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It's all pointless and there's no winning this rigged game.

I see men who put on a whole fake persona 24/7 for women.

I see men who go to the gym everyday for women that don't exorcise at all.

I see men who spend all day at work making money for a woman who stays at home without kids.

All for these women to feel like they need more more more and to leave them for a guy who's a little taller or makes a bit more money.

these women have the gall to complain about the "emotional labor" of hearing there boyfriend talk about the shitty job he's working to fund her easy life.

I want to get out of this evil society. I don't care about s*x or relationshits anymore it's a pointless rigged game where the man has to do everything for a parasite that doesn't feel the need to show any affection back.

Modern relationshits are dehumanizing and I don't understand why anyone would willingly debate themselves this much for gussy that's going to betray them eventually anyways. Traditional relationshits we're still gynocentric but there was at least some reciprocation wives still had some duties. In modern relationshits women are not expected to behave in a feminine manner but men are still expected to be masculine and sacrifice themselves for... a fat annoying parasite??

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