1843 mag has an article on Satanists promoting abortion :marseysatanworship2: :marseydaemon: :marseyblackphillip:. Lot's of "akshually, Satanists are le wholesome good people"

The article in question !catholics from !neolibs magazine


Also !sophistry regardless of your religious beliefs, Satanism is the straggiest, cringiest secular "movement" ever, just leftoid LARP for people who hated going to Church as kids.


>Reason, compassion and responsibility



First guy gets it :marseyhesright:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270255310569322.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270255314014537.webp

>ha, dumb Christians will think they're actually devil worshipers :#soyjakanimeglasses:

Here's an old TwoX (male) thread on Satanshit


Abortion bans also violate of the first amendment rights of Jews, Muslims, and oh yeah EVERYONE.

Edit: White protestants didn't care about abortion until the 1970s when they realized the fight against integration was futile. This is the same brain trust that put Reagan in power.

LMAO :#marseyxd: :#marseywomanmoment2:

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There's there's an angel and a devil in all of us. And you can feed the good wolf or the bad wolf. You only need one billionaire/millionaire to be super evil that suddenly there's a market for some really evil shit. What is the point of having all that money if you're not going to pay for whatever you desire?

The second video features two people who claim to be victims of Satanic Ritual abuse. It's tied up in global s*x trafficking and kiddie fight clubs. :marseybattered: The third video discusses Satanic child sacrifice from gangs like MS-13. :marseyklennyblack: Don't let Reddit fool you into thinking these are nice people cause they ain't.

!commenters !followers !catholics

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The satanists have never been good people. I mean who would openly side with Jeffrey Epstein and Stalin

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Isn't Ian Carroll a schitzo?

I'm sure I've seen videos of ironic mustache man saying wild shit

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Look at him go! He deserves a treat

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He's probably dead :marseythumbsup:

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I would like to note that there are multiple sects of Satanism and the big organized ones strictly prohibit anything to do with harming children. Satanic ritual abuse is likely scattered weirdos who are using the trappings of Satanism to scare children without having anything to do with the bigger groups you'll hear about.

The group mentioned here is The Satanic Temple which is full of annoying insincere cute twinks, but has absolutely nothing to do with satanic ritual abuse or MS13 or any of that shit.

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Satan is fricking real and whether these people "believe" in him or not, they perform ritual child sacrifice for the fricking promises of Mammon (wealth) and serve his purposes. :marseyvenn5: Doesn't really make a fricking difference if the fricking followers think themselves "merely" edgy. But fear not, a fricking crusade has begun on rDrama to wage war against the fricking wicked spiritual forces pervading our world. Join !Prayerwarriors today and together we WILL overcome.

:marseycrusader2: :marseypraying: :marseycrusader2:

!Christians !Catholics (also now I'll try to ping somewhat less frequently and use this one for prayer requests)

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Santa is fricking real and whether these people "believe" in him or not, they perform nice deeds for the fricking promises of toys under their tree and serve his holiday cheer. :marseypresents: Doesn't really make a fricking difference if the fricking followers think themselves "merely" jolly. But fear not, a fricking crusade has begun on rDrama to wage war against the fricking wicked Grinch forces pervading our world. Join !christmaschads today and together we WILL overcome.

:marseychristmaself: :marseysanta3: :marseychristmaself:

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:marseyagreefast: Though I think it's worth remembering that the fricking moral of the fricking story in The fricking Grinch was fricking that the fricking true meaning of Christmas (Jesus) will bring us together with or without the fricking materialism. I love Christmas. The fricking badmins refused to lift my ban for spamming walls with Christmas cheer last year. :capymerchantgenocide: :carpmerchantgenocide: (they did once and then I continued spamming the fricking same messages).


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who cares? :#brookslaugh: straightan is an irrelevant feetwasher fanfic character they added so they could make xeir mary sue OC jesussianna look like xhe was suffering somehow :#taylaugh: !jidf return to the ONE TRUE GOD and REJECT idoltry of jesussianna :#chadjew2:

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No real Jew would encourage people to convert to judaism. The Jews they have are already enough trouble.

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Repent, heathen. :marseyarchangelchop:

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If I don't feel like being a prayer warrior can I fight in different ways? :#marseysamhyde2:

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Ephesians 6:10-20, my friend.

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Ephesians 6:10-20

Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world's rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace; above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints: on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

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my wholesome sam hyde memes will blot out the sun :#marseysamhyde:

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Every Satanist I have ever met or spoken with have been fat losers that have "edgy" humor and believe in poly relationships.

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Yikes sweatie

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And they're in poly relationships because the idea of breaking up or being rejected is too emotionally traumatizing for them

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Getting smelly ogre kitty is better than none at all for them. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

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The only reason Satanists are getting away with their little LARP is that their local African and Muzzie communities haven't found out about them yet.

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Muslims are a pet demographic and will be brought to heel if you think they'll do shit.

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Literqlly no one likes the stanists. No heeling will occur. Hence why they should repent.

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Me in 2004: lol how could anyone ever fall for the blatantly obvious ploys of the deciever

Me 20 years later: oh

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Lol the Satanic Temple people aren't Satanists,

they are edgy Episcopalians

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Well, yeah, that's why I called them "cringe secular movement"

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This sort of confirms my suspicion that there were at some point legit Satanists that were into the occult and shit. Not that any of it is real mind you, just that there were a group that weren't just edgy secularists.

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O9A is p good

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Uh... there still are... but "Satanist" is a LARP term that doesn't have any meaning. However, even atheist Satanists like LaVeyans (Church of Satan) are into the occult. Temple of Satan is just an edgy (to be fair, a little telling on themselves too) version of the Church of Humanity.

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There's the Church of Satan which is into the occult. There are also a number of scattered small theistic Satanist groups. TST is just shitposts.

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responsibility for your own actions

>abortion is the complete absolution of foid responsibility


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75 IQ: "Durr they're Satan worshippers, it's in the name"

100 IQ: "They are only pretending to worship Satan to fool gullible Christians"

125 IQ: "They have fooled themselves into worshipping Satan"

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They're literally Satan worshippers and should be lawfully executed


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Infinity IQ idk: all three are true

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>Salem satanists once again proving that the inquisition was right and just

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"The world is in flames. Are you impelled to put them out? Look at the Cross. From the open Heart gushes the Blood of the Savior. This extinguishes the flames of heck. [My fellow Carmelites,] make your heart free by the faithful fulfillment of your vows; then the flood of divine love will be poured into your heart until it overflows and becomes fruitful to all the ends of the earth.".

–St. Teresa Benedicta a Cruce (St. Edith Stein)




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Edit: White protestants didn't care about abortion until the 1970s when they realized the fight against integration was futile. This is the same brain trust that put Reagan in power.

Wait til this guy gets to the chapter about Margaret Sanger in his "History of Abortion in America" :marseyxd:

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The Satanic Temple isn't even an earnest religion, it's just a lefty shitpost. At least the edgelords of the Church of Satan actually believe in their shit.

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