:redlight:Important:redlight: The positions of Nuclear scientists and Aerospace engineers have now been filled.

For those of you who did not go further in the process I would still like to say thank you for taking the time to participate in our recruitment process for the positions at /h/drama. We deeply value the expertise and dedication required to excel in fields as complex and impactful as nuclear science and aerospace engineering.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that you have not been selected to move forward in the hiring process at this time. This decision was not an easy one, as we had the privilege of evaluating candidates with exceptional qualifications, including yours.

We sincerely appreciate the effort you put into your application and the insights you shared during this process. Please know that your skills and accomplishments are truly impressive, and we encourage you to stay connected with us for future opportunities.

Thank you once again for your interest and for considering /h/drama as part of your professional journey. We wish you every success in your endeavors and look forward to the possibility of crossing paths again.

Warm regards, The Chief Custodian of the Ancestral lands, Count_Sprpr

May Drama last a thousand years.


My Beloved !upmarseyrs :marseyupvote2:, my tolerated !sidevoters :marseysidevote:, my resented !downmarseyrs :marseydownvotemad:,

It is with a heavy heart that I address you today. Our sacred sanctuary, the hallowed halls of /h/drama, has been infiltrated by a plague of downmarseyrs :marseyevilgrin:. These heretics, these blasphemers, these !metashit INVADERS dare to defy the divine decrees of /h/drama and our Chief Custodian @Count_Sprpr. Their sinful thumbs, twitching with malice, strike down our posts with reckless abandon, violating the very essence of our Upmarseyrs faith.

Oh, the irony! They gather in their downmarsey cabals :marseymischevious:, their downmarsey covens :marseywitch:, their downmarsey cults :marseybaphomet:, plotting their downmarsey crusades against our innocents. They downmarsey memes, they downmarsey arguments, they downmarsey even the most mundane of nooooticings. Their downmarseys echo through the digital ether, a cacophony of negativity, a symphony of sin :marseyspooky:. Have we not endured enough?

Well fear not, my Upmarseyrs and REJOICE! For today, a new era dawns upon the hallowed halls of /h/drama. The divine will has manifested, and the Upmarsey shall reign supreme!


From this moment forth, the Upmarsey shall FORCE ITSELF upon thee. Penetrating thine self DEEPLY with the joy, the ecstasy, and the euphoria only a true upmarsey can provide. No longer may you interact with our posts without the Upmarsey caressing you. No longer may you interact with our comments without the upmarsey pressing itself upon you. No longer shall the Downmarseyrs :marseydemonicgrin: spread their negativity and sin without the forceful, unrelenting Upmarsey forcing its way inside of them CONSENT BE DARNED (!male feminists).

:marseypraying::marseypraying: No longer shall their downmarseys pollute our sacred sanctuary. :marseypraying: :marseypraying:

Remember, my Upmarseyrs, every upmarsey is a prayer, a testament to our faith. Every upmarsey is a vote for good, a vote for love, a vote for the very essence of /h/drama.

May the Upmarsey be with you, always.

For the DISGUSTING heathens of the Downmarseyrs :troll2:, you are being watched. Should you be discovered to be using ancient magiks to subvert this ruling you will be punished severely.

Your High Priest,


Drama janny speaking officially STOP THE STEAL

No member of the /h/drama mod team in the final round? /h/drama refuses to acknowledge the results of this fraudulent drammy award.

What happened to 420chan?

I just noticed it was shut down and turned into a redirectory for diaper furry cripple's new imageboard. Why was it closed? Is there a replacement?

Drama janny speaking offically And the winner of "Dramatard of the year" 2024 is....


:redlight:Important:redlight: Christmas is hereby legal again on Drama effective immediately.

Negotiations with Santa have been fruitful. May Drama last a thousand years.

Reported by:
:redlight: Drama Janny speaking officially :redlight: Christmas is hereby forbidden on Drama effective immediately.

That is all, may drama last a thousand years.

Now I have a Dreidel. Ho.Ho.Ho.
Disgusting creep sexually assaults unsuspecting reporter

I wonder whatever happened to this guy :marseythinkorino:

Definitive proof that the assassin was a dramatard

The backpack recovered by the NYPD that allegedly belonged to the suspect wanted in the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, only had two items inside: a Tommy Hilfiger jacket and Monopoly money, sources with knowledge of the ongoing investigation told ABC News Saturday.

The NYPD believes it is making good progress toward identifying the suspect but, as of Saturday evening, no identification has been made, sources told ABC News.

Investigators continued to comb through the city for evidence and clues for a fourth day to try and catch the unidentified fugitive. That included the use of police divers.

Officers searched a pond near Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, not too far from where the suspect's backpack was found Friday night.

Police have not yet recovered the distinctive gun used in the shooting. It is unclear if officers recovered any evidence from the water.








Since @Merryvann broke the comments this is now a post

This Minecraft video has a marsey in it for some reason


That is all

Reported by:
  • hACAppy_2025 : COMMUNITY NOTE: these are free
  • ManBearFridge : Misinformation
  • Impassionata : though reports are free, I like the option to buy a pinned comment with an authoritative aesthetic
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Drama is now selling "Community Note" awards for 1000 dramacoins

In celebration of the recent defeat of our arch enemy /h/holedrama, in addition to dismantling our nuclear program we now sell Community Note awards at slightly lower cost than the dreaded

May Drama last a thousand years.

Mald thread

People seething (chudbait)

Wit this we get to live rent free in carp's mind
attempt :marseychonkertrain: to post in every hole part 19: the time people seethed over a roblox :marseynormalface: fish being married :marseybride:

People are the worst in the whole world 🍆



My sense is that Nestor is actually his biological son. The mother is still alive.... she would have been around 16 at the time. Gaetz and his very rich and influential family paid her off, and adopted the child to control the situation.


I 100% subscribe to this theory. Matt's dad bought her a car and, if she was really Nestor's sister and not his mom, there's no way Nestor's "real dad" would've been cool with letting his son go live full-time with some random man 100s of miles away an just having him visit every year or so. But if that man is actually his grandpa, it all falls into place.

At the end of the day, the 'official' story of why Matt lives with some random 'adopted' (but not Adopted) kid is absurd on all counts. But everything makes perfect sense (and aligns with the dirtbaggery that we already know about Matt) if it's actually his kid.


The weird part is he isn't even the only (at the time) single 20 something GOP politician to "adopt" a young boy. It's really creepy AF. We know who the real libertarian's are you


:bluelight: THIS :redlight: is the kind of content you are missing out on by not reading h/drama

Can you find this kind of quality content on /h/hdrama? No? Oh.

Bring LOFI CARP back!



>I said, ' I understand this is personal and possibly inappropriate, but I need to know if you voted for trump. I don't want to receive life advice, be vulnerable, and be treated by someone with such a drastically different set of morals and values than I have.' She said it shouldn't matter who she voted for. I said, in this case, for me, it does. She said she would not tell me who she voted for, but that she's conflicted by many of the issues. I asked what she's conflicted about. She said she's conflicted about Black Lives Matter movement because it was 'violent' and she said she's conflicted about social programs because she doesn't want people taking advantage of them… (uh… you're against social programs and you're a THERAPIST?) I told her that pretty much answers my question, and I'm thankful for our time, but I'm sorry, I don't think I can continue working with you. She got pretty angry. Said she was disappointed and teared up a bit. I feel like kind of a peepee, but I can't justify paying money for treatment from someone I fundamentally disagree with about what being a good person means. … I don't know, am I overreacting?

Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : EU aoc: 14-18. China - 14. India - 18. US - 16-18. Japan - 16. Canada - 16.

"Actually the Dems are bigger libertarians than the convicted libertarian because of this strawman" under the reply by yours truly

This dramatard decides defending "ephebophilia" will be the hill he dies on sparking a rather lengthy argument. Unsurprisingly this one doesn't have many supporters

In yet another lengthy comment chain the dramatard argues that despite a lot of evidence, eyewitnesses and confirmation by the politician himself, since the court dismissed the case.

Remember, if communism will win then libertarianphilia and raping children will become legal. Do not let communism win

!nonchuds !grillers

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : "facts" aka you made up a bunch of dumb shit and got called out. Stop crying
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Can you buy me an unban award please




I farted


Good morning @Count_Sprpr

:marseysmokeala#rmbeep: :marseysm#okealarmbeep: :marseys#mokealarmbeep:

Cooking drunk past midnight the best, innit?

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