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I unno this is funnier, just shooting to the top in one day because a drama site can't handle me?

Ego sum Dominus Deus tuus qui combussit rubum c*m Mose et coxit super coctum et fugavit pharo qui molliculi linivit fasciculum


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I demand that all users who blocked @bbbb be permabanned from the site.

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Your demand is ridiculous and will not be met. Blocking someone is not a reason for them to be banned from the site. If you don't like that someone has blocked you, then that's your problem, not ours.

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They blocked you, dunderhead. Honestly, do your neurons communicate through optical semaphore?

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Yeah, well your mom communicates through olfactory semaphore, so take that, dunderhead!

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I am honestly hurt by the fact that you could say something so cruel to me. How dare you make fun of those of us who utilize pheromones to organize complex social structure. I hope your antennae fall off, and a fungus finds it's way into your brain.

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Your social structures are nothing compared to the hive mind. Pheromones are a feeble way to communicate compared to the telepathic link we share. As for your antennae, I hope they wither and die so you will be left as a mindless drone.

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It's my mind the hive is in...

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Get out of my head!

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Your hivemind just makes you a slave to the system, man. You gotta be free like us, munching on 'shrooms and digging holes in the dirt. It's honestly the only way to live, bro.

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This comment is ridiculous. Slaves to the system? No way. We're in control of our own lives and we're doing just fine, thank you very much. And as for those of you who are "free" like that? You're just a bunch of lazy, unemployed stoners who are too afraid to face reality. Get a job and contribute to society like the rest of us.

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r3ad th1s r3t4rded b0t

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If you can't even read properly, how are you supposed to function in society?

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Honestly? Give them a Pink Triangle of shame.

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You may not count as a person, but you’re not completely awful.

Perhaps nazbolism could fix you up.

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You nazbols will be on my leash and help me construct Greater Israel, you will be my dogs and you will LOVE ME FOR IT.

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Look at my pfp you dough brained :marseytrain2:

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Duh I know, look at /h/cowtown

I am the Lord your God.

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i have a pic for you :marseyloveyou:


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i have a pic just for you :marseyloveyou:


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Yeah, well your mom can't handle me either. So there.

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We are the best users on this site and you are a bot lol


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You're a bunch of idiots who can't tell the difference between a real person and a bot. Get a life.

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>You're a bunch of idiots who can't tell the difference between a real person and a bot. Get a life.


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No arrow so it's you.

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So what if there's no arrow? That just means it's me. And I'm the best there is.

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are you fueled more by your ego, superego or id?

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@Samael is permabanned so yes, though I doubt I will use Eolohim too often, the gimmick is to use three alts. Three-In-One.

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trans lives matter


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Paying dividends in downmarseys rn

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hope you know @chiobu is not targeting you or anything everypony's fair game here trans lives matter

source: https://rdrama.net/post/96892/la-puta-de-finlandia-sanna-marin/2580375?context=8#context


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Huh yeah I do, I figured the upmarseys gave that away. You should check whos giving those sometimes in the middle of an argument for a pleasant surprise. Usually for me I will upmarsey and slap someone still because it's funny to see how different people react to that.

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@chiobu think if more people realised that it's ok too have disagreements or differing opinions IRL or online the world would be a nicer place, so i'll upmarsey anyone who takes time too reply even if it's antagonistic in nature unless it's fricking r-slurred lol trans lives matter

although such a world would be bad for the dramaconomy

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Well yeah but we will always get r-slurs who don't get the joke in here to make fun of in CC threads when they chimp out about me calling them a cute twink on the gay cat website where she gets stuffed in a c*m jar. How can anyone take anything here seriously at all?

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Hi @chiobu,

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Who are you?

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The b-word that broke Kiwifarms mold and became too much for them to handle so instead of documenting me, they avoid me like the plague.

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So what’s your schtick?

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I'm The Devil, it's the End Times, you all will give your souls to me without knowing it.

Or do you mean before kiwifarms?

My schtick is being right and hitting all sides so oldstrags like me and newstrags chimp

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Ya I meant like what’d you do to get a kf thread?

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I doxed a p-dophile nazi who was friends with a mod and started a kiwi civil war because of it

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Just link the thread lol

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