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Grooming kids to be gay :marseyno:

Grooming kids to be gay warriors :marseyyes:

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The war between Sparta and Athens was the first masc against femmes conflict. This conflict has left transgenerational damage within the strag psyche.

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The ancients described Sparta as a kingdom with no walls because the Spartans themselves were as powerful as walls. The border of Sparta reached as far as Spartan spears. Has such a society ever been established again in history?

He's taking propaganda from thousands of years ago as literal fact even with the hindsight of being born thousands of years later

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>Claims to be greatest warriors

>defeated by a band of exclusively homosexual warriors

>Betrayed country and sided with Rome, Romans would come and watch the exotic Spartan customs and laugh at them.

>Descendants enslaved by Turks for nearly 500 years

Truly the pinnacle of society

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defeated by a band of exclusively homosexual warriors

Who is this referring to

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Battle of Leuctra

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All correct.


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>Betrayed country and sided with Rome, Romans would come and watch the exotic Spartan customs and laugh at them.

The twinks also betrayed Leonidas because they sold themselves to the Persians during the Peloponnesian War :marseyclueless:

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Reminder that our singular source for life in ancient Sparta was one single dude that was basically a slave with Stockholm syndrome. Spartans were illiterate r-slurs so left fricking nothing else.

Then the next we meet them they're a shitty little village that only survived as a tourist trap playing up their old propaganda, and the fierce Spartan warriors gladly get on their knees for the conquering ROMAN BVLLS

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Wtf I had no idea Xenophon was an Athenian.

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Homosexuality was never accepted in any historical culture, ever. The closest they got was having a mentor-pupul relationship between unrelated young boys and older men, with nothing sexual involved being acceptable.

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but gay shitposting dates back to the Romans?

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Homosexuality was never accepted in ancient Greece, neither in Rome nor in any other states

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Julius Caesar was literally a bottom.

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He was also black, like most important historical figures.

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Firm maybe on that one, the "Queen of Bythinia" moniker was likely just political slander.

Sulla is a much more credible example of a Roman general being a bussy blaster.

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Rightoids literally rewriting history just to blame cute twinkry on commies

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It’s amazing really, remove Christianity from the west and you have a bunch of homosexuals. It was like that in 500 BC and it’s like that now… no amount of cope can change that

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Most historically literate rightoid

Did you learn that in a /pol/ infographic?

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Ottoman empire

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I wouldn't call whatever roaches have/had a culture, they frick anything that moves to this day including goats and drain pipes

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>I’m waiting for an example

>nooooooo that doesn’t count because le roach meme

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My daddy leveled a gun at some government agent once and that was his reaction.

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Wrong lol

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I'm waiting for an example

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Keep waiting nerd🤣🤣🤣

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Alexander was openly gay, he made a big point of praying at an altar to Achilles at the same time his ""best friend"" prayed at an altar to Patroclus, Achilles' gay lover. Just in case one of the biggest mythological heroes being a bussy enjoyer wasn't enough of a sign

It wasn't the norm but it never stopped people from worshipping their idols, real or mythical

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the is misinterpreted... Homosexual intercourse by anal penetration was never welcomed or accepted. Homosexual intercourse by thighs was accepted

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That is a myth

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no? wtf lmao there are literal laws explicitly condeming PEEPEE IN ANUS s*x

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Homosexual intercourse by thighs was accepted

This part is wrong, there is no evidence of it being accepted between males

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Sodom and Gomorrah 🤔

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Sparta actually lost to the homos lol

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Alexander burned Thebes to the ground because he wanted to be the cutest twink around

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Thats because Spartans were homo pedos, not homo homos.

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:#marseyhomofascist: The spartan way

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Sounds like a good thing! :marseynut:

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I know its a meme, but I legit believe the only thing that's going to save America is some sort of required post highschool civil service. Get kids out of their bubbles and build some kind of shared national identity and pride

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Mandatory military service (complete with constant campaigns abroad) is the solution to literally everything

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Constant foreign wars haven't been as great since pillaging and looting went out of style

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Yeah, the idea is to make pillaging and looting great again.

Them Canadian oil sands lookin' like a snack :horny::marseylickinglips::marseysaluteusa:

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Pentagon might propose that once their recruiting numbers crash hard enough. They are already struggling after having purposefully alienated all the mayo yt bois

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You're literally regurgitating 2500 year old Platonic ideals of guardian class. it would improve nothing except that the grooming class would infiltrate those civil services units and you'd have no way of recourse.

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Thats a real nice human resources unit you have there it would be a real tragedy if a grenade got lobbed into them instead of an enemy :marseywink:

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Frag all white women

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Wtf is the grooming class or guardian class? Is this a schizo post?

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Guardian class

Socrates' plan, in fact, is that the men and women of the Guardian class, being denied all personal possessions, are to share everything in common. In the case of this class (only this class), the old concept of private homes and family life is to be changed. The Guardians will live together as a single family unit. In order to ensure the highest quality of offspring for this class, the men and women will breed and rear their children in common, according to theories of the eugenic methods employed in breeding domestic animals, such as dogs and horses. Since the Guardians are to share everything in common as members of a new "family," the children will learn to address one another as "brother" and "sister"; they will learn to perceive each older citizen as "father" or "mother," thus ensuring respect and domestic tranquility for this class in the state. Because they belong together as members of a single large family, they should rid themselves of the rivalries and jealousies attendant upon the tradition of erstwhile private "families." This will provide for greater social equality for the members of this class and ought to ensure better unity in the ideal state. But, because wives and children are to be held in common, this does not mean that the adult Guardians are permitted to be sexually promiscuous. Their sexual unions must be conducted under strict surveillance by the rulers.

The method whereby this selective breeding will be conducted, Socrates explains, is that at designated calendar times and at the most appropriate periods of their sexual activity and fertility, the men and women of this class will be brought together in "marriage festivals," but they will not be permitted the free choice of sexual partners. Rather, they will be "taught" that the older rulers have drawn all pairs of sexual partners by blind lot, whereas in fact the rulers will have paired the sexual partners by careful selection so as to ensure the success of the eugenic method the rulers have adopted.

As for the children so produced, they will have to be raised communally and provided for by citizens designated as nurses. Furthermore, the children are not to be permitted to recognize their birth parents; the children are not to be permitted to develop "old time" family loyalties; in fact, the birth mothers may be at times prohibited from nursing their children, who will be provided with wet-nurses for their needs.

Grooming Class

what will happen if you make civil services mandatory. They will take over the services and indoctrinate your children even harder. Both leftoids and rightoids would see this as a fertile ground of recruiting future wingcucks and degenerates

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I feel like there's a fair amount of daylight between mandatory civil service and the complete dissolution of the family

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>having the government enslave everyone will surely solve our social problems

Can’t w8 until burgerlandia’s communist arc

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Just watched this movie the other night. The ultimate "badass" flick, silly at times but never really winking at the viewer. Balls to the wall propaganda for a society that's been gone for thousands of years. The slo-mo->speedup->slo-mo thing with the solid action choreography really tickles the lizard brain

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Those cloaks look like a massive trip hazard.

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Reminder that Sparta genocided its own male population to an unsustainable level and was reduced to a tourist trap for Romans :marseygladiator:

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Sparta was such an interesting society. It was eerily similar to Rome’s government, but a few very important difference allowed Rome to become a modern (even socialist) nation state while causing Sparta to become a nothing burger, with their only continuous legacy being that Maniots claimed ancestry.

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Part of it was them having a rigid system of eugenics for men but not for women so they had a massive gender imbalance as time went on. Plus some disastrous fails to Thebes. By Roman times people just went to Sparta to watch naked/scantily clad women do exercise and men do mock battle training.

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trans people are trying to do EXACTLY THAT! :smoke:

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No we had such a manly military! Our warriors are trained from boyhood you can’t just conquer us NOO :marseycry:

Flexible legion formations are such a Jupiter thing lol :marmseylegionnaire:

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:ma#rseyparty: elon has taken the bussy pill, I repeat the divorce has driven elon into becoming a cute twink :marsey#party:

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This but unironically for the sisterhood

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Gayreek nonsense

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those the guys who got conquered by the fat bureaucrats who never held a weapon?

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yes you can do this r-slurred shit if you have 10 slaves for every citizen and none of you have to work. evidently it doesn't stop you from getting pwned later though

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keep yourself safe

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