Good morning :marseycoffee: brocels, foids :marseybirdlielol: will end up eroding their rights :marseyslipperyslope: in less than 200 years after receiving them in a minority :marseymagahatbipoc: of human :marseycatbert2: societies.

!incels at this point :marseynoyoupedozoom: im convinced the "great filter" that finally solves the fermi Paradoxon is that women :marseydarkfoidretard: in developed society :marseyunabomber: all over the universe got it so easy they started actively destroying society :marseyunabomber: just to have something :marseysmugface: to complain about. That and the microplastics making everyones brain :marseymentalgymnastics2: chemistry :marseychemist2: go full r-slur. See Korea.

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I said this a while back.

A Democrat man of means has more reason to be up-in-arms about abortion than the average man because he's actually getting gussy at a decent rate. Why on Earth should the average sexless male care about abortion?

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it's called being a decent human being

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