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lol i dont think the soys look good here

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Very childish behaviour. They put the MP in a good light because it shows he has respect for his political opponents.

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Nooooo! You have to respect your political opponents! W.. why? Because you just do, okay?


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"If you shake his hand in a formal setting, what will people on Twitter think????"

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"If you don't shake his hand in a formal setting, what will people on rDrama think????"

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Just dont be complaining when the conservatives start treating the progs the same way. The cultural power is shifting. Zoomers have only ever known a world where the blue tribe has had the cultural power, but that ended up with dudes jerking it in the womens locker rooms, teenage girls chopping off their tits for a fad, and the highest amount of shizo homeless pooping everywhere in world history. Get ready for christian moms to be in charge again.

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The cultural power is shifting



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You say that, but i bet Christian moms have anime as their next ban. They'll say it teaches people to be pedos. The more things change the more they stay the same, the women will screech to ban everything they dont like and the men will give in cuz they want the nagging to stop.

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Naw, banning shit is bad, actually. Imagine if they banned racism next.

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>Oh yeah, well when the chuds rule the world, we won't shake your hand either!


:soyjakwow: :!soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :!soyjakwow: :soyjakwow:

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Yeah, but thats because progs have some really gross kinks and I know where their hands have been. They've been cupping fat black women's farts so they can inhale them. I dont want to touch the hands of the unclean.

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Don't be silly. We're not BIPOCs.

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Please, politistrags have been doing this forever

This is all theatrics

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Yeah, but will be funnier to watch it happen to progs who will sperg out.

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You guys are sperging out about it now, though


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Saying dont cry about it when the shoe is on the other foot vs https://media.giphy.com/media/7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ/giphy.webp

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French here for explanations :

They are russian puppets to the point their appoint international relation gal is francorussian.

They want to ban double nationalities (see the problem here ?) and finance the very same financial stuff the midright currently pushes by revoking aids to immigrants and french from immigrant descent, despite these policies failing and that demography being the poorest

They came back on most of their promises for the people and pactised with big bosses and the MEDEF, like big capitalist bosses incorporated

Aaaannd they are disrepectfull pretentious twats to anyone (even on their side) who doesn't agree with them, makin them not that liked by others. Granted, all parties in france are like that.

Finally, last time we had a far right goverment was under nazi occupation/alliance, the founder of party was a neonazi working with others like him, and the current head of party said some pretty wild racist shit.

Pleeeeenty of reasons to be disliked by like... everyone with a brain.


Frog Redditors are even more intolerable than normal Frogs.

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I wish we had a party like that here, lol. They're probably extremely moderate, knowing Europe and Plebbit.

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>[...]revoking aids to immigrants and french from immigrant descent, despite these policies failing and that demography being the poorest

I for one support giving aids to all those people

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They want to ban double nationalities (see the problem here ?)

No? Double nationalities are the dumbest shit imaginable.

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Meanwhile Krauts just allowed dual nationals to apply for citizenship for the first time this year.

Which is why I'm now a dual citizen 💅

Nothing makes Krauts seethe more than telling them you voted for Trump and the AfD in the same year.

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Nothing makes Krauts seethe more than telling them you voted for Trump and the AfD in the same year.


Yeah, germans policy on dual citizenship keeps getting more r-slurred. American-germans are the least problem tho, I just dont want even more german-turks or other german-arab shitholes.

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I just dont want even more german-turks or other german-arab shitholes.


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Yeah. For some elections (read: European ones, not national ones) you will get notifications for both nationalities. That means you can vote twice. Officially you are obviously not allowed to do that, but there's are no checks in place that prevents it.

I think double nationalities works for kids under 18. And maybe for the countries were you cannot give up citizenship.

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I think double nationalities works for kids under 18.

Yeah I was an American too until I had to make a choice at 21 :marseysingapore:

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I think double nationalities works for kids under 18. And maybe for the countries were you cannot give up citizenship.

Yeah, those are fine as long as you make kids decide, either when they turn 18 or 21 or whatever, and maybe that they can only vote when they have decided. And when you cant give up citizenship, just make those people sign some document officially denouncing their second citizenship and give up their passports. Pretty much all countries that dont let you renounce are shitholes anyway.

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Imagine not having 2 of the strongest passports in the world lmao

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If you think they're insufferable, you should check out /r/quebec.

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Worked with one.


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I find most Quebecois are actually really pleasant in person, and I don't mind them defending their language and culture, but as with any demographic, Reddit attracts the worst of the worst.

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They want to ban double nationalities (see the problem here ?)

No. In fact I wish Canada would remove the PR system and do the same.

and finance the very same financial stuff the midright currently pushes by revoking aids to immigrants and french from immigrant descent

If this is what Russia wants then call me comrade !chuds

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If that was me. I would maayurbate so furiously for getting to be so close to foid

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That's probably why they don't want to shake his hand

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You think he jizz on hands and then shake foids hand

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To the Americans saying this is petty, consider that Europeans have had different histories and experiences with fascism.


Yeah the difference was the US fought against fascism while the majority of the French collaborated with fascism. Then they all pretended they were a part of the French resistance after.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Dude Frogs Le mayo :#marseyxdorbit:

Redditoids when handshake refused:

:#soyjakwow: they heckin refused to shake his handserino!!! Le Pen is le finished.

They want to ban double nationalities (see the problem here ?) and finance the very same financial stuff the midright currently pushes by revoking aids to immigrants and french from immigrant descent, despite these policies failing and that demography being the poorest

They came back on most of their promises for the people and pactised with big bosses and the MEDEF, like big capitalist bosses incorporated

So, you're anti racist, anti fascist, anti imperialist, and anti capitalist?


Redditoids when



:#soyjaktantrum: noooo, Africa belongs to French corpos...if we don't take them, Ruskies and Chinks will take them



!chuds How can a body of people hold so radically different beliefs simultaneously and still believe they are morally superior than the other side? I'm unironically asking this.

The only conclusion I can even reach is that Reddit isn't real. None of the redditors are real. It's all just a glowie fog of info wars. Everything is a psyop. Every piece of news, be it political, scientific, entertainment is curated and re-curated by trashy bots. The votes, the comments, the awards, the arguments, slapfighting, mod fights, everything is fake.

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They just write whatever their shared reddit experience believes to be the most upvotable comment, the content doesn't really matter as long as it sounds right.

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How can a body of people hold so radically different beliefs simultaneously and still believe they are morally superior than the other side? I'm unironically asking this.

lol it's hard to describe how it felt being like one of them but it's just how it's ingrained in you when you browse reddit and its default subs for over a decade :marseywingcuck:

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Except I'm way uglier and fatter

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Dafuq is with the shitty editing effects? It reminds me of someone who just discovered the Photoshop lens flare for the first time.

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✂️ :xd:

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>when ur incapable of civility


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Wow frenchies are cute twinks who knew

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whats the story here?

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