It's not the western woman's fault


This post and title may get some criticism but hear me out.

It's not entirely the westerns woman's fault that she has turned into an obese slob in comparison to the women in her family in previous generations.

Spending time in other countries has made me see why western women are generally unhealthy and in denial of this fact.

In non western countries women generally do not have access to a self owned form of transportation. Walking is much more common and thus women get more exercise on a daily basis.

Food options are drastically different. In the west it's expensive and can be difficult to find healthy options to eat outside of the home. In most non western countries it's actually more expensive to eat unhealthy processed food. Natural healthy food options are actually abundant and cost less money.

Over eating and being overweight is actually shamed in these countries or just not as feasible financially.

Growing up on a on a pig farm I realized that hogs will eat as much as you allow them too. It's no different with the western women on average as well.

Being over weight is frowned upon and not normal.

In the west it's normal and actually celebrated.

Picture two shows BMI at different states. Everything other than the obese can be relatively okay health wise.

I understand there is some men here or there that like to cook pork and I say let them cook.

I know there is a lot of well deserved disgust in the western women here but maybe it's not entirely their fault.

Some could even argue it's the western man's fault for continuing to breed these unhealthy blobs of flesh.

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>Growing up on a on a pig farm I realized that hogs will eat as much as you allow them too. It's no different with the western women on average as well.

To be fair to the foids it's a moid problem too, men just are naturally larger and more fit by nature.

People just have no self control over food, there seems to be a complete lack of correlation between eating 5000kcal a day and getting morbidly obese + diabetic in the mind of the average :marseychonker2: :npc:

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