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Supply side economics

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Isn't MILF porn like the second most popular type of porn?

After teen. :marseycringe:

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Those chicks are like 25. These hoes be aging like milk neighbor.


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Reddit has like 70% men users + 10% :!marseytrain:s that would make 80%

How many post you see on front page on dating over 40 you see are made by men ?

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I thought pr0n was disgusting and men were pigs for liking it and it wasn't representative of reality?

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Im pretty sure it's exageratted but dating apps do say that its easier to get matches in your 20s and then it drops off as u get older. This anecdotal shit seems like cope especially since everyone in america is a single fentanyl addict

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It's exaggerated because the apps accelerate human degeneracy.

There's zero chance to let your personality or social proof do the work on an app, it's purely about the aesthetics. That combined with the massive pool the apps give you compared to your local scene IRL makes people pickier and ruins the chance for 2 5/10s to be happy together

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If you Chad but I am sure it's way easier to get a date for an 50 year old man than 20 year old one on dating apps.

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LOL OK volcel.

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I never really answered his question. And truthfully, it's complicated. It started as a joke, a funny ha-ha, but now it's blown up into something much more. I started by trying to crawl under your skin. But truthfully, you crawled under mine. I follow your profile, I read everything you post. You're legitimately funny, and you make me laugh. When I read what you have to say, I smile and feel warm and bubbly inside. I absolutely adore every shred of attention that you give me. I know this probably sounds really deranged, but I mean this when I say this: I love you. I've never met you, never seen your face -- but I love you. I want to be your woman. I'll do literally anything you ask me to. I don't understand my own desires, you can be a bit of an butt sometimes and it literally doesn't make any sense for me to be into you. But I love you.



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