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Weekly Anime Megathread 43

Ill probably start watching something this week so maybe I can put something here next time :marseythumbsup:

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made this for an in game emblem


also chapose did you read goodbye eri yet

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Cant say I did

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What’s the girl on the left?

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Ryougi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners

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I love anime :marseyflamewar:

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Ill probably start watching something this week so maybe I can put something here next time :marseythumbsup:

I'm starting to think you have no intention to watch anime again.

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I will, I usually have phases where I dont watch anything and then I watch a lot of stuff again

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Yeah, well maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental and quick to write people off. Maybe you should give them a chance and get to know them better before you write them off as a lost cause.

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Help my son is now a gay because of the animations, how do I save his penicular region so that me and my wife may ascend to allah while ensuring he burns in the lake of heck for all eternity?

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I need Machikado Mazoku S3 so bad.

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i need to finish s2

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The /a/utists are going crazy right now trying to decipher the cuneiform and other languages in a magic circle in the last episode.

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Need the old DameDame big brains on this

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Going to try and catch up on log horizon given I have the free time :marseyneckbeard:

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wow, /h/animay hates /h/animay

if I can help settle the dispute, I hate all of you because you debate Chinese (yellow monkey) cartoons

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Mushoku Tensei season 2 preview just dropped!!! I am so hyped, especially for the scene where Eris (best girl by a fricking landslide) arrives at the Sword Sanctuary. Probably my favorite series, it feels amazing to get an adaptation of this quality.

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is that some flashback stuff with paul's dad's party or whos the the chick with the bow that looks like him/his mom? his little sis? does it get that far ahead in time so soon?

edit: paul is the dad, rudeus is the MC woops

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Don't want to spoil anything, but nothing in the preview is a flashback, the chick with the bow isn't a very important character but she should be introduced in episode 1 or 2. If I'm remembering the pacing of the light novels correctly Rudy will be 17 or 18 by the end of season 2, he's a grown man for the majority of the series.

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didnt s2 come out like a year ago

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Season 1 was split into two parts because COVID delayed it. Season 2 will be released as a continuous 26 episodes though.

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No that was just the second half of season 1, because what counts as a "season" is completely arbitrary and changes from show to show.

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new trigun trailer dropped. opinions?

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new trigun?

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Meh. Never really was invested in Trigun because I didn't grow up with it but Vash's new design is just Ky Kiske with glasses instead of the iconic spiky-haired gigalanklet look. Hopefully Studio Orange doesn't drop the ball and animates it as well as they did Houseki no Kuni. I guess I'll check it out when it comes out.

Edit: Sankaku comments are amazing as always.


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Agreed, I did watch the original run but was so young I barely remembered it before rewatched a few years ago. Gunna check it out but 3D and no needle-noggin we’ll see :marseysleep: and that comment :marseylaugh:

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Wtf how do animiggers now incel lingo? Is there an overlap?

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Sankakucomplex's article comment sections is just /pol/ for weebs. They're always ready to seethe at trains, foids, blacks or anything really. This was a comment under an article about a politician claiming Japanese cancer rates were increasing because of American flour and that they should go back to eating miso soup and rice. It's the most unhinged one but there were a bunch of others unironically defending grorious Japan fighting back against Western degeneracy like bread and pizza.


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I’d like to enjoy anime but haven’t found anything interesting. I’ve tried watching some “classic” anime like Cowboy Bebop but found the characters and stories lacking substance and boring. Is that all anime?

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Try Baccano, (you'll have to pirates/stream it from a non-legit source). It's an anime for people who don't like anime but you be able to see why anime is still the best medium for the story.

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I dropped Cowboy Bebop after episode 1, too boring

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Try the original ghost in the shell movie

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I just realized that the chapose lottery was only created so chapose would have enough dramacoin to pin his anime threads lol

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the first threads were graciously funded by aevann. But then, I'm pretty sure paypigs got mad that they have to pay while anime threads got it for free

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Embrace the 80s. I binged an anime about the far off future is 2016 were the world is a shit hole and the police drive tanks.


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Dominion or patlabor?

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patlabor chads :marseyboomer:

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You should watch Ascendance of a Bookworm, then you should read the LN. It's so good. Best story out of japan so far. Well, top 5 at least.

As for the rest of the season, I would rank them something like this:

  1. Ascendance of a bookworm ( Isekai but really good. Don't worry, I'll shill it next week too, and the week after that)

  2. Skeleton knight ( Isekai with some unfortunate degen scenes)

  3. Spy x Family ( I don't love it like most normies but good enough)

  4. Shield hero ( Might be better when you can binge it)

  5. Dawn of the witch (Kinda slow but underrated)

  6. The greatest Demon Lord reincarnates as a typical nobody. (Trash harem Isekai)

I haven't finished Science fell in love yet so I can't rate it. Honestly, romance stories aren't for me.

Now, go watch Honzuki. PS. the LN's can be found on nyaa(for FREE1!!!)

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best story out of japan

sorry, that's not written by Nisio Isin or Tatsuki Fujimoto

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Ascendance of a bookworm gets absolutely blown out of the water by Re:Zero and Mushoku Tensei (the two good Isekais). Like it's not even close.

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>Ascendance of a bookworm

>google it

>loli shit

>why are weebs like this?

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loli shit

Lmao you r-slur, it's not. It's like Spy X Family. There's no weeb shit at all. Especially not compared to JoJo, NGE or even Demon Slayer.

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This neighbor jacks it to anime children

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No, frick off. Why would you even say that? Because of Bookworm like the other dude thought? Dumbass.

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Because of this reaction :marseytroublemaker:

I binged the show a couple weeks ago. i liked it, but I feel like it could have been better without 20 episodes of temple HR management

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God i hope this comment is ironic

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No, I'm entirely serious.

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You're an idiot if you think Ascendance of a Bookworm is the best story out of Japan. It's not even close. And your ranking of the shows this season is complete garbage. Go watch something else, like maybe a show that's actually good.

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>best story out of Japan. It's not even close. And your ranking of the shows this season is complete garbage.

:marseysneed: Post you best story and ranking then.

Also, @DEADGIRLINTHEPOOL found two untagged weebs.

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No one cares about your stupid ranking system, and@deadgirlinthepool is a little b-word who needs to learn how to tag her pictures.

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I haven't been watching any anime, but I have recently been watching The Wire. Good show.

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Get this paedo filth off my feed thanks

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Just block the hole you r-slur

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I want to watch Youjo Senki but the first few minutes of the first episode already turned me off with the magic shit.

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The light novels are good if you like autismo about logistics and battle planning.

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wtf why is she eating the head of a plushie theres like bird feathers in there

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Whoa im so early this time the post has no reports for libertarianism

Now that we know when the next part of stone ocean releases i have finally something to look forward to

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persepolis is very good

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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Entry 1: Delayed

Entry 2: N/A

Entry 3: This is how you play a fighter.

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I was biking on the outskirts of the city. Something flashed on my right. At first I ignored it but then it started gnawing on me, so I turned around. I was, sadly, right. Some village weeb stenciled Attack on Titan divisions insignia. Dunno what's more r-slurred: this or my brain parsing it out a blur of buildings passing by.

Duke, grass touching, etc.


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This shit is everywhere. I see people wearing these shirts/hoodies regularly, along with naruto shit.

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I saw a guy wearing that Demon Slayer's protag earrings. Almost every zoomer is a weeb. My friends with kids ask me for recommendations like I watch this shit. It's pretty surreal for the world to do 180° like that.


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Anime was the final kamikaze attack :marseykamikaze:

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The internet and its consequences :marseyweeb:

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Best evidence that you shouldnt touch grass

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I'm waiting for Overlord because I'm apparently an edgy 20 year old in spirit.

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Do you know where Season 4 will be streaming? Crunchroll have the previous seasons but no announcement about S4. There's no licensor listed on MAl either.

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it will be streaming for free to your hard drive from :^)

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July 5th/6th on whatever the frick Kadokawa streams their bullshit on.

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Overlord is awesome, don't be so hard on yourself king.

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Yes what an excellent anime my fellow weeb.:marseyyugi:


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Oh boo hoo so it had some crappy 3d, the rest of it was fine. If you didn't like best butler Sebas one-shotting the Five Fingers you have no taste.

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Just learn to read instead.

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Actually yes. I'm reading the Overlord LNs and they're better than I expected.

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3d in anime is so cancer

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Guys watch initial d or monster

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SpyxFamily is worth a watch, it's pretty funny but it's not without cringe. Found myself skipping 3x10 seconds on some parts because it was just not really that entertaining. Some shit had me laughing tho.

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It's pretty cute and while yes it isnt without jap autism I found the 'tism to be very contained and mild. Also the jokes are usually pretty good.

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SpyXFamily is an elaborate Jap psy-ops to get white collars to have kids.

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BIPOC post

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Fire Emblem is anime enough so it count

Fire Emblem Three Hopes is really fricking good, most warrior games kinda blend together but a frick ton of care and effort was put into this one

Would recommend if you enjoyed Three Houses

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Any FE after Radiant Dawn is cringe.

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disgusting zoomer

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