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The fricking girls and the fricking gays question a fricking fattoid's :marseychonkerfoidpuke: lunch habits





I got a fricking sorbet with fresh fruit (two scoops, and about a fricking pound of fruit). The fricking girls gave me grief for "having ice cream for lunch" 🙄🙄🙄 THERE ISNT EVEN MILK IN SORBET

:marseyannoyed: There's lots of sugar and zero nutrients but at least there's no milk :marseyindignant:

I made myself a fricking meat and cheese plate. I said something about it being a fricking protein heavy lunch and my friend was fricking like "🙄 cheese is a fricking protein?" YES. A fricking SLICE IS fricking 7-13 GRAMS OF PROTEIN. THATS THE fricking SAME AMOUNT AS JERKY.

Unless you're eating feta, cottage, or a fricking similar cheese, it has a fricking 1:1 protein-fat ratio AT MOST, with much of it being saturated fat. :marseyhealthy: Exactly the fricking same as jerky :marseyhealthy: :marseybrainlet:

They're just jealous you ate sorbet at lunch and they were fricking stuck with stupid salad because they're insecure about themselves.

Thincels mald :marseymalding: when (((society))) shames them for having the fricking palette of a fricking 3 year old :marseycopeseethedilate: :chadbaby:

LOL why did I gain weight when I found out about my gluten intolerance?!? Lmao

Bc you're a fricking pig 😂🤣👏

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sounds like somebody needs to ditch their meangirl friends :lelolidk:

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