Anon feels nostalgic

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!zoomers thoughts? I think the Wii and DS were pretty :marseykino:

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Name a single good Wii game that isn't Wii sports !g*mers

Challenge mode: name a good Wii game that wouldn't have been better on a different console

(i.e. wasn't held back by shitty Wiimote controls or awful Wii graphics)

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Wii Play? :marseyshrug:

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Are you a fricking r-slur? Wii Play fricking sucks lol the only good thing about it was getting another controller.

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Muscle March.

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Wii Fit, Mario & Sonic, Mario Kart (I unironically used tilt controls).

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Okay gear me out


So, like, I feel the limitations of hardware kinda forces the kino out of games. I fundamentally want to agree with you, however I've played games that were similar to each other across the wii and ps3, and what I found was ps3 games often were bloated with cinematic moment and set pieces, where as the wii games were condensed and ripe gameplay without out padding to show off how pretty the graphics were.

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Okay now retype your comment but do so while shaking your phone up and down with your dominant hand

The Wii was novelty trash and dragged down almost every game on it

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I'm browsing through my wii games now, quite a few of them don't have motion controls at all or don't have any I can remember and the 2 I know do have them only use them for finishers and its just s flick of the wrist.

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>Okay now retype your comment but do so while shaking your phone up and down with your dominant hand

That wasn't a metaphor, that was a threat :marseytrollgun:

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I have Parkinsons so I already did that


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Jpmo cpvo fpt upu see tjTs morcdchtx

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Get onl my leqv3el kid

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Twilight Princess was my favorite :marseyzeldalinktwilight:

I also loved Animal Parade

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Is that some discount knockoff of Animal Crossing?

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I liked City Folk too but it's pretty :marseyroan: different. It's a farming game. If you've ever played Slime :marseyblob: Rancher :marseycertifiedangus: or Stardew Valley it's like those more recent games.

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I looked it up. Its a Harvest Moon game? Lol, I didn't think they still make those

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Animal :marseychinchilla2: Parade :marseysaluteccp: is from the Wii era. Nowadays their former localization company is using the English :marseybowler: name "Harvest Moon" to make shit basically knockoff games :marseygamer: that only sell due to brand recognition but the original series :marseychartscatter: is still going :marseysal2: under :marseyhole: the name "Story of Seasons"

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Red Steel 2

Mario Galaxy 1&2

Metroid Prime trilogy

Skyward Sword

Sin & Punishment:SS

No More Heroes 2


Punch-Out!! Wii

Resident Evil 4

Super Paper Mario

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Red Steel 2


Mario Galaxy 1&2


Metroid Prime trilogy

Kino but was just fine on Gamecube and motion didn't really add that much

Skyward Sword


Sin & Punishment:SS

Playable without motion controls

No More Heroes 2

Playable without motion controls


Playable without motion controls

Punch-Out!! Wii

Kino but again Playable without motion controls

Resident Evil 4

Playable without motion controls but arguably the best version so I'll give you that one

Super Paper Mario

Playable without motion controls

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neighbor it's a video game. if you have fun that's what's important.

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Yes and no. A gimmick to me means something that adds no value to the game. It can be added or taken away and doesn't really affect the end result. Most of the games they mentioned are just fine without motion controls and arguably better without them.

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smash bros

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rabbids go home

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Honestly that game is incredible and I love it. It gets overlooked because of the rabbids IP attached to it.

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Pikmin was more fun with motion controls

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Mario Kart you tard

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It's not good because of the wii though. It's good in spite of it. The motion controls really don't add that much IMO it's more for casuals (yes I realize I'm neurodivergent)

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Guitar Hero

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Skyward Sword

Twilight Princess was dual release with the GameCube but the Wii version was better.

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I liked the gimmicky controls for Mad World.

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steven spielberg's boom blox

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the only good gearbox game:

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Take that back, Opposing Force was great

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Super Mario galaxy

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I want to say

Super Paper Mario but I know people don't really like it...

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Nah it was good

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I really enjoyed how different it was and the style. Just sucks that the more traditional paper mario games after kind of sucked and went full gimmick.

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Monster hunter tri :marseyjaguarwarrior:

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Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Co-op on-rails light gun shooter


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super paper mario had a crazy sound track

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Paper mario

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Challenge mode: name a good Wii game that wouldn't have been better on a different console

Mad World.

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You know your console is right when the tech demo it is bundled is better than 90% of the library.

Brawl was the best smashbros tho

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Fun times :marseyantiwork:

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i was ps3 kid, never owned a wii :marseycool: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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I had both :platyrich: What were your fave ps3 games?

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I liked Jak II :) :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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You need only look at Clubhouse games on the DS vs the Switch to see how gaming has degenerated.

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They went went hard, idk why anyone would disagree.

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Zoomers will never feel the joy of playing revolutionary genre defining video games.

They're fed rehashed garbage and, worse, they enjoy it.

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Imagine thinking dusty janky games with bad controls and bad graphics are better than modern, refined, accessible, and diverse games :marseysmug2:

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Playing games with bad controls was interesting.

Sorry you can't use A to jump, we need A so you can steer your sidegun while holding A+left stick. If you want to jump, hold RT, LT, right stick and the console power button.

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Boomer cope :marseypipe:

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Zoomer games are just re-made boomer games

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And they improved them in every way :marseysmug2:

:marseyzoomer: > :platyold:

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Go ahead and play them then

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I only play games with BIPOC protagonists

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:marseyshrug: pretty sur ethey let you be a criminal in fallout

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Oh I didn't realize u were disabled

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this neighbor never played Din's Curse

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>Zoomers will never feel the joy of playing revolutionary genre defining video games


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Just play games in release order lol

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>Why does ever loser have the same peaked in highschool mentality

>t. never played any of those games and is salty his childhood sucked

Couldn't be me

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I have an 80s dad who set up emulators so we could play Contra together :marseyfluffy: kids can play games from any generation if their dad cares enough to show them

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A new contra came out recently I'm pretty sure

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Your dad raised you right.


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CRACK sssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip

Yup. Those were the days!


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Idk it was genuinely interesting to see how people managed to achieve stylistic graphics on limited hardware.

Today? Just slap a 6000x6000 texture on a 3gorillion polygon model, have the lighting render it "realistically", and call it a day.

And everybody goes :marseybrainletclapping: who cares that you need 2 SSDs to install it and can't have more than 2 characters on screen.

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Constraints lead to more creativity. It's why indie games are usually more interesting since they have to work with limited resources.

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Those limited resources being time and skill, not memory and harware limitations.

And it shows.

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Boomers had limited diversity :marseyindignant: so who's really doing better here

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Pretty sure they needed janitors and working girls back then too...

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Source? :marseyskibiditoilet2:

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Well gamedevs live like neets and foids wouldn't frick them for money...

You might be right on this one...

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This but devoid of all irony :boomerportrait:

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Crash Bandicoot, Halo, Mass Effect were all 4/10

PS/Xboxslop was always mediocre

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!edgelords whoa mama

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I liked AssCreed and Red Dead on PS3 :marseybackstab: :marseybountyhunter:

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When games stopped coming with little manuals explaining the gameplay and lore I knew it was the end. Most of the interesting bits of Elder Scrolls were introduced with the pocket guide that came with Redguard. I had the first RDR map hanging on my wall for the longest time. Even Fallout 4 came with a little poster of the perk chart. Now it's just soulless cardboard disks with codes stamped on them for you to download the game from the store. Haven't bought a physical copy of anything since 2016.

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Nobody has time to read!

>make new race

>it has cat ears and anime eyes

>lore? what lore?

>it has cat ears and anime eyes

>weebs go crazy over it

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rpg enjoyers :marseylaugh:

>too neurodivergent for real social interactions

>not smart enough for the big boy games (minecraft)

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I had the Red Dead map too. You can actually still get it if you buy an Xbox copy.

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there are no pc copies anyway:marseyshiftyeyes:

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RDR2 had one

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waste of plastic

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Just look at the Suicide Squad game and Arkham night and its literally a downgrade in graphical fidelity.

More games GaaS'ing it up where once you spin up the game you have to log in and click through two user service agreements before you can play your fricking game.

Overall, gaming in the "AAA" sphere is objectively shittier now.

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Nah games are actually worse now. Partially it's because of the internet though, which just optimises the fun out of any game 1-2 days after release.

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Totally. Avoiding the internet :marseymetokur: like the plague :marseymask: is a must when playing a game for the first :marseywinner: time. Watching :marseyceiling: online :marseyidio3: communities :marseyoctopus2: work themselves into a fit of misery with every PoE patch :marseyoctopus3: is my favorite :mersya: way to spend my downtime at work though.

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Women were hotter in 2007, both irl and in vidya

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Every generation has its ups and downs. But I think AAA has become cookie cutter slop that wants to be a movie more than a game.

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Gaming basically peaked at 1.8 minecraft. Everything else just pales in comparison. No seriously go beat any game and compare it to old minecraft.

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Game developers are noticeably less talented and creative, if you disagree you have destroyed your brain with drug use

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!losers how many of you were like this?

I definitely peaked in high school

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all media is actually worse now. You are not crazy. Don't let them convince you you're crazy. Nothing is made with the intention of being good or profitable anymore

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Gaming is all about dlc, micro transactions and season passes frick you want a chicken nugget?

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>hurr no you can have an opinion, opinions don't exist

Why are zoomers like this? They legit need killing

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spiderman ps1

vice city

toy story 2

spyro 1

tarzan and hercules for ps1


Pretty much all of these games have a better, modern equivelant

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San Andreas is younger but I wouldn't call it modern.

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I would argue that Episodes from Liberty City from 2010 and RDR2 are superior open world Rockstar games

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stop whining. most games are shit but the good games are better than ever. also you're way too old to still care about this

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!gaslighters (tell lies on the internet)

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