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(changelog) Added 71 hats

Plus the like 50 last night

We’re up 133 additional hats already. Nearing 400 total.

Well done r-slurs

More changes to hats are coming soon. Thank you for your participation 🙏🏾

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I have a question, what :marseypregunta: type of overlays are allowed? Because I've seen things like mustaches being rejected :marseyabandoned: for being just :marseyblops2chadcel: overlays but eye patches or face :marseysick: paint :marseybraveheart: allowed despite being just :marseyblops2chadcel2: overlays :marseyconfused:

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It is very circumstantial

Ideally any and all submissions will :schopenmarsey: at least go out of the bounds of the pfp though and I am losing :marseygambling: patience with things that don’t so that window :marseydefenestration: of sometimes-acceptance is rapidly closing

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Despite taking up 10% of the pfp, moustaches make :marseyyarn: up 55% of hat submissions

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