Doctor :marseyarthurwatts: googled the name of my medical :marseygutspill: findings in front :marseyviewerstare: of me, its over im fricking :marseytom: dead

I can't believe :marseyparappa: my genes are so cursed :marseycdm7: they don't even have the decency to kill me, instead they'll bind my soul to this form forevermore and all I can do is watch :marseysalitsnowhere: and rot. It's over, I8 women :marseysuffragette: so much, good morning :marseycoffee: !incels.

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Aryan revival is about spiritual revolution, spiritual reawakening and spiritual rebirth of the White race. The enemy is trying to destroy us by poisioning our spirit and mind. In the past, the enemy aimed at killing our body, today the enemy is aiming at killing our soul. The eradication of the propagators does not guarantee an immediate cessation of the poison's effects, as detoxification is the greatest challenge to stop and fix the harm inflicted by toxic ideologies.

Trans lives matter

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