Modern Hollywood and Medieval costume dullness :marseycrusader:

!historychads !kino the Kenneth Branagh post today reminded me of something, every modern slop set in the Middle Ages has the same dull brown/black costumes and leather clothing/armor. I chose Chalamet's Henry V as an example.

This is Henry V from the 1944 Laurence Olivier's adaptation. This armor is historically accurate, it has the colors of the Plantagenet sigil (the lion and the Fleur de lys) and is a plate armor which was the type Henry V used. Branagh's adaptation got the colors right but the armor wrong as he wears a mail cloth with leather making it look like a sweater.

Then there are shows like vikings.

Again with the dull brown/gray colors and leather, not to mention those silly haircuts.

The Northman got the viking king armor and attire right.

Finally, and I know it's fantasy, but the later seasons of Game of Thrones had awful costumes, while on early seasons there were colors, by season 7 everybody was wearing black and leather. Jon Snow doesn't even wears a plate armor. Sansa and Cersei were given Darth Vaderesque gowns

Sansa looks like some dominatrix with those ring things.


Here are some early 15th century scenes from a french Illuminated Manuscript to give an idea of what people wore back then.

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Honestly I'm really sad that at some point we collectively decided that colourful clothing is for women and everyone instead should wear white polos and gray suits. Landsknechts are easily one of my top 5 favourite warriors of old simply due to the fact that they were the most drippy ones anywhere, ever.

Though I will say the good old feudal knights are still number 1 for me, there is no ancient military unit that is more iconic in presentation in my opinion.

I'm especially partial to the garments of Teutonic order (both for historic reasons but also because they're just cool)

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Moids will never get to dress like in the pics above again :chuditsover: !fashion

Also, more 15th century manuscripts.

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All of this is early anime btw

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why are japs like this

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Asian women frick squids

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More like why are women like this amiright

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I like how the cloth covering over armor was something that grew out of Crusaders in the middle east. There, you had to wear a loose white cloth over your armor to keep the sun from baking you to death. You could also wet the cloth to take advantage of evaporative cooling. Having a cloth covering armor was also useful for allowing various units to put insignia on themselves to stay cohesive during battles often formed out numerous smaller groups from around Europe.

In Europe, this wasn't particularly useful or needed, but returning crusaders wore their middle eastern garments to show their veteran status, and it became extremely popular as military attire due to the cachet associated with the Crusades. Essentially, this was Ye Olden Days version of the GWOT beard + Oakleys + scarf larp attire you see at the range

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I wonder if weapons would get tangled in the cloth, possibly to your advantage?

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Honestly I'm really sad that at some point we collectively decided that colourful clothing is for women and everyone instead should wear white polos and gray suits.

Basically, around the time of the french revolution, men decided color was fricking gay and made you look like an effeminate artistocrat and masculine fashion has not recuperated since.

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The fricking French :shakefist:

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@sandkwinn still waiting for a Landsknecht marsey :marseyexcited:


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guess where I just was :marseyregular:

!remindme 2 weeks to draw :marseyretard2:

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Also !engineering !historychads pinging you guys for architecture stuff.

The picture on the left is the old Louvre castle which was demolished in the 16th century so the new palace could be built. The one on the right is the Palais de la Cité. You can also see the peasantcels plowing and sowing the fields.

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>mfw I am reaping below my lords castle

>He spends all day commissioning the limp-wristed artist to make it look bizarrely large and fanciful

>The Lord insists taxes must rise this year because of undue expense


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Not my problem, peasant

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>those serf ankles

:marseybiting: I'd like to do some plowing of my own

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I love the book of hours


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Back when ppl understood the importance of astrological cycles

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I'm not an architect but this is pretty so pls keep pinging engineering for architecture :marseyexcited:

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What are those tall skinny things on the roof? :marseyshook: Chimneys? :marseyhmmm:

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Yes, those are chimneys. Castles and later on palaces were notoriously difficult to heat during the winter so they required as many fireplaces as possible.

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100% facts:

Prob gonna get worse now that lotr is officially chud material:

Only iconic characters can stay above the sissyfication:

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Tolkien is sort of a chud. If you listen to his interview, he comes across quite rural, land, piece and quiet loving. Add to that he's quite religious and says that the whole universe he's created has no gods because "there is only the true one". :marseyboomer:

Of course there's also his whole tender men having holesome friendships. But obviously that can never exist in the real world without being gay, so... :marseyshrug:

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He also wrote to the national censorship board of Nazi Germany saying he wishes he were a Jew and that they're ruining Germany.

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He also called out the nazicel "WE WUZ ARYANZ" larp by affirming he wasn't aryan as he had no hindustani, Iranian or gypsy ancestry.

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Got a sauce for this?

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Letter #29 from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien reads:

I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by 'arisch'. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. … But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. … I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.

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From what I understand JD Vance is into unions which is socialism. You combine Vance's socialism with trumps nationalism, what do you get? National socialism

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Think Dark Knight was the turning point in the color style used. Look at Excalibur in comparison.

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i follow an account on twitter that FRICKING RAGES about all medieval movies being dull and brown and lifeless.

and also about viking helmets not having horns.

and also how medieval europeans people did, in fact, bathe and weren't taught by black african american blacks.

there's other stuff because it's just an account dedicated to calling out fake history but those are the 3 man ones people constantly tweet about that she has to correct. she seems to be personally offended by the non-colorful medieval stuff the most.

good account if you enjoy watching r-slurs get told they are r-slurs with factual sourced information but flat out refusing to admit they are r-slurs

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But Vikings didn't wear horned helmets. :marsey: Unless you misspelled? :marseythinkorino:

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no that's what i said. she screams about viking helmets not having horns. are you drunk?! :hmph:

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So she thinks they should be wearing horned helmets? :marseyconfused2:

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you really are drunk aren't you

someone posts about vikings on twitter. the picture has horns on the helmet. she comes in to rage about viking helmets not actually having horns.

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That's not my fault, your post was confusing. :marseysad:

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Sorry everyone before 1960s lived in a black and white world with no color and it was rainy and muddy every day

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!kino is this one of the greatest movies ever made or what?

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Ive seen the 60s twilight zone probably like 6 times over

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My grandparents grew up in black and white. They told me so. :marseyindignantretard:

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Also one other thing that personally triggers me a lot is how often different media depicts armour as something that is being put on directly on clothing (or God forbid- bare skin), ignoring that actual armour was put upon many layers of specialised clothing, quilts, etc. No leather padding, no gambesons, nothing. It takes half a second of thinking to figure that wearing a metal bucket bare on your head won't save you from blunt injuries. This is such a simple detail that adds not only realism but flavour to the setting. Small nuances like this which make the world make sense make it feel so much more alive.

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Part of it in my opinion is beacause modern :marseymajorgeneral3: military :marseysaluteccp: gear has its colors :marseytrippy: for specific purposes, most of which being camouflage.

If youre a knight :marseycrusader2: on a horse, who fricking :marseytom: cares about camouflage? that shit didnt :marseyfingerwords: matter. you had to look GOOD and represent whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: family/kingdom/rex you were serving or whatever

but modern :marseyartbasel: costume :marseycowmad: designers are projecting modern :marseywarhol: practicality onto old stuff

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No email address required. Chalamet is the happy twink version of somber otter Harington

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He has a weird face, comparing to older pictures of him I think he underwent some face procedure. It's as if he wants to look androgynous.

!kino thoughts on Kit Harrington? Show Jon Snow was so boring as a character :marseysleep:. He and Emilia Clarke were the weakest actors among the main cast.

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he had buccal fat removal done , ( fat pad in the lower cheek removed)

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>today I remove all the fat and tissue from my face so I could look like a skull with skin wrapped over it


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The point of naming him Jon Snow was to hear Rose Leslie (Ygritte) say "yew no nowthing Jon Snoh"

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You mean, Kitt Harrington is the Dwarf version of Elvish Chalamet.

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>5'10" vs 5'8"

Both dwarves tbh.

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5'11 hands typed this

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I'm 5'10" actually :marseydepressed:

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"The Tudors" had top tier medieval costume and set design. Plenty of qt waifus who got their tits out for bonus points.

Don't @ me about muh historical accuracy, go watch A Man for All Seasons or Wolf Hall if you want boring PBS/BBC crap.

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"The Tudors" got the era costumes right and they looked great.

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The women aren't half-bald, inaccurate. :marseyunamused:

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A Mimic Ate 53 Coins!

Why are you doing this? :marseycrying:

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The amount of effort expended in history to make clothes pretty colors can't be overstated, people fought wars over the dye trade, thousands and thousands of people died (:carlos:) and all of a sudden we're too good for it and everyone needs to look like they've been submerged in poop to feel dark and gritty or "authentic" :marseydisagree:

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The King was a dope movie.

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i've complained plenty about how shows will have "tribal leather" costumes that look too plasticky and new. like how sets always look like fake immaculate sets

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A friend was complaining about historical shows where the dresses all make loud swishy sounds as they move, because they're made with contemporary fabrics.

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What sounds should they make? :marseysuspicious:

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Very little sound. They were working with soft fabrics, and knew how to put them together to not make unnecessary noise, because why would they want them to rustle so much as they moved?

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The Peasants had lots of nice colours

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Game of Thrones and it's consequences have been a disaster for a fantasy/medieval themed media color palette.

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Now do a post about how Hollywood will make fairly accurate costumes but then just let the women wear modern hair

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idk who the kid is that played in Dune, but he's fricking annoying.

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Werent colorful clothes a sign of status back then?

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Yes, but it depended of the color, some were very expensive and others accesible

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They were? :marseyshook: I thought even peasants had access to green and blue dyes.

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Green and blue are CRINGE, red is CHAD

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weren't dyes and shit still pretty expensive back then?

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It depended on the dye color. Purple, crimson red and dark blue (made with indigo) were expensive, the type of stuff only the nobility and wealthy merchants could afford. Dyes like green and yellow and some other shades of red and blue were cheap.

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!dementia This jawjacker is peddling a false sense of security. He tells you that this armor don't run the muffin, but he's not gonna let you know that Medicare doesn't grow on trees, it's a broken system, I should know.

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It's not surprising Burgers are historically illiterate and only understand the world through stereotypes

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Reminds @HailVictory1776 of how dumb and dumber made everypony in game of thrones wear brown and black towards the end. It was a direct criticism that's been remedied with house of the dragon which is much more colorful with their attire @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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The tale of history forms a very strong bulwark against the stream of time, and to some extent checks its irresistible flow, and, of all things done in it, as many as history has taken over, it secures and binds together, and does not allow them to slip away into the abyss of oblivion.

-- Anna Comnena

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