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Men: HOW should :marseynorm: women :marseydarkfoidretard: approach you in public? : datingoverthirty


If a foid has to ask such question :marseyconfused: it's over. Like I quite often get approached by foids :marseybirdlielol: 1' shorter than me and at least 50lbs more than me.

Last week, I asked :marseythinkorino2: a guy at my gym if he's single. He doesn't wear a ring and never :marseyitsover: mentioned a wife/girlfriend. He said sorry, but he is married :marseybride: with 3 kids. I said no problem at all – I will drop it then. We both still work out there :marseycheerup: and see each other most days. It's literally :marseyme: not a problem unless people act weird :marseytongue: about it. We're all adults.

40 year old Chad why ain't u wearing your ring when u doing deadlifts?

The amount of game needed to approach a dude is ridiculously low.

“Hi. I'm <your here="" name="">. Do you come here often?”</your>

Any context-appropriate question :marseybeanconfused2: works here. “Do you come here often” is appropriate in all contexts — unless it's a funeral :marseywidow: home or a morgue, that'd be weird.

If he can reply without drooling :marseyretard3: on his shoes, you might consider :marseyhyperthonk: asking for his number.

If you think :marseynoooticer: logically it make sense, but the one who wrote that comment :marseysoypointdubz: is 38 year old guy that looks like this:


Neighbor has intellectual :marseypolpot: looks and r-slur brain.

Women will approach Chad onry

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I mean, this is a pretty easy question to answer. Literally just walk up to the guy and say "hey, you're cute" and like put your hand on his shoulder or something for a second or two so he knows it's ok to touch you too even if he's shy.

Just make sure that if you're in an environment frequented by prostitutes, like one of my favorite bars for example, reassure him somehow that you're not a prostitute, cause prostitutes use some of the same moves. Shouldn't be hard, he'll really want you to actually be into him and not just a prostitute, so it should be easy to reassure him if he's worried about that.

If you're anywhere close to his sexual marketplace value, picking up a guy as a girl is like cheatmode enabled difficulty level.

Even if you're not the best looking girl at the place, as long as you're decently attractive (which doesn't take a lot, basically average or better face and not fat) a lot of guys will go with you if you make it easy for them as opposed to trying their luck with a girl who might be a bit hotter but isn't a sure thing.

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picking up a guy as a girl is like cheatmode enabled difficulty level.

The op is 30+ year old woman. People like to pretend age is just a number but at that age men and women :marseydarkfoidretard: s*x drive :marseysteer: become similar

One study :marseyreading: showed that women :marseyhearnoevil: between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 27 and 45 had more frequent and more intense sexual fantasies than younger or older women. They also had more s*x and were more likely to have it sooner in a relationship.


You also have to take into account she wants to date men her age and women :marseyhearnoevil: age faster than man because they have thinner skin and modern :marseywarhol: life style hurts them more then it does guys.

Guys s*x drive :marseyme: is lower at this age.

All this combine bring situation that she approaches a 35 year old decent shaped guy with good career and full head of hair thinking :marseyhmmm: he is okeyish normie when statistically he is Chad so he will reject :marseyprotestno: that mid 35 year old foid.

So approaching :marseystride: men is always a bad idea for any women :marseyblops2chadcel2: older than 30 it will only make her look disparate and easy one night :marseysamfisher: stands at best

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Guys are wired to spread their seed far and wide. It takes us 30 seconds to reproduce and we can just up and leave afterward, it takes women 9 months of possible dangerous physical issues. So guys are wired to just frick anything that moves as long as they don't see any reason to fear that it will end up with their peepee cut off, their kidney stolen, them getting some disease, or them ruining an existing relationship that they actually care about.

A decent-looking 30+ year old woman should have absolutely no problem picking up guys of all ages, they will swarm to her if she shows them a bit of interest.

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>which doesn't take a lot, basically average or better face


keep yourself safe

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