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  • HailVictory1776 : Never forget the USS LIBERTY. THE GOYIM KNOW TRANS LIVES MATTER

The United States 'Liberty' after it was attacked by Israel in 1967, killing 35 and wounded 171 people : SnapshotHistory



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>,The A-10 was a terrible use of funds and was a huge distraction for the role of the air force, where they should have focused on fast-and-capable interdictors or cheap low-and-slow counterinsurgency prop places like the Super Tucano.

:marseysoldieramerica: I don't know exactly where the enemy is, so I can't laser-guide a bomb there. Okay, just drop one bomb there, and we'll sit around waiting for hours for the next plane to drop a bomb or two nearby.

Do you BIPOCs not think this through?

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You either find the enemy via airborne sensors or guys on the ground. Plus an F-15 can carry as much ordnance as an A-10 and toss them b-words down from the stratosphere. The A-10 was an absurd rendering of a WWII concept made with 60s technology

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