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EFFORTPOST How to frick on drugs + accidentally discovering the formula for a super peepee

I will start off by saying I have never really had any problems with my peepee when I'm sober, I'm still a pretty young guy so that's expected. But for some reason whenever I take almost any drug that shit does not work (MDMA, lsd, coke in particular, sometimes even alcohol). This was one of the reasons I stopped using drugs as often as I used to, feeling like you have ED as a college age dude is absolutely the worst and not worth it most of the time. With this context, I was recently presented with a problem where a longterm-ish situationship and I were planning on going to a party together on MDMA. Obviously I want my peepee to work here.

This post is basically a summary of my month-long experimentation with combining different possible solutions with different drugs and the outcome of each. This drug section is one of the only reasons I use this site anymore so I want to contribute in some way as well. Also, for context and consistency, every experience here is with the same girl (not a man, I am not a cute twink), and unless otherwise specified everything is coming from the same source.


Attempt 1: Basic Viagra + Cocaine

Cocaine was a good starting point because it's easily the most consistent "peepee don't work" drug, with "coke peepee" being a pretty well documented phenomenon on forums. I've read hilarious stories on reddit from coomers desperately trying to rub one out on coke and failing because they can't get hard :marseyxd: so if there is anything to test efficacy I figured that was the one.

I was able to acquire generic Viagra (sildenafil) pretty easily online just by lying on BlueChew's forms. I could even use one of my fake IDs (with a fake name and address, insanely, somehow) and a masked credit card to purchase it. I have no idea what kind of verification process they're doing over there but it's fricking r-slurred. Anyway I got one of their Sildenafil packs and tried out their 30mg plan. From what I googled a typical starter dose is 20-25mg so I figured this would be fine. I can confirm this dose actually does work, for me at least, and I was able to get over the coke ED with it.

Of course I was moderately worried about the interactions between Viagra and Cocaine. There's a lot of scary articles online claiming it builds dependence, is dangerous, etc, and this is probably true. But for whatever it's worth I tried the aforementioned 30mg + a couple lines + some alcohol and felt close to zero side effects. I did have a small headache the next morning but got over that pretty fast. Probably not something I would do regularly.

Attempt 2: Basic Viagra + Cocaine + Dapoxetine

A problem I did experience was finishing way too quickly. In the range of 1-2 minutes which is extremely embarrassing :marseyclueless:. I presume this has to do with the cocaine's either physical or mental effects, I can't say which. But anyway it was back to the drawing board.

Googling around I eventually discovered "Priligy," an SSRI also called "dapoxetine" that has a super short half life. Basically at some point, a doctor noticed that people taking SSRI's for depression had trouble finishing. After this, a drug company decided to create an SSRI with an extremely low half-life to try and isolate the "don't c*m" from the "frick up your serotonin receptors for life" aspect with an added "take as you need" feature. My first response to hearing that people were basically taking anti-depressants because they came too fast was honestly one of shock, that seems not at all worth it with the shit I've heard about SSRIs.

For whatever it's worth though, Dapoxetine taken on demand does actually seem quite safe. I read this study where only 11% of the people who stopped using it cited side effects as the reason, here for nerds :marseyreading: :marseysoyhype:, and the analyses of its interactions with the body shows that it entirely disappears in under a day. Basically as long as you're taking it as needed and not super often, it disappears way faster than other SSRIs and doesn't seem to come with any of the bad side effects. So I ended up ordering some from one of those sketchy Hong Kong online pharmacies (https://www.unitedpharmacies.md) to try it out.

I tried this combo with a little bit of alcohol. Holy shit this might have been the worst night of my life. I woke up at 6am, bolted to the bathroom, and had uncontrollable vomitting until 8am. I felt nauseous and extremely unpleasant the whole time. Any time I tried to drink water I would immediately puke it back up. Easily my worst, actually only bad ever, experience with drugs.

Attempt 3: Basic Viagra + Cocaine + Dapoxetine + Food

So it turns out you can't take Dapoxetine on an empty stomach, and if I wasn't r-slurred and done the slightest bit of googling, I would have known this. Seriously. After finding this out, I gave it a third attempt eating before I went out and that changed everything. No dizziness, nausea, nothing. You might be wondering why I would try again after the previous experience. Well the answer to that is I am r-slurred.

Now I can actually talk about the experience. Dapoextine definitely works. Black magic in that fricking pill. You can literally be trying to finish and that shit will just not happen unless you are locked in and concentrating. Really cool novelty but I imagine if you're on SSRIs normally this sucks. However, if you are r-slurred like me and just trying to frick while abusing drugs, it is perfect. I've already gone over every individual aspect of this in terms of function so I'll just say: darn. This shit works. The only issue with this combination is timing. Viagra has peak effectiveness around 1 hour after use, and Dapoxetine kicks in 2 hours after use. Trying to time two medications, while at a party, while doing cocaine/intoxicated, without a great idea of when you're leaving is definitely stressful.

Attempt 4: Tadalafil + Cocaine + Dapoxetine + Food

Tadalafil is Cialis, which is just like Sildenafil/Viagra except it's supposed to last 24 hours. So you can take it the morning before and be fine. I was able to get it shipped in 2 days from BlueChew. If you're wondering how my "prescription" was changed to easily, it's because BlueChew will literally let you place a "one time order" for any drug they sell once you're prescribed a generic in the same category. Once again I am wondering how this is possible/legal, but whatever. :marseyshrug:

Definitely recommend this over Viagra/Sildenafil. Worked exactly the same for mitigating coke-peepee without having to time anything. I think this is the combination that, if you're looking for something like a "superdick" and insanely wild s*x, is basically the one. The coke will give you insane energy and slight euphoria, and with Dapoxetine + Tadalafil you won't ever really worry about shit working or not working. Highly, highly recommend trying this at least once.

Attempt 5: Tadalafil + MDMA

This was also a great experience, although I didn't try mixing Dapoxetine with MDMA because of serotonin syndrome (genuinely this can kill you, do not do it). Very similar to the last one so not worth a paragraph, only drawback is that for me at least I was finishing way quicker. The good news is that Tadalafil reduces your recovery time to close to zero so you can go again.


This was actually such a wild experience for me that I felt in awe of modern medicine for a few days after. I also feel obliged to give a warning here that this can so, so easily become a mental dependency. The last two combinations set such an unrealistic expectation for any sober sexual interaction that I haven't dared to try them again, and I think that it's the end of my experimentation. I think the coke/dapoxetine/tadalafil is the "holy grail" of my r-slurred experiments but at the same time I genuinely believe that this is a mental hazard to experience. I also don't think any of this will build up a physical dependency or issue but I'm really, really, not trying to frick up my peepee or dopamine receptors for the rest of my life, so I'm stopping. I guess this guide could also be useful for someone just trying to test out the drugs independent of coke/mdma, I'd say go for it in that case too.

On the net though, honestly none of this was worth it. Coke is expensive enough and I don't want to pay another like ~$15 when its all said and done per night just to have my peepee work. I could just drink less/take less drugs instead. I was able to make back all my bread by selling the leftover sildenafil+tadalafil to friends, not sure what to do with the dapoxetine yet.

Well, that's about it. I hope you learned something or at the very least enjoyed reading about my quest to cure coke-peepee and related illnesses through even more r-slurred self medication. In summary: Fun novelty - not worth it otherwise. :marseywave2: If you have any questions I will definitely answer, if you have any comments or want to call me funny names please also leave that below.

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Guys are hesitant to talk about this, but if you have trouble getting hard on ecstasy you're a little gay boy. A cute twink

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I was about to be impressed that you got laid, but then I realized it was with a dude so there's no skill in that. Sorry, no longer impressed.


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I'm not a strag lol, I literally specified this in the post

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The problem with MDMA in my experience isn't getting hard, but actually nutting. In this way it has a similar effect to SSRI for me. Any tips to actually coom faster?

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frick me, united pharmacies is selling duloxetine as pain relief :marseypuke:

that shit gave me brain zaps and tremors lmao

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This is very useful information and I would contribute to it but... :marseyclueless:

Anyway on an unrelated note can you also do a writeup on how to acquire some of the materials in this post?

...not the drugs I already have all of those, I mean the woman :marseyill:

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not the drugs I already have all of those, I mean the woman

Women were not among the materials for OP.

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Dapoxetine‘s crazy effective.

You used to be able to buy it off Amazon but it looks like that's not a thing anymore.

I'm back on Lexapro so now it's just eternal suffering of always having trouble finishing rather than a fun trick for one night stands. :marseycry:

Also taking 5 mg of Cialis daily so that's been pretty nifty even if I had to deal with two weeks solid of the worst legs and back cramps I've ever had.

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Sorry to hear that with Lexapro. Inspiration for the dapoxetine actually came from a friend who mentioned the side affects of his anti-depressants offhand.

Why are you taking Cialis daily? In my experience it works totally fine as an "as needed" thing 1 hour before. If you're cramping just take it less often

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If you're cramping just take it less often

Ironically that's exactly why I take it daily.

If I take it as needed I get super bad cramps a day or two after taking it for a few days every single time.

When I started taking it daily I got super bad cramps for two weeks straight, but after that I was just dandy. As long as I keep taking it consistently I should never have to deal with the cramps again.

Plus I feel way more comfortable adding 100 mg of Viagra on top of daily 5 mg Cialis than I would with with adding it on top of 20 mg of as needed Cialis.

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