottom asked me where I was seeing these comments, and I gave an accurate but incomplete answer. Now, I will finally give you all the truth. Let me lead you all into the land of the sisters :marseyfoidretard:

nyfco.org :mars#eyscream:

(I've never opened this site without adblock btw so don't blame me for anything that happens if you do)

For long time vtuber fans, that link may cause you to raise an eyebrow, :marseywut2: and it should. nyfco was once the largest Japanese vtuber doxxing site on the net until the admin got scared off by joint hololive and Nijisanji lawsuit threats and stopped updating it. These days you won't find a single Japanese commenter, but it's more active than ever before. Because it has been completely colonized by western female fans :marseychonkerfoid: and Chinese & SEA fujoshi :marseychingchongmutt: (collectively known on /vt/ as the sisters :marseyfoidretard:).

If you don't know much about vtubers beyond the existence of hololive, that may surprise you. But yes, female vtuber fans do exist, and they mostly watch the boys in Nijisanji. Niji is perhaps the only well known agency that goes hard into pandering to the sisters :marseyfoidretard: and they repay that with the kind of blind loyalty only women are capable of. There are a lot more of them than you would think, and if I had to make comparisons to a more known group, I would say they're most similar to the kpop community.

But back on topic, why has a defunct and outdated Japanese doxxing site become the largest dedicated Nijisanji EN discussion forum you ask? Truthfully, I have no clue. :marseyshrug:

Most discussion happens in the comments (yes comments, it isn't even a real forum lol) of the doxx page for former Nijisanji EN liver Nina Kosaka (now VShojo's Matara Kan :marseybug: ). Why? I also don't know, but she was the first to properly graduate (and almost immediately join rival company :marseytroll: and talk shit) and the sisters :marseyfoidretard: are notorious for turning on anyone who leaves Nijisanji, so I imagine they just stayed there after a colossal sperg out. Nina's page, at the time of writing, has 385K comments. For reference, disgraced former hololive talent, cheating whore, and possible cat decapitator Uruha Rushia's page has 507 comments.

"Blah blah blah, enough back story, let's hear the enlightened discussion of the fairer s*x. I'm sure they're actually quite rational and level headed." - Your thoughts, perhaps :marseygigaretard:

Well let's take a look at how they're handling the whole Selen situation, shall we? :marseyoperasmug:

No links cuz they're just comments on a page.

Here's who we're dealing with

I can't support millie and doki at the same time, everytime I see her face it just reminds how frick up millie and enna getting beat up on the internet, rosemi losing her miles stone and sponsorship, I cant understand why some of you famillies still willing to promote that fake butt b-word. let say it all because the management but at least if she really care about her ex coworkers (you must be know how millie and selen before this drama) but she choose to keep silent after few days

I know millie is a strong girl but we never know how she felt and the damage already done

These are the fans of Nijisanji EN :marseylaugh:

Elira, Enna, Shu & Rosemi is the proof of good manners, have respects, understands your rules and work etiquettes can bring money more because the company also the 3rd party company trusting you as their PR and representatives.

“OOHHH, they're bootlicking the company” NOOO!!! they understand they WORKS for company and actually read their contracts & rules. Enna, Elira, & Shu have beef with management before, but three of them still have common sense not ratting on social media especially the things that you're post clearly misinformation that force you to streams so you can clarify your words.

Thats show How Professionals this people.

The EN stands for ENGLISH btw :marseyemojirofl:

It seems the sisters :marseyfoidretard: are watching in bad faith :marseypearlclutch:

so for a second i was kinda disheartened to see she had 27k viewers, then i realized thats a 100k drop from her debut lmao. ppl really were watching just for the drama. and it'll continue to sink too!


I don't know how she'll come back from that one! :marseyspit:

“time to start your doki shrine” lol shes so egotistical

always has been, but I think its best to just forget about her at this point

Well if Nijisanji EN manage to clarify everything and restore their reputation its a godsent that they dont have to deal with more of the egoistic acts anymore. To be fair she is highly ambitious which probably leads to why some of her actions seem egoistic, but what she is doing now and previously by breaking company rules multiple time is super toxic. Bunch of illiterate people and bandwagon vtuber drama followers blindly believing her without any solid evidence is so ridiculous as well.

>if Nijisanji EN manage to clarify everything and restore their reputation :marseys#urejan:

The site has visible upmarseys :marseyupvote2: and downmarseys :marseydownvote: btw. Let's see how that's going.

“We almost lost Selen to suicide how can you support Niji!”

How can you support a manipulative b-word that even backstabbed her genmates and everyone in the branch.

61 :marseyupvote2: 14 :marseydownvote:


Ok, honestly? I'll accept this as genuine, it just took her so darn long to put this tweet together. There's even a hint of empathy in the second part. Like, if she had done this shortly after the accusations started, maybe I'd be open to starting anew and watching her. It's too late though. She's on my shit list.


5 :marseyupvote2: 29 :marseydownvote:

Genuine or not, she could've done this on the day the news broke. She comes off as a two faced b-word and I hate it so much. Look at how fast it escalated. From the fake leaks to people jumping on the hate train for clout. I hope she enjoys the very peak of her career as Dokibird before she gets outed as a manipulative b-word.

72 :marseyupvote2: 3 :marseydownvote:

A genuine person would have posted this as soon as possible, she chose not to and only did the bare minimum. It took her this long to do this.

59 :marseyupvote2: 2 :marseydownvote:

Just so we're all clear, they're mad at her for not running damage control on the claims of bullying fast enough. You remember, those claims that she never made publicly? The ones THAT WERE MADE IN THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC TERMINATION NOTICE WRITTEN BY THE COMPANY THEY'RE DEFENDING. Can you believe the gall of this backstabbing b-word to not to do that before checking with her lawyer? Surely Nijisanji retracted this damaging statement that needs to be covered for? :marseyclueless:

selen was one of my oshis, i watched 3/4 of her streams LIVE and then came back to many of her vods but oh frick the whole thing she just did?? i lost all respect i had for her.. she started all of this and the silly ‘dont bully others' on that 2 hours fricking ad stream was funny.. girl your ‘nijien family pleading_emoji (:marseybegging:?) sure enjoyed you sending your army to them. good sister enjoy these 400k+ dead subs from deranged incells.. literally sayu 2.0 and i dont care about her mental health. im mentally ill too but thats not the reason to be a SHITTY human being.

80 :marseyupvote2: 9 :marseydownvote:

>selen was one of my oshis :marseysquint:

>im mentally ill too :marseyhmm:

>but thats not the reason to be a SHITTY human being :marseysoylentgrin:

These people definitely support the talent and not the company :marseyjerkofffrown:

Hey quick question that's kind of off topic, but do any of you have Indie streamers that you like to watch too other than Niji Livers?? Sorry, I know this is random lol I'm just curious if you have any good recommendations :))

Not after they all turned against niji on a whim T – T

A whim? Replay the Selen cam: :marseygunshotsuicide:

the follow suite shit is so boring and tiring. so many of the livers have expressed the things theyd never be able to do without being in niji. claudes expressed feeling relief on being able to pay off student loans, fulgur has been able to pay for medical bills that would probably put someone into debt, doppio with his million and one allergies can buy food that doesnt give him reactions and help support his family, uki has been able to go to multiple drs appointments to help himself etc etc etc. I know most of these people are baiters but especially on twitter its so fricking boring. Being able to put 500k into something you love also? thats so exciting and literally the dream. being able to afford to make really good music you love? some livers wanted more and thats okay, but so far whos here currently are content with what they have and it sucks this situation could take that way. gtfo

Wow, joining Nijisanji sounds amazing! You can afford debt payments, food, and basic medical care even though they don't provide medical insurance or profit! :marseyill:

On the topic of finances, a lot of them are still coping about the 2% thing. (Nijisanji talents are only paid 2% of every merch sale. This has been confirmed by both current and past, English and Japanese talents.)

I cannot believe how many people still believe that 2% without any nuance at all. Do they sincerely believe enikara gets the rest without thinking of the money that goes to sourcing materials, paying artists, actual production process, packaging and then reinvesting the same amount to producing more merch? We don't actually know about that bc the only percentage we know is the 2%, and everyone is just running their mouth about it… (Now if I made any mistakes about what I said pls cmiiw)

The people who still believe that either holostrags/dramawhores, illiterate, never work a job in their lives or esl especially SEA. I'm SEA and the amount of people here who still believe about the 2% is concerning even some ex-id fans believe that its real (I'm also ex-id fan btw)

>I'm SEA

This part made me laugh so hard. :marseyxd:

People didn't include context for it, there's a whole bunch of financial terms and definition thrown around but I'm way too tired to remember properly but the gist of it is:

Niji only gets 5% net profit from merch sales, the remaining 95% goes into creating the merch. From that 5%, 40% of it goes to the liver while the company keeps 60% of it.

Anons correct me if I'm wrong

Yup. Let's say merch cost them $95 to produce. They are at -95. Anycolor sells it for $100. That $100 is called gross profit. -95 +100 = 5 Now they are left with $5. That's the net profit. Anycolor takes $3 of that and liver takes $2. That's 40% of the actual profit. That's a really good deal.

For the record, Nijisanji merch is almost entirely mass produced cheap Chinese garbage like buttons, polaroids, and plastic cut out stands with different jpegs stuck to them. :marseybuttfaceshitter: They might be too tired to remember those financial terms, but I trust their numbers!

remembering how kson was like omg” how evil 2% merch cut ” when she owns her own image and probably has a lot of decision to her merch while niji livers dont own their character or barely take any part if at all of the creation,planning,comissioning,design of the merch. like yeah ofc their cut will be way smaller like people need to think.im not a business person so maybe they should have more for being a constant promotion to merch even if they dont promote it (lol mysta) but like perhaps the rest is going to the other ppl who created it ofc LOL. (i do hope the nijien livers can do liver produced merch on booth like the others one day)

It is happening but it's a good thing :marseynpcmad:

As sisters :marseyfoidretard: who live on a doxx site do, they've been digging up stuff from before her time in niji.

Will Doki ever admit to having BPD now? Or will she just go with “I went to a therapist only thanks to the depression Nijisanji gave me” angle? Her saying she has BPD is probably a bad look to her new fans.

only if she can sell it as a sobstory

There are so many comments trying to say all of the problems are caused by her BPD. I guess it takes one to know one? :marseytedsimp2:

i am actually in tears right now. i basically avoided this site after that announcement because i thought it would be 10x more toxic than twitter.. but it turns out to be the other way round. for days i've been tormented by the negative tweets on my fyp and from some of my closest mutuals. as much as i hate to say it but i don't see doki as completely “innocent”, considering her bpd. so can you imagine my feelings when i came here 5 days later to see everyone thinking the same as me T-T

seeing how everyone is so united and encouraging others to support the livers gave me the motivation too! you guys are amazing. let's continue spreading love to nijien <3

>tormented by the negative tweets :marseyptsd:

Luckily some of the sisters :marseyfoidretard: are positive!

A lot of people have already pointed this out but I will still say it's incredible to see us being this determined and united. After those horrendous and agonizing days to now seeing us having this frick you energy and the power rise back up. This will not be the end and karma will do its job so let's fully focus on supporting Niji livers

Horrendous and agonizing days will increase our ki :marseygoku:

I used to be a one of those massively blind Niji haters but this situation opened my eyes to a lot of the overexaggerations and misinformation that's spread around the company and their livers. I really was a holotard and it's embarrassing to see how stupid my past comments on the company were. I see now Niji offers tons of wonderful things and includes really awesome people. Sure Niji does have issues, but so does literally every other Vtuber company. Bias truly can get in the way of how we see things. Especially now with all these people blindly supporting Doki while harassing others for no reason. They really think they're doing the right thing. Scary stuff TT

least obvious :marseyfedpostglow:

Some final funsies

I'm going to use my tax refund to support our oshis

May I get some? Just 300 bucks, pleaseeee

With supporters like this, I'm sure the organs are gonna be juuust fine :marseycapitalistmanlet:

I just want to ratio comments with my doppio piss kink propaganda but whenever I come back theyre always flagged let me have this guys

do u mean doppio has a piss kink or u have a piss kink about doppio anon

not op, but i think both

whats so fun about piss??

(op) you just dont get it… and thats okay…

This is not at all relevant, but it felt important to include. There is a surprising amount of horny posting. :marseyturnedon:

So, there you have it. Nijisanji EN is going to be fine. Well, I wouldn't go that far, but their downfall won't be because all of their fans abandon them, of that I am sure.

And I hope that next time you go to support that BPD back stabbing traitor b-word who waited 2 whole days before even trying to end the witch hunt that the company that fired her started themselves for no reason, you actually stop and think for a second. Think of the poor sisters :marseyfoidretard: who need their anime boy parasocial relationships. She didn't even kill herself anyway, she only tried ffs.

And of course, you should absolutely leave them alone and not go post anything in the largely unmoderated Nina Kosaka doxx page's comment section.


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