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Fattoid complains about r/Drama and dox in r/ModSupport, uses her Instagram handle as her Reddit username. She looks exactly how you'd think.

Thread complaining about rDrama and le dox:


Her profile:


Her Instagram with the exact same username, and photos:


Does she have any idea how Internet privacy works? Find out on next week's episode of Dramaball Z!

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This is who is complaining about dox on reddit https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684755010120008.webp

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That's clearly her daughter you fricking !r-slurs

WE DID IT RDRAMA (The rest might actually be her, the older foid)

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>someone fricked that old hag


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Kid is 18, she's 35, so she was 16/17 at the time. Either skinnier (unlikely) or the father was a bit hayseed

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