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This reminds of the great soren war :marseyill:

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Remember when Sorenlander single-handedly won the war?


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Actual footage of the war


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!dramatards Get in here and check this out


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one thing that kind of sucks is we'll never see these giant, epic land battles again. Force multipliers are so strong now that troop numbers will never be this high and battles will be much smaller, if they even happen due to the threat of nukes.

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that sucks? :marseywut2:

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War isn't as manly as it used to be


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I miss the days when we just lined up in neat lines, and took gentlemanly turns firing musket volleys into each other.

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They made encirclements from HoI4 into a real thing :marseysoypoint:

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It's just like in my video games. :prigozhinsoypoint:

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Axis needs a nerf in Axis and Allies Global 1940

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Lend lease to Soviet Union in today money is 180 billions, lend lease to UK in today money is 431 billion. One country got more than those 2 combined :marseyschizonotes:

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Meanwhile China got 1%.

That said raw numbers just saw its cost for America, much of the goods SU received were stuff they had little supply of and couldn't easily boost it, like electronics, aviation fuel, industrial imputes.

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we provided some 47% of the explosives used by the soviet union lol.

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It was much more difficult to get anything to China. Most reliable method was over the Himalayas which was still butt. Japan controlled or contested the Burma road until towards the end of the war and of course they controlled all the Chinese ports.

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US helped China ?

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They flew shit over the Himalayas from :marseysaluteindia: to :marseysalutechina:


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594 aircraft lost


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Yeah, because the :marseyjewoftheorient:s were fighting the :marseyasianmerchant:s

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We only sent about a million fricking guys to the China-Burma-India theater.

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There no Hollywood movie about it so it never happened

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I can't stand his voice. If he was American and had a better mic I'd probably watch

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what voice, theres nobody talking :marseyconfused2:

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The VOICE of GOD and you should repent for not returning my account to me upon request. :marseyandjesus:

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stop gaslighting me stop gaslighting me stop gaslighting me


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Archive tape from ww2 that played at start of the video. Someone should go back 80 years to the past and tell that guy to learn speak in modern skibidi English

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Some guy who died from bussy cancer is talking at the start

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So much of that on YouTube. I'll start a video that looks interesting then have to nope out in a couple of minutes because the narrator has no elocution skills much less story telling ability. And this goes for tenured professors at prestigious universities as well as neurodivergent rando r-slurs. Frustrating.

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Sounds like ww2 archives tapes

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There was no WW2 you sheep. :marseynpcsheep:

There's no footage of it.

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I don't believe the truth will ever be known, and I have a great contempt for history.

-- Gen. George Meade



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mfw no ping :marseyitsover:

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ItLOLy sucked so badly, it almost makes me feel bad for Hitler. :#mussolini:

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GAY hoi4 base map with the enlarged English channel and averaged numbers over time

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