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I like the high-class Indians who aren't creepy scammers

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All 4 of them?

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It's the fact there's no great Indian firewall and they therefore dominate the Anglosphere in terms of sheer population. You see the same seething with football Africans though there are even more English-speaking Indians than there are English-speaking Africans so they're a general plurality. It's basically "stupid yanks" but a billion times worse.

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Tbch i believe india hate is kind of astroturfed on 4ch. Before mass india hate swept the internet, ricecels and chink shills were the most hated. Then you got a frick ton of jeethate threads in the log almost 24/7. However, the average poster is a loathsome r*pefugee from indiachan, so they very quickly became very hateable

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"I'm a blue eyes white dragon while you're just a dark magician"

:soysnoo: arr slash clever come backs.

:soysnoo4:Here's a list of burn wards. He's going to need them

:soysnoo3:you're supposed to roast them not obliterate them

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@Sasanka_of_Gauda defend your country from these attacks

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The whole thing is just weird tbh. I get mocking our poverty etc but the current 24/7 obsession :marseyindiarentfree: that puts even our neighbouring :chudmuslim:s to shame is. :marseyshrug:

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You guys just need better hygiene (shave pits and wear deodorant) and to end scamming and racist attitudes and ur back on top.

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Real reason: Indians are positive contributors wherever they go, therefore western journoids won't destroy people's lives for hating on Indians.

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I feel bad for Indians tbh. A lot of them are fine especially if they are Americanized. There are just too many of them so everyone has experienced the negative Indian stereotypes.

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It's the numbers, and wherever the culturally integrated ones go, they bring their entire extended family who instead just create another Little India.

The hygiene of the non-integrated Indians is unironically terrible.

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Indians pretty much became to 2020s internet the same way Jews were viewed in 1920s Europe lmao.

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More like gypsies tbh.

Because it's less of a coordinated conspiracy like what was attributed too Jewish Lives Matter and more of just gyps just pooping up existing cities cause they're all driven by the same cultural forces and wealth seeking.

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Gypsies are straight up Indians. Migrated from the country to Europe a millennium ago, set up shop, and have been pustules on society ever since.

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Outside of 4chan, I grew to dislike them when I kept running into highly upmarseyd films on imdb. I'd watch a few, stop after 10 minutes, and realize that I hate Indians. They literally shit up the internet.

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I do think it's kind of funny how sexy Indian dudes are incapable of understanding that no one outside india cares about their great director Dikhshit Smaldikh or his movies

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Their movies are so overdramatic and shitty. Such low quality shit. And the stories are so r-slurred. I look at the normals Indians in America and wonder what happened to their brethren in India.

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Vegetarianism (especially lacto-vegetarianism) causes hyper-methylation of genetic information. The inbreeding from casteism doesn't help as well lmao.

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I wish we could quarantine them to their own internet

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An old music tracker, What.cd (RIP), literally banned the entire country of India after getting too many fake and abysmal quality uploads.

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>grussy, 10.24

!antibharatiya qrd please?

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Grussy is grandpa busy, some video of an Indian guy raping an older Indian guy. No idea 10.24, guessing it's an average height or peepee length thing

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It's Divali.

In London, a time to let off fire lanterns and burn down some homes. In India, a week of idiots igniting gunpowder and making even more dumb noise than usual.

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No, it's their supposed peepee size in cm according to some chart that became a meme

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Huh. Something something Jewish Lives Matter or whatever.

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heard of outsourcing? :marseysmughips:

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I'm going to be honest: I don't really hate Indians. The ones in America are pretty chill individuals. I've never ran into an Americanized Indian person that was actually annoying or bothersome.

Maybe that's just a European problem, and their Indians are not assimilated or something.

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I mean, they seem nice and all, but they still smell bad

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We need mandatory deodorant education for any imported jeets

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It should be mandatory everywhere. Not just jeets

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I know some 1st gen indians who are very nice people, just that they absolutely reek :marseysniff:

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Yeah they dont shave their armpits or wear deodorant. 2nd gen+ do (thank god :marseypuke:)

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It's an internet problem, they speak English (well """English""") and don't have Great Firewall

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i think indians are the richest non mayo group in the usa, makes sense will all the indian tech ceos :marseynooticeglow:

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When you adjust for age and profession they don't earn that much.

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why would you adjust for profession?

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Because they went online. You'd be hard pressed to find any non-ultraracists who hated Indians before they got internet. Now they're not just pooping up their own country, and people have come to realize how bad they are. :marseypajeetitsover:



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I find it's a lot easier to hate Indians because there wasn't a 30 year long Will Smith campaign to make people think every sexy Indian dude is actually a cool misunderstood guy

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before they got internet

Dude there were documentaries about pollution in Ghanges and mutated children. Also back when One Child Policy was praised by everyone Indian birthrates became the next population crisis scare.

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how could pollution in gangas be true saar ,, gangas holy water cure every curse in our bodys . so holy it can kill a dalit

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so holy it can kill a dalit


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>be Indian

>see a cow

>wtf is this big annoying creature

>see it trample a Dalit


>start worshiping them

>cows everywhere

>Dalit death rate reaches new peak

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Does India even have any local social media they use or do they just all flock to shit up our western social media?


Do any other countries have social media except for Russians with vk or do they all use superior American products :marseysaluteusa:

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I think it's probably because they creep into the anglosphere with their shitty grasp of the english language, meaning people sometimes try to interact with them expecting a human being but get a sexy Indian dude instead

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Chinks have they own

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Why would they need local social media when they are all CEO of the biggest tech and social media companies?

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Mainland Chinks stay in their own apps.

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*are very generously herded

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They don't want to leave, they consume their domestic news even abroad. Like he said, brainwashed.

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Herding can be psychological.

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The average Chink is extremely brainwashed.

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Одноклассники too but there's also taringa for latin america. china does too cause of obvious reasons and i think it's one of the biggest actually per users cause the number of chinks is greater than everyone in europe and russia combined I believe

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They need too learn from Jewish Lives Matter tbh

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Who is going to pay for it? Advertisers dont give a shit about getting indians to buy things at lol at the thought of venture capital funding an indian startup

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this is because Indians can't actually build anything, they just worm their way into existing corporations and ruin them

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I know the Pewdiepie verse stung super hard because it caused an absurd amount of REEEEing from Jeets who wish they were white.

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I wonder what is driving this, is it them suddenly immigrating everywhere since covid plus widespread internet adoption over there? Even loads of people I know who would look the other way are getting far more vocal about it recently.

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Their doctors make like $300/month or some shit like that, so spamming the internet for a few sweet USD or Euros is worth it to them. For us, making pennies on spammy shit ain't worth it, but you can get an indian or pakistani to do anything for $5. Throw Philippines in there too.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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For some reason the Filipinos have the common courtesy to work in call centers and be on the internet without having scamming operations, even though they speak with less obvious accents

!pinoypride brothers why are Filipinos so wholesome?

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I've gotten calls about some scam related to Medicare that were supposedly coming from a phone number in Washington. When you can hear in the background a bunch of other people talking who all have Filipino accents it makes you wonder. :marseyhmm:

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:#marseyandjesus: :#marseyflagphillipineslove::#marseyflagphillipineslove::#marseyflagphillipineslove:

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I wonder what is driving this, is it them suddenly immigrating everywhere

100%. I didn't think about them at all until I had to deal with them fricking everywhere I go

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I really don't know where they came from, but it's incredible how suddenly it happened. Whole neighborhoods become Indian dominated in less than a year. I'm convinced that in the US there is massive amounts of visa fraud going on to get them in.

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Yup. A lot of them are actually getting into Canada and then just hopping the boarder

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Duh lol

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I mean each is special in their own horrible way.

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Please consider the following ping groups:

!alligatorfrickhouse (ACA paramilitary)

!fhqwhgads (everybody to the limit)

!carlos (tell a stupid joke, ping your frens)

!titsorgtfo (harass women on the internet)

!andale (latinx)

!deadBIPOCstorage (gourmet coffee snobs only)

!gaslighters (tell lies on the internet)

!GenX (caring about things is strag)

!goyim (Jews literally hate you)

!humans (simply be a straight white male who is not trans, and has a job and isn't a cripple)

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Also !antibharatiya too I guess lmao

:marseyre#dcoat: :marseych#udindian!genocide:

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