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Leafistani girl, 13, dies of an OD in a homeless camp after being given drug paraphernalia and hospitals refusing her family's wishes to keep her for involuntary rehab. :marseydepressed: :frown:




The family alleges that despite her age, Brianna was able to obtain Fraser Health drug paraphernalia including needles, crack pipes and pamphlets on how to use safely. Fraser Health is the largest regional health authority in B.C. The family has a plastic bag containing the paraphernalia marked Fraser Health, says Charles. "But if a child can't vote, can't buy liquor or sign a legal document, how can they get their hands on illicit drug paraphernalia," he asks.

The family begged the hospital to keep her and provide treatment. Instead, Brianna was discharged. The family was told Brianna had the right to decide for herself, despite being just 12 years old.

I can't even laugh anymore. What happened to this country I was once so proud of in a mere decade of Redditor rule makes me so sad.

!leafs come weep over what we once had :marseycry: :marseypigcry: :marseycanada:

!chuds come laugh at us for being a nation of r-slurs

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