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>This person (white) also constantly tells us about their black students in such an infantilizing way our friend group

So every /r/teaching poster but he doesn't use euphemisms.

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Also CRT isn't a thing in practice. If they're teaching CRT they aren't teaching conspiracy theories they're teaching about how groups like the Irish, Jewish, and especially people of African descent have been oppressed and colonized by other (white) groups.

So which is it? Not a thing, or a very specific thing you just described?

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Boy they really do hate the Jews in there.

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has claimed Irish and Jewish people were mostly behind slavery

:marseyhibernian: Begorah! Your prices are too high!

:marseyjewish: ummm are you saying black people should cost less? What are you some kind of chud?

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G*mers are a legitimate oppressed minority or something

I was high on blow last night and I wrote this. I have deleted the original post, but frick it here it is.

This is a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY unpopular opinion. But I guess thats the point of This subreddit.

You might have seen the memes on the internet saying how g*mers are the most oppressed group on the earth. And how they will “Rise Up”. On the surface this is a pretty stupid, and mostly nonsensical meme. But despite how ridiculous it might seem, there is a line of truth to the meme.


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