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Why is Null fat? Is it really the milk in his coffee? Is it the pizza with Hollandaise sauce which he eats every Friday as if it were a mitzvah? Is it because God just gave him Internet autism instead of fitness autism? Scientists aren't totally sure. In any case, the man who says there is no good cheese in America—not like in noted dairyland Serbia—does not want to hear his users talk to him about food.
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I was doing my thing this morning, browsing /r/plussize to hate on more fatties when I ran across this. Nothing too special, just typical fatty plus no comments yet
But that last paragraph caught my attention. "Intuitive Eating"
I had heard the words "intuitive eating" and figured it was just estimating calories instead of strictly recording them. Well I'm great at that! I never bothered looking into it more. But here is a plus size fatty using it….
It turns out to a fatty, "intuitive eating" means eating when you want to eat without restriction…
And of course, a fatty can't just exist alone since then everyone sees them as disgusting. These fatties are reproducing by encouraging others to "intuitively eat."
/u/mental-mention9377 please put down the food and look in the mirror. That shame you are feeling is normal! You don't have to become a ham planet!
The shame takes a lot of active work to get past. My binging stopped quickly but the shame slowly decreases and I have to still fight those feelings periodically.
The first thing to do is just remind yourself that there are no good and bad foods and that your morality is not tied up in what you eat or how much you weigh. Then you have to adapt your self talk to whatever sticks around as you get past the surface thought.
Gluttony is a sin. You are literally self harming by eating. This kind of grooming should be illegal.
I just can't wait for the negative self talk to finally subside!!!! I just want to feel comfortable in my body. But I know it's a process and I will get there eventually. Thank you 😭
How is she going to feel comfortable in her new disgusting body. This is ridiculous
Writing it down in a journal is helping me. I'm only about 2 months into my journey. I'm currently reading the book and have both a therapist and registered dietician who specialize in IE. I'm an emotional eater, so it seems like guilt/ self hatred go along with that. I found that being mindful and present is extremely important in this journey, so one way to achieve that for me is writing things down like observations. For example: 12pm I ate one chocolate chip cookie after my lunch. It felt good in my mouth. The chocolate bits were rich and sweet. I ate 1/2 first and checked in with my body and hunger/fullness scale. I wanted to eat the rest so I did. All in all it was a good cookie. I write things down without judgement, just like an anthropologist (they talk about this in the book). Then at the end of the day, I write down what I could improve. Example: I will try to incorporate more vegetables with every meal and eat when my hunger scale is at around a 3 or 4 (instead of when I'm starving), because I'm more in tune with my fullness scale.
This is one of the fastest comments I ever read. Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles, I worked out an hour and a half later in the gym. I didn't eat any cookies. I had a large calorie deficit and I feel great and I'm going to do the same thing today and every day until my I have kick butt abs again. I'm not even hungry since I've gotten used to it after a whole 48 hours
I took a body image class. It was extremely helpful
They have a class to teach you to be ok being disgusting? I'd like to see the lessons on the proper way to dry fat folds or maybe the one dealing with bad smells.
I can relate! I'm in the beginning stages of trying to heal from decades of diet culture and dieting and disordered relationship with food and my body. I'm in the same place roughly except I've been at this intuitive eating non restrictive thing roughly two months. I know I have gained weight, and I honestly can't stand it. Seems like a double edged sword tbh. I talk to my therapist and nutritionist about it but they just keep telling me not to restrict and convince me that gaining weight is ok and not that big of a deal, but it kind of is if I am uncomfortable in my own skin and end up having to buy new clothes. Personally on my own I feel like I am going to try to limit (not eliminate) sugar (candy, cakes, desserts) and try to focus more on eating more fruit and vegetables, and see if that helps fend off the cravings. I am also going to start small and try to take a small walk everyday.
I've learned to tolerate many things in the last 20 years. I put my foot down at fat acceptance. You are not ever going to convince me to not hate fat and fatties. The internet was a mistake
Everyday I wake up and think I've seen it all. Today I found fat grooming perpetrated by fat women and I'm not happy. I'm going to Walmart and parking all the power chairs in the back of the parking lot
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I had never even thought of acting concerned for fatties in order to troll them. This is good shit. Who knew telling fatties that you want them to live a long time could actually shorten their lives. 2025 is already looking good.
Fat logic really is something.
They want a way to bully someone while it's socially acceptable, so they try and make being fat the worst thing you could choose to do so it's okay to verbally lash at you.
I may be fat, but you're mean and unlikable and that's worse.
Being fat is literally the worst thing you could choose to do. I'll never understand just choosing and accepting fatness. Fatties aren't bullied enough. I'm going to run extra tomorrow just to dunk on fatties.
I typically say health is between an individual and their doctor.
You know she is a chonker if she has a go to response for people being worried about how fat she is.
Your health is between you and your doctor until you don't listen to their advice and go out in public while fat. Now it's everyone's problem. Poor us. Do better /u/rebluecca
They think it's the same as harassing smokers to quit. I have had people I know ask me "when will it be acceptable to talk to fat people like we talk to smokers?" Little do they know it's always already happening 🫠
Genuinely they believe they're witnessing an ongoing, voluntary pattern of behavior when really we're just vibing. > There's something to be said about harassing addicts about their addiction and whether that's helpful or not, but that's not my area
I'm not the hugest fan of smokers. I think it looks cool as heck obviously, but I'm not a fan of the smell. At least they are thin though. I've never had a reason to tell a smoker to stop. I don't hang out by ash trays. They already took away all the smokers rights and taxed them to heck. When are we going to tax fatties and remove their rights?
This a very confused fatty. You aren't "vibing", you are fat. You are addicted to food and you need to stop.
Slight difference: Smoking DOES impact those around them. I've had asthma attacks from secondhand smoke. No one has health issues from being around someone plus size.
That said, when I've talked with smokers about their smoking, it's always about not doing it around me or my kids. They can smoke like a chimney when I don't have to breathe it. But I don't concern troll them.
Fatties impact people around them. They are in the way and slow. They are ugly. They smell bad. Fat is probably contagious
I keep fatties away from me and my kid. I would start smoking if I knew it would give at least one fatty an asthma attack
Happy new years! Tell a fatty how concerned you are about them soon!
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Gorlock celebrates reaching 500 pounds: 🎉 pic.twitter.com/qgbpC7ZxLf
— AlphaFo𝕏 (@Alphafox78) December 30, 2024
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I love that his mom sympathizes with the brother and not the ham planet sister. Gives me hope for 2025. I wonder if the girlfriend even knows the sister exists
This is crazy. They want you to remove yourself from society because of your appearance? At that height/weight you're, what, a 1-2xl in women's sizes?
She is 260 lbs. she is way too big. Frick. All fatties should be out of sight and out of mind
Basically. i feel like im kept as a dirty secret or something. and yes im 1X or 2X depending on the style of clothing or the maker.
You are dirty /u/totalnetwork1013 do better to not be disgusting
Totally ridiculous. I honestly can't think of words strong enough to express how I feel.
I'm a little shorter and a little fatter than you and I'm a totally normal person. I'm married and I have a job with coworkers who like me, and I have friends who love me. Don't let your idiot family make you think you deserve anything less than the full depth of human experience. There is NOTHING wrong with you.
This poster is even more gross. She convinced someone to put a ring on it? You are not normal when you are this fat. You are some freak of nature that exists thanks to modern food surplus and advanced medicine.
Fatties, you have something wrong with you. Luckily, lead poisoning is still effective
I don't really understand what's going on here. Are you a minor living at home? Is it a cultural thing? Is his gf so special that meeting her is meant to be an incentive, or is he just ashamed of you? Frick this noise. If you know her name just message her on Instagram and introduce yourself and tell her why your brother won't. If she's any kind of decent person she'll see this for the massive red flag that it is. Also, move out girl. These are not people who uplift you.
He is obviously ashamed of her… but she is fat so she is too lazy to remove herself from this awkward situation.
This is not normal at all. I feel like your brother has teased u about your weight before
Normalize being ashamed of fatties
since i was little yeah. my whole family
The family has been trying to get her to stop eating but nothing works. Her brother is my hero. Now that's a man of action. I bet his girlfriend loves him
My jaw is on the floor. I'm literally tearing up over this. I'm usually not a proponent of going "no contact" with family, but wtf. Protect your peace dear. This is INSANE behavior, for 260 measly pounds. Love yourself love yourself love yourself and surround yourself with people who love you.
That's approximately the weight of a normal guy and his normal girlfriend. Fatties deserve love as much as they deserve food
Fatties are the most delusional narcissistic pieces of shit ever. I pray that RFK will the needful to in order to enact the final solution to the fatty problem
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As the title suggest, years of hiding my body and feeling like i don't quite fit in with the girls my age had made me quite insecure about my femininity.
I was an outcast in highschool. i was very introverted and serious, and couldn't find a conversation topic to blend in with the other girls.
I'm 27 now and although I have made some very good friends i still find it so hard to shake the feeling that the reason some women (who don't know me at all, for example the gym receptionist) ignore me or are rude to me, is because of my weight.
This exclusion, combined with not being good at girly things like makeup, has made me feel less of a woman for as far as i can remember.
I was wondering if anyone can relate. I'm very aware that this is a "me" issue and feeling less womanly or insecure about your gender doesn't come with being overweight.
- whyareyou : "NEW"
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We really need to make America healthy again. pic.twitter.com/IxuYJOuuiy
— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) December 29, 2024
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Everyone saying it's fluid retention and possible heart failure, but how could OP ever see this coming?
Also that's a woman's leg?
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The condition is called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, or NAION. It is characterized by vision loss due to decreased blood flow to the front part of the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain.
The disease typically occurs without any pain and most commonly affects people ages 50 and above. NAION affects between 2.3 and 10.3 patients per 100,000 people per year in the U.S., according to some estimates.
The Danish Medicines Agency said it has kept close tabs on NAION as a possible adverse effect of semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic, over the last six months. The agency received 19 reports of the condition in Denmark as of Dec. 10.
But the overall number of NAION cases in Denmark has increased since Ozempic was introduced in the Danish market in 2018, Jakob Grauslund, professor in eye diseases at the University of Southern Denmark, or SDU, said in a release Monday. Denmark used to see around 60 to 70 cases a year but now has up to 150, added Grauslund, who helped conduct one of the studies
Fatty blindness up over 100%. The only downside is once they go blind they might stop posting and content on fat people hate will decline.
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The woman who hit a Chipotle employee for getting her order wrong explains why she attacked them pic.twitter.com/mJM8uYpXuL
— FearBuck (@FearedBuck) December 27, 2024
Follow up to
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This is an older video, but society mustn't give up on people in this condition.
— Community Notes & Violations (@CNviolations) December 28, 2024
They need help, no matter how much some of them try to deny it. pic.twitter.com/8AYTgqgoqa
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"Are you sure it's safe to be running while pregnant?"
Today I went for jog at a popular trail. I overheat very easily and it was not very cold out so I wore compression running shorts and a cropped shirt that bears a strip of midriff. Despite being a relatively petite person, my stomach has always sorta been a bit rounded. It just seems to be the way my organs sit in my very short torso. Anyways, as I finished my workout an older woman was entering the trailhead and looked me up and down and said "hey, are you sure it's safe to be running while pregnant?" I think I gawked at her for a full 2 or 3 beats before gathering myself and mumbling "I wouldn't know, I'm not pregnant", and running away. The absolute audacity of these people. Why do we have to assume every woman in my age group must be pregnant, and comment on it? Thanks for the body image boost too 🙄
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This gross b-word is sweating to the point she smells every single day and still rewears jeans three times
I think if your body odor transfers to clothing it should be washed. It smells because of bacteria.
Plus size surprises this one time and tells the fatty to do the needful
I'd say to look into your hygeine, but also, I don't think that washing certain pants every 2-3 wears is too bad of a thing either. Even if I'm not super sweaty, I still do laundry weekly. Hand wash and air dry if needed.
Wear underwear with a cotton gusset. Don't wear underwear at night, just your pajamas, let that shit breathe.
Don't use fabric softener. Use plain white vinegar instead.
More ok advice from the plus size crew. Is it Opposite Day?
Still no one mentioning eating less
Vodka & water in a spay bottle. You can add essential oils for fragrance.
It's what's used for clothes that are shared for on stage theatre productions (at least in England anyway).
says to make yourself smell like a !boozers to avoid smelling like a
Op chimes back in
A couple things: I understand how bacteria works. I'm not saying I don't want to wash my clothes 😂 I just don't want to wash them every other day and destroy them.
Thanks for the tips so far.
If you smell a boozy fatty, you are probably close enough to inhale some weird fungus. Beware
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Her cooter has always been fat…probably just like her.
Girl as someone whose cooch is so fat I don't even have labia minora... It's all about the undies.
I like to wear Modi bodi period pants 1. because they're comfy 2.because if I'm out in the heat all day it's anti microbial etc, don't need to wear liners. 3. Because it holds everything where it ought to be.
You just need pantaloons (undies) with a wide.. uh gusset, I think it's called. You can't be buying none of these cutesy Victoria's secret style bikinis pants that floss your bajingo.
Why would you admit any of this? What the frick is a liner? Fatties have to wear shit under their underwear? Honestly, I'll never be able to understand how disgusting fatties are. Why are they wearing clothes this tight? This is all fricking nasty
Saw this on tik tok you can take a foam bra pad and cut it into a triangle shape to be comfortable and sit right in the camel toe area of your choochy.
Wear it over or under panties I guess it kinda depends on your preference but I do it over panties when I wear yoga pants and it works so well!
Covering her nasty cooter and then still squeezing into the pants is not the answer ladies. Just because we can't see the moose knuckle doesn't mean we don't know it's there in that weird bulge between your legs. Frick fatties, but you all need to read this since I had too
I usually just wear shirts that are longer than my waist 🤷🏻♀️
Just so no one can say I'm just a hater, I want to point out the single fatty who is at least trying to make her disgusting cooter not visible. Now lose some weight fatty
Girl my coochie eats every bottom. I have a belly and a big butt too, and a longer torso as well as a big mons pubis it's literally my most self conscious things. I own a clothing brand and I added as many things as I could to my workout leggings to elimTe camel toe and I still get camel toe. I just accepted it, and I don't wear long shirts.
I've been able to use sports bra pads/inserts if they're thick and use it like a pad, and for things like when I wear rave gear (like swim bottoms) I wear them backwards to cover the belly but I use kt tape (same thing as body or boob tape) and I will tape my belly towards the middle and even tape my mons pubis higher so the fupa doesn't hang lower creating a more accentuated camel toe. It works!
This landwhale wears rave gear
Imagine being on drugs and having fun and you see a lamdwhale with fat rolls taped together jigglimg across the dance floor
Here is hoping for RFK enacting the fatocaust in the new year
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It sounds like it may be some sort of infection like a yeast infection. If go to the dr and see if they can prescribe an ointment. I sometimes fold a paper towel in half and tuck it in and keep it there during the hottest part of the day.
Imagine being so fat you are a hazard to yourself and instead of losing weight as fast as humanly possible, you just leave a paper towel in between the rolls
Can Trump trade India some fatties for their h1b people? They worship cows in India. This is a win/win especially if he is going to push some healthcare reforms.
its usually fungus that causes itching. see if you can get nystatin powder from your doctor. and you can use ketoconozole shampoo as a body wash. wash with the shampoo in the shower, rinse and dry extremely well. apply the powder. you can also purchase a product called interdry on amazon. it looks like a roll of gray fabric. it can be used to absorb moisture and work against fungus. hydrocortizone mixed with an antifungal cream like ketoconozole can cut down on irritation but by itself, can make fungus worse
Why are they so nonchalant about their disgusting bodies being fertile breeding grounds for disgusting and preventable problems.
Buy some interdry and tuck that in there. Leave 2" out to wick away moisture
!marseyartists can someone make fatmarsey with wet paper towels hanging out the rolls with some red athlete foot rash on the belly. Marsey should have a face like everything is normal
So girls and gays, today we have learned to trust your gut and avoid fatties. They are indeed infectious.
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I hate that. It's not the compliment they think it is, if they are even using it as a compliment. Why can't it just be said that they are attracted to ME? And are they attracted to me for me or because I'm fat? Like would they be into any fat girl? And I'd love to say it's only happened once or twice, but it's not. I feel like every guy who "likes" me feels obligated to say it. And it's men of different ages. Guys younger, my age, and recently a guy in his 70s. (I'm 50).
and recently a guy in his 70s. (I'm 50).
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Fatties are lazy pieces of shit with little self control who are too stupid to understand basics physics such as calories in calories out.
I think part of the problem (besides media vilifying plus sized people since the 70's) is that people use their own limited perception of the world and draw comparisons. A person that eats McDonald's and pizza and chips weekly but is still slim, may automatically assume that everyone who eats like them will be just as slim. Therefore, whoever is heavier must exponentially eat worse/more, which most of the times is not true.
You dumb piece of shit, you can eat McDonald's and pizza and chips every week if you want and you won't be fat unless you eat as much as you do now. You are probably eating literally double what an average person does.
My brother is constantly going on about how my diet is poor, that I probably don't get enough nutrients, etc etc etc. (Mix of because I'm plus size and vegan).
And his diet? He literally eats out for lunch everyday, so McDonald's etc. Then for dinner, 5/7 days of the week he's having oven pizzas. And he things the few vegetables on SOME of those pizzas is enough nutrients.
His diet is far worse. But because he's slim he gets away with it.
A fat vegan??? wtf. /u/ordinaryquestions are you grazing like a cow 24/7?
Looked at her post history for pics since I can hardly believe it and found this
Yeah, that shit's the worst. I know people who eat significantly more (daily, not once in a while) and worse than me, while having around the same level of activity and... they're not fat. It's very frustrating, tbh.
No you don't. That's massive
I think that's enough fatties for today. We have learned that not only are fatties disgusting, lazy, and dumb, they also lie and want to frick non humans since they are so undesirable
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Ngl, Chipotle is not worth aggravated assault charges. This is coming from a certified Big Back… https://t.co/keUNNd28yi
— Miguel DeCafe (@TheMiguelCAFE) December 23, 2024
She of course goes out of her way to explain why she committed assault and sues Chipotle.
She now getting charges pressed against her.
Don't worry though she left with a bowl of slop after assulting the workers.
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Why don't people hate fatties more?
Eat it! The best revenge is living your full life just as you are right this second.
Omg I would take every single bit while staring him down. No looking away, dead lock with the eyes. Which is incredibly difficult for me to do because of autism, but I would suffer for the sheer pleasure of making him uncomfortable.
Take every bite and just do a staring contest with dad lmao. Smile a bit while you chew, too.
My parents are both hefty people too and have brushed their insecurities and negative outlook of that stuff onto me.
Wow. Just wow. Too much to take in here.
First of all, Merry Christmas! Secondly, your dad can go kick rocks. I'm sure he's not the ideal image of"perfect health," not that weight is a reliable indicator of that, but you could also say that he's really "giving Santa" this year and look down to his gut, shake his confidence and maybe he'll think twice before his next comment. Oh and also, EAT THAT PLATE! We need to eat to survive, and there's no shame in that. Anybody who shames you for eating while fat have a warped relationship with their bodies and food, and you don't need to suffer for their comfort. Happy holidays 😇
I hope Brian Thompson denied the claim of every fatty after taking their money
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Get to church fatty. God made these seats for you.
Get fat and there is no reason you have to kneel for God
I put my trust in God but this fatty is truly on another level.
Average American
If you break a pew, it is a message from God to lose weight.