Hey guys can everyone please donate to this guy's Patreon. This is the agitprop we need to spread class consciousness. Please guys

Guys does anyone know whether internet content creators are included in the proletariat? Guys please tell me

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Does this guy know the bolsheviks only got into power because the white government refused to surrender? :marseyconfused2:

God I hate Marxists so much

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!anticommunists !historychads behold the commie's main weakness, historical fact.

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That's….. how war works !r-slurs !historychads

Trans lives matter

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I hate when they use Cuba as an example of "success".

The majority of Latam countries are economically much better off than Cuba, exception being Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Honduras (all of them commie shitsholes) and crime infested countries like Guatemala and certain Mexican states. And if we go by "HDI" shit, Chile and Uruguay lead the chart and commies never ruled those countries (except for a brief 1970-1973 period in Chile before :marseypinochet#:).

>Oh but they got good education :soyjakfat: and le free healthcare!

Yeah, and you can make more money as a taxi driver in Havana than as a doctor.

If it is so great that why do so many cubans migrated? And why do Cuban doctors want to stay in Brazil and always refuse to return to Cuba? The answer is simple, they get paid well in Brazil and can actually make use of that wonderful education they receive which commies brag about.


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I've got a friend from Cuba, and he lives here legally and sends money back home to his parents. They've been living in a house with severe roof damage for about a year. Seeing the pictures, it looks like a third world country from 100 years ago. (Well, it's not that bad, but whatever, it's still pretty bad :marseyhmmhips: ).

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They've been living in a house with severe roof damage for about a year

Commies will point out

>he, but they have a roof under their heads, what about le HOMELESNESS in the US? Checkmate chud :brainletchest:

But there's like, a large middle class in the US. And while the Brazilian middle-class ain't as big as the American it exists and it isn't small. The Cuban middle-class are party apparatchiks and even so it's quite austere.

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My tenant is from Cuba and I encompass him in capitalism every chance I get :#marseycapitalistmanlet:

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Every Cuban I've spoken to online has had the most doomer outlook on their motherland.

They are incredible badasses though, this one guy I've spoken with fled to Mexico and like plays music while hanging out with women.

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Yeah they're unequivocally cool people, especially the ones I've met IRL.

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Cuba is the fricking country where a fricking hotel doorboy makes more money than doctors.

They are a fricking failed state.

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Don't forget Cuba was the richest latam country before :commiebrainlet: came

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Nah, back in the 50s the wealthiest LATAM country was Argentina, both GDP per capita and quality life-wise.

Cuba had a promising future but was way more unequal and unstable than Argentina of the same era, it relied on agriculture and the prospects of becoming a casino/tourism island like the Dominican Republic.

Venezuela on the other hand was definitely among the most developed in South American back in the 1990s. The Chilean exilees who went to Venezuela in the 70s talked about how Caracas looked so modern and had great infrastructure compared to Santiago which was rather backwards, oh how the tables turn.

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Argentinians lost their white card the moment they fumbled their first world economy.

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!commies there should be a communist Effective Altruism movement where instead of donating to anti-malaria nets you donate to the Patreons of breadtubers. That would be super cool and fun

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I too believe we should relocate the resources from disease ridden working people to podcasters and youtube celebs who make media and entertainment.

Like a true communist would


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Hey, I remember that :marseyboomer:

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He's right that societies improve when they move from agricultural to industrial.

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Marx didn't believe that communism was something to industrialize a nation with, but Marxism could never seize power in a developed nation because capitalism was simply too good. :marseyshrug: Russia was already improving rapidly, which is why the germans declared war when they did, they had predicted that by 1918 they would not longer be able to defeat russia in a land war, all the soviets policies was completely halt the russian industrial growth for about a decade, a long with killing millioner.

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Marx was a gay strag incel

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And worse: a RACISS

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I do love emancipating jews from jewishness :marseycomrade:

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Wait till they find out how well countries do when you sell your natural resources for scraps and work your populace to the bone like slaves.

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>content creators

I hate this term so much.

Any YouTuber with a KF page is in the proletariat.

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Content creator

Thing doer

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While workers are the cogs, content creators are the lightbulbs that illuminate the maintenance shafts of the communist machine!

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CocoMelon for online socialists

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>noo you can't portray the most successful and egalitarian economic system as egalitarian and successful!

This place is full of landlords

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This place is full of landlords


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I hope we start doing land acknowledgements for landlords.

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landlords people of land


please be respectful and use identity first language

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I hate that term because it implies rentoids are people too

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Should be just people and serfs

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people of land

identity-first language

"People of XYZ" is people-first language, literally the opposite of identity-first.

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don't you fricking mansplain words to me cracker b-word

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You are a person of r-slurness.

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r-slur first language please

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Ok, poorcel. Have you tried getting a job?

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>thinking this is an insult


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The epitome of a leftist meme :marseychefkiss: I don't even know how I'm supposted to consoom this propaganda, should I pause every 0.2 seconds to read? :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost2:

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I couldn't read any of that because it was too fast for me :marseygigaretard: but that song is unreal


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The official music video.

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bhop music

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Is this the dude who shakes hands with himself because he has no friends?

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Good grief, if you're going to have that many :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: there's got to be a better vehicle than a tiktok to spread your message :marseyjohnson:

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It's better than semi-feudalism I guess but fails to chalk up to literally almost anything else.

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China is an interesting one because socialism killed them by the millions until the CCP decided to give up socialism and just become a semi-capitalist oligarchy. All the growth did happen under the communist party rule, but only once they gave up communism.

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>by 1950

>by 1978

>by 1980

What about now, commie?

Can you tell me the state they're in now?

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They only collapsed because the capitalists wouldn't trade with them :marseyindignant:

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Not true capitalists would happily trade for a qtπ chinx/rusnyanya/cutebanese tradwife

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Shortest leftist meme

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There are too many words flashing on the screen I feel like I'm about to have a seizure

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Anyone got the receipts on this guy literally working for a defense contractor? I remember hearing murmurs about it last year when one of his other skits went viral.

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Make sure to donate on iOS so apple gets their cut!

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