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Bard spotting on Bluesky 24 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

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Dr. Damien P. Williams: Like TSCC s03 John Connor, But Better (@wolvendamien.bsky.social):

As louv is back on his "all Greek Norse & Indo-European gods are Totally Real™ but all West African & African Diasporic entities are actually parasitic enslaving aliens" racist bullshit (yes really) now w/ added threats to weaponize cops against adherents of said WA-derived traditions (yes; really)…

Regular Eli (@captainhelion.bsky.social):

who is louv?

Dr. Damien P. Williams: Like TSCC s03 John Connor, But Better (@wolvendamien.bsky.social):

Jason Louv, former member of Irreality, which birthed and spawned Ultracultre; styles himself an "occult teacher" type, believes in, and at one point went to great lengths to pretend he DIDN'T say, but is apparently now once again all in on, some deeply racist shit.

Regular Eli (@captainhelion.bsky.social):

oh lord, i understand. thank you explaining!

Dr. Damien P. Williams: Like TSCC s03 John Connor, But Better (@wolvendamien.bsky.social):

No problem! Occult community drama is (perhaps appropriately) some of the most arcane and internecine drama there is.

Queer Witch (they, their) (@puck1008.bsky.social):

William Butler Yeats kicked Alister Crowley down a flight of stairs during a magic duel.

Regular Eli (@captainhelion.bsky.social):

im pretty sure only Crowley thought it was a magic duel at the time, which makes Yeats even more based

Dr. Damien P. Williams: Like TSCC s03 John Connor, But Better (@wolvendamien.bsky.social):

Crowley thought EVERYTHING was a magical duel. Or at least framed it that way, post hoc

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

As an undergrad who had decided I was Taoist, his translation of the Tao te Ching was my intro to his weltanschauung, and it was deeply biased towards "Everything is a power struggle"

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

JD Vance will never see your jokes, but your friends who are eepy sleepyheads deeply in love with their bed, will

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crouton (@toasty.cx):

Ok as many of y'all on here are journos and such does anyone know where to get an official, like, .gov attendance record of Netanyahu's speech? I'm tired of trying to see who attended it and hitting paywalls left and right

crouton (@toasty.cx):

I suppose it was a fool's errand to try to ask this when everyone is obsessed with making seven trillion jokes about J.D. Vance fricking a couch

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

You'd think www.congress.gov/congressiona... but I don't see a listing there

crouton (@toasty.cx):

Yeah I read thru a few things like that before I was like "ugh do I really have to ask social media for help" lmao

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it's charloh! from online (it/its) (@charloh.bsky.social):

we knew this a decade ago!


Hello Kitty Is a Human Girl, Not a Cat

heartpunk (@heartpunkk.bsky.social):

i remember hearing about a much more recent thing from them saying she IS a cat!!! @fairygodmegan.bsky.social was in the thread too is about that i can remember here.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Hello Kitty as a 10 year old London schoolgirl's therian alterego is ultimately what it will boil down to

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Hey - the account that responded to you is a convicted terrorist who has decided to stalk and harass me using libel manufactured by neoNazis I stood up to. I'm sorry you were drawn in to his stalking and harassment.

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Counterpoint: it is hard to find Appalachian non-Trumpists who are willing to go, on record, in a piece of public journ*lism, that they oppose Trump & Republicans —

Because of a decades-long intense pogrom of ideologically motivated violent terrorism by Republicans

No one wants to die

Michael Tae Sweeney (@mtsw.bsky.social):

It would not be hard for them to find reeneck-presenting rural Appalachian people who love Dems and hate Trump to run the opposite version of this story! I know a few I could introduce them to if they can't find them on their own

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

And that's the real story.

Media can easily get MAGA sources on record praising a violent traitor. That's cishet white privilege.

Media can't get a trans or non-white woman from Appalachia on record denouncing Trump, because she'd lose her job, home, benefits, and have to leave the state.

Hawaiian-ish Kelly🌺 (@hawaiian-ishkelly.bsky.social):


Im Afraid Thats True Its The Truth GIF

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Biden speech so far is StandardFiresideChat.h

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Still StandardFiresideChat.h

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

No revelations about his health, just that he's stepping aside to allow the next generation to take the reins.

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The real Fossil Chops (@factorone.bsky.social):

Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Dusty in Twister.

Sophia_Nyx 🏳️⚧️ (@sophianyx.bsky.social):

name a side character in a film that stole the show

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

It's the wonder of nature, baby!

You slaughter your own cows, Meg? /Nice/

Cause Billy is The Extreme!

The real Fossil Chops (@factorone.bsky.social):

"He's gonna rue the day he messed with The Extreme...I'm talking imminent rueage. Imminent. Rueage."

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

It's /The Suck Zone/

The real Fossil Chops (@factorone.bsky.social):

"He strolls up to the twister, and says "Have a drink," and chucks the bottle into the the twister and it Never. Hits. The ground."

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



It — it's 🙆‍♂️ it's /coming/

It's headed right 👆🏻👇🏻 /for us/

The real Fossil Chops (@factorone.bsky.social):


It'S Already Here Bill Harding GIF

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

ah haha








TKarney (@pecunium.bsky.social):


Musk is so fricked.

He's being sued for trademark infringement.

By a social media marketing company which has been using X as a trademark since 2018


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

[ ]


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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social stats

TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

Your current stats

Class: oracle

Level: 1

Experience: 102

Gold: 183.29258737013095

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

It's 0100 hours; Should I write that it's untrue that JD Vance bred an ottoman whilst wearing a bargain basement French tickler

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

(This is in part a love letter to Elon Musk, BTW — Media Matters and other watchdog reporting and activism are ESG efforts)

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


Project 2025 wants Congressional investigations into people boycotting apartheid supporting / bigoted / polluting corporations and states

Environmental, social, and governance - Wikipedia

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

See also


Project 2025 (@project2025.bsky.social):


Oppose efforts to redefine the purpose of business in the name of social justice; corporate social responsibility (CSR); stakeholder theory; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria; socially responsible investing (SRI); sustainability; diversity; business ethics

daryl "cherche le beau travail" bartley 🏳️⚧️ (@hypercubexl.bsky.social):


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

They put in writing that they oppose business ethics.


daryl "cherche le beau travail" bartley 🏳️⚧️ (@hypercubexl.bsky.social):



Business Ethics - Billy Madison

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


Project 2025 wants Congressional investigations into people boycotting apartheid supporting / bigoted / polluting corporations and states

Environmental, social, and governance - Wikipedia

Cinderella Mechanicus (@hroethgar.bsky.social):

"Of you don't give money I'll send around the boys" Tony Soprano or US businesses?

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geoffrey (@parsnip.bsky.social):

it is genuinely so relieving that we seem to be actually coalescing around "what is wrong with these freaks 2024." i have been saying this for at least three years

Sara Manns (@whatsarasaid.bsky.social):

Kid, I have been saying this since before you were born. Gary Bauer? Freak. James Dobson? Also freak. The people w so many kids they should live in a shoe? Freaks.

Elected Republicans want to make it legal to look in your kid's underwear to make sure she belongs in Girl Scouts. They are weirdos!

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I do know some good Christians who have so many kids that they "lived in a shoe", but most of them were alive during WW1. One of them adopted and raised 12 kids.

It's the ones who treat their kids as Soldiers For Christ that are the creeps

Sara Manns (@whatsarasaid.bsky.social):

There's a specific family in Arkansas, I think, daddy was in the state legislature, weirdos all of them, they were on TV? They want a government so small you can prevent pregnancy by holding it between your knees. Just a lot of odd, petty people who want to get up in your business.

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I'm a rainbow 🌈


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Dune (1987) θ∆ crop top appreciator (@nofunoverlord.top):

ow my arm hurts so bad.

like someone punched me in the arm.

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

did someone punch you in the arm?

Dune (1987) θ∆ crop top appreciator (@nofunoverlord.top):

only a COVID booster

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

i'm happy for you, punches your butt maybe that'll help

Dune (1987) θ∆ crop top appreciator (@nofunoverlord.top):

lol thanks babe

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

anytime! free butt punches for all who want them! rings bell while walking down the street wearing a free butt punches sandwich board freee butt punches for all who want them

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Oh! Me! I want you to punch my butt! ^_^

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

punches your butt

thank you for the opportunity my love

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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Oh! Me! I want you to punch my butt! ^_^

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:marseytrain: janny with a mop. :marseytrain: janny with a mop.

Granny panties and a dress. Granny panties and a dress.

6 foot 4 and a mugshot. 6 foot 4 and a mugshot.

Child abuse and no job. Child abuse and no job.

Living in mama's sunroom. Living in mama's sunroom.

Giant pale hands and lipstick. Giant pale hands and lipstick.

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