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:marseychonkernoticeme: "I starve myself too, but nobody cares about my heckin anorexia because I'm fat!"




She probably has binge eating disorder with periods of restricting and then periods of massive calorie intake, but she doesn't want that disorder because it isn't tready and sexy like those thin bitches with ana

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I have been starving myself for a month and I'm still a fat black girl, and I'm surrounded by people who also starve themselves but they're skinny so I feel like shit because even when I'm doing everything right, I'm not eating, I'm hungry always, I walk all day, I do all the yoga, it will never matter because I'm cursed to exist in this stupid ugly fat body and I hate my body so much, and it hates me too

1. Yoga lol

2. Maybe you'd weigh less if this entire quote wasn't a single sentence

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Exercise barely burns calories, when I hike for 3 and a half hours I only burn like 1400, which is one sharing size packages of peanut m@ms lmao

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