
/r/Truefilm post.

/r/Flicks post

To say he's being confrontational is underselling it. Some quotes.

The entire point is that when it comes to live action cinema, those aren't the only guys. The list would literally be in hundreds but "great anime" artists can be lucky to hit double digits.

A good discussion is going to result from mutual respect from both sides.

I don't have respect for people who defend pedophilia, grooming, slave ownership, etc... Pedophilia is so commonly accepted among the anime community that you're considered narrow minded for not accepting it. Yeah, frick that.


Every medium is filled with mostly medium to crap films. But the quality to garbage ratio in anime is worse.

If you take 2010 to 2020 one can say Aronofsky, Nolan, Fincher, Eggers and Villeneuve combined have produced more quality work than the entirety of anime during that time period. And these guys aren't even the best Hollywood has to offer.


Exactly, the point. Did you not read the part about how these guys aren't even the best Hollywood has to offer?

Let, me bold it for you the entirety of anime hasn't produced better works than the handful of film bro directors between 2010 to 2020.

That isn't hyperbole.

tried reading fire punch manga

first couple chapters have child incest themes? everyone online saying it is good bc the same guy wrote chainsaw man :marseymad: frick u :marseymad:

Hip-hop artist drake comes out as waifu-positive
Superior Nippon Teaching Methods (From Yomawari Sensei)
RIP Cirno :marseycirno::marseycry:



anime train but not actually train drama : OnePiece
My review of Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Recently I saw @hbtz recommend Madoka Magica to @TwoLargeSnakesMating and then they apparently had a discussion about Nietzschean themes therein, so I watched it too.

The most prominent feature of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is crotch shots. On average, every 3 to 5 minutes we get a quick crotch shot of an underage girl, for no reason. To demonstrate I found some reaction video by a disgusting weeb, but it kinda provides a proper emotional context imo. So:

a conversation between Madoka and Homura begins.

a crotch shot of Homura.

a very quick crotch shot of Madoka.

Homura's crotch sliding off the seat. OK, this one might be justified from the Director's perspective, but immediately after:

Madoka's crotch enters the next scene. This one is not even subtle, like sometimes they have these camera pans from the feet to the face (that "just happen" to include the crotch), in this scene the character literally enters the frame cut off from the waist up.

And as I said this just keeps happening, rarely five minutes pass without some crotch. Madoka has a tearful last talk with her mother? Don't let an opportunity for a crotch shot go to waste, at least it's not underage this time.

Otherwise the visuals are stunning, the music is pretty good, the plot twists are very good, though I'm not sure I understand the ending, I got a feeling that Kyubei is still fricking them over. Idk what the Nietzsche stuff was supposed to be.

Also I'm currently reading "Mother of Learning" and I specifically checked the dates and it was definitely inspired by Madoka, at least in the "what if we pursue this time travel idea to its various conclusions" sense.



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Homoween might be over, but straightoween never ends. Bow to the one true Shinobu

Source is

Dont forget to pay tribute to your local donut vampire goddess :marseyvampirelove:

Weekly Anime Post 60

This week I started watching Pop Team Epic, but I couldnt bear more than 10 minutes of it. I also watched the first two episodes of Miss Shachikus baby ghosts and it was pretty cringe, not sure if I will keep watching.

Trashy anime review [squid girl]

It's about a girl who is a squid who tries to invade earth because pollution or something but ends up working as a waiter in a seafood restaurant. I recommend the dub because all of squidgirls lines are ocean puns that don't translate well. It's one of the only comedy anime that actually makes me laugh because I find a character being a massive butthole to everyone around them funny.

6/10 I guess

is this allowed here?

Bunch of people dressed up as 8 year old anime girl. @BeauBiden why ain’t you there ?




This is Cirno?

@BeauBiden @Exxxilemaxxxed-user @Soren please discuss if this is actually Cirno

Weekly Anime Post 59

I watched the first 3 Alien movies this week. Not anime but whatever. I really dont get why so many people hate 3 but love the second. Compared to the first (which was the best of the three) 2 sucks butt, it was just a generic action movie. Three basically did the same thing as 1 but worse, but at least it stayed a horror movie (kinda). Not saying that 2 was super bad, but it definitly wasnt as good as its hyped up to be.

The best thing about 3 is that it killed off the little girl from 2 just like that and made millions of boomers seethe.

post your 2hus to h/vidya cute twinks

touhou is vidya not anime(it even says on the side bar)

fansubs :marseylove:
Anime_IRL debates the age old question - Are Lolicons P-dophiles?

Lolis are they for lewding? Are they for protecting? Top scientific minds are still debating this question. Anyway here's some drama.

"As a Master class degenerate who lewds the lolis quite frequently, I can vouch for this statement."

"I don't think there is any context under which a p-dophile can be considered good."

"Most lolicons have no desire to be around children in any capacity."

"More like dead"

"So you admit to creating CP. Noted."

"Put me in the hyperlinks of the subredditdrama thread"

Average weeb

Ideal Anime Girlfriend
Goku and Vegeta are ready for National Okapi Day!
Choose your fighter
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Weekly Anime Post 58

I wanted to wait with this post until I at least started watching another show, but now its already monday and I still havent started anything. Oh well, heres the post anyway.

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