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Reddit :marseysnoohug: foid asks what to do when Chad looses interest in you after you tell him you have a boyfriend




Thus, making me write :marseychudnotes: this post because I started to wonder: do men start to not find interest in the person :marseywall: anymore after finding that out? Do they still have a “crush” and ignore :marseyerasure: it or just get over it?


Jfk even after you ascend with a gym Becky she will still not commit to you cause of tetra :marseyprincesszeldatoon: Chad

Another highlight

I just get over it, a lot of guys do.Some guys still have the crush, but they ignore :marseyerasure: it. And some simply pretend they're okay "just being friends", but secretly will try to weasel :marseyferret: their way into your pants :marseyjeans: - those we can often be spotted :marseybengal3: here complaining about always being on the "friendzone", and we usually call them "nice guys".It varies. Every guy is different.

Wanna stay friends? Fricking :marseytom: incels :marseyitsover: niceguys only trying to weasel :marseyferret: into our pants. Wanna stop contact? Fricking :marseytom: !incels only want women :marseyblops2chadcel: for their body. You can't win bros

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There are only two genders: eligible bachelorettes and honorary men

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