Good morning, Zoomer :marseytf2scout: foids :marseybirdlielol: don't even pretend to hold up the social :marseyphoneglued: contract anymore

!incels I truly believe :marseyparappa: that if we were born 30 years or even 20 years earlier we would :marseymid: have all been semi functioning normalstrags. Older women :marseyextinction: (starting age 40) despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: my obvious :marseyoctopus4: spergdom have all treated me with basic :marseysymbol: human :marseycatbert2: kindness and respect, probably because their brains aren't nearly as poisoned by social :marseysjw: media.

Now Zoomer :marseytiktok: foids :marseybirdlielol: on the other hand? They will literally :marseyme: just ignore :marseyerasure: your existence if they aren't absolutely forced to by say work just on a whim. I live in student :marseyklennyreading: dorms and it's literally :marseyme: a 50/50 chance that when you come across a foid neighbor :marseyfrickyou2: in the staircase they won't even greet you back. I have never :marseyitsover: had this issue with Zoomoids not even once. Is it entitlement, or a superiority complex? I have zero fricking :marseytom: clue.

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