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How do Church Christians explain the fact that Genesis in it's original Hebrew Translation seems to have been written from a polythesistic perspective?

How do Christians explain the fact that there tend to be like over 10 different Gods in the earlier books of the Old Testament, with some of the God's representing individual God's in Caananite mythology such as Baal Hammon, which were translated sometime when Monothesism after the Babylonian captivity took place and they were changed to "Lord" or "my lord"? For example an appropriate translation for Elohim, the creator God in Genesis would be "God's and Goddesses" because the word had both masculine and feminine pronouns?

If the Bible isn't written from a polythesistic perspective then do you take the perspective of the Jewish mystics that God was androgynous and had both masculine and feminine energy? Then how you rationalize it with transgender people not being valid if God was composed of masculine and feminine energy and was essentially androgynous and we were made in God's image. Considering that the Old Testament laws were thrown out with the coming of Jesus, the only thing Jesus said about homosexuality was Matthew 19:11-12.

I don't believe in church dogma, and I'm not trying to be like "gotcha", I'm just genuinely curious how the church rationalizes this concept that God was an androgynous being composed of the both Masculine and the feminine with the conception that being transgender is somehow wrong or something and how you explain it?

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