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"People too tired to lead healthier lifestyles, UK survey finds" - :marseychonker2: Fatties make excuses :marseycope:


Lots of people are making excuses about why Bongs aren't living healthier lives. Long covid, depression, gyms are scary, running is too expensive, healthy food is too expensive.

I absolutely live a healthier lifestyle now. In the Spring and Summer months I take my lunch to the park and once I am done, have a walk around the park and then back home. In the winter months I don't tend to go out for lunch as much but working from home allows me to meal prep, exercise around work commitments and that sort of thing. On the financial side, WFH has freed up a lot of time & money I would have normally spent on commuting which can be redirected to buying better quality, healthier food and with more time available to me, to prepare that food.There is a mountain of other things I could say but I think I have made my point.

No wonder the government is vehement about returning to the work place. A fit, healthy and happy populate is hard to brainwash and control

Stupid comment. An unhealthy population is one that cannot work, pay taxes, or grow the economy.


STV last night was trying to frame people working from home is causing more long term sick. I laughed at loud so many times. Show a graph of long term sick increasing over the pandemic. Must be because working from home apparently. They even after the entire segment threw an off hand comment of "or it might be that people have to wait longer for medical care" Yeha right on STV must be working from home that's causing increased sickness. Not the global pandemic or the impact that and the tories have had ok healthcare.

They really don't want to talk about the consequences of long covid.

What consequences :marseysmug2:

100% the opposite for me. I've gained so much weight and am doing so much less exercise since WFH. It has its advantages absolutely, and they outweigh the disadvantages largely, but for physical health its worse.

Only if you let it.

Well sure. Exercise is still possible. But you're not forced into it the way you are with going to work.

In other words, it's a you problem, not a work from home problem.


If you have to walk a mile then you're walking a mile. No getting out of it.

If you don't have to walk a mile then you have to make an active choice to do so. Its extra on top of the bare basics of living your life.

"If you have to walk a mile then you're walking a mile. No getting out of it."

Yeah so you are actively making the choice not to exercise using the time you save when WFH. That is undeniably on you.

"If you don't have to walk a mile then you have to make an active choice to do so."

That is usually how it goes yes, if you want to be healthy then you have to make those choices. If you don't make healthy choices then that is on you, that isn't WFH forcing you out of healthy living.

Another person who doesn't understand basic psychology here. Having to do something tends to make for a habit that is far easier to keep than choosing to do it.

Yes. You could choose to go for a half hour walk in the morning anyway. But do you seriously think everyone will keep that up as well as if they had to do it to get to work?

What do you mean I have to make an effort :marseypearlclutch:

“It’s the question many of us ask ourselves: why don’t I exercise more, eat better food and generally lead a healthier lifestyle?” And the answer simply is : I’m working all hours god sends to combat raging inflation leaving no time nor energy for it. That and the fact that eating good quality food is too expensive.

Do you believe the attitude of 'blame everything except myself' is an issue?

There's only so much one's self can do.

One could run for 20 minutes 2 or 3 times a week though right?

:marseydance: :!marseycracka:

Most people don't though.

In my office there are loads of fat people who are eating takeaways multiple nights a week and driving 20 mins to work when they could bike it in 25.

Better on physical and mental health, better on the wallet and better on the environment. I guarantee you people crying on reddit about the same thing will be in the same situation and don't want to improve things themselves.

It just seems so futile and cruel to look at something that clearly affects the majority of people, statistically, and instead of saying "WHY do people not eat better and exercise more--what are the deep underlying reasons that this happens?", just taking an attitude (as many do) of "this is a moral failing and these are less worthy people."

You can say "just eat healthier and exercise" all day long, but the fact is that for most people that won't change a darn thing. So asking questions about why, with compassion and curiosity rather than judgement, is essential to finding out what it is we CAN change.

Honestly, at the very deepest level, the answer is likely to be that we are still animals, beholden to instincts and programming, and humans aren't programmed for the lifestyle of abundance and lack of necessary movement that we have today. People are following deeply ingrained instincts and desires inherited from a time when those made sense. You can't just magic that away by informing people that it's bad. People KNOW that. Some people are better at overcoming it then others, but there are a massive number of factors that are going to make people revert to those instincts because doing what our brains are programmed to want to do feels good. People who are depressed are going to seek what feels good because it staves off the dark feelings a bit. People who are tired are going to seek what feels good because they don't have the energy to hold out. People who have adhd are going to seek what feels good because it compensates for what their brains are not giving them. So on and so on. Looking at it from the perspective of "these people need to shape up and get better habits" is the wrong approach. How do we empower people to overcome these habits ingrained from millennia of evolution is a better question to ask, though it's a really fricking difficult one without simple answers. :marseywords:

If you won't help yourself the don't expect help from others.


Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is easier to start a healthier lifestyle when you are better rested, a healthier lifestyle helps you feel better rested and more motivated to maintain healthier habits. It does not help that there is a lot of advice and a lot of people touting their ways of doing things. Trying to find out what works for you and trying to separate the fact from the fiction takes a lot of mental energy in itself. No wonder people look into it and give up before doing anything.

Also people are poorer and there us less out there. My local pool have been closed if you enjoy swimming it's 30 min drive to next one now so that is 2 hours out of your day so you don't bother. My local gym went up from £25 to £45 in space of 2 years. Etc. As options are more limited then you bother less and less

A lot of parks have free outdoor gyms, all you really need are pullup bars, dip bars and a set of resitance bands and you can do so many exercises. Here's a map of outdoor calesthenic parks in the UK. Maybe there's one near you.

The weather in the UK is too crap to exercise outdoors

If you're always looking for excuses not to exercise, you'll always find one

Over 10 years of jiujitsu and lifting since I was 21, I’m not making excuses, I’m just not doing chin ups in January in some random park. You do you though.

Sounds like you can afford access to a gym. If you couldn't, would you sit on your fat arse complaining, or make the most of a bad situation?

I’d make excuses, ain’t no way I’m getting mistaken for some guy doing parkour because I’m swinging about on bits of kit in the park.


You can do this at home too. Once it gets warmer then it's no problem.

Working out from home is hard to get motivated and in the summer it’s too ‘ot

Do you have a book of excuses for this, or what?

There's also this exchange that I can't be bothered to format where a poor copes that they can't run because running shoes are too expensive :marseypoor:

And this one where some guy complains gyms are too scary :marseyscared:

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A fairly good indicator that low mood might actually be clinical depression requiring intervention is absolute exhaustion. Not just feeling a bit tired or not up for a long walk, a soul crushing, unshiftable, all encompassing exhaustion of the kind that means even walking across the room to pick something up feels as out of your capabilities as climbing a mountain would be.

For all the "if people just get out and do some exercise they will feel a lot better" advice, which is usually true, it is worth bearing in mind that for some people, 'tired' can be a very strong indicator that there is more wrong than it might seem, and whilst a healthier lifestyle can be a part of recovering from that, clinical intervention is probably going to be needed.


Kill all bongs


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They just need to take a shower and just be themselves

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clean your room and wash your peepee

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I have a shower cap for my junk.

I let the funk build up until I get cysts I can pop. I then smear the pus all over my face and use it + my shit as lube to jack off. I c*m so fricking hard.

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I'm convinced depression is a psyop to turn people into sexless ssri zombies. They absolutely ruin lives and are way over prescribed and I'll forever be bitter about them.

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I go back and forth.

I was diagnosed with clinical depression very very young and started SSRIs early but I was suicidal which makes zero sense for a child.

I had therapy on-and-off over the years where I addressed past sexual abuse only later.

I was able to make real progress, however a lot of it was simple changes like having a regular schedule.

So I think there’s a lot of people who are clinically depressed (my definition would require real risk of suicide) it’s extremely important for treatment to include basic hygiene including showering and working.

Over-medication is absolutely a risk as well, I had a quack Dr. prescribing me medication for side effects of other medications - which were prescribed for side effects.

Now I take a single low dose pill and it keeps me honest without turning into a zombie.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I'm glad you're dealing with things better now, King.

Never stop improving.

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Based and dramatards-uplifting-fellow-dramatardspilled


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Thanks king!

I think they’re all important parts of self-improvement.

Sometimes medication is a part, sometimes it’s therapy, it will always involve a personal decision to do better.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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same here. 3+ extra medications prescribed because the SSRI made me feel 10x worse. any dr prescribing these meds as a cure-all needs their license revoked

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Yup, I’m on a very low dose of haldol now and it makes me a tad too tired for my liking but otherwise it’s made me a productive member of society.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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If you were to just look at the general picture, I'd probably agree with you. I used to get into a state where I wouldn't get out of bed for days or weeks at a time (depending on if a bottle of water was within reach), going without eating, showering, anything.

I went for years doing this and had a real internet-induced (mainly comments/ stories like this) knee-jerk rejection of any sort of help, especially medication. One day I forgot how much I hated italians and was inspired by Tony from the sopranos so went to the GP and asked if I could get some meds for this (all the therapists were women, so that was out). I went on some low dosage SSRI and it really helped. The length of time between going into bed-hibernation mode greatly increased, and I was able to get out of my room much more and get really into fitness.

In general, be cautious of going on medication for this shit, but if you're doing something really unhealthy you might as well try it out.

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SSRIs are toxic and do turn people into zombies but depression is real too

SSRIs just aren't the cure for it

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I don’t know much about SSRIs but adderall turned me into a shitty weirdo that couldn’t hold a conversation

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Such a defeatist mindset. My best workouts are always where I'm just dragging at the end of the day and don't want to do them, but as soon as I'm moving I feel great

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intervention is absolute exhaustion. Not just feeling a bit tired or not up for a long walk,

Frick just log out of rdrama my man.

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Anyone who says running is "too expensive" makes me seethe. I have running shorts that are 10 years old, t shirts, and go through like 1-2 pairs of running shoes a year. It's the cheapest form of exercise possible.

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I've been trail running in boots I already owned with no issues. You don't even need to buy anything to take up running.

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Its because the Bongs cant stop eating potato chips and cheeky Nandos.

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wtf is chinese about that

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Her eyes are gonna look Chinese from all the face fat

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This is norf erasure.


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Omg that's me

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it was a good post!

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It makes me hungry.

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Chinese immigrants took over fish and chip shops and created a version of Chinese food that combines the two. Much more fried food than normal Chinese cuisine.

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:#!marseynorf: + :marseybard#!finn3:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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potato chips

They're crisps

cheeky Nandos

Nandos is:

1. fricking awesome

2, relatively healthy

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Laziness begets laziness. People who never exercise feel excess fatigue. I thought this was a scientific fact.

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Reported by:

I’M SO LAZY THAT SOMETIMES I’M TOO LAZY TOO EAT So @pizzashill-2410 just don’t eat.

Trans lives matter @pizzashill-1 please unchud me

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Also, if none of your family or friends regularly exercises, you're less likely to as well. Same with being fat, there's fatties who mostly have fat friends so they don't even think they're out of place or anything.

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This could be said about anythong though, like drinking smoking, religion etc.

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just taking an attitude (as many do) of "this is a moral failing and these are less worthy people."


I instinctively have higher trust people in my line of work (long hours at a desk) that are in shape. It indicates a level of self-control and commitment that :marseychonkerjunkfoodrentfree: obviously lack. These traits inevitably correlate with being more competent and pleasant to work with on deals.

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I have a great low energy tip for losing weight.

Stop eating. Literally takes more energy to do it than not do it. I spend most of my time not eating.

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I've always found it bizarre. If I didn't have to eat to live, I wouldn't do it. I couldn't give less of a shit if food was tasty or not, I cook based on how quickly I can make something and how healthy it is.

The weird thing is that my brother is the complete opposite, which would indicate it isn't cultural, upbringing or genetics.

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I like to eat. If there were no consequences I'd eat whatever garbage I wanted every day. I just have self control.

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Fatties complain about fasting for ~6-8 hours (aka sleeping), they don't have the will to ignore hunger like normal human beings

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>be young

>never exercise

>tired all the time

>be now

>discovered I love exercising years ago

>too much energy

>my foid smh her head at my boundless drive

Lmao just exercise

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If your going to be a lazy fat frick then at least be an host fat frick and admit you won't lose weight because your lazy.

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I absolutely live a healthier lifestyle now. In the Spring and Summer months I take my lunch to the park and once I am done, have a walk around the park and then back home. In the winter months I don't tend to go out for lunch as much but working from home allows me to meal prep, exercise around work commitments and that sort of thing. On the financial side, WFH has freed up a lot of time & money I would have normally spent on commuting which can be redirected to buying better quality, healthier food and with more time available to me, to prepare that food.There is a mountain of other things I could say but I think I have made my point.:

STV last night was trying to frame people working from home is causing more long term sick. I laughed at loud so many times. Show a graph of long term sick increasing over the pandemic. Must be because working from home apparently. They even after the entire segment threw an off hand comment of "or it might be that people have to wait longer for medical care" Yeha right on STV must be working from home that's causing increased sickness. Not the global pandemic or the impact that and the tories have had ok healthcare.:

100% the opposite for me. I've gained so much weight and am doing so much less exercise since WFH. It has its advantages absolutely, and they outweigh the disadvantages largely, but for physical health its worse.:

“It’s the question many of us ask ourselves: why don’t I exercise more, eat better food and generally lead a healthier lifestyle?” And the answer simply is : I’m working all hours god sends to combat raging inflation leaving no time nor energy for it. That and the fact that eating good quality food is too expensive.:

Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is easier to start a healthier lifestyle when you are better rested, a healthier lifestyle helps you feel better rested and more motivated to maintain healthier habits. It does not help that there is a lot of advice and a lot of people touting their ways of doing things. Trying to find out what works for you and trying to separate the fact from the fiction takes a lot of mental energy in itself. No wonder people look into it and give up before doing anything.:

There's also this exchange that I can't be bothered to format where a poor copes that they can't run because running shoes are too expensive:

And this one where some guy complains gyms are too scary:

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Is gone, only Pizzashill remains

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:marseydoctor: “Oi Winston, you’ve gained 2 stone since awr last meet’n. What ‘appened?”

:marseychonker2: “Oi bruv it edn’t my foolt I been gainin. The gyms er scary n cramped, runn’n shoes r too expensive, weath’r ent good gause we live in Ingerland, and the pub only serves fried puddin duren Norf matches.”

:marseydoctor: “Oi bruv, I und’rstand completely. The NHS (:!uglypray:) has a joint program with the chaps ov’r in Canada. They got a great way uv gett’n ridduh obeasts like you. :marseymaid:

:marseychonker2: “Jolly day, jolly day! I’ll bite yer arm’f if you can send me ther.”

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it's long covid

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Lazy fats full of excuses. I've taken up running recently in addition to weight training. It's not hard and has definitely made me feel better.

Redditors should just take a walk now and again. It'd so wonders for l their problems.

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How far would i have to scroll to see someone blame it on long covid making everyone tired

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>Gyms are scary

Of course they're scary, I'm there


^Me in my workout clothes (I'm very considerate and don't want to get sweat on the bench)

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:marseyblack: :You best be watchin yo self, b. I don't need no sweaty exercises clothes touchin my seat. You gots ta be more considerate 'round here if you don't want my wrath comin down on yo head.

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Don't worry, I've got a bigger one

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:marseyblack: :What the frick you say to me, neighbor? You better watch yo frickin mouth before I pop a cap in yo butt. I got a bigger gun, neighbor, and I ain't afraid to use it. So you betta back the frick up before I blow yo brains out.

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>running shoes are too expensive

I was walking around the charity shops with a friend near where I live and I saw so many pairs of running shoes for like £4 each and if you're willing to get a couple pairs you can get massive discounts in the january sales, I got 2 pairs of really high quality pumas for like £60 and theyll probably last me the rest of the year at least as ones I wear every day

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There's only so much one's self can do.

Holy shit these are presumably adults.

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

"People too tired to lead healthier lifestyles, UK survey finds" - Fatties make excuses https://rdrama.net/h/fatpeoplehate/post/171175/people-too-tired-to-lead-healthier #fat #weight #women

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