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  • Fresh_Start : It doesn't matter what people believe. Global expansion will take the same route.

This is such an extreme position to take. Let's look at some possible positions you could have:

  • A friend of mine had her kid go Protestant on her. After some time she grew to accept that while he doesn't agree with her about a lot of things, he truly is trying to get closer to God so they're still on the same team.

  • In my community we have lots of Mormons. Their religion is vaguely Christian-ish. And most of them are really nice people who do good stuff. The scriptures say that's not ideal but it's enough. (Don't make me look it up, I don't know the gospels as well as 5th season TNG.)

  • Obviously the Jews and Muslims have the same God as us. We might disagree on a lot of things but at least when they're talking about their Allah they're talking about the same guy as us.

  • Let's just go wild and let everyone believe whatever they feel like and do whatever they like and pozz each other in huge gay orgies while they're making c*m sacrifices to Satan.

Now I'm a pretty ecumenical guy. I'm somewhere not quite at but close to position 3. That makes me not quite on the fringe but certainly beyond what your average Christian believes. And it's a pretty vague belief that conveniently means I don't have to worry about this stuff too much. I can do that because I'm not the f-ing pope. Nobody is looking to me for guidance. I'm just this little sheep out here trying to figure out what to believe.

But Francis has apparently just jumped over all that to position 4. The Hindu thing I find especially bizarre. I don't know much about Hinduism but I don't see it as somehow replacing Jesus. I don't know if Hinduism even tries to do what Christianity does or if it's even incompatible.

If you say that literally everything is the same as Christianity then wtf are you even doing with your life, bro?

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4 means that now if you do regular ritual sacrifices to Jupiter Optimus Maximus you;'re getting closer to God. Basically Diocletian was a-ok according to this.

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I would say that the way Mohamed changed so fundamental parts of Christianity and Judaism. And essential you reward now is orgies and being able to do other fleshly degeneracy in heaven, that it is really not the same God.

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I've been pinged a few times so I'm giving one response to the thread and I chose here. :marseywave2:

This was a statement needing a fuller explanation (Pope Francis is not a great public speaker, yes he should be aware everything will filter into the news) but as I said before the audience was tweens and teens at an interfaith dialogue. Honestly, that's the level of discourse we're at for most !Christians and !Catholics online so I'm surprised people weren't more receptive. :marseyclueless: I agree with @PlatyNarca that if you want a "based" and far-right religion go be Jihadis and stop pretending to care about Jesus. The Church's mission is spiritual, not one of domination and control.

All religions, broadly speaking, (maybe not for charlatans like Joseph Smith or L Ron Hubbard etc or Buddhism which is worship of the self and probably the only major religion I actually hate) are man's striving towards God and reflective of the spiritual character of the human soul. The Pope didn't say that all religions offer salvation or the fullness of truth. Here's an article from CatholicAnswers and if you want a more involved discussion look at the 1996 International Theological Commission's "Christianity and the World Religions" and the Vatican's coverage. @kaamrev @Fabrico Do you guys want me to longpost? Will you actually read it? I can pull patristics from Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria etc. dealing with this topic. I get called preachy but usually I just provide citations on what the Catholic Church and/or Church Fathers teach on something. @IanMurdock since apparently you like religious discussion (:marseyblush:) and @Redactor0 because it's a pingfest and I love you too.

As always, you can refer to your Catechism. 839-848 are the sections dealing with other religions, and it is very much in line with the Pope's statement.

"Outside the Church there is no salvation"

846 How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers?335 Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body:

Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.336

847 This affirmation is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church:

Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.337

848 "Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men."338

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Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church

What does the world "know" precisely mean in this sentence. And what does "no fault of their own" mean as well.

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Those are good questions but ones that actual theologians should handle. Invincible ignorance is the concept, and it's found in early Church texts and St. Aquinas so it's not a new thing.

I'll pull quotes for you sometime soon, it's an important enough topic that I don't want to risk being inaccurate or incomplete.

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I think it refers to natives with no conception of Christianity, the people that early missionaries proselytized, and not contemporary non-believers.

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Buddhism […] is worship of the self


@Grue stand with Israel

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I stand by that statement. :marseywholesome: It's worship of self dressed up as enlightenment.

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>worship of the self

I'd get calling them cucks who don't understand existence is a gift or something, but how do you get self-worship from "existence is suffering, not even death can end the pain, here's how to escape the cycle of reincarnation into abysso-pelagic oblivion"?

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What are you suggesting the self is, too see it as the subject of worship of buddhism

@Grue stand with israel

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I believe Buddhists reject the concept of a permanent self (atman) so who even knows what they claim to believe.

Atheism and Buddhism make an idol of man's rationality/knowledge/enlightenment.

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What you refer too as idolizing reason reads the same as any religions pursuit and idealization of truth imo.

@Grue stand with Israel.

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Christ is the Logos, Grue. Did you grow up Christian? :marseythinkorino:

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I believe Buddhists reject the concept of a permanent self (atman) so who even knows what they claim to believe.

Based r-slur not even caring to understand what he's debooking. Unironically this is the only sensible way to approach faith if you believe "Christ is the logos", there doesn't need to be any apologetics or reasoning to justify it.

Atheism and Buddhism make an idol of man's rationality/knowledge/enlightenment.

Kinda makes 0 sense when all forms of Buddhism explicitly talk about the impossibility of man's ability to know the full truth in the physical world. Especially in Mahayana Buddhism the concept of knowing or unknowing through rationality is pretty much dunked on from every angle imaginable. The idea of enlightenment isn't some super post-doc degree that you obtain after years of focused information gathering.

But honestly I'm not even mad at this (wrong) take because the way most Buddhist concepts have been explained in the west it may as well be an oriental version of atheist secular humanism. This misunderstanding is made worse by most of the transcendental aspects of Buddhism being functionally esoteric. Combine that with the explicitly anti-rationalist teachings within specific concepts and you get a lot of confusion from both wannabe believers and critics, the former of which is much more damaging to the sangha.

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Buddhism is very simply four things:

1. The recognition that there is suffering in life, in the natural world and that all pleasures are fleeting.

2. This suffering has a cause.

3. Since it has a cause, there is a way to end suffering, and to attain bliss. Simply focus on cause and effect.

4. The path to the end of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path. By following it you help to end your suffering and end the suffering of others. By following the path to its conclusion you will permanently end your own suffering and attain the ultimate bliss and, in doing so, support others in accomplishing the same goal.


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Link me a good primer and I'll read it. I do actually believe what I said in terms of it making an idol of the self despite a general awareness it claims the opposite. :marseyshrug:

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Do you guys want me to longpost?

:marseysweating: you weren't long posting already? Every comment you make already contains a link to 500 pages of :marseylongpost:

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I provide jumping off points. :marsey#defenestration: Rarely do I actually go on at length outside of quotes, maybe a paragraph or two. I think if they were more prone to discussing religion instead of masturbating about crypto and whatnot I should've been a mottezan. :marseysad:

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Maybe try telling them that Jesus writes their salvation on the append-only blockchain of life. I think you could squeeze in proof-of-works too

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:vomit: The crusade I actually want is a neo-Luddite movement.

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:marseynotesglow: ted kaczynski faked his death and became a catholic

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Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.

So if a missionary tries to teach people about Jesus, but does a terrible job, such that they don't convert, does that mean he condemned a bunch of people to heck?

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Depends and that's a question requiring evaluation on an individual basis in the Confessional from a priest, but I think generally the heathens would retain invincible ignorance such that they'd be judged based on their heart and actions. The risk would be for the missionary if they knew their actions were misleading those they sought to convert. Matthew 18:

5 "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 "Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the man by whom the temptation comes! 8 And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the heck of fire.

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>heathens with invincible ignorance

It's nice that the church has a term for dramatards.

If people who have never heard of Jesus can still recieve salvation, why is it required for people who have heard of Jesus to join the religion to receive salvation? I'll admit you're not the first person I've asked a variant of this, but you give very thoughtful answers

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If people who have never heard of Jesus can still recieve salvation, why is it required for people who have heard of Jesus to join the religion to receive salvation?

Loyalty to the imperative from God. Lack of certainty with any path outside Orthodoxy and the priestly office of Confession. Christianity civilized the world and we still bear that responsibility.

Christianity is not primarily about personal fulfillment. It will provide that, but we live our Christianity not for our own sake, but for the sake of the humanity and to honor Christ's sacrifice for us. If Christians aren't in the world, if those who are shaped by the Cross of Jesus aren't found in public spaces, society suffers by not having awareness of the free gift of Grace and the guidance in life from God. I'm not a Catholic for myself, I'm a Catholic for God and for you, @IanMurdock. :marseyembrace: I don't want to see a future wherein mankind given free reign to his own proclivities operates without God. And I suppose more than anything this is the flaw in "moralistic therapeutic deism"-styled "personal relationship with Jesus" American/western Protestantism, as well.

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and @Redactor0 because it's a pingfest and I love you too

Thanks. This is one that really bothered us as kids in our Protestant churches growing up.

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Do you guys want me to longpost, b-word?

Yeah, b-word? it's kinda your thing bro

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I've never longposted. :marseysoycry: I just include quotations and links that make my comments longer than necessary.

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I just include quotations and links that make my comments longer than necessary.

AKA 90% of long posts on this site.


Only @kaamrev competes on a fricking regular :marseymuscleman: basis

I enjoy them tho

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I provide great citations and that's 99% of why I bother, punk. :marseyindignant: I'm not a priest or theologian, have never claimed to be other than memeing about being the Bishop of Marseydom or whatever. But when I make claims about what Christians/Catholics believe I try to always link to exactly where it comes from.

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good work as always

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@Fabrico Do you guys want me to longpost? Will you actually read it?


It'll be a bit (maybe a couple weeks, my focus is shot due to waiting on some medication), but I'll absolutely read a long post you write when I am able.

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Get r*ped cute twink

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I'm not sure how we escalated to this level. :marseysmughipskorean:

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:#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal: mindset

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Longie needs to be taught to not r*pe.

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Longposters deserve MORE :#rape: :#shadowrage:

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I don't think that's historically accurate. :marseysmughipskorean:

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Obviously the Jews and Muslims have the same God as us. We might disagree on a lot of things but at least when they're talking about their Allah they're talking about the same guy as us.


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Counterpoint: You're a strag. Ponder on that. :marseyhmm:

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Enjoy the fire

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I don't know the gospels as well as *something notorious for being neurodivergentally memorized

You fricked up your quip!!! Your trying to say you don't know the gospels that well and yet what you write is that you don't know them to the point of neurodivergent memorization. That could still be quite well!!!


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No this is really something I should do better at. I've got idiot-savant memory. So like if you ask me where these things happened, I can point to some of them immediately. Legion? Yeah, I know that guy. He was in the Decapolis. But if there's no tie to geography it just does not get burned into my memory unless I study.

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What planet is Ro from?

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Bajor? This seems really obvious unless it's a trick question, where she was born in a refugee camp on another planet.

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I don't remember much about TNG. :#marseypaperbag:

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I remember everything perfectly. I would watch the show when I was a kid, then I went to bed. And I always had insomnia so I would play the episode over again in my head while I was in bed. There's certain parts of the series that I remember perfectly, better than anything in my real life. Depending on what KPTV 12's schedule was.

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You should have been in my class. We all got together, the girls too, and talked about last night's episode. I would have yanked on your pigtails and... well I wouldn't have done anything because I was too young. Maybe passed you a note saying you had pretty eyes or something. The important thing is, I'd have been simping for you back then. Being a simp isn't a skill that you learn, it's something you're born with.

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Christianity has thrown up its hands in defeat. Embrace Islam :marseytaliban: or Hinduism :marseyshiva: or become a Buddhist monk in the mountains where the non mountain Asians can't survive

The mountains will also protect you somewhat from the Indian-Pakistani nuclear war :marseynukegoggles:

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I'm a Hindu and I can confirm it's much better than Cringianity

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I disagree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed: on Mormons, modern :marseywarhol: Jews and Muslims worshipping the fricking same god.

If you deny either the fricking father, the fricking son, or the fricking Holy Spirit :marseyghostkiss: you deny the fricking Christian :marseyimmaculate: god. All of these deny at least the fricking Holy Spirit, with Muslims and modern :marseywarhol: Jews denying Christ :marseyklennypriest: as well.

I think :marseychildclutch: you can find aspects of God in some of their charity and works but that is fricking different :marseyvenn3: from worshipping the fricking same god. You can even find aspects of god in an atheist's work of charity but that is fricking separate from worship :marseyquadsconfused: or even acknowledgement of god.

I agree :marseythumbsup8: the fricking Hinduism :marseythirdeye: is fricking very bizarre they are fricking straight up pagans.

The fricking pope does have some terrible :marseysuffragette: wording on his statements. TBH I find it hard to justify it

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You're so hardcore and dreamy when you're in your edgy phase.


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Anybody who thinks God is three instead of one is a polytheist.

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3 persons one god

These are fricking religious :marseyjesus2: arguments that were fricking settled since before :marseyskellington: Islam :marseystoning: even existed that you're still trying to argue that's wild

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In that case God is not indivisible. If you truly believe this line of thinking then you have to conclude that Hinduism is also monotheistic because it teaches that in the end everything comes from Brahman. Do you believe that about Hinduism?

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Contemporary Hinduism :marseythirdeye: can be categorized into four major :marseygaygeneral: theistic Hindu :marseykrishna: traditions: Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism. Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism worship :marseyquadsconfused: the fricking Hindu :marseyturban: deities Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi as the fricking Supreme :marseyelliotrodger2: God respectively, or consider :marseygigathonk: all Hindu :marseygigachadbrony: deities as aspects of the fricking same, Supreme :marseyelliotrodger3: Reality or the fricking eternal and formless metaphysical Absolute, called Brahman in Hinduism, or, translated from Sanskrit terminology, Svayaṁ-Bhāgavan ("God Itself"). Other minor :marseynominers: sects such as Ganapatya and Saura focus on the fricking deities Ganesha or Surya as the fricking Supreme.

Depending on the fricking tradition they could be monotheistic but they have such wide ranging beliefs

Hinduism :marseythirdeye: comprises a fricking wide range of beliefs about God and Divinity, such as henotheism, monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, agnosticism, atheism, and nontheism.

It almost means nothing at that point :marseynoyouzoom: but idk enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: about Hinduism :marseythirdeye: to discuss it at any level of depth or nuance.

Overall it sounds like there :marseycheerup: is a fricking version of Hinduism :marseythirdeye: that could be considered monotheistic, but most tend towards paganism to my understanding

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does declaring anyone who disagrees with you a blasphemer and torturing them to death count as "settling" an issue?

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No it was fricking settled in the fricking council of Chalcedon and 1st council of Nicaea.

Those councils all mainline Christian's today :marseyclueless: hold as true.

That wasn't really :marseythinkorino2: a fricking way Christian's handled things at that time. Keep in mind Christian's didn't really :marseythinkorino2: have institutional power :marseyoverheadpress: until 300 AD even then it wasn't the fricking iron grip people imagine it to be until much later.

It was fricking more a fricking theological/political thing where :marseydrama: bishops would :marseymid: be added or removed depending on their views. There :marseycheerup: wasn't some massive state :marseyusa: enforced torture :marseymidsommarchristian: thing going :marseysalmaid: on.

@Corinthian correct :marseyhestrans: me if I'm reading :marseyhijab: my history :marseysouthernbelle3: wrong :marseyobamanope: but that wasn't exactly a fricking thing they did at that time. Christians tended towards pacifism at that point :marseyshestrans: in history :marseyww1russian1:

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He's trolling you but timeline wise you're correct Christians were on the opposite end of the torturing at the time, generally speaking. It wasn't for another 50 years after Constantine that Christianity became the official religion of Rome with Theodosius in 381.

I actually give in to bait less than I think I get credit for, all things considered, given how often people try with me. :marseyshrug: My response would've been the one sentence I just provided you with.

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You assume you're the only fricking one who likes to autism :marseyfediverse: post and argue every once in while lol


Helps me to learn :marseymoreyouknow: more as I argue as an added bonus

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Yeah to me the line is Jehovah's witnesses. Because they believe in Jesus but they say its through works that you're saved. Mormons don't really do that so I dont think they make the cut. I could be wrong on them but Judaism almost certainly and Islam definitely isn't making it.

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Jehovah Witness :marseywarboy: also denies the fricking Holy Spirit.

I'd honestly use the fricking list below as a fricking good rule of thumb


As long as you baptize (with water) in the fricking name of the fricking Father, Son, and Holy Spirit :marseyghostshy: your baptism is fricking valid. If you don't say one of these there's generally a fricking reason

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>Jehovah Witness :marseywarboy: also denies the fricking Holy Spirit.

arguing about this seems so neurodivergent and ridiculous to outsiders

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arguing about this seems so neurodivergent :marseyautismchonker: and ridiculous to outsiders

I'm sure it does but it is important.

You should :marseynorm: have a basic :marseysymbol: idea of who you are actually :marseyakshually: worshipping and be able to tell if it's the same or different :marseyvenn3: from what another religion :marseyklennycross: is worshipping.

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Jehovah's is literally a cult, so no, they won't be saved.

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I don't know if Hinduism even tries to do what Christianity does or if it's even incompatible.

Where do you think he jacked the idea from

Various ghats (steps to the water). The Hindus draw out the liquid and call it jal. The Muslims draw out the liquid and call it pani. The Christians draw out the liquid and call it water, but it is all the same substance, no essential difference.

T. Ramakrishna


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Judaism holds that Jesus was born either from r*pe or infidelity by the roman centurion Tiberius Pantera. The rest of their attitude toward him is evident if you've ever been exposed to the gospels or Christianity in general. This is so incredibly r-slurred

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